TeamSpeak Client (64-bit)

最新版本 WriteMapper 2.7.0

WriteMapper 2.7.0

WriteMapper 2.7.0
TeamSpeak 客戶端 64 位為在線遊戲,教育和培訓,內部業務溝通以及與朋友和家人保持聯繫提供了理想的工具。主要關注的是提供易於使用的解決方案,具有高安全性標準,出色的語音質量以及較低的系統和帶寬使用率。 TeamSpeak 客戶端 64 位具有客戶端 - 服務器架構,可以處理多達數千個並髮用戶.

它的工作原理是什麼?託管您自己的 TeamSpeak 服務器,或從授權的 TeamSpeak 主機提供商處租借一個。與任何你想說的人分享你的 TeamSpeak 服務器地址。他們使用您提供的服務器地址,通過免費桌面客戶端連接到您的 TeamSpeak 服務器。開始談話。這很容易!

TeamSpeak 主要特點:

TeamSpeak 3 使用 Opus 音頻編解碼器提供無與倫比的語音質量。集成的自動麥克風音量調節,背景噪音降低和回音消除確保了清晰的通信.


您可以完全控制您的 TeamSpeak 3 服務器。通過強大的權限系統,您可以決定:誰可以交談,誰可以加入渠道,誰可以刪除用戶等等.

AES 基於加密可以選擇啟用整個服務器或服務器上的特定通道。此外,為了避免由於用戶名和密碼較弱而導致的潛在威脅,TeamSpeak 使用公鑰 / 私鑰進行身份驗證.

自定義您的客戶以滿足您自己的個人風格,包括主題,聲音包和設計,或者從 TeamSpeak 用戶提供的數百個插件中進行選擇社區.

最大限度地提高您的在線協作體驗。分享和下載存儲在 TeamSpeak 3 服務器上的文件.

使用 Android 和 iOS TeamSpeak 應用程序隨時隨地保持連接狀態.

也可以:下載 TeamSpeak 客戶端用於 Mac


檔案版本 WriteMapper 2.7.0

檔案名稱 WriteMapper Setup 2.7.0.exe
檔案大小 51.7 MB
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 TeamSpeak Systems GmbH
更新日期 2019-08-26

What's new in this version:

WriteMapper 2.7.0
Notable Improvements:
- Added new Categorize Node Colors option to right-click/long-press menu of root node, which sets a distinct color for each H2 node (and their children)
- Added option to change color tags of individual nodes, without affecting its child nodes
- On desktop, added new setting for indicating the language to be used for spellcheck
- Better recent file management on iPad, reducing number of files displayed to three, and added an option to clear the list
- Dark mode integration with iPadOS, where dark mode in the app will now sync with the dark mode setting of iPadOS
- Also search each node’s contents in the Quick Search feature

Other Improvements:
- Integrated new three-finger swipe to undo/redo and pinch to copy/paste iPadOS gestures into content editor and WriteMap views
- Default behaviour of setting the node theme from the content editor now changes the theme for that node only
- Hid the scrollbars in the WriteMap view on iPad for a cleaner visual effect
- Use Fluent Design System's Acrylic Material for the title bar on Windows
- Updated "See What’s New" links in the About section of the Help menu to "Learn More" instead
- Removed "Add to Dictionary" from spellcheck menu option on macOS as it tended to not function in a consistent fashion
- iPadOS dark mode for file picker, share sheet, file destination selector, keyboard, and list picker views
- Improved wording of option on desktop versions to "open or import"
- Added app icon used in new iPadOS app slide over multitasking views
- Integrated new cursor/caret manipulation behaviour on iPadOS
- On Windows, added Ctrl+W keyboard shortcut to the editor window
- On desktop, improved spellcheck performance
- Added link to User Guide in Help menus
- Updated tutorial WriteMaps to reflect changes in this version

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug on Windows where scrolling momentum would overflow to WriteMap and cause an unwanted zoom action to trigger
- Fixed bug where redo-ing an add sibling node action doesn’t reposition the node correctly
- Fixed bug in quick search where the root node could not be selected from the search results
- Fixed bug where scrolling quick search results on the iPad would sometimes cause it to close
- Made it such that no single color should appear more than twice for first 8 H2 nodes
- If the random node color preference is enabled, also apply it to files are imported
- Corrected issue with dark mode on macOS Catalina

WriteMapper 2.6.0
Improvements and Bug Fixes:
- Updated some code package libraries in anticipation of the upcoming iPadOS public release
- Fixed issue with undo/redo keyboard shortcuts not working consistently in WriteMap view on Windows version
- Corrected Header Letter Casing export option to also apply to Header Numbering setting, when set to Decimal
- Removed the question mark character from file names when saving files
- Updated autosave message wording on iPad to give clearer information

WriteMapper 2.4.0

- Furthering our attention on improving the robustness of WriteMapper as a productivity app that helps you meet your writing deadlines comes this update which brings a few new features to aid your work towards that goal

Quick Edit Node:
- You can now edit the contents of a node in a scaled-down editor mode, designed for making it easier to jump into jotting down some words without having to open the full editor. Quick Edit Node is accessible via a new keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+Cmd+E on the macOS and iPad versions, as well as on Alt+Ctrl+E on Windows

Export Options:
- More granular export configurations are now available in WriteMapper, allowing you to customise how your WriteMap should translate to the exported text document. A new "Export" section has been added to the preferences panel, from which you can adjust these new settings to your liking

Bug Fixes:
- Changed "+" to "=" for the zoom in keyboard shortcut to remove the need to also hold the Shift key on macOS
- Applied the "Export Header Numbering" setting to OPML export, on both desktop and iPad versions

WriteMapper 2.3.1

- Added method to easier include app and platform version info for debugging purposes in the Help menu
- New image export format

Bug Fixes:
- If quick search leads to a node that is collapsed, expand before selecting it
- Corrected an inconsistent behaviour that occurred in the “Collapse Other Nodes” option
- Fixed hitting Cmd+E causing a glitch while in the windowed editor on the macOS version
- Fixed OPML export bug that occurs when there are nodes with empty contents
- Fixed issue with zoom on Windows when triggered from trackpad or mouse wheel
- Fixed bug on desktop where arrow keys would traverse nodes during Quick Search

WriteMapper 2.3.0

Bug Fixes:
- Double clicking a node now works with the “Tap twice and drag to multi-select” setting for Windows trackpads
- Prevented the white collapse/expand button from glitching when clicked
- Fixed error that occurred when trying to select nodes above/below the root node
- Fixed overlapping elements in the Shortcuts tab of the Preferences window
- Corrected scrollbar from showing in the update window

WriteMapper 2.2.0

- WriteMapper now keeps a backup of a history of your work with this new feature. The five most recent versions of the five most recently saved WriteMaps are saved to Snapshots, which can be accessed from the “File” menu, and from the “Open” button on the iPad. There also exists the option to remove all Snapshots, if you’re worried about them occupying disk space

Export As OPML:
- We’ve added another export format, on top of the five existing ones. Adding OPML format export, with the app already supporting import of OPML files, will enable you to move your work in and out of WriteMapper and use it with other programs that support the format

Quick Search:
- Finally, you can now search an entire WriteMap’s node topics at once, and find exactly what you were looking for. Quick Search is accessible from the WriteMap view in the menu bar on desktop under the “Node” menu, the toolbar’s more options button (•••) on iPad, and with keyboard shortcuts on both (Cmd/Ctrl+F)

- On desktop, added optimisations for improving performance of viewing and editing WriteMaps with numerous nodes
- Added padded clearance of the cursor from the bottom edge of the content editor as the editor auto-scrolls while you type
- Increased content editor’s maximum font size upwards to 26px
- Added a separator to the zoom toolbar menu on desktop

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where a link’s destination would not show up in WriteMaps created from imported files
- On desktop, fixed a bug where images could not be inserted when the editor wasn’t yet focused
- Prevented source information of images getting lost whenever the content editor was opened/closed
- Character count in Full Document Preview now does not count spaces and newline characters
- Set ‘mins’ to singular (‘min’) instead of plural if the estimated read time info is one (1) minute

WriteMapper 2.1.1
- Contains a bug fix where the Editor Width setting would always be stuck in “Relative”, even if set to “Fixed” in Preferences

WriteMapper 2.1.0

Other Improvements:
- New setting added to preferences options for choosing between fixed or relative width of the content editor
- Enabled WriteMap to scroll as a node is dragged to the bounds of the WriteMap’s edges
- Added link to License Manager page to the Help section of the menu bar of desktop versions
- Adjusted layout and height of the Preferences window on desktop to fit better on smaller screens

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where imported PNG and GIF images might not be formatted in the right encoding
- In the Windows version, fixed the height of the general tab of the Preferences window
- Remedied issue where the Windows desktop version would not correctly handle images imported from a local file
- Fixed errant white flash when showing a new window on macOS, in dark mode
- On macOS, corrected how buttons for modifier keys might not display correctly in the custom keyboard shortcuts section of Preferences
- Corrected a typo in the tutorial WriteMap
WriteMapper 2.0.2
- This update fixes a bug that caused the auto update mechanism to not work
- Also, the Full Document Preview option was added to the menu bar, alongside the existing export options to help make it more accessible

WriteMapper 2.0.1
 Change log not available for this version

WriteMapper 2.0.0
 Change log not available for this version

WriteMapper 1.7.2
 Change log not available for this version

WriteMapper 2.7.0 相關參考資料
TeamSpeak Client (64-bit) - 電腦資訊007情報站

WriteMapper 2.7.0 軟體資訊介紹&下載. TeamSpeak Client (64-bit),軟體教學,軟體下載,電腦問題. TeamSpeak Systems GmbH 免費軟體 評價80 ...

TeamSpeak Client (64-bit) 教學文章 - 電腦資訊007情報站

TeamSpeak Client (64-bit)軟體資訊介紹&下載,TeamSpeak 客戶端64 位為在線遊戲,教育和培訓,內部業務溝通以及與朋友和家人保持聯繫提供了理想的工具。

WriteMapper 2.7.0 Crack Plus Full Free Download - CRACKED KEY

WriteMapper 2.7.0 Crack Plus Full Free Downloadan outlining app that helps anyone with writing deadlines quickly and easily produce text documents using.

WriteMapper 2.7.0 Patch Archives - CRACKED KEY

WriteMapper 2.7.0 Crack Plus Full Free Download WriteMapper is an outlining app that helps anyone with writing deadlines quickly and easily produce text ...

WriteMapper 2.7.0- tải về

Tải phiên bản 2.7.0 phần mềm WriteMapper - Tạo sơ đồ tư duy mind map.

WriteMapper 2.7.1 for Windows 軟體資訊交流 - winXmac軟體社群

WriteMapper 2.7.0. Notable Improvements: - Added new Categorize Node Colors option to right-click/long-press menu of root node, which sets a distinct color for ...

WriteMapper 2.7.1 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

WriteMapper 2.7.1 - Fixed a bug where the open and save file dialogs were not working as expected on desktop versions of the app WriteMapper 2.7.0. Notable ...

WriteMapper 2.7.1- tải về

Tải phiên bản 2.7.1 phần mềm WriteMapper - Tạo sơ đồ tư duy mind map. ... 27/08/2019 Download; WriteMapper 2.7.0 - 26/08/2019 Download ...

WriteMapper — What's New

WriteMapper 2.7. August 25, 2019 macOSWindowsiPad. We've put a ton of work into this update, addressing parts of the app that could be rounded out better, ...