TapinRadio (64-bit)

最新版本 DBeaver 6.1.2

DBeaver 6.1.2

DBeaver 6.1.2
TapinRadio 64 位是 Windows PC 的一個簡單的互聯網廣播播放器。聽你最喜歡的電台,音樂和錄製歌曲!輕便的無線電軟件,非常適合視障人士或任何想要一個簡單而功能齊全的收音機的人。非常適合想要聽流媒體廣播而不用大驚小怪的人。 TapinRadio 64 位版本,開始竊聽!軟件,使互聯網電台如此簡單。

TapinRadio 特點:
大量的電台可供選擇支持大多數的互聯網廣播格式– mp3,wma,ogg vorbis,aac + 等快速可靠的搜索工作站之間的平滑切換記錄您正在收聽的內容– 包括單獨的歌曲文件自動檢查軟件和廣播電台更新顯示您的收藏夾分組預定錄製可用便攜式安裝(選擇便攜式安裝過程中)注:14 天試用版.


檔案版本 DBeaver 6.1.2

檔案名稱 dbeaver-ce-6.1.2-x86_64-setup.exe
檔案大小 48.4 MB
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Raimersoft
官網 http://www.raimersoft.com/tapinradio.aspx
更新日期 2019-07-08

What's new in this version:

Git integration: create projects in remote repositories, pull/commit/push automation from the DBeaver perspective, integrate existing projectys with Git repositories

- Problem with SSH and SSL connections was solved
- Problem with missing legacy character encoding was fixed

Data editor:
- "Delete cascade" feature was added
- Problem with column order was fixed (when result contains multiple columns with the same name)
- Problem with duplicated values in column filters was fixed
- "Default" values were added for numbers, strings and booleans

Data transfer:
- Export to a single file was fixed
- TXT format: extra options were added
- CSV import: timestamp columns parser was fixed

- Extensions management was added
- Partitions DDL was added
- Partitions create/drop support was added
- Object description reading was fixed (+ problem with duplicated objects was solved)
- Complex data types rendering was fixed
- float4 data type support was fixed (wrong value render)
- Greenplum: ERD renderer was fixed

- Problem with read-only tables was fixed (for some Oracle versions)
- View management: problem with semicolons was fixed

- DB2 for iSeries: procedures DDL was added, problem with schema list reading  was fixed
- Generic driver (SQLite and others): problem with view create command was fixed
- Plenty of minor UI bugs were fixed

DBeaver 6.1.2 相關參考資料
DBeaver - Community Edition 6.1.2 - Chocolatey Gallery

All remote database operations work in non-blocking mode so DBeaver does not hang if the database server does not respond or if there is a related network ...


DBeaver 6.0.2 | DBeaver Community

Eclipse 2019-03 is now the default platform; Embedded editor activation problem fixed (Linux); SQL editor: SQL errors now shown in results ...


DBeaver 6.1.2 Released : dbeaver - Reddit

41 分鐘前 - DBeaver is an SQL client and a database administration tool. For relational databases it uses the JDBC API to interact with databases via a ...


DBeaver 6.1.2 | DBeaver Community

16 小時前 - Git integration: Create projects in remote repositories; Pull/commit/push automation from the DBeaver perspective; Integrate existing projectys ...


DBeaver Community | Free Universal Database Tool

DBeaver 6.1.2. July 7th, 2019. Git integration: Create projects in remote repositories; Pull/commit/push automation from the DBeaver perspective; Integrate ...


DBeaver 社区版6.1.2 发布,可视化数据库管理工具- OSCHINA - 开源中国

14 小時前 - 数据库管理工具DBeaver 社区版6.1.2 已发布,更新内容包括对集成Git、数据编辑器和针对各数据库的不同改进,以及错误修复。


Download DBeaver 6.1.2 - Softpedia

Download DBeaver. A robust and versatile database manager that comes in handy for DBAs who need to work with multiple tables, scripts, triggers and stored ...


Download | DBeaver Community

Community Edition 6.1.2 ... EE version web site: dbeaver.com ... Update site URL: https://dbeaver.io/update/latest/ (Multiplatform); Eclipse Marketplace direct ...


News | DBeaver Community | Free Universal Database Tool

16 小時前 - DBeaver 6.1.2 ... in remote repositories; Pull/commit/push automation from the DBeaver perspective ... New intermediate DBeaver release 6.1.


Releases | DBeaver Community

16 小時前 - DBeaver 6.1.2 ... in remote repositories Pull/commit/push automation from the DBeaver perspective ... New intermediate DBeaver release 6.1.
