Telegram for Desktop

最新版本 PyCharm 2019.2

PyCharm 2019.2

PyCharm 2019.2
Telegram for Desktop 是一款專注於速度和安全性的通訊應用程序,它的超級快速,簡單和免費。您可以同時在所有設備上使用“電報”(&M); 您的郵件可以在任何數量的手機,平板電腦或電腦上無縫同步。下載電報離線安裝程序安裝 PC!

使用電報,您可以發送任何類型的消息,照片,視頻和文件(doc,zip,mp3 等),以及創建多達 1000 人的頻道或無限制頻道觀眾。您可以寫信給您的手機聯繫人,並通過用戶名查找人員。因此,電報就像短信和電子郵件的組合 - 並可以照顧您的個人或商業消息需求。您可以通過點擊免費下載按鈕,從我們的網站上下載 PC 離線安裝程序的電報.

從大多數遠程位置連接。協調多達 1000 名成員的小組。同步所有設備上的聊天。發送任何類型的文件。加密個人和商業機密。用計時器摧毀你的信息。將您的媒體存儲在雲中。在我們的 API 上構建您自己的工具。享受客戶的反饋。注:需要有效的電話號碼.

也可用:下載電報 Mac


檔案版本 PyCharm 2019.2

檔案名稱 pycharm-community-2019.2.exe
檔案大小 256 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Telegram Team
更新日期 2019-07-26

What's new in this version:

- Jupyter Notebook Integration has been improved. Some of the most highly requested Jupyter Notebook features have been implemented in this version. Now you will be able run all cells with a single button click, select and configure your Jupyter server using a specific project and port to listen to, keep track of variables while debugging them by getting their current state, restart the kernel and publish notebooks from PyCharm to JetBrains Datalore
- Syntax highlight support for many other languages has been added. Do you work on projects where code in a different language sneaks into your project? PyCharm will now highlight the syntax of Windows .bat files, C#, C++, Groovy, Lua, Makefiles, and more
- We are adding support for some major Python 3.8 features. Try out positional-only parameters, variable assignment within expressions, ‘Final’ qualifier to restrict usage of methods, classes and variables, and new ways to use f-strings to present values and variables
- cURL format is now supported for HTTP requests. Just copy your cURL formatted request and paste it directly into your HTTP Request file for it to be converted into its format, and then feel free to modify request params, headers, or body

PyCharm 2019.2 相關參考資料