SQLite (64-bit)

最新版本 SQLite 3.44.0 (64-bit)

SQLite 3.44.0 (64-bit)

SQLite 3.44.0 (64-bit)
SQLite 64 位是一個進程內庫,它實現了一個自包含的,無服務器的,零配置的事務性 SQL 數據庫引擎。 SQLite 的代碼是在公共領域,因此可用於任何目的,商業或私人。下載 Windows PC 的 SQLite 離線安裝程序安裝 64 位! SQLite 64 位是世界上部署最廣泛的數據庫,其應用程序數量比我們可以計算的還要多,其中包括幾個高性能項目。6123586
SQLite 特性:
即使在系統崩潰後,事務也是原子性,一致性,隔離性和持久性(ACID)和電源故障。零配置 - 無需安裝或管理。具有高級功能(如部分索引和通用表表達式)的完整 SQL 實現。 (省略功能)完整的數據庫存儲在一個跨平台的磁盤文件中。非常適合用作應用程序文件格式。支持太字節大小的數據庫和千兆字節大小的字符串和 blob。 (請參閱 limits.html。)小代碼佔用空間:小於 500KiB 完全配置或省略可選功能少得多。簡單,易於使用的 API。用 ANSI- C 編寫。包括 TCL 綁定。幾十種其他語言的綁定可單獨提供。備受好評的源代碼,具有 100%的分支測試覆蓋率。可作為一個單一的 ANSI- C 源代碼文件,易於編譯,因此很容易添加到一個更大的項目。獨立:不需要外部依賴。跨平台:開箱即用支持 Android,* BSD,iOS,Linux,Mac,Solaris,VxWorks 和 Windows(Win32,WinCE,WinRT)。易於移植到其他系統。來源是在公共領域。用於任何目的。附帶可用於管理 SQLite 數據庫的獨立命令行界面(CLI)客戶端。也可用:下載 SQLite for Mac


檔案版本 SQLite 3.44.0 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 sqlite-dll-win64-x64-3440000.zip
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Richard Hipp
官網 https://sqlite.org/
更新日期 2023-11-01

What's new in this version:

- Aggregate functions can now include an ORDER BY clause after their last parameter. The arguments to the function are processed in the order specified. This can be important for functions like string_agg() and json_group_array().
- Add support for the concat() and concat_ws() scalar SQL functions, compatible with PostgreSQL, SQLServer, and MySQL
- Add support for the string_agg() aggregate SQL function, compatible with PostgreSQL and SQLServer
- New conversion letters on the strftime() SQL function: %e %F %I %k %l %p %P %R %T %u
- Add new C-language APIs: sqlite3_get_clientdata() and sqlite3_set_clientdata().
- Many errors associated with CREATE TABLE are now raised when the CREATE TABLE statement itself is run, rather than being deferred until the first time the table is actually used.
- The PRAGMA integrity_check command now verifies the consistency of the content in various built-in virtual tables using the new xIntegrity method. This works for the FTS3, FTS4, FTS5, RTREE, and GEOPOLY extensions.
- The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE setting now prevents PRAGMA writable_schema from being turned on. Previously writable_schema could be turned on, but would not actually allow the schema to be writable. Now it simply cannot be turned on.
- Tag the built-in FTS3, FTS4, FTS5, RTREE, and GEOPOLY virtual tables as SQLITE_VTAB_INNOCUOUS so that they can be used inside of triggers in high-security deployments.
- The PRAGMA case_sensitive_like statement is deprecated, as its use when the schema contains LIKE operators can lead to reports of database corruption by PRAGMA integrity_check
- SQLITE_USE_SEH (Structured Exception Handling) is now enabled by default whenever SQLite is built using the Microsoft C compiler. It can be disabled using -DSQLITE_USE_SEH=0

Query planner optimizations:
- In partial index scans, if the WHERE clause implies a constant value for a table column, replace occurrences of that table column with the constant. This increases the likelihood of the partial index being a covering index.
- Disable the view-scan optimization (added in version 3.42.0 - item 1c) as it was causing multiple performance regressions. In its place, reduce the estimated row count for DISTINCT subqueries by a factor of 8.
- SQLite now performs run-time detection of whether or not the underlying hardware supports "long double" with precision greater than "double" and uses appropriate floating-point routines depending on what it discovered.
- The CLI for Windows now defaults to using UTF-8 for both input and output on platforms that support it. The --no-utf8 option is available to disable UTF8 support.

SQLite 3.44.0 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
libsqlite3-0-3.44.0-150000.3.23.1 RPM for x86_64

2023年11月21日 — SQLite can be used via the sqlite command line tool or via any application ... 64-bit answer. * experimental extensions, not enabled: + RBU ...


Release History

Bug Fixes: The multiply operator now correctly detects 64-bit integer overflow and promotes to floating point in all corner-cases. Fix for ticket ...


SQLite 3.44.0 (64-bit) Download & Review For Windows

2023年11月20日 — SQLite is C-language Library that Provide Fast, Self-contained, Zero-configuration, Stand-alone, Full-rich-featured, Relational SQL Database ...


SQLite 3.44.0 发布! 原创

2023年11月7日 — SQLite 开发团队于2023 年11 月01 日发布了SQLite 3.44.0 版本,带来了一些SQL 和优化器增强,本文给大家做一个简要分分析。


sqlite 3.44发布- Oracle开发- ITPUB论坛-专业的IT技术社区

2023年11月2日 — SQLite 版本3.44.0 于2023-11-01 聚合函数现在可以在其最后一个ORDER BY 子句之后包含ORDER BY 子句参数。函数的参数按以下顺序进行处理指定。


SQLite Download Page

32-bit DLL (x86) for SQLite version 3.45.1. (SHA3-256: ce29b7257ebe39c47322c365f9187c669b7f760f54d1564973e3501d95b6cc45). sqlite-dll-win-x64-3450100.zip (1.25 ...


SQLite Release 3.44.0 On 2023-11-01

SQLite Release 3.44.0 On 2023-11-01 · Aggregate functions can now include an ORDER BY clause after their last parameter. · Add support for the concat() and ...


sqlite-shell-x64 v3.44.0 - Passed - Package Tests Results

Tested with the latest version of choco, possibly a beta version. Tested with chocolatey-package-verifier service v1.0.1; Install was successful. Uninstall was ...



Download sqlite-tools-3.44.0-1-omv2390.aarch64.rpm for OpenMandriva Lx 5.0 from OpenMandriva Main Release repository.



Download sqlite-tools-3.44.0-1-omv2390.x86_64.rpm for OpenMandriva Lx 5.0 from OpenMandriva Main Release repository.
