Supremo Remote Desktop

最新版本 Node.js 12.8.1 (64-bit)

Node.js 12.8.1 (64-bit)

Node.js 12.8.1 (64-bit)
Supremo 是遠程桌面控制和支持的強大,簡單和完整的解決方案。它允許您在幾秒鐘內訪問遠程 PC 或主持會議。沒有必要安裝或配置路由器。下載,訪問,控制.

Supremo 輕便易用,但包含提供或接收技術支持所需的一切。它可以作為服務安裝,即使在代理服務器後面也不需要配置。

Supremo Remote Desktop 功能:

Supremo 是免費的遠程桌面軟件,為客戶提供遠程協助。 Supremo 只由一個非常小的可執行文件組成,不需要任何安裝。只需點擊幾下,您就可以提供– 或接收– 支持通過 Supremo.

沒有路由器 / 防火牆配置
Supremo 使用強大的數據傳輸協議,允許您連接到路由器和防火牆後面的遠程計算機,無需任何配置。 Supremo 不需要任何安裝或設置,由於其集成的加密,其連接非常安全.

Supremo 允許多個用戶連接到同一台計算機。當您需要進行複雜的協助會議或需要進行互聯網演示時,這可能非常有用。例如,您的客戶可以同時連接到貴公司的計算機,並看到您的產品和服務的演示文稿.

Supremo 提供演示和遠程課程的簡單解決方案:會議。主持會議,您可以分享您的屏幕,而不會將控制權交給其他用戶。功能僅適用於訂戶.

Drag& 刪除文件傳輸
Supremo 提供了一個集成的文件傳輸應用程序,允許您瀏覽遠程計算機的磁盤並在兩個方向上傳輸文件和文件夾。您可以通過簡單的點擊將文件夾從 PC 發送到客戶的 PC,也可以從客戶 PC 上下載文件 / 文件夾到本地 PC。

Supremo 是一個安全可靠的應用程序。所有通過 Internet 傳輸的數據都使用 AES 256 位算法進行加密。此外,每個控制會話都會生成隨機的 4 位密碼。還可以指定更強大的密碼來保護您的機器並阻止指定的 ID .

Supremo 計劃的所有用戶都可以自由定制可執行文件並將其分發給客戶。了解如何使用 Supremo 指南自定義 Supremo .

A 許多有用的功能
Supremo 提供了許多有用的功能,以簡化您的工作。您可以將 Supremo 安裝為 Windows 服務,以便在後台始終可用連接。此外,它還包括一個集成的聊天應用程序,允許您在連接遠程協助時與多個用戶聊天。

注意:21 天試用版.


檔案版本 Node.js 12.8.1 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 node-v12.8.1-x64.msi
檔案大小 17.4 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Nanosystems
更新日期 2019-08-16

What's new in this version:

- “Data Dribble”: The attacker requests a large amount of data from a specified resource over multiple streams. They manipulate window size and stream priority to force the server to queue the data in 1-byte chunks. Depending on how efficiently this data is queued, this can consume excess CPU, memory, or both, potentially leading to a denial of service.
- “Ping Flood”: The attacker sends continual pings to an HTTP/2 peer, causing the peer to build an internal queue of responses. Depending on how efficiently this data is queued, this can consume excess CPU, memory, or both, potentially leading to a denial of service.
- “Resource Loop”: The attacker creates multiple request streams and continually shuffles the priority of the streams in a way that causes substantial churn to the priority tree. This can consume excess CPU, potentially leading to a denial of service.
- “Reset Flood”: The attacker opens a number of streams and sends an invalid request over each stream that should solicit a stream of RST_STREAM frames from the peer. Depending on how the peer queues the RST_STREAM frames, this can consume excess memory, CPU, or both, potentially leading to a denial of service.
- “Settings Flood”: The attacker sends a stream of SETTINGS frames to the peer. Since the RFC requires that the peer reply with one acknowledgement per SETTINGS frame, an empty SETTINGS frame is almost equivalent in behavior to a ping. Depending on how efficiently this data is queued, this can consume excess CPU, memory, or both, potentially leading to a denial of service.
- “0-Length Headers Leak”: The attacker sends a stream of headers with a 0-length header name and 0-length header value, optionally Huffman encoded into 1-byte or greater headers. Some implementations allocate memory for these headers and keep the allocation alive until the session dies. This can consume excess memory, potentially leading to a denial of service.
- “Internal Data Buffering”: The attacker opens the HTTP/2 window so the peer can send without constraint; however, they leave the TCP window closed so the peer cannot actually write (many of) the bytes on the wire. The attacker then sends a stream of requests for a large response object. Depending on how the servers queue the responses, this can consume excess memory, CPU, or both, potentially leading to a denial of service.
C- “Empty Frames Flood”: The attacker sends a stream of frames with an empty payload and without the end-of-stream flag. These frames can be DATA, HEADERS, CONTINUATION and/or PUSH_PROMISE. The peer spends time processing each frame disproportionate to attack bandwidth. This can consume excess CPU, potentially leading to a denial of service.

Node.js 12.8.1 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
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