SQLite (32-bit)

最新版本 SQLite 3.28.0 (32-bit)

SQLite 3.28.0 (32-bit)

SQLite 3.28.0 (32-bit)
SQLite 是一個進程內庫,它實現了一個自包含的,無服務器的,零配置的事務性 SQL 數據庫引擎。 SQLite 的代碼是在公共領域,因此可用於任何目的,商業或私人。 SQLite 是世界上應用最廣泛的數據庫,其應用程序數量超過了我們可以計算的數量,其中包括幾個備受矚目的項目。 SQLite 免費下載最新版本的 Windows PC。它是 SQLite 的完全脫機安裝程序安裝程序。

SQLite 功能:
即使在系統崩潰和電源故障後,事務也是原子性,一致性,隔離性和持久性(ACID)。零配置 - 無需安裝或管理。具有高級功能(如部分索引和通用表表達式)的完整 SQL 實現。 (省略功能)完整的數據庫存儲在一個跨平台的磁盤文件中。非常適合用作應用程序文件格式。支持太字節大小的數據庫和千兆字節大小的字符串和 blob。 (請參閱 limits.html。)小代碼佔用空間:小於 500KiB 完全配置或省略可選功能少得多。簡單,易於使用的 API。用 ANSI- C 編寫。包括 TCL 綁定。幾十種其他語言的綁定可單獨提供。備受好評的源代碼,具有 100%的分支測試覆蓋率。可作為一個單一的 ANSI- C 源代碼文件,易於編譯,因此很容易添加到一個更大的項目。獨立:不需要外部依賴。跨平台:開箱即用支持 Android,* BSD,iOS,Linux,Mac,Solaris,VxWorks 和 Windows(Win32,WinCE,WinRT)。易於移植到其他系統。來源是在公共領域。用於任何目的。附帶可用於管理 SQLite 數據庫的獨立命令行界面(CLI)客戶端。也可用:下載 SQLite for Mac


檔案版本 SQLite 3.28.0 (32-bit)

檔案名稱 sqlite-dll-win32-x86-3280000.zip
檔案大小 512 KB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Richard Hipp
官網 https://sqlite.org/
更新日期 2019-04-17

What's new in this version:

Enhanced window functions:
- Add support the EXCLUDE clause
- Add support for window chaining
- Add support for GROUPS frames
- Add support for " PRECEDING" and " FOLLOWING" boundaries in RANGE frames
- Added the new sqlite3_stmt_isexplain(S) interface for determining whether or not a prepared statement is an EXPLAIN
- Enhanced VACUUM INTO so that it works for read-only databases

New query optimizations:
- Enable the LIKE optimization for cases when the ESCAPE keyword is present and PRAGMA case_sensitive_like is on
- In queries that are driven by a partial index, avoid unnecessary tests of the constraint named in the WHERE clause of the partial index, since we know that constraint must always be true

Enhancements to the TCL Interface:
- Added the -returntype option to the function method
- Added the new bind_fallback method

Enhancements to the CLI:
- Added support for bound parameters and the .parameter command
- Fix the readfile() function so that it returns an empty BLOB rather than throwing an out-of-memory error when reading an empty file
- Fix the writefile() function so that when it creates new directories along the path of a new file, it gives them umask permissions rather than the same permissions as the file
- Change --update option in the .archive command so that it skips files that are already in the archive and are unchanged. Add the new --insert option that works like --update used to work
- Added the fossildelta.c extension that can create, apply, and deconstruct the Fossil DVCS file delta format that is used by the RBU extension
- Added the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_WRITABLE_SCHEMA verb for the sqlite3_db_config() interface, that does the same work as PRAGMA writable_schema without using the SQL parser
- Added the sqlite3_value_frombind() API for determining if the argument to an SQL function is from a bound parameter

Security and compatibilities enhancements to fts3_tokenizer():
- The fts3_tokenizer() function always returns NULL unless either the legacy application-defined FTS3 tokenizers interface are enabled using the sqlite3_db_config(SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FTS3_TOKENIZER) setting, or unless the first argument to fts3_tokenizer() is a bound parameter
- The two-argument version of fts3_tokenizer() accepts a pointer to the tokenizer method object even without the sqlite3_db_config(SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FTS3_TOKENIZER) setting if the second argument is a bound parameter
- Improved robustness against corrupt database files
- Miscellaneous performance enhancements
- Established a Git mirror of the offical SQLite source tree. The canonical sources for SQLite are maintained using the Fossil DVCS

SQLite 3.28.0 (32-bit) 相關參考資料
Download SQLite (32bit) 3.28.0 for windows - Filepuma.com

SQLite is an in-process library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine.


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Download SQLite 3.27.2 (32-bit) for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ... SQLite 3.28.0 (32-bit). Requirements: Windows XP ...


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SQLite 3.28.0 (32-bit). Date released: 17 Apr 2019 (2 months ago). Download · SQLite 3.27.2 (32-bit). Date released: 27 Feb 2019 (4 months ...


SQLite 3.28.0 (32-bit) Download for Windows Screenshots ...

SQLite 3.28.0 (32-bit) Screenshot 1. The image below has been reduced in size. Click on it to see the full version. SQLite 3.28.0 (32-bit) ...


SQLite 3.28.0 (32-bit) Download for Windows 10, 8, 7 - FileHorse

Download SQLite 3.28.0 (32-bit) for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download 32-bit Software Version.
