Skype 歷史版本列表 Page1

最新版本 Firefox Developer Edition 124.0b2 (64-bit)

Skype 歷史版本列表

Skype 是使您能夠在世界任何地方撥打免費電話的軟件。 Skype 使用 P2P(點對點)技術將您與其他用戶連接起來。它提供了幾個功能,包括 Skype 從 Skype 撥打全球的普通和移動電話,電話會議和安全的文件傳輸。您現在也可以與其他用戶共享您的屏幕。 Skype 調用專注於視頻和音頻質量,並確保與端到端的加密調用。所有你需要開始的是 Windows XP SP3,Vista,7,8 或 ... Skype 軟體介紹

Firefox Developer Edition 124.0b2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Opera GX 107.0.5045.30 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


SmartGit 23.1.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

SmartGit 23.1.2
- by-author-coloring is always dark, even with light theme

Branches view:
- toggling grouping option in hamburger menu did not trigger refresh

Commit view:
- Rewrap (Windows): introduced additional lines/spaces

File Log:
- possible internal error in case of missing objects

Hosting Providers:
- Azure: client certificates did not work
- Bitbucket:
- own comments may not be editable
- Merge to Local did not work for SSH repositories
- possible dead lock opening a project for some hosting providers, e.g. BitBucket
- GitHub: possible error "Object 'id' not found" related to pull request reviewer assignments
- GitLab: possible internal error for redirected repositories

- for worktree with mismatch between Git admin pointers, the more unexpected repo will be opened
- for worktree with non-existing Git admin pointer, opening fails

- possible internal error if config file ends with subsection quote (`[remote "`)
- possible internal error for large commit dates, e.g. year 2286
- inefficient refreshing for large repositories with many submodules
- low-level property `json.graphQL.ignoreNullArrayElements` did not work properly

Log window:
- all refs should be displayed by default (regression since 22.1)

Standard window:
- tabs: internal error related to (unintentional) tab dragging while a dialog occurs
- Delete/Move to Trash (macOS): did not refresh correctly after removing `.git` file

SmartGit 23.1.1
- GitHub email address confirmation dialog: selecting the *Always use default email address* radio button wrote empty email address to `.git/config`
- Azure DevOps: OAuth-authentication for repository was broken (unless Git config "useHttpPath" was set)
- Investigate: under certain unclear conditions an internal error could occur when closing the Investigate window

Standard window:
- Commit: should not allow to create empty commit even if repository is empty
- Linux: several problems with forced light theme on dark system theme
- the background color of the Std, Directories table is dark gray instead of light gray
- the caret in text fields is not visible
- the preferences tree uses light foreground on light background for the selected node
- macOS: click-dragging a table item might cause an internal error under unclear conditions

Other Noteworthy Changes:
- Branches view:
- when using `branchBrowser.showClassicAheadBehindNumbers`, colors are used (as in before SmartGit 22.1)
- Log: added low-level property `core.remote.configNamesToIgnoreForUrlLessRemotes` to hide incomplete remotes (that are shown by `git status`)
- some i18n fixes

SmartGit 23.1.0
- Refresh: possible internal error while concurrently adding LFS objects

SmartGit 22.1.7
- 2nd SmartGit instance crashes with FileSystemException
- Rebase, Step: should not be available in non-step mode

- possible problems with custom "filter..process" (long running filter process)
- -may not show modifications for files containing "eol" attribute without "text" attribute
- Linux: evaluation reminder dialog might be hidden behind main window making the impression that SmartGit hangs

Other Noteworthy Changes:
- Graph layout: reduced memory consumption
- added low-level properties github.userQuery.* to fine-tune/debug query-sizes

SmartGit 22.1.6
- Changes view, Split Index/WT files: even if changes.preservePositionWhenSwitchingBetweenWtIndexHead is set to false, selecting the index or working tree of the same file did not select the first diff
- Commit Message, Rewrap: possible internal error
- Distributed Reviews: pull requests may not be properly updated to merge base
- GitHub Enterprise: possible internal errror for "Generate Token" in preferences
- JNA: still created temp directories (regression since 21.2)

- refreshing fails when using negative respecs (^)
- LFS (Windows): possible internal error for case-changed directories
- SSHJ: possible internal error for unsupported private key format
- possible internal error killing a (Git) child process

- view tabs (Log, WT window): a too-fast drag-and-drop continued to show the drag-reject cursor

Log window:
- GitHub: possible too large amount of REST calls

Working Tree window:
- if in Setup wizard the Standard window is selected as default, neither the Commit toolbar button nor the Commit view were visible
- Refresh: possible performance problems for .git/index file without checksum

Log window:
- Graph: Varying Coloring uses now more distinct colors
- reactive license.serverPing.url

SmartGit 22.1.5
- Kill hanging process: possible internal error

- Refresh:
- possible internal error in case of corrupt .git/index file
- possible internal error related to bad branch..merge entry in .git/config
- problem reading packed-refs

- Standard window: possible internal error when filtering

Other Noteworthy Changes:
- Log: remove notification "would you like the Log as default window?"
- Preferences: after changing the Startup window option, show restart notification
- Setup wizard: let the user confirm the Standard window

SmartGit 22.1.4
- Background scan: fixed memory leak if Detect Local Changes is disabled
- Changes view: Resolve may fail with "Input length = ..." error depending on the used encodings
- Fetch More: internal error when trying to fetch non-branch, like Gerrit refs/changes/01/000002/3

Standard window:
- Files: possible incorrect original path shown for renamed file
- Filter: various regex-selectors, e.g. .* were non-functional
- GitHub: possible internal error during refresh
- Rebase may silently do nothing

- Linux bundle: old .svg file was bundled

Other Noteworthy Changes:
- Tools: the obsolete tool is removed automatically, even if upgraded from older SmartGit versions)

SmartGit 22.1.3
Standard window:
- Start Feature: could reset diverged local branch (not ahead or behind) onto remote branch (possible loss of commit)
- Graph: internal error when selecting virtual and one other commit

Log window:
- Changes: clicking submodule commit did not reveal commit reliably

Hosting providers:
- Azure: for multiple configured hosting providers (accounts), refreshing only worked randomly
- GitHub: possible "Object author not found as parent of PullRequest" for pull requests of non-existing users

- at line end of config file was erroneously treated as line continuaton
- could break in case of inaccessible directory or file
- Setup wizard: possible internal error on Finish (related to proxy configuration)

Other Noteworthy Changes:
- Azure DevOps: added low-level property "azure.accountMatchHonorOrganization"
- Rebase: by default rejects Rebase Interactive when trying to rebase onto a commit of the HEAD's history (low-level property "rebase.invokeInteractiveForBranchHistory")

Log window:
- Changes: font to display comments might be too small to read: added low-level property "changesView.comment.fontSize" to configure the size

SmartGit 22.1.2
- Annotate: possible internal error
- Background scan: fixed memory leak
- Bitbucket: failed for pull requests with invalid refs (silently ignores them now)
- GitHub integration: possible error "Object 'requestReviewer' not found as parent of 'nodes'"

- possible error "is a directory" when opening a repository with symlinks in .git/refs
- possible error "Bad entry" for rn continuation in Git config file
- Spell checker: possible internal error when accepting fix while the message was cleared automatically after a successful commit
- Syntax coloring, PHP: incorrect end of string detection

- Changes View/Compare: non-US-ASCII-related problems; restored SmartGit 21.2 behavior
- Investigate toolbar icon had wrong background
- Standard window, Commit: line length guide ignored left margin

- Various operations: possible error "Inappropriate ioctl for device" when writing .git/config

SmartGit 22.1.1
Fetch: possible internal error
- Git config file: possible corruption when writing, especially for lines after a comment line

- Subdirectory Log: internal error double-clicking a commit
- Graph: possible internal error when filtering with set low-level property "log.graph.topoFilter.alwaysIncludeContainingMerges"

- Push To: did not configure tracking even if options were set to do so
- Preferences: certain .gitconfig options may become confused if not stored with canonical case in .gitconfig

Standard window:
- internal error cloning a repository into a directory which was already open and had been deleted outside SmartGit
- Local Files, Push toolbar buttons: count badge might be outside the button depending on the screen zoom level

- Investigate: i18n problems
- macOS: window-less menu bar was not translated

SmartGit 22.1.0
- File Log: hitting Del in the Branches view caused internal error
- JIRA: many recurring dialogs after cancelling SSL client certificate

SmartGit 21.2.4
- Azure DevOps: integration was not applicable for ssh://[email protected]:22/project/_git/application URLs

Changes view:
- possible internal error selecting certain images (depending on color model)
- possible internal error when applying/reverting selection containing removal of empty line

Git-Flow (external): finish feature/hotfix/release branches containing '/' did not work
- Log:
- Graph: possible internal error for partial clones when filtering for file name or content

- BitBucket Server: possible internal error if pull request has been created from tag
- squashed subtrees were not detected

- rebooting while running might lose newly entered hosting provider credentials
- Refresh (working tree): possible internal error if .git/index has null-checksum

Other Noteworthy Changes:
- added low level property refresh.checkGitAdminOutsideOfModel

SmartGit 21.2.3
- Changes view
- internal error related "Split leading/trailing lines" option
- Copy without selection: copies 1 char too much resulting in crash for last line
- for Unified view, Goto Next Change may remain at existing change
- error "failed to read file" for missing files if "core.autocrlf=input" is configured
- Files (Log and WT): State and Working Tree State columns should denote rename sources as "missing", not "unchanged"
- GitLab: error "The authorization server does not support this response type" when trying to generate a new token
- Log: possible internal error when filter for modified content
- Pull: Git config "pull.rebase=merges" should be honored
- Pull/others: submodule..update=none should be honored
- Refresh (WT): "filter" may not be applied if listed after "text" or "eol" in .gitattributes

SmartGit 21.2.2
- Changes view: split-off block may miss background color
- Cherry-pick: possible internal error related to subtrees
- Conflict Solver: for LFS conflicts, left and right will show wrong contents (of base file)
- Graph (macOS): (x refs) box with dark background on dark system with light SmartGit theme
- Pull: possible internal error when trying to initialize SVN submodule
- Refresh (Windows): internal error when trying to open repository located at special directory, like "C:UsersaccountMy Documents"
- added low-level property "gitlab.additionalRequestHeaders"

SmartGit 21.2.1
Changes view:
- unexpected "Error reading file, Details: cancelled" for Git-LFS file which exceed the size threshold
- possible internal error clicking "Force Compare"
- Commit/Stash: possible error "unknown option `pathspec-from-file=-'" when using Git 2.25
- External tools: ${commit2} was marked incorrectly as optional
- Gravatar: fixed assertion for incorrectly sized images

- Graph: memory leak of core objects after invoking popup menu
- File log: internal error if deleting and re-cloning repository while file log is open

- possible internal error "Unknown chunk ID ..."
- internal error trying to open a repository which is actually a file
- macOS bundle with invalid version information

SmartGit 21.2.0
- Changes view: hitting Refresh did not reload file content

SmartGit 21.1.3
- Changes View:
- Apply was available when starting within an inner-line change
- possible internal error when reverting a black and changing the file once again while the confirmation dialog is showing

- Azure DevOps: should allow multiple configurations for different server URLs
- Journal: possible false-positive pushed commits for local, untracked branches
- command line tool hang until SmartGit was closed; added a workaround

SmartGit 21.1.2
- Azure DevOps: possible "Could not parse date" error on pull request refresh

- Branches view:
- refresh may change selection from remote to local tracking branch
- tag message did not show up for grouped tags
- toggling remote ref might select local ref

- Changes view:
- if saving fails, error banner hides too quickly
- horizontal scrolling did not always update reliably
- possible assertion on Apply
- staging hunks for untracked-missing renamed file fails with "Failed to write file" error
- Working Tree window: did not reliably refresh after failed save
- Ignore: showed scary warning about discarding changes for untracked file

- Log:
- Files (working tree): ignored removed file which is locally existing does not show up unless View Ignored Files is selected
- Refresh (Working Tree): automatic refresh did not clean up files after ignoring directory in non-root .gitignore
- Refresh: possible internal error for commits with commit times > 2038

Other Noteworthy Changes:
- UTF8 detection now scans full file instead of just the first 64kB
- GitHub: shows reasonable warning in case of organization access restrictions
- low-level property "core.tree.filter.backwardCompatibilityWithNonUnicodeGitOnWindows"
- Table controls: if low-level property table.scrollToSelection is set to false, ignore the selection's visibility

SmartGit 21.1.1
- BitBucket: possible internal error on refresh

- Changes pane:
- maximum size limit was not applied to images possibly resulting in out-of-memory errors
- possible out-of-memory error when selecting large file and having "core.autocrlf=input" configured
- Stage did nothing on "Added" conflicts
- fixed names on Unstage/Revert Hunk
- Working Tree window: Changes pane does not show file if it is made visible while a file already was selected

- Conflict Solver:
- external conflict solver: temporary files may be corrupted by replacing LF with CRLF

- Refresh:
- index files format 4 could not be read
- fails for repotool files which have been initialized with --worktree option
- Windows: might fail if file in repository was inaccessible (regression since 20.2)
- Setup: possible internal error with invalid msysgit-installation location
- Startup: --log with a file fails with "Cache has not yet been updated/initialized"

- Syntax coloring:
- Java: binary and hex literals were not detected correctly
- PHP: 'strings in quotes' are not detected in script mode
- MacOS 11: radio button selection changes invisibly when clicking a dfifferen tab item

SmartGit 21.1
- Changes view: possible paint artefacts by resizing window

SmartGit 20.2.5
- BitBucket: redundant "access token"-refresh requests if integration and OAuth is enabled
- internal error if java.library.path contains invalid entry

- File log: internal error when invoking Files, Rename
- Repositories, Refresh:
- after switching branches, obsolete submodules may remain
- after switching branches, state of new submodules should be populated

- Refresh: possible "submodule has error-prone admin area configuration" warning for main repositories created with "--separate-git-dir"
- Submodule, Initialize: problems with named submodules

- Quick Stash behaves like normal Stash (showing a dialog)
- Stash on Demand: must not apply if operation stopped in abortable state (rebase, merge, ...)

- macOS: error parsing environment variables for 'fish' shell
- Windows: internal error checking directory type under special conditions

Other Noteworthy Changes:
- low-level property "smartgit.nodecache.subtrees.enabled" to disable subtree detection and functionality
- Tag grouping: "name" extraction should be honored in Branches view groups, too

SmartGit 20.2.4
- Changes view: possible redundant refreshing if repository is a worktree
- Edit Commit Message: did not warn before modifying pushed commits if HEAD was selected
- Gerrit: detection fails if hooks/commit-msg is a symlink

- Files: Blame should not be available on submodules
- File Log:
- failed to open for deleted-by-us conflict
- (re)selecting "Index" node should reset Files/Changes view

- Investigate: possible "missing blob" error when selecting commit which contains removed submodule

- possible internal error for submodule entries containing // in .git/config
- Working Tree window: possible wrong matching between submodule entries in .git/config and .gitmodules

- Shell: invalid parsing of $'foo' or $(command parameter)

SmartGit 20.2.3
- Branches: stashes might be missing in case of corrupted logs/refs/stash file (which still could be processed by Git)
- Changes View: no caret was visible
- Distributed Reviews: showed duplicate comments on left side

- Files: possible internal error related to deleted-by-us submodule conflicts
- Graph: possible "missing blob" error when selecting commit which contains removed submodule

- Refresh: possible internal error related to concurrently changing, renamed files
- Spell checker: could not read files with UTF-8-BOM
- Startup/opening repository: possible internal error related to file-system probing of special network drives

- fixed C# and SQL parsing of # lines, also fixing a performance problem
- Python: a line containing only a # was not detected as comment line

- Worktrees: for some minor internal operations the worktree's config file was search at the wrong location

Other Changes:
- Git-Flow: added low-level-property "gitflow.external.avh1.12"

- Details: possible confusion about "Tags", "Same State Tags" and "Closest Tags"
- Graph, Filtering: horizontal space better used for filter options

- having SmartGit running only in the tray, launching it a 2nd time reopens last repositories
- Linux: with dark theme comboboxes were hard to read

SmartGit 20.2.2
- Changes View, Compare, ...: internal error trying to stage/apply a selection at the file end
- Log: possible internal error related to layouting very broad graphs
- Preferences: internal error clicking search icon in search input field
- Set Tracked Branch: possible internal error for branch names like "2%"

Syntax coloring:
- Java: 100f is not detected as one number, but as 100 and f
- JavaScript: missed RegEx string
- macOS 10.15: problem parsing environment variables if 'tcsh' is used as shell

Other Changes:
- updated SWT
- Linux: internal error changing screen DPI

SmartGit 20.2.1
New Features and Improvements:
- Commit, line-length guides: added low-level properties commit.lineLengthGuide.limit1/limit2/limit3 to configure limits
- Log - Select Parent/Child Commit has less priority if a file is selected; makes is easier to use the same shortcut for other commands, e.g. Previous/Next Change

- Files - "inactive" submodules did not show up despite of selected "Show Ignored File"
- Internal error selecting Files tab if it is in the same tab group as the Changes view
- Graph (File log) - for grouped tags, denote whether the first tag is signed

- During refresh comments vanished temporarily in Changes view

- Windows - possible false-positive modifications of symlinks
- Internal error in case of corrupted filemode bits in .git/index
- Subtree, Add - may fail with "terminal prompts disabled" message

SmartGit 20.2.0
- Journal: possible internal error on drag and drop
- Log:
- Interactive Rebase, Modify/Split Commit: menu items should not be disabled because of merge commits (but though reject to operate because of merge commits)
- Refresh:
- Linux, macOS: performance regression related to timestamp precision
- Remove Worktree: possible internal error if working tree was open in multiple windows
- Stage: reported warnings about unrelated inaccessible directories
- Linux: internal error related to checking the version of the bundled Git
- macOS:
- Cmd+W did not close log or working tree window
- Stage: did not work for repository located directly at $HOME

- Ignore dialog: added low-level property "ignore.defaultSelection" that influences which option is selected by default depending on the selected file count and names
- LFS: added low-level property "executable.addBinDirectoryToPath" to prepend the Git bin directory to the PATH, because otherwise for some configs git-lfs is not found
- Log:
- Graph: added low-level property "log.graph.drawSignedIcon" to hide the icon for signed commits

SmartGit 20.1.5
- Commit view with commit template message does not clean comment line (as Commit dialog does)
- Compare: options for ignoring whitespace are not remembered on "Remember as Default"
- Git-Flow, Start Feature: fixed wording in case of fast-forward merge is necessary
- Log: possible internal error with swapped node cache
- Passwords file: possible empty error dialog in case of corrupt passwords file
- Update check is disabled after setting up SmartGit as registered user
- Workaround for

SmartGit 20.1.4
- Changes: is not cleaned up correctly if file is selected and repository is removed outside SmartGit

Compare, Conflict Solver:
- internal error applying last (non-empty) line to other side

Conflict Solver:
- "compare.applyGitFilters" was not honored

Distributed Reviews:
- Integrate Pull Request: squashing fails with Git error "You cannot combine --squash with --commit"
- Files, Copy commands: internal error if invoked in bare repository
- Format Patch default external tool: was only available for head commit (regression)
- GitHub Enterprise/GitLab: client certificates without password couldn't be used

- Graph: Checkout offered to track even remote head branch, e.g. origin/HEAD
- Refresh: after opening repository, background tasks (like continuing SVN clone) were not scheduled
- Refresh: "File system loop encountered" as part of the node cache refreshing
- Settings: bugtracker-settings.xml was not read on first start

- possible problems when trying to resume a clone
- Table control: with table.scrollToSelection=false setting a selection did not unselect previously selected files
- Working Tree window: title was not showing open repository under certain conditions

SmartGit 20.1.3
New Features, Improvements:
- File Log, Blame, Investigate: rename detection for searching the file origin was limited to commits with up to 500 additions/removals
- Search for Repositories: added low-level property repositorySearch.autoSearchInDialog to disable the automatic search (useful for slow machines with hard drives)

Fixed Bugs:
- could not be started with + sign in the path
- BitBucket/others: Create Pull Request dialog contained duplicate target entries
- Distributes Reviews:
- Branches view: "Show Closed Pull Requests" had no effect
- External Tools: even if 2 refs are required, the tool could be invoked on a single ref
- Find Object, open repository: did not always select open repository
- File compare: stderr/stdout redirection for external tools did not work

- possible "404 not found" error for subsequent refresh after adding a comment
- Log: possible out-of-memory error while refreshing comments

- for file log, the filter pattern from the repository root log was initialized

- when filtered, checking out a commit may erroneously check out mapped local/remote branch, e.g. different commit

- Linux: right-clicking set focus too late and hence showed an outdated context menu

- possible endless loop in file system benchmarking code
- Working Tree window: opening broken repository (without admin dir) broke subsequent refreshing and file monitoring until repository was closed and reopened

- cloning to path with lower-case drive letter caused core.worktree to be set resulting in a notification of SmartGit - workaround for a Git bug

SmartGit 20.1.2
New Features and Improvements:
- Commit template: set caret at the end of the first (valid) line (instead of the beginning)
- Log, Graph view: set low-level property "log.graph.showMergeCommitsGray" to false to not avoid gray merge commits
- Rebase Interactive, Investigate: don't stop after title when shortening message
- Search/Filter: set low-level property "fileSearchOrFilter.matchInside" to false to match the file name start
- Refresh: set low-level property "nodecache.reflogRoots.followSymlinks" to false to prevent possible "java.nio.file.FileSystemLoopException"

Fixed Bugs:
- Blame: didn't distinguish between trailing line ending or not
- Branches view: Del key did not invoke Delete command on focused remote
- Commit: committing many files created multiple commits
- Compare, Index Editor: did not keep posix file mode on save
- Files view: "intent-to-add" files showed up as "modified"
- Gravatar images: incorrectly sized when switching between display zoom level 100% 200% on the same machine
- JIRA integration (cloud instance): didn't re-ask for password in case of HTTP error 403
- Linux: launcher script suggested to try SWT_GTK3=0 though GTK2 is not supported any more

- Changes view: changes for "assume unchanged" files were not displayed (as in Working Tree window)
- Commit view: missing primary "parent" link for merge commit when "Follow Only First Parent" is selected
- Files view: internal error comparing Index with conflicts against commit
- Graph view: signed commit symbol was not supported by macOS system font
- window could be closed while a command was running
- pressing Ctrl+Shift+3 if all files are staged, did not focus the right table in the Files view
- Preferences, Colors tab: no editor colors were shown on macOS

- internal error if core.excludesfile points to invalid path
- internal error if HEAD points to non-local branch
- possible internal error related to core.ignoreCase=true on case-sensitive file system (e.g. Linux)
- removed but ignored, physically existing file showed up as untracked

- possible internal error for file names containing special characters
- possible error "..System Volume Information"
- Windows: possible error "the following file has local modifications"
- SSH: using "System SSH" Git was not correctly configured for plink passing invalid arguments ("plink: unknown option "-o"")

SmartGit 20.1.1
Fixed Bugs:
- Commit: internal error double-clicking entry in file completion popup
- Clone: internal error if clone finishes after the repository had been removed while cloning
- several commands: internal errors for "unusual" file names

- Files view (Linux): staging all files loses focus
- Refresh: working tree node doesn't show up after switching back to modified repository

- Setup wizard: the Log vs. Working Tree option covers more changed options now
- updated Chinese translation

SmartGit 20.1
Fixed Bugs:
- temp dir cleanup did not work reliable on shutdown
- Windows installer: did not uninstall "Open in SmartGit" explorer context menus
- Windows: tree control uses full row selection as on other platforms, because seems to be fixed now

- Log, Graph: "SVN revision" column won't immediately show up after opening SVN repository (but only after first refresh once it's already open)

SmartGit 19.1.7
Fixed Bugs:
- BitBucket Server: possible internal error when refreshing (related to moved repositories)
- GitHub, Create Pull Request: fails if target repository name contains uppercase letters

- Git-LFS lock file information may fail to parse due to new timestamp format
- Git-LFS locks processing (for own locks) should be more tolerant in case of missing "owner"
- corrupt yml settings files (e.g. containing 0x00 bytes) fail SmartGit to start
- Investigate: showed DeepGit version in title

SmartGit 19.1.6
Fixed Bugs:
- Git-Flow, Integrate/Finish Feature: may unexpectedly skip commits to rebase
- Opening bare repository may fail due to missing "logs" directory
- Internal error setting log level to FINE

- possible internal error for files obstructured by submodules

Log/Working tree window:
- memory leak when closing

Log Graph/Journal:
- internal error if a user name contained r

- changing Auxiliary Ref in submodule did not refresh automatically

- internal error trying to ignore the root directory; resolved by only allowing directories containing only untracked (or ignored) files

- for notification "Repository ... has a locked index" the "Delete" button may not work if .git/index.lock has been removed in the meanwhile

- text input field, e.g. filters: Ctrl+Z triggered accelerator instead of accepting as undo for text field

SmartGit 19.1.5
New Features, Improvements:
- Table control: added low-level property table.scrollToSelection to prevent scrolling to selection, e.g. after toggling the sort status

Fixed Bugs:
- GitHub: query was not tolerant in case of missing parent repositories
- Rebasing commands (reordering, changing messages, ...): had problems with spaces in paths
- Opening a missing repository in 2 windows could result in an internal error when confirming the removal
- Possible internal error related to bare repositories
- Index Editor: did not show a warning if a file could not be saved, e.g. because it was locked by another application
- I18n: variable text parts could be replaced by "1", "2", ...
- Internal error saving passwords
- For commercial users with outdated licenses the evaluation did not work
- Applying changes from default settings (startup.settingsToReplaceFromDefaults) did not work when upgrading from old XML files
- resizing the window did not redraw the "Long lines" view causing garbage to be shown there
- forgots some options when using "Remember as Default"

- opening a freshly cloned shallow repository failed if a commit listed in .git/shallow was not present in the repository

SmartGit 19.1.4
New Features, Improvements:
- Branches view: ability to copy stash name
- Changes view: include commit ID for "Could not find submodule commit" message
- Hosting providers: added low-level property
- smartgit.hostingProvider.skipCheckForConfigurations to prevent, e.g. notifications "Bitbucket Server integration is not yet configured"
- Added low-level property smartgit.pull.skipCheckForExternalCredentialsHelper to prevent notification "External Credentials Helper detected"

Fixed Bugs:
- Files: toggling Show Directories did not update the GUI immediately
- Working Tree refresh: possible internal error related to core.ignoreCase=true
- Clicking sourcetree:// URLs in Bitbucket did not open clone wizard any more

- Submodule initialization was not possible if smartgit.svn.scanSubmodulesForNonSvnParents=true
- Refresh: uninitialized submodules don't show up if smartgit.svn.scanSubmodulesForNonSvnParents=true

- Ctrl+Shift+1/2/... did not work if commit message field in Commit/Message view
- Was focused
- Graph/Journal view: focus rect not drawn correctly
- Windows launchers were monitor-dpi-aware by accident
- Other Noteworthy Changes
- Dropped "Merge Directly To" 3rd-party tool due to a couple of problems with changed low-level Git API

SmartGit 19.1.3
Fixed Bugs:
Log, Graph:
- Enter did not the same as double-click
- Focus rect is not drawn any more
- Compare or others: possible internal error applying change
- Output: for Git >= 2.23, progress output like "Compressing objects:" is not properly-recognized anymore
- Stash On Demand: should not fail with "Your local changes have been stashed away, but could not be reapplied." if stashing untracked files is disabled
- Windows: if some special environment variables were set, e.g. JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS, the launchers did not recognize the bundled JRE and possibly tried to use an outdated one from the system causing an internal error

SmartGit 19.1.2
Fixed Bugs:
- Finish Release: Tag Message is not set to tag
- Finish Feature/Hotfix/Release: should not remeove remote branch if "push" option is deselected

- Commit view: temporary inconsistency might caused assertion

- Could become inconsistend between selected refs and shown commits
- When merging a tag (by right-clicking it), commit or other branch name on commit was used instead of the tag
- Adding/removing tag from local branch did not properly update local/remote state (orange vs. black nodes)
- Rebasing state: "done" labels might be in wrong order
- Repository state banner text could get focus with blinking caret, e.g. after having clicked (Rebase) Continue
- Internal error trying to open bare repository containing .git admin directory
- Window | Files tried to focus Directories view, even if hidden
- Pull: possible internal error if repository config could not be read
- Refresh: - reduced short-term memory usage
- Stash on Demand: asked to stash untracked files even if option to stash untracked files was unselected

- Cherry Picking a not yet pushed commit (= a commit without a revision) fails with "Aborting commit due to empty commit message "forgot" https credentials

- Possible internal error expanding a tree control

SmartGit 19.1.1
Fixed Bugs:
- Commit, Discard: invoking Compare for renamed file does not show source file, but only empty file

- Integrate did not honor custom base (if configured)
- Start Hotfix fails if an unrelated version-tag is present
- Start Release may suggest invalid (already existing) release name

- Tools: tools with only ${dirSelect} did not show up in menu
- Startup: under certain conditions always asks for confirmation to send bug traces

SmartGit 19.1.0
- GitLab: Open-link did not work for repositories in subgroups

- Cloning created 2 smartgit-*.tmp files in repository
- Duplicate tooltip in the status bar while cloning

- Docking: unmaximizing a view with double click could close another view
- If its (X) button was positioned at the same location

SmartGit 18.2.9
Fixed Bugs:
- Git-Flow, Finish Hotfix: when using external Git-Flow no "version tag" is created
- Support for new BitBucket API

SmartGit 18.2.8

New Features, Improvements:
- SSH: support user names wrapped in single-quotes, e.g. ssh://'foo@bar'@server:1234/path

Fixed Bugs:
- Linux launcher: only enforce GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus if it was set to xim
- macOS: an update of the installation bundle caused a directory to remain

Other Noteworthy Changes:
- increased version of bundled Git to 2.21.0

SmartGit 18.2.7

New Features, Improvements:
- Log: improved error message for "Inconsistency between (cached) commit data detected"
- https: added low-level property connection.https.trustedFingerprints to work around certificate problems with self-signed certificates and proxies
- SSH: authentication-related errors are reported now on re-occurring credentials dialog

Fixed Bugs:
- Refresh: false-positive "repository has an error-prone admin area configuration" message for submodules in worktrees
- setting smartgit.log.hostingProviderIntegrationEnabled=true should not disable Distributed Review add-on

- Repositories: opening a repository opened already in another window (working tree or log) causes internal error if renamed or deleted on disk (missing repository)
- Repository Settings on missing repository might cause internal error

Working Tree:
- Merge and other commands with embedded log: branch selection dialog should not hide remote, tracked branches

- Check for New Version: broken if "Automatically download and install updates" has been selected in the preferences
- Docking: maximizing and restoring one view by double clicking its title restores the wrong (too old) size

SmartGit 18.2.6

New Features, Improvements:
- Fetch (background): continues with next submodules if one failed
- Git-Flow: added low-level property gitflow.integrate.shortMergeMessage
- Journal: added low-level property journal.defaultAuxiliaryRef

- Repositories: disallow to delete submodules

Fixed Bugs:
- Commit: error "Cannot read file .../.gitbugtraq" if content is invalid

- Details: unexpected ID detection inside words
- Distributed Reviews: trying to reveal comment failed with "Comment ... could not be revealed"
- File log: Window | Repositories caused internal error
- mergable coloring used hard-to-see color for anchor in dark theme

- possible internal error have a large amount of renamed files
- low-level property "log.wt.refreshOpenButUnselectedModels did not work on nested roots

Working Tree:
- Show Changes: Compare with Each Other did not work for files from different repositories
- delete on submodule did not work anymore
- startup: command line parameter "--investigate" was broken
- unmodified SVN submodules in non-SVN parent repositories showed up if "Show Unchanged Files" was unselected
- JIRA/Bitbucket Server/GitLab: problems when trying to access servers which only support a limited set of ciphers (elliptic curves); installation upgrade is required!
- Windows bundles: fixed outdated readme.txt

SmartGit 18.2.5

New Features, Improvements:
- Gerrit added low-level property gerrit.checkCommitMsgHookContent to avoid false-positive Gerrit detection

- Branches, Checkout added low-level property log.checkout.forceSelectionOfBranchAnchor
- Linux startup script easier switching back to GTK2

Fixed Bugs:
- Commit Amend-option was disabled for merge

- Commits view revealing HEAD should always reveal HEAD and not stay at working tree node (e.g. double-clicking from Journal)

- log.wt.refreshOpenButUnselectedModels broke refresh of commits breaks in case of invalid Bisect configuration (missing "start" branch)

- Customize Accelerators dialog internal error if a filtered-out accelerator is cleared by setting another Compare/Merge, Apply Selection possible internal error if all was selected

SmartGit 18.2.4

New Features, Improvements:
- Details view: added low-level property
- Log.details.onlyShowActualCommitRefsWhenFiltered

- Support for Mercurial 4.8.*

Fixed Bugs:
Commits view:
- Reordering commits did not preserve selection
- Rebase/cherry-pick by drag & drop was broken
- When filtering, "actually on commit"-marker for refs (brighter box) was not properly evaluated

Branches view:
- Reveal after Checkout did not work for behind branch with
- "Just Checkout" option
- Checking out a branch should not reset a manually changed
- Selection
External tools: incorrect parameter "--defaultsVersion" (instead Of "--version") for "Show Git Version" tool (regression)
- Working Tree Window, Files view context menu: LFS submenu might
- Have been empty (if LFS was not yet installed)
- MacOS: warning about default osxkeychain credential helper

- Possible performance problems with many draft commits in a Repository with many merges
- Startup: possible internal error when specifying invalid value for
- Low-level property ui.verboseDate.weekdayFormat

- Changes view: scrolling with mouse-wheel over connector selected
- Next tab (if there were multiple tabs)
- Customize accelerators: did not warn about duplicate accelerators
- If the commands where invisible because of filtering

SmartGit 18.2.3

New Features, Improvements:
- Added low-level property log.dragAndDrop.offerAdvancedOperationsForDropsOntoAncestors to allow drag and drop for advanced rebase and cherry-pick operations
- Open File Log reuses Branches view selection from repository log

Repositories view:
- Select the current repository only if another repository or group was selected before (but, e.g., no subdirectory)

Fixed Bugs:
- Compare, Apply Selection: internal error applying change from an inserted block

- Git-Flow Light: for various command dialogs "Fetch" options were disabled
- Pull: "Update existing and fetch new tags" did not work for Git >= 2.20
- Refresh: obsolete modified working tree overlaps new commit for a short time, then vanishes

Working Tree window:
- Changes were not reported gradually anymore

- Several views: tab order cycled between table and search input field
- Find Command, Find Object: shortcuts were swapped

SmartGit 18.2.2

New Features:
- Repositories: added low-level property log.wt.refreshOpenButUnselectedModels
- To update the repository state of open, but not currently
- Selected repositories
- Pull with rebase, merge commit: added low-level property
- Pull.rebase.mergeCommit.mergeOrRebase to avoid merge-or-rebase dialog

Fixed Bugs:
- Index content might not have been displayed if file was
- Case-changed in working tree
- Staging hunk for case-changed file did not work

- Filter broke after changing low-level property
- Log.graph.graphicalFiltering in the preferences
- Switching branches lost Working Tree/Index selection
- File/Subdir log did not remember layout
- Repositories: state got lost when opening multiple repositories
- At once and having "Show Working Tree & Index Permanently"
- Selected
- File Compare: forgot about BOM

SmartGit 18.2.1

- Added low-level property log.graph.workingTreeAutoSelectionForConflicts to disable auto-selection of the working tree node if conflicts were detected

- Added low-level property ui.fonts.useDefaultAsInfo to make the info font the same as the default font (instead of a tinier, derived one)

Fixed Bugs:
- Clone listed only own repositories, but should have listed all with read-access ("member" role)
- GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket integration: internal error trying to merge on server
- Log - resettings filter should not auto-select Working Tree or Index node
- Repositories - could not invoke Pull/Push commands on group

- Proxy port was not remembered after switching off the proxy temporarily

- Some special SSH server setups caused an error "ClassNotFound:
- Org.ietf.jgss.GSSException" to be raised => these users should force an installation update from the About dialog using the button right beside the version text field

- Update check: multiple "The upgrade to version x is not covered by your license" notifications showed up

SmartGit 18.2

Fixed Bugs:
- Branches view: Ctrl+C did not copy ref name
- Changes view (Windows): old file content does not show up for case-changed files
- Push to Gerrit: should be available in case of multiple Gerrit remotes (if sill unique)

SmartGit 18.1.5

New Features and improvements:
- Push to Gerrit: if topic is entered, add topic to master-option, like "refs/for/master%topic=topic"

Fixed Bugs:
- Gitignore/Git-config editor: is bright even with dark theme
- Find Objects: possible internal error when entering a long search string
- Refresh/Log: rename detection limit should be 50% by default (as for Git)

- internal error if no Git executable is configured
- startup: possible internal error related to a bad settings.xml

SmartGit 18.1.4
- Change log not available for this version

SmartGit 18.1.3

Git (Log):
- Refresh: improved error message in case of bad stash-reflogs revealing a ref in an existing, filtered log window now resets the filter Updated bundled Git to version 2.17.1 (macOS, Windows; needs new installation or manual triggering of a genuine update in the About dialog)
- Bitbucket integration: improved error reporting
- Output dialog: remembers size (and location)
- Some hosting providers: added low-level property "json.enableGzip" to enable GZIP compression
- Setup wizard: added option to use (in the preferences, it was moved from the Commands > Log page to the Privacy page)

Fixed Bugs (Git):
- Commit Message view: entered message was not stored in the history
- Ignore: internal error trying to ignore directory with certain special characters like '[' in its name
- Local | Rename: allowed to rename the . directory

- internal error switching back from "Varying Coloring" to "Root Coloring" toggling individual pull requests did not work
- Log/Journal: - right-clicking an unselected commit showed commands for previously selected commit (Linux, macOS)
- Refresh: possible error for files with name "aux" (Windows)
- Stash Selection: failed with quotes in the message
- Bitbucket integration: problems parsing multiple reviewers
- GitHub integration (main window): certain errors were not reported
- GitLab integration: API version v3 is not supported any more

- recurring error "The fingerprint of the SSH server has changed"
- an invalid .ssh/known_hosts file might show a lot of notifications about the failed read
- Tools: internal error invoking tool on repository located on drive root (Windows)
- Upgrade (Windows): possible "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" error

SmartGit 18.1.2

New Features and improvements:
- Log: re-introduced former "varying" coloring
- added low-level property compare.gitCompatibleBinaryDetection

Fixed Bugs:
- interactive rebased timed out after 2min (Windows)

- possible "Node ... not found" error when opening repository
- right-clicking loses selection if scrolled down
- Rebase Head To: "Can't rebase HEAD to HEAD or an anchestor commit" error if
- HEAD is hidden

- Conflict Solver: did not open for graft-conflicts
- Log: internal error when opening in Rebasing state
- SSH: certain problems with private key authentication (depending on files
- parallel to the provided private key file)

Linux bundle:
- added work-around for reg-ex related Java crashes caused by syntax
- highlighting code
- DEB bundle did not start on Ubuntu 18.04

SmartGit 18.1.1

New features and improvements:
- Git-Flow: if the low-level property gitflow.requireCleanWorktreeOnStart is set to true, starting a feature or hotfix with local changes will abort
- Log: if low-level property log.graph.displayCommitDateForAuthor is set to true, it will show the author, but the commit (instead of the author) date
- Output: if low-level property output.showOnlyIfViewInvisible is set to false, the Output dialog is shown independent of the Output view's visibility

Fixed Bugs:
- Blame: memory leak
- Edit Last Commit Message: internal error when in bisecting mode
- Journal, Move & Squash: when dragging onto first pushed commit, no "already pushed" warning was displayed memory leak when switching between repositories frequently quotes around filter definitions, e.g. git-crypt, caused errors starting these commands possible error "Raw log messge does not parse as log entry"
- Refresh: internal error when opening repositories with core.worktree set

- Refresh: possible hang related to conflicts
- Compare: Ignore Whitespace should not display completely unchanged blocks as changed

SmartGit 18.1.0

- Possible internal error opening log in merging or rebasing state
- Added system property smartgit.nodecache.maxCachesToKeepInMemory to limit the log caches to keep in memory

Investigate (DeepGit):
- Memory leak
- Wrong colors used for system-independent light theme
- Various commands with dialog-based Log (Checkout, Merge, ...): graph filter options missing in File input field's drop-down menu

SmartGit 17.1.6 Build 11221

New features and improvements:
- Log, Tools menu: allow tools that operate on the repository using ${repositoryRootPath}

Fixed bugs:
- Git-Flow: when merging, stop processing if merge aborts due to file permission problems
- Refresh: possible internal error for special characters in file name and wrong system charset
- Stash Selection: contained redundant "--" when invoking "git stash push"

SmartGit 17.1.5 Build 11217

New features and improvements:
- built-in SSH client: support for diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256

Fixed Bugs:
- Git:
  - Log:
    - Compare:
      - Linux/GTK2: possible internal error painting comments
      - too large font was used for comments
- SVN: changing URL did not work reliable - disabled
- Bitbucket: possible 401 authentication failures after redoing OAuth
  authentication while SmartGit is running

SmartGit 17.1.4 Build 11213

External Diff tools:
- set system property "" to true to apply
- filter..smudge
- System property "smartgit.executable.home" supports $USERPROFILE on Windows
- support for Git 2.16's SSH client detection ("The SSH server '-G' could not be found")

Fixed Bugs:
- after a fresh setup, "Mark as Favorite" notification comes up again every couple of seconds when dismissing with red x
- Changes view, Index Editor: staging LF-only files converted it to CRLF in Index
- Investigate: Open Log may result in internal error if Blame was not yet initialized

- Branches: toggling single branch in unselected category may add additional 2nd-level branch to selection
- Changes: Compact Changes option did not work (regression)
- Refresh: internal error related to renamed files

User interface:
- Preferences, Text Editor colors: ruler colors were not applied/stored
- OS X: possible internal error related to connecting/disconnecting monitors update check: did remind user to enable update check while it was disabled by system property

SmartGit 17.1.3 Build 11198

New Features, Improvements:
- Log: the count of the loaded commits is now hidden by default (set smartgit.log.commits.showLoadedCount to true to show it)
- JIRA integration: option smartgit.jira.fixResolutionId to specify the issue resolution ID that should be used to mark issues as resolved
- Set smartgit.updateCheck.checkForLatestBuildVisible to false to hide Help | Check for Latest Build
- Investigate: don't require DeepGit license for licensed SmartGit users

Fixed Bugs:

- Merge, Abort and others: could not be invoked if .gitmodules was in conflicting state

- Include with relative path like ../.gitconfig did not work in .git/config
- Wrong display after creating orphan branch
- Review comments: not able to add first comment to file

Skype 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Chat Makeover, Reply Edition! Skype's message replies just got a snazzy update. Spot replies with ease, bask in theme-synced elegance, and enjoy a design that's accessible yet chic. It's not just a reply; it's a conversation enhancer!
- Tidy Chats, Trimmed Replies! Skype now smartly shortens long replies to three lines, making chats neater. Click to expand, and never lose context in your conversations. It's concise, clear, and clutter-free!
- Bug fixes and stability improvements. We've swept out some pesky bugs and enhanced performance to keep your experience smooth. Just another productive day!

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Enhanced Bing messages across platforms: Tap or click numbered references within Bing chat for detailed attributions, providing a more insightful and engaging conversation experience.
- Skype Number banner: Enjoy the convenience of a second line for calls and texts, offering you more flexibility in your communication
- Sign-in screen refresh: A modern touch to your sign-in screens, improving the experience when you log into your existing Skype account, across all Platforms. For an added touch of convenience, you can also Sign in with a QR code.
- Bug fixes and stability improvements. Got rid of some bugs, made a few tweaks. All in a day's work.

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Bug fixes and stability improvements. Got rid of some bugs, made a few tweaks. All in a day's work.

- Bug fixes and stability improvements. Got rid of some bugs, made a few tweaks. All in a day's work.

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- All the pretty colors: You can customize your theme in Skype and choose from several different colors
- The Beauty of languages: You can now use your own voice during a translated call in Skype
- Universal translator: During a Skype call, if a participant speaks different languages, Skype Translator will automatically detect the languages and translate it for you
- Bug fixes and stability improvements. Got rid of some bugs, made a few tweaks. All in a day's work

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Customize live captions & subtitles: We've added the ability to choose where the live captions & subtitles display during your group calls
- Sharing is caring: Easily share your profile in Skype for Web from the Welcome screen
- Find what you're looking for: We’ve made improvements to make search results faster and more relevant
- Bug fixes and stability improvements. We handled some bugs and made a few general improvements

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Pics or it didn't happen: We've added the ability to quote any item sent, including photos, in a chat
- Bug fixes and stability improvements. We don't like bugs either, so we got rid of some for you.

- Show the love: We've added some new Ukraine themed emoticons Ukraine heart emoticon Ukraine handshake emoticon Ukraine pray emoticon
- Never mind: If you change your mind while creating a new Meet Now meeting, select Leave to cancel the meeting
- Bug fixes and stability improvements. We found some bugs under the rug, so we swept them out for you.

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Keep out the riffraff: Prohibit guest users from joining your group. Learn how to manage group chat settings in Skype on desktop
- Share the credit: You can send your own Skype Credit as a gift to a Skype contact. Learn how to give Skype Credit as a gift
- Get ready to meet in style: Starting or joining a Meet Now call? The Meet Now lobby got some updates and looks better than ever. Learn more about Meet Now in Skype
- What’s that? Want to know what's new while using Skype? You'll find a red dot on a menu when we add or update features. We’ve also added a “New” In Skype, a red label with the text "New" label next to new features. After you open and close the menu, the labels will go away
- Bug fixes and stability improvements. We squashed some bugs for you

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Blur the lines: Don't bother to tidy up before your Skype on the Web video call; just turn on background blur (because you can do that now). Learn more about customizing your background in Skype.
- Fresh new threads: We've made some changes to modernize Skype's look, but don't worry, everything is still where you left it.
- Foxy: We've added support for Mozilla Firefox, so you can use Skype on the web on virtually any browser. Learn more about Skype browser compatibility.
- Put a pin in that: Keep losing track of someone in a large call? We've now made it so you can pin participants to the active call stage, so you always know right were they are. Learn more about what you can do in a Skype call.
- Meet, meet, meet: We've made some improvements to the Meet Now flow. Learn more about Meet Now in Skype.
- Bug fixes and stability improvements. We've used loud noises to scare off some bugs, then battened down the hatches a bit to make everything just a little more solid.

- Change log not available for this version

- Robot dancing: Want to keep up on what's new in Skype, right in Skype? We've added a robot friend to help you out there. Learn more about Skype bots.
- Keeping out the riff-raff: You can lock your Meet Now meetings to make sure only the right people are there. Learn more about Meet Now in Skype.
- Look behind you: Wish your backgrounds had a little more life? Good news, you can now add animated backgrounds in your Skype video calls. Learn more about changing your background in Skype video calls.
- Bug fixes and stability improvements. We've really cleaned up around here and sent some bugs running for the hills.

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- New design similar to one on iPhone/Android apps
- Make sure to uninstall Skype 7.x before installing Skype 8.x

Firefox Developer Edition 124.0b1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


GDevelop 5.3 Beta 190 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GDevelop 5.3 Beta 190
- Add again a button to see more templates on the build section
- Display promotion items on the homepage
- Show all products on mobile app stores, purchasable with GDevelop credits
- Keep original object and resource names when exporting assets

Introducing first 3D effects for layer (also called "post processing effects"):
- You can now use "Bloom" and "Color adjustment" effects for 3D layers
- A lower quality anti-aliasing is now used when post-processing is enabled (SMAA instead of MSAA)
- Upgrade internal 3D rendering engine to Three.js r160

- Fix platformer character position when its height changes
- Fix auto scroll to action/condition item when editing an action or condition
- Fix a crash that sometimes happens when several sounds are played at the same time
- Fix conflict between opening and previewing a private game template from the store section
- Fix parameters drop-down list for properties of type choices
- Fix visibility of hidden extension functions starting with an object parameter from within the extension

- [Third person camera] Add a smooth camera behavior
- [3D Tween] Deprecate tween actions that are now in the built-in Tween behavior
- [Health, Fire bullet, Smooth camera] Move some properties in the advanced section
- [FlexBox] Downgrade FlexBox to community tier because of a memory leak

GDevelop 5.3 Beta 189
- Changes on 3D models and objects
- Keep 3D model origin as part of the object when used as the object origin

In case you choose "Model origin" for the "Origin point" property and the model origin is outside of the model, the model size may be smaller than in previous releases. To solve the issue you can:
- Choose one of the other options for the "Origin point" property
- Reset the "Scaling factor" to its previous value to get back the same size as before
- Modify the model to set the origin nearer to the geometry

- Also fix the scaling of flat 3D models
- Select the highest 3D objects first

Other improvements:
- Allow to set the text outline and shadow from the object editor
- Avoid the shadow to be cut out
- Fix the shadow angle action
- Collapse advanced behavior properties
- Add new preference for resource importation in the project folder (for desktop projects)
- Allow to select instances with a selection rectangle starting from within another instance holding Shift
- Add possibility to cancel edition with Piskel/Jfxr/Yarn from the editor
- Hide play tab for student profiles
- Put Instances list search bar at the same place as the other panels in Scene editor
- Improve game templates and examples display on build page
- Add autocompletion for "input type" action of text input objects
- Avoid event-functions to be selected when their menu is shown
- Avoid showing a loader on profile and user chip on subsequent loads
- Use the object name as the default new image name in Piskel
- Show installed version in the extension detail dialog

- Fix add assets button from shop being always visible
- Fix a crash when exporting assets sharing the same resources
- Fix particle emitters not deleting itself when all their particles die before being displayed
- Fix game template/example search when there are only game templates matching
- Fix a missing parameter in the sentence of the tween progress condition
- Fix version history displaying loader on locally-stored projects
- Fix action/condition selector not updating on object change
- Fix behavior function renaming
- Fix the orthographic camera zoom update and its default Z position

- [Reviewed] [Mouse pointer lock] Fix an error when used with Safari on iOS
- Avoid errors when running the "Request Pointer Lock" and "Exit pointer lock" actions in Safari on iOS
- [Community] [3D raycaster] Fix a typo in a parameter name
- [Community] [3D walk] Turn and move objects forward and sideway
- [Community] [3D collision] Check collision and distance between 3D objects
- [Community] [3D jump] Jump and fall along Z axis

GDevelop 5.3 Beta 188
- Add possibility to sign up using Google, GitHub and Apple Single Sign On (SSO)
- You can now subscribe to GDevelop plans paying with US dollars
- Users from the Euro zone will still be presented with Euro prices

Import several animations to a sprite object in one go:
- Sprite animations are automatically created when several image files are selected and they ends with an animation name and an optional frame index (most naming conversions should work).

- Allow to use orthographic camera in 3D layers. This is perfect to make "isometric 3D" games.
- Add expression to read the authenticated user unique identifier
- This is useful if you want to interface with a third party or in-house solution to store user data
- Add tween actions (position, rotation and depth) for 3D objects
- Add variables autocompletion for groups in variable fields
- Show premium game templates from the same author on a template's page
- Handle export of assets with animations sharing frames
- Avoid creating multiple canvas for ThreeJS
- Add a button to export all the objects of a scene to submit them to the asset store
- The dialog can be reached from the hidden drop-down menu of "Scene objects"
- See on the documentation how to submit a pack for the asset store

UI improvements:
- Allow confirming and canceling confirmation dialogs with keyboard shortcuts
- Display events functions of extensions in a more efficient, simple tree view
- Show a drop-down list for string with choices parameters
- Add new icon for 3D model objects
- Remove game dashboard from profile dialog as it is now accessible from the "Manage" section on the homepage
- Improve the platformer character behavior properties display
- Hide deprecated properties behind a button
- Move some properties in 2 columns
- Make the function property editor better adapt to small screen sizes
- Add pagination to asset store results

- Fix platformer characters turn back speed when the deceleration is greater than the acceleration
- Fix scale and camera zoom tweens from setting NaN when the initial value was 0
- Fix the cameras position to keep them centered on the object they follow when the game resolution is changed
- Also fix the camera position for pixel-art games when a zoom and a game resolution change is used to have big pixels
- Fix game crashing at loading when video files are missing
- Fix the indentation of extensions exported from the web-app
- Fix correctly taking folders into account when adding assets from the Home Store
- Fix crash when trying to access a child of a non existing structure child in an expression
- Fix renaming a layer with external layouts
- Instances of external layouts and of the attached scene are now all moved properly to the renamed layer
- Fix missing collision masks on new Sprite objects
- Fix legacy plans not showing in the user profile
- Also, adds back the possibility to cancel a legacy subscription
- Fix a memory leak in the 2D particle emitter
- Also, generate particle textures only once to reduce work load when garbage collecting
- Fix focus not set in deletion confirmation dialog
- Fix the 2 columns layout that may show hidden properties
- Fix a crash when displaying the contextual menu of titles in object group lists
- Fix a crash in the sprite editor of a child-object
- Fix a crash when the scale tween action is used in a 2D game
- Fix: Forbid life-cycle functions to be renamed

GDevelop 5.3 Beta 187
- To help your game gain visibility and reach an interested audience, you can promote your game on, on GDevelop social media/newsletters or even within GDevelop itself. This can be done by buying credits and then using these credits to unlock a marketing package.
- In the upcoming months, credits will also be useful to unlock services or additional features in the app

- You can now subscribe to GDevelop plans paying with US dollars
- Users from the Euro zone will still be presented with Euro prices

Import several animations to a sprite object in one go:
- Sprite animations are automatically created when several image files are selected and they ends with an animation name and an optional frame index (most naming conversions should work)

- Allow to use orthographic camera in 3D layers. This is perfect to make "isometric 3D" games.
- Add expression to read the authenticated user unique identifier
- This is useful if you want to interface with a third party or in-house solution to store user data.
- Add tween actions (position, rotation and depth) for 3D objects
- Add variables autocompletion for groups in variable fields
- Add pagination to asset store results
- Show premium game templates from the same author on a template's page
- Add a button to export all the objects of a scene to submit them to the asset store
- The dialog can be reached from the hidden drop-down menu of "Scene objects".
- See on the documentation how to submit a pack for the asset store.

UI improvements:
- Allow confirming and canceling confirmation dialogs with keyboard shortcuts
- Display events functions of extensions in a more efficient, simple tree view
- Show a drop-down list for string with choices parameters
- Add new icon for 3D model objects
- Remove game dashboard from profile dialog as it is now accessible from the "Manage" section on the homepage
- Improve the platformer character behavior properties display
- Hide deprecated properties behind a button
- Move some properties in 2 columns
- Make the function property editor better adapt to small screen sizes

- Fix platformer characters turn back speed when the deceleration is greater than the acceleration
- Fix scale and camera zoom tweens from setting NaN when the initial value was 0
- Fix the cameras position to keep them centered on the object they follow when the game resolution is changed
- Also fix the camera position for pixel-art games when a zoom and a game resolution change is used to have big pixels
- Fix game crashing at loading when video files are missing
- Fix the indentation of extensions exported from the web-app
- Fix correctly taking folders into account when adding assets from the Home Store
- Fix crash when trying to access a child of a non existing structure child in an expression
- Fix renaming a layer with external layouts
- Instances of external layouts and of the attached scene are now all moved properly to the renamed layer

GDevelop 5.3 Beta 186
Restore previous versions of your cloud projects:
- It is now possible to browse all the previous versions of your cloud projects and come back to any version you need to. Open a version, inspect any element of your project and restore it if you wish to.

Other improvements:
Objects list:
- Add an item menu to add sub-folders in object folders
- Add new objects under the selected one in the list
- Rework subscriptions display in Profile

- Prevent crash on new object dialog
- Fix changes done in an extension not applied when clicking on 'Share' immediately without a preview or navigation in the editor
- Fix parameter value choices autocompletion
- Fix prefabs thumbnails in objects list not being replaced by the "unknown placeholder" when empty

[Reviewed] [CrazyGamesSDK] Update: Add new actions:
- Display ad banner
- Display video mid-game, and rewarded video ads
- Display and generate an invite link button
- Display an Happy time
- Hide the invite button
- Hide banner(s)

GDevelop 5.3 Beta 185
- The games dashboard is now more accessible, you can open it from the app home page and the project manager
- Add actions to tween effect properties
- Use a drop-down list for object effect parameters
- Add an action to draw a torus with the shape painter object
- Improved structure and array variables completion: when a structure variable name is entered in an expression, completions will also be provided for children variables
- In extensions, the new variable syntax is now used when generating expressions and actions for properties
- The Fling Game tutorial is back in the Learn section
- Improve navigation for extensions in the documentation
- Allow to increment position of points of sprites and vertices of collision masks by 0.5 in the editor
- Allow to set 3D models dimensions with a scaling factor
- It allows to keep consistent dimensions for a set of 3D models

- Fix 3D light rotation angle calculus when Y is the top
- In order to get back the same light result as before, 27° should be subtracted to the rotation angle
- Fix suggestion to add missing object variable that is used in events
- Fix property name case in action sentences
- Fix possible crash in the New Object Dialog
- Fix empty sub-menu: add placeholder in desktop main menu when no recent project file
- Do not change homepage tab at opening if an item from the asset store is requested
- Prevent crash when receiving an unexpected response when fetching user cloud projects

GDevelop 5.3 Beta 181
- Personalized Get Started page

- A New Get Started page has been added to GDevelop
- After a few questions, it will now suggest Tutorials, Articles, Guided lessons and more, based on your usage of the platform
- Screenshot of the survey used to personalize the Get Started section

Other improvements:
- Improve resources watching performance
- Remove file watching unnecessary redefinifition when switching tabs
- Remove any .git folder from being watched (for project using versioning with git)
- Exclude project files (when configured to save scenes and events in different files) from being watched

Improve condtions/actions listing:
- Fix some objects actions and conditions not being under the right category
- Define groups for some behavior actions and conditions
- Use the description to match actions/conditions when using the search
- Move the deprecated actions and conditions to the bottom of the list

Objects list improvements:
- Remove spell check on inputs
- Unselect item when a parent is closed (and the item becomes not visible)
- Allow to remove folder with all the objects contained in it (recursively)
- Improve selected row color on all themes
- Add hover effects on rows
- Allow using resources as behavior properties

- Fix camera flickering when "pixel rounding" is enabled
- Fix the grid/mask checkbox not updated when toggled on the web-app
- Fix some memory leaks in the scene editor
- Fix a possible crash of the instance editor when updating a sprite
- Fix calling methods on Texture frame which can be null when an image is updated
- Fix a broken link in the extension list page
- Fix objects dragging preview by putting back previous behavior: only show object thumbnail and hide it when hovering the scene
- Fix dragging of objects list placeholder row crashing the objects list
- Fix a memory and CPU leak when a finished tween is replaced
- Fix crash with 'Put the object around another' action when target object was not existing
- Hide "Open Project folder" button in Resources tab when not a local projec

GDevelop 5.3 Beta 180
- Update Solarized Dark theme mosaic toolbar color
- Add 2 new shapes in the shape painter object actions
- Polygon
- Rectangle with chamfers
- Remove possibility to rename item on click a short delay after item has been selected
- Add the 3D particle emitter in the object list
- Move the Z-order action and condition to the "Layer" group
- Improve the action/condition search to give as many results as possible
- Improve descriptions for impulse and force actions of the Physics behavior
- Allow installing up to 200 assets at the same time

- [Reviewed] [3D particles]
- Fix a crash when there is no model or box in the project
- Fix wrong position of the 1st particle
- [Community] [3D raycast] Fix the camera raycast when there is no object instance

- Fix cloud projects preview not working
- Fix some memory leaks in 2D object renderers
- It should reduce a game memory use when switching scenes
- Fix "Scale Z" group in actions/conditions editor
- Fix scale actions group
- Fix a crash when only the Ease expression is used from Tween extension
- Fix videos not restarting when coming back to a scene that was unloaded
- Fix loading screen not displaying custom background
- Fix objects list search feature crashing the editor
- Fix a crash in games when objects are used after being deleted

GDevelop 5.3 Beta 179
- Update Solarized Dark theme mosaic toolbar color
- Add 2 new shapes in the shape painter object actions
- Polygon
- Rectangle with chamfers
- Remove possibility to rename item on click a short delay after item has been selected
- Add the 3D particle emitter in the object list
- Move the Z-order action and condition to the "Layer" group
- Improve the action/condition search to give as many results as possible
- Improve descriptions for impulse and force actions of the Physics behavior

- [Reviewed] [3D particles]
- Fix a crash when there is no model or box in the project
- Fix wrong position of the 1st particle
- [Community] [3D raycast] Fix the camera raycast when there is no object instance

Free packs:
- Add new animated characters into GrafxKid's Pack
- [New] 3D particles

Premium packs:
- [New] Galactic Echoes by AyItsMatt
- [New] Table Top Chess by GDevelop

- [Platformer with tilemap] Add a comment to explain camera settings for pixel art

- Fix cloud projects preview not working
- Fix some memory leaks in 2D object renderers
- It should reduce a game memory use when switching scenes
- Fix "Scale Z" group in actions/conditions editor
- Fix scale actions group
- Fix a crash when only the Ease expression is used from Tween extension
- Fix videos not restarting when coming back to a scene that was unloaded

GDevelop 5.2 Beta 176
- Animation names in a dropdown are not sorted by name anymore for consistency
- Add possibility to set Z offset when creating instances from external layout
- Allow to properly use variables/properties/parameters in brackets to access a structure variable
- This means expressions like MyStructure[SomeIndexVariable] will work properly for a structure if SomeIndexVariable is a string variable. Gdevelop now properly uses the type of the variable/property/parameter (to avoid considering what's inside the brackets as a number if it's a string). Remember to declare your variables in the variables editor so that you can use them in expressions.
- Allow to use the new variable syntax for groups
- You can write MyObjectGroup.SomeVariable in the expressions as long as all the objects of the groups have this variable declared in the objects variable editor.

Extensions, assets and examples:
- [Community] [Movement animator] Fix the animation changes with GDevelop 5.2.172+ and update examples accordingly
- [Downhill bike] Fix game reset button to avoid to reload the game more than once

- Fix a bug where mouse events where triggered on mobile, introducing unwanted interactions like vibrations
- Fix adding multiple assets after navigating into a pack folder, correctly taking the assets into account
- Fix Ctrl+Z closing project on Azerty keyboards
- Fix particle emitter rotation speed not being taken into account
- Fix completions in expressions not being case insensitive and limited for objects/variables/properties/parameters
- Fix shape painter drawing stars crashing games
- Fix usage of string properties and parameters wrongly interpreted as a number using the new simplified syntax

Developer changelog:
- Deactivate PixiJS accessibility plugin in the Editor and Runtime.
- This isn't used and adds unnecessary elements in the Dom, which can cause crashes of the editor when Pixi tries to manipulate them.

GDevelop 5.2 Beta 175
Classrooms team view:
Administrators with an education plan can now have a view of their team and its groups (classrooms):
- They can move students in different teams, for organisation purpose
- The admin can also open the project of their students, in read-only, to check their progress and help them

The variables editor has been reworked so that it's more performant and comfortable to use:
- The editor is now way faster to open when lots of variables are present. It's also way faster when editing and when lots of variables are present.
- Variable names that have forbidden characters are automatically fixed, not breaking your workflow
- Allow editing text variables in a separate window (more comfortable and faster)

Add missing text parameter types for event-based extensions:
- Replace "effect parameter" with "effect property" in the UI and documentation
- Inline property fields for effect name and property

- Add an expression, a condition and an action for objects center on Z axis
- Upgrade games 2D rendering engine (PixiJS) to version 7.3.0. This opens the path to multiple performance improvements (faster WebGL rendering, and then WebGPU rendering) as well as optimised resources loading in the future.
- Allow sprite animations to play backward with a negative speed scale
- Improve documentation in the wiki of expressions
- The editor now remembers collapsed state of object behaviors configuration panels
- Improvement for mobile and small screens: the navigation bar of the homepage is now displayed at the bottom.
- Display a message if a subscription is valid but will expire in the future
- The Debugger is now more resilient to errors
- Deprecate "Always" condition, which was considered misleading
- Improve autocomplete options height on mobile

- [Curved movement] Add a condition to check the number of loop
- [Platformer character animator] Handle 3D models
- [Button states and effects] New behaviors added that change the way a button looks based on the state of the button
- [Object Picking Tools] Add actions and conditions to pick objects with the highest or lowest value of an object variable
- [Values of multiple objects] Updated to include min/max z-order
- [Object Spawner] Updated to include a property for capacity
- [Marching squares] Fix the mode that only draws the visible part for portrait screens
- [3D object shake] Unify the behaviors for 3D models and 3D boxes and allow the shake to start automatically
- [Mouse pointer lock] Add handling of touches
- [Recolorizer] Avoid to process transparent pixels
- [ArrayTools] Update extension to v2
- Use scene variable parameters instead of string parameters (allows using nested arrays)
- Add actions/conditions for Global and Object variables
- Multiple UX/UI improvements (icon, categories, wordings)
- [InAppPurchase] Upgrade in-app-purchase version to use cordova-plugin-purchase:13.8.0, which uses Google Play Billing v5
- [FaceForward] Update to allow an angle offset (for images that don't face right)

- New extension: SecretCode - An extension to trigger a condition when a sequence of keys have been pressed
- New Extension: Maze Generator

[WithThreeJs] Upgrade to 1.0.0:
- Supports built-in 3D
- Add support for lighting
- Support PixiJS v7.3.0

- [3D particle emitter] Handle layers and fix the size of particles that were 3 times too small
- [Top-down movement animator] Change the animation according to the top-down movement direction
- Misc. fixes to the submission pipeline
- Allow creating a new extension submission from a GitHub issue even when some quality checks fail
- New extension: GamePix SDK

- 5 3D packs from Quaternius (Ships, Classical Buildings, Sushi Restaurant, Space Station, Animated Robots)
- 3D City Kit (Roads)
- Tileable Ground Textures
- Objects have been simplified in the pack "Rolling Ball Pack"

Premium packs:
- Add 11 premium volumes of audio and sound effects
- Add a bundle: Bestiary Bundle
- Add Dungeon Castle Mighty Bundle, Dungeon Castle Cave and Castle Dungeon Stone & Plank
- Add City Tileset
- Add Puppet Farmer

- [Button effects] Show new behaviors to make juicy buttons with animated responses to user input
- [Object Spawner] Learn how to use the Object Spawner extension to spawn waves of enemies in stages in this new example
- [InAppPurchase] Update InAppPurchase example with latest extension version

GDevelop 5.2 Beta 172
- Reduce "layout shifts" in Events Sheet when adding events or modifying them
- Browsing the events sheet and editing events should be a bit more comfortable now

- Fix link in disabled events still processed internally
- This could generate infinite loop crashs even when a link is included as
- a sub event of a disabled event.
- Fix missing effect tab on some objects
- Fix a performance regression on scenes with a lot of sprites
- Fix scene editor window rectangle color

GDevelop 5.2 Beta 170
Improvements for 3D:
- When resizing a 3D object with Shift pressed (or when resizing multiple objects), the depth of the object is also scaled proportionally This will make the authoring of 3D levels easier.
- Add a default 3D light on any new layer (this won't affect performance for 2D games)

UX improvements:
- At project opening, reopen the tabs that were opened when it was closed
- The editor will now automatically fix object, group, function, behavior, or property names when an incorrect one is entered - instead of displaying an error message and losing the name that was entered. Same for scenes, external events, external layouts and extension names in the project manager
- This is easier to understand and avoids breaking the creative workflow (for example: if you enter a space, it will be automatically removed without asking you to rewrite the entire name)
- Improve asset store with asset pack search, filters and navigation
- Simplify the context menus in the Events Sheet. Also display shortcuts for the most used commands, both in the menus and in the toolbar
- Simplify confirmation of deletion of leaderboards by asking to type "delete" instead of the full leaderboard name
- Filter autocompleted tags according to community visibility setting. This avoids to show tags that gives no results
- Allow JavaScript extensions to use resource parameters
- Deprecate actions that uses an expression for resources (instead, a field will be shown to select a resource, like in an object)
- Move some Tween actions in "Size" and "Visibility" groups
- Improved autocompletions of behavior functions on object in expressions: the behavior icon is now shown

- [Sticker] Allow to destroy stuck objects with their parent
- [Screen wrap] Fix physics version that had copy/paste errors from non-physics version
- [Flash] Removed deprecated lifecycle function
- [Object Slicer] Fix bug in parameter name for condition to delete object
- [Flash object] Add ability to flash color tint, object effect, and opacity (fade)
- Added FlashColor, FlashEffect, and FlashOpacity behaviors
- When "Flash object" action is used during a pre-existing flash, simply extend the duration of the flashing. Previously, it always performed "hide object", potentially causing the object to be hidden too much.
- [Rectangle Movement] Update: Add option to select the position on the border (inside, center, outside)

- [Advanced HTTP] A new extension for creating advanced HTTP requests, with FormData/JSON requests, Custom Headers, CORS Bypass, advanced response handling, and more!
- [3D particle emitter] This add a new object that display a large number of particles to create visual effects in 3D

- Add a new premium 3D pack: KayKit Dungeon Remastered by Kay Lousberg
- Add Mega Bundle By Reactocore
- Add a panel sprite object in the free Western RPG pack

- [3D Lane Runner] Add leaderboards
- [3D Car Coin Hunt] Add leaderboards
- [Object Slicer] Fix a bug in parameter name in the condition to delete an object
- [Load Testing] Add ability to drag red hero and to change scenes repeatedly
- [Flash Object] Learn how to use the "Flash object" extension

- Fix project file name when creating a new project
- Fix effects on oobjects composing custom objects that weren't displayed at runtime
- Fix 3D filters making 2D games crash
- Fix actions disappearing when wrongly translated with the same name in a non english language translation
- Fix "Share your extension" not redirecting to the proper page on the documentation
- Fix unused resources clean up to keep resources used in effects
- Fix missing tags for installed extensions in the behavior list
- Fix layers deletion when instances are in several external layouts
- Fix the "Select instances on scene" menu action in external layouts
- Fix the information icon color in the new behavior dialog
- Show warning and revert to automatic collision mask if deleting the last frame of a sprite object
- No longer automatically fill the behavior parameter from "activate behavior" actions when there are multiple choices

GDevelop 5.2 Beta 169
- Prevent saving in the same folder as GDevelop's executable
- Some users have mentioned their project disappear after a GDevelop's update. This is a safe-guard to avoid projects from being saved in the executable folder, as it gets deleted on every update.
- Rework the asset store to show bundles and owned packs first
- Also slightly improve the size of dialogs on large screens

- Fix multiple flaws in collision masks & points management:
- Adding a new sprite in a new animation will now correctly copy points and collision masks defined in others if "sharing with all animations" is toggled
- Automatic collision mask will now be automatically applied when adding multiple sprites, or when editing with piskel
- Collision mask will be applied correctly for new sprites, when the default (full image mask) is set
- Fix a bug where renaming project elements wouldn't work when an action is using the default layer


[FPS] Update: Provide more accurate values for frames per second
Improved FPS accuracy by using a sliding window
[Community][CheatCode] A condition to check if a specific cheat code was entered

- Add a new pack: Bloody Babe Character by Barely Apes
- Add two free packs by Reactorcore!
- RC Art - Water Aqua System
- RC Art - Muzzle Effects
- Add a lot of premium packs by Reactorcore!
- Base Modules
- Big Weaponry
- Core Machines
- Fire Smoke Animations
- Foxwing Starfighter
- Gore Blood Gibs
- Reactorcore Lamps
- Melee Bludgeon
- Motocross Bike
- Nature Aquatic
- Nature Surface
- Orbital Cannon
- Plasma Electric Animations
- Ragdoll Human
- Rocket Thruster Animations
- Rough Props
- Smooth Civilian Vehicles
- Smooth Physics Props
- Turbojet Fighter
- Vehicles Aerial
- Vehicle Dropship
- Vehicles Ground
- Vehicle Tank

- [load-testing] New example: Test how GDevelop performs under load
- Create thousands of objects to see how they impact the performance of the game

GDevelop 5.2 Beta 168
- Show extensions from the store at the end of the behavior list, with information about their authors
- Separate 2D and 3D effects in 2 lists
- Improve leaderboard score handling
- Leaderboards will now display the score of the player, if a score was just sent before displaying the leaderboard
- If the score is being sent, the leaderboard will wait for it to be sent before showing the leaderboard
- Important change: a player name can now be empty when a score is sent. In this case, the leaderboard will auto-generate a name.
- Leaderboard administration was improved to allow to customise the prefix used to generate automatically player names (when no name is entered by the player). You can also now choose to disallow any custom player name to prevent abuse (in this case, all non-connected player names will be auto-generated)
- Allow to use custom CSS to fully customize the leaderboard - only for business users (reach out if you need this). Play with it here.
- Add possibility to insert a function parameter when editing an extension's function
- Enable search and replace in For each object events and Javascript events

- [Curved Movement] The extension is now reviewed!
- Fix the action to append paths
- Add an action to duplicate a path.
- Add expressions for the origin position of a speed-based movement
- [Object stack] Add quality of life features
- Add an action to check an object at an exact height
- Add an action to insert the content of a stack into another stack
- Add an operator to the stack height condition

- Fix automatic collision mask not working when adding a new sprite
- Fix options in Points Editor disappearing when automatic collision mask is activated
- Fix Safari not being able to open .glb files on iPad/iPhone
- Fix: Avoid purchasing twice the same asset pack
- Fix keyboard undesired openings on mobile
- Prevent installing too many assets at a time
- Installing more than 100 assets from a pack can cause failures on some low connections

GDevelop 5.2 Beta 167
- Improved scene editor on mobile
- Automatic collision mask

- New extension: Share extension

- New premium asset packs
- New free asset packs

Bug fixes
- Fix the editor hanging when opening a scene with hundreds of instances of 3D model objects
- Fix SetPosition action that was missing parenthesis creating math errors
- Fix autofocus of searchbar on tablets in landscape
- Fix images selectors not updating on Box 3D editor after an image has been created with Piskel

GDevelop 5.2 Beta 166
- Enable the 3D editor by default for every user
- 3D models are coming to the asset store, the technical details have been prepared in this release

Improvements for guided lessons:
- Improved tooltip placement on mobile
- Fix a step (Z order change) sometimes being blocked

- Suggest the authenticated user's username by default in inputs showing usernames
- Display more information when a missing action/condition is found in the events sheet

- Remove 3D animation name errors when they are moved
- Fix creating project from example not using the example screen properties
- Fix scroll on autocompletion displayer on mobile
- Fix out-of-limits dragging of animation in sprite editor
- Fix animation name duplicated errors to not use a popup but to display directly on the concerned field

GDevelop 5.2 Beta 165
- Use the project name when creating a new project file stored locally on the desktop app
- Automatically set a default operator when adding a new condition or action
- Start over from the suffix number when generating a new name

- Fix users autocomplete dropdown taking all the available space
- Fix markdown tables rendering (for extension description for instance)
- Fix initializing received assets correctly when user is not authenticated
- Asset pack web links were not working because of this
- Fix default depth of 3D object on scene being correctly initialised
- Fix showing cancel subscription button for legacy plans
- Fix dialogue tree loading from scene variable action sentence
- Fix some extension descriptions in the wiki not having properly formatted lists
- Update new forum URL
- Fix sprite images selection when opening up the options menu
- Fix an issue where opening the options menu of a sprite of a non-selected image would not take it into account for the actions.
- A fix has been made regarding some weird behavior around the "Custom size" checkbox in instance properties

GDevelop 5.1 Beta 164
3D handling improvements and fixes:
- Display a magenta box when no model is specified for a 3D model object
- Add missing default names for the new 3D objects
- Use instance default size as default custom size

- Fix the "Debug draw" action in games with 3D
- Fix inspector not working on 3D objects with Z = 0
- Fix Z position tween not working on 3D model objects
- Fix broken icon for 3D model resource in the resources tab of the project
- Fix a wrong, random color (usually pink) used on semi-transparent 2D sprites when rendered on top of 3D objects. The scene background color is now used.
- Fix default value for the "3D world top" property of directional lights
- Fix 3D model object not showing in preview when working on the web or mobile app

Other improvements:
- Show a QR code when doing a network preview to make it easy to open it on a mobile phone
- Add a warning when a function only call itself (to prevent mistake creating infinite loops)
- Force the expression mode for parameter fields within an extension
- Prevent creating a global group with the same name as a scene group and vice versa
- Improve the UX when editing a build name in a game's builds list
- Make more visible the actions and condition to Save and Load the of a game
- Replace the actions and conditions "Write a value" by "Save a value", and "Read a value" by "Load a value".
- Make sure dialogs are displayed full screen on landscape-oriented mobiles to prevent losing space
- Use the native selector to select an object on mobile
- This should fix issues happening on mobile where the keyboard unnecessarily opens when one wants to select an object from the parameter of an event

- Fix object group duplication crashing the app
- Fix outline style when drawing a path with the shape painter
- Fix default game URL on creating confusing errors when not long enough

GDevelop 5.1 Beta 162
Efficiency and UX improvements:
- Allow to copy and paste effects from one object (or layer) to another object (or layer)
- Allow to copy and paste behaviors from one object to another
- Allow drag and drop or copy and paste of properties in the extension editor
- Rework multiple fields to allow a quick selection (external layouts, animations, effects and effect parameters)
- Show invalid resources errors in the event sheet
- Add possibility to close preview window with Cmd/Ctrl + W
- Allow to lock layers in the editor

New actions, conditions and expressions:
- Add an action to focus a text input object
- Useful to let the player type something without having them manually clicking/touching the input on the screen
- Add support for mouse "Forward" and "Back" buttons
- Add 2 expressions for the Tiled Sprite to get X & Y offset of the displayed image

Improvements for extensions:
- Add a button to report extension issues
- Allow event extensions to declare variable parameters
- Add a special object parameter to handle object creation in extensions
- It allows extension users to apply actions to the created objects

Other improvements:
- Add some tooltips in the Events Sheet
- Update to the new forum URL in some part of the interface
- Add possibility to open events context menu on iOS devices
- Improve command palette on mobile
- Add text field to search in documentation on home page learn section
- In the collision mask and points editors, press space to grab the whole canvas and pan around.
- It also fixes the Physics2 polygon editor that wasn't refreshed when dragging a vertex.
- Allow deleting your account from the profile, if you want to leave the GDevelop community forever (this can't be undone).
- Set collision mask zoom bounds relatively to the default zoom
- Improve errors when registering game with translations
- Check other scenes for conflicts when creating or manipulating global objects and groups
- Allow to open or download resources of a cloud project from the Resources tab of a project

- Fix the tile map scale action
- Operators +=, -=, *= and /= were making previews crash
- Fix TextInput having extra margins on iOS
- Fix generated .exe not working if the project name contains special characters
- Fix collision mask editor image border size
- Fix long touch not working on the project list on iOS
- Prevent loss of focus when editing the value of an object variable in the instance properties panel
- Correctly detect project manager open to fix some stall guided lessons
- Fix editor crashing when deleting an object or a layer for which an instance was selected
- Fix layers being locked off when adding a new one
- Fix 3D objects being cut off around Z = 0

GDevelop 5.1 Beta 160
- Customize your profile so that it's really yours
- Community links can now be entered (Twitter, Reddit, Discord, etc...)
- Those links will be displayed on your GDevelop profile as well as your profile page!

New features:
- The command palette now returns documentation from the wiki for an easy search into key concepts
- Try this out with Ctrl+P (or Cmd+P)!
- Two new guided lessons are available. One will familiarize you with timers, the other with the Joystick prefab.
- Guided lessons have also been adapted so that they can be completed on mobile.
- Allow setting anti-aliasing on shape drawer
- defaulted to "none", it allows 3 anti-aliasing options, from "low" to "high" increasing quality of the drawings

Improve various aspects of the Firebase extension:
Update Firebase SDK to v8.10.0:
- Fix small firebase usability issues
- Fix tracer stopping
- Fix a crash when using tracers
- Add password reset action to authentication

UX Improvements:
- When using an action/condition that uses a layer or a scene in its parameters, the selection is now done via a dropdown by default, with the possibility to switch to an expression
- Make sure the editor tab is visible when a new tab is activated or opened
- Improve the UI of the alert messages so that they are more noticeable (and pretty!)

Other improvements:
- Add a property to particle emitter object to "Jump the emitter forward in time" when it's created
- This works like the action of the same name, and allow newly created particle emitters to act as if they were emitting since a bit of time - useful when starting a scene for example to avoid seeing the initial particles being emitted.
- Add a warning about installing an extension from the store if it replaces an extension manually created
- Increase allowed time to load the game in memory on Android before failing
- This should help old or constrained devices to better run large games.
- Add a new expression to get the maximum of an inventory item

Situations where cloud project are corrupt have been observed over the last weeks:
- When saving a cloud project, a sanity check is now made before the new version is uploaded This should reduce the occurrence of those corrupt projects
- Should this still occur, an interface has been added so that one can autonomously revert the project to the last sane version
- [Tilemap] Fix collision name between tilemap object and collision mask object
- Projects that use actions and conditions of the wrong object should still work. To fix the red underling of object names, actions for the right object can now be selected.
- Update properties panel after paste or duplication of instances
- Fix Fling game tutorial being properly closed and restarted on the saved step
- Fix Objects Panel button to show correct tooltip
- Fix errors not being displayed in expressions when an object or a behavior doesn't exist
- GDevelop will now warn when an object (or group of objects) written in an expression is misspelled or does not exist in the scene
- Fix the Not condition to handle its last sub condition correctly
- Fix the behavior fields crashing the app when edited inline in the Events Sheet
- Fix images of assets sometimes not appearing on Chrome
- Fix the default image name suggested to Piskel when the animation name is empty
- The resource name was given with the extension which resulted to a file names with twice the extension
- Fix: Prevent tweens from being applied when a scene is resumed
- When renaming or removing an object, only refactor associated external events
- The editor used to refactor every events that were used in the object layout even if they were associated to another layout which could result to errors
- Block auto-translate tools to avoid unfixable crashes on the web app

GDevelop 5.1 Beta 159
- New guided lessons:
- Guided lessons are now available in the app, from the Get Started or Learn screen.
- They are small lessons doable entirely within the app
- They focus on a small concept of game development, that can be grasped within 2-5 minutes.

UX Improvements:
- Automatically update events when project elements are renamed
- Project elements are: scenes, external layouts, external events, layers, layer effects, object effects, sprite animations and sprite points.
- Improve preview of dragged items
- This works for Groups & Objects, it removes the default preview when hovering the canvas to see where the item is placed
- This also allows having a preview visible on touchscreens while dragging an item with your finger
- Always scroll to the newly created items across the app
- This allows always seeing the element that was just added
- Works for Object/Group/Behavior/Effect/Animation/Function
- Rework sprites list to make button always visible and improve view on mobile
- Round dragged points and collision masks vertices of sprites
- Allow opening the properties panel directly from the canvas, with a right click on the object
- Improve Scene canvas interactions
- Increase canvas FPS to 60 when interacting
- Reduce FPS to 10 when not using the canvas
- This should make the editor feel smoother when used, as well as save battery life when not using it!
- Also detect pinch zoom for trackpads
- Keep scroll when navigating from page to page in the asset store
- Add possibility to close preview window with Cmd/Ctrl + W
- Better synchronize object groups between layout and external layout
- In the project resources tab, refresh image preview when checking or unchecking the smooth image option.
- Update wording for the "Create package for Android" button so that it is clearer
- Update P2P hints/explanations shown in the editor (Thanks @arthuro555!)
- Add a mention to THNK as a multiplayer framework to try.
- Warn user when adding an instance to a layer that is not visible
- Add possibility to select layer on which instances will be added by default
- Add color to example difficulty tag
- Allow scrolling the editor tabs horizontally with the mouse wheel

- [NavMesh path finding] Fix obstacle deletion handling
- Add a behavior to change the animation according to the movement direction
- [Top-down corner sliding] Slide on corners of rectangular obstacles
- [Pixel perfect] Fix top-down grid movement when diagonals are forbidden
- [Slider] Fix a shifting when sliders are rotated
- [Multitouch joystick] Exclude the thumb from the collision mask
- It allows to use the anchor behavior without the joystick shifting when players move the thumb.

- Add a new pack: Cyberpunk Neon World Heroes and NPC by GDevelop
- Add a new pack: Pixel Dark Fantasy Platformer Level 3 by GDevelop
- Add a new pack: Pet Cats by LuizMelo
- Add a new pack: Cyberpunk Neon World Enemies by GDevelop
- Add Fantasy Dreamland Dungeon, Desert, Forest and Winter Village by Elv
- Add Dungeon pack by Sortodedd

- [Conviction (Mobile)] Use custom objects for the joysticks and life bar
- [Goose Bomberman] Use extensions to simplify the events
- [Top-Down grid movement] Fix the character movement to avoid diagonals
- [Balloon smasher] Show how to smash balloons with touch or cursor

- Fix the tile map resource property of the collision mask object to accept tilemap resources in addition to json ones
- Fix a white flash when opening a project with a tile map
- Allow atlas images to be bigger than expected as some artists extend them to add their names. The error was aiming to help to understand that rescaled atlas will not work without changing the tiles size, but artifacts can actually help figuring this out.
- Fix a collision mask compatibility issue with a breaking change of Tiled 1.10
- [Platformer] Fix horizontal speed losses when characters land or jump from a slope
- It fixes a regression that was introduced in the 5.0.139 release.
- Fix the "pick all" and "pick a random" conditions when they are used in functions
- Fix behaviors that were staying in the list after switching of project with an extension tab opened
- Fix the touch end condition to detect a touch that ends because the device can't handle more touches
- Fix selected layer being lost when it's removed. It is now passed to the next layer.
- Fix the unsupported instructions when a function is renamed
- Extension creators no longer need to switch tabs to refresh the extension.
- Fix extension renaming
- Behaviors of the extension with the old name no longer stay in the list.
- Fix points preview to give priority to selected point when dragging a point
- Fix filters panel always opening on small screens
- Fix a confusing warning message when opening link in a markdown text (like in the changelog or in the tutorials) on mobile with unsaved changes in the project.

GDevelop 5.1 Beta 158
- A new name: is now
- We've renamed GDevelop's gaming website to Easier to remember, easier to pronounce - and as before the best place to share quickly your GDevelop game and get feedback from the community!
- Audio files now available in the asset store
- We're expanding the asset store by adding audio files to the asset packs. Some premium asset packs already include audio files that you can download if you've purchased them in the past (at no additional cost!).
- Remember that dozens of free to use sounds and musics are already accessible - the UI to browse them will be reworked to be easier to use in the future (by following the same design as the asset store).

New conditions and actions:
- Added a new action "Jump emitter forward in time"
- This is particularly useful to let emitters create lot of particles first then continue at a slower rate
- Allow to wait for Filesystem actions to finish before continuing the actions/sub-events following it
- This means the Filesystem actions can optionally be set as being "waited for", like the "Wait X seconds" action
- Rename some variables related actions and add more actions, conditions and expressions to manipulate array variables

UI improvements:
- Add tags to examples showing the "difficulty" for each of them: simple/advanced/expert
- Improve zoom on the points and collision masks editors
- Improve colors and design of the panels in the editors
- Highlight the icons of the opened editors in the toolbars
- Add shortcut (Ctrl+D or Cmd+D) to duplicate selected instance(s) on the scene editor

Improve the objects panel design:
- The "Add new object" button is more accessible, as well as search bar
- Slightly reduce font size and margins to fit more objects
- These changes are also visible on the other lists in the app (object groups, resources, behaviors and functions in extensions)
- Improve object dialog to display a warning if canceling after any change
- Change the project manager to drag'n'drop items using their icon and not their label (useful to avoid confusion and misclicks on touch screens)

Improve search accuracy in the app (instructions, examples, objects, tags):
- It now use a "tokenized search" approach to improve search with multiple words looking into multiple keys (ex: name & description)
- Display asset pack categories in asset store homepage
- Add autocompletion for repeat events
- Fix missing group icons on the conditions and actions list

Various improvements for small screens:
- Adapted title sizes
- Use the device orientation to define the scene editor layout
- Improved UI for the asset store filters

GDevelop 5.1 Beta 157
- Improve search accuracy for conditions and actions
- Search should now return elements even if words are not in the right order
- Upgrade the AdMob extension and add new ads format:
- Update the internal Google Play Services SDK version to 20.6.0.
- Add "App open" ads.
- Add "Rewarded Interstitial" ads
- Add buttons and context menu options here and there to jump to behavior events.
- Add a save icon button to the top left next to the project manager. Useful notably for touchscreen devices

A few improvements in the interface showing your subscription to GDevelop:
- Properly display the legacy subscriptions (indie and pro) in the user profile
- Show expiration date and clearer explanations when using a redemption code

New Player and Leaderboard actions and conditions:
- Add a condition to check if the player has just closed the leaderboard view
- Add an action to hide the player login banner

Events or actions/conditions are now only pasted at a single, predictable location:
- We previously allowed pasted events/actions/conditions to be inserted multiple times for each selected event, but this was more confusing than useful
- Now, the pasted elements are only pasted on the last selected event/action/condition (usually the one you just right clicked)

Optimization of the z-order action:
- Scenes with a lot of object instances should be slightly faster to load
- Games that use "Y sort" or change the Z-order of a lot of objects should run much faster
- Automatically open the file chooser when adding a sprite or choosing a resource with less clicks for Cloud projects
- Choosing a file from the device/computer is also the default choice when adding any resource, like for local projects.
- Show the number of instances on a layer in the dialog confirming its deletion
- Add a selector in external editors to choose if new files must be created, or existing files be edited
- This is useful for example if you want to create a new sound or sprite from an existing one (but leaving the original one unmodified).

Improve the display of comment and group events:
- Fix a bug that added a new line when one typed Enter key to edit a comment event
- Automatically focus the comment or group event after adding it (so that one doesn't have to click on it after adding it)
- Keep the same style when editing a group or comment event
- Submit modifications of group or comment event with Ctrl/Cmd + Enter
- Don't snap to grid when resizing an instance if Alt key is pressed
- This is similar to pressing Alt key when moving an object - it won't snap to the grid
- Hide the old, deprecated Text Entry object when creating a new object from scratch
- Instead, please use the Text Input object to display a field to let the player write something

- New extension: Object Slicer
- Useful for creating death animations such as explosions, crumbling, dissolve, or teleportation effects
- [Reviewed] [Multitouch joystick] Link the help button to the new documentation
- [Reviewed] [Stay on screen] Use the bounding box instead of the position and the dimensions
- It handles custom origin points better
- [Reviewed] [Cursor object] Remove the button behavior
- [Reviewed] [Ellipse movement] Fix default property values
- [Reviewed] [Joystick] Remove an useless behavior parameter on the angle expression and condition
- [Reviewed] [Multitouch joystick] Add choices for the joystick name
- The name can no longer be a custom value
- [Reviewed] [Button] Add an action to activate or deactivate interactions with the button
- [Reviewed] [Follow multiple objects with camera] Changed calculations to use AABB (bounding boxes)
- Changed the calculations to use the "AABB" (bounding box) instead of trying to estimate the proper width/height. This was only noticeable with very long objects, but now it works perfectly!
- Version 1.0.0 removed the "MinZoom", "Layer", and "Camera" parameters. Layer is now selected automatically based on one of the objects being followed.
- Events that were created with previous versions of this extension will continue to work without modification
- [Reviewed] New extension for multitouch joystick with a custom object
- The old m

Megacubo 17.4.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved EPG management
- Ensured that the search field is displayed when adding MAG lists
- Minor bugfixes and improvements

Backup4all 9.9 Build 853 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Backup4all 9.9 Build 853
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.9 Build 849
- New backup plugin for AnyDesk
- New backup plugin for RustDesk

- Danish language
- German language improvements

- Root folders not found on mirror backup to be removed
- Google Shared Drive was not visible in some situations
- FTP configuration section was not visible in certain cases

Backup4all 9.9 Build 846
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.8 Build 840
- Invalid backups for sources with Linux backslashes in filename
- Renaming source folders on mirror backups returned warnings when running
- Warnings after running mirror backups to Google Drive for files with split size set
- Warnings after running mirror backups to Onedrive for files with split size set
- "Open log folder" option was missing from the ribbon
- Windows 11 Canary Channel was wrongfully identified as Windows 12
- Updates for the SFTP/FTP and IMAP protocols

Backup4all 9.8 Build 826
- New backup plugin for Spotify
- New backup plugin for Studio One
- New backup plugin for Moneydance

- Updated: Ensure the Supports Virtual paths is correctly set in new backup wizard for S3 compatible destinations

- Error uploading to Google Drive root folder (when no folder was selected)
- Smart backup was aborted if symlinks were found for backups from SFTP
- Minor issue for mirror backups on Google Drive
- Cannot switch between Dropbox Personal and Business in Online Connections options

Backup4all 9.8 Build 815
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.8 Build 812
- Amazon S3 not working for any other region than Default
- Cannot add new source files/folders to existing backup job

Backup4all 9.8 Build 808
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.8 Build 805
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.8 Build 774
- Updated: Retries when uploading to OneDrive

- Files were uploaded in the root of Google Drive in some situations
- Could not restore certain backups from Google Drive
- Failure while trying to delete excluded folders
- Restoring files and folders with long paths
- Ask for backup label before execution error
- Different folder case with obfuscate resulted in warnings

Backup4all 9.8 Build 764
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.8 Build 743
- Fixed: Mirrored files were copied multiple times in some situations

Backup4all 9.8 Build 740
- Test for cloud destinations
- Backup not saved in catalog after test result with warning
- Skipping files with incomplete paths
- Enpoint was asked for when backing up to Amazon S3

Backup4all 9.8 Build 734
- Files were tested multiple times after backup
- Warnings on test after backup - for obfuscated files
- Sign only using SHA2

Backup4all 9.8 Build 729
- Cannot back up from Box
- Clean destination folder
- HTTPS use for in-place installer update

Backup4all 9.8 Build 726
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.8 Build 725
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.8 Build 721
- Cloudflare S3 compatible destination

- Catalog update for Google Drive
- Folder case on SFTP destinations
- 400 Bad Request error when backing up to Box
- Cannot back up files from .WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)

Backup4all 9.8 Build 708
- New backup plugin for Xplorer2
- New backup plugin for AIMP

- Japanese partial translation

- Job icon transparency
- IDrive S3 compatible did not work

Backup4all 9.8 Build 702
- New backup plugin for Xplorer2
- New backup plugin for AIMP

- Job icon transparency
- IDrive S3 compatible did not work

- Updated: Japanese partial translation

Backup4all 9.8 Build 699
- Failed to establish TLS connection error when sending emails via Office365
- Range check error in bTray.exe

Backup4all 9.8 Build 693
- Mirror Backup from Dropbox was backing up all files every time
- Change default selection for files not fitting on CD or DVD media
- Transparent icons for some UI elements

Backup4all 9.8 Build 682
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.8 Build 677
- Backup plugin for EventSentry Light
- Backup plugin for GoodAccess
- Backup plugin for Shield Antivirus

- Updated: Finnish translation
- Fixed: Window position on second screen
- Fixed: Date and time of restored files and folders

Backup4all 9.8 Build 656
- Fixed: Update progress in Progress View

Backup4all 9.8 Build 649
- Fixed: Display issues when using 300% font scaling

Backup4all 9.8 Build 647
- Fixed: Google authentication issues

Backup4all 9.8 Build 646
- Backup plugin for Bitrix24
- Backup plugin for TallyPrime

- Text spacing issues when 180% text size was used
- "Cannot delete folder" warning for some backup jobs with plugins
- Remove from backup catalog deleted files on blu-ray using mirror
- Skip files having paths longer than 127 chars on CD/DVD/Bluray
- Custom date filter was not working correctly in some rare situations

Backup4all 9.7 Build 624
- Outlook plugin included all files all the time
- Application was very slow at during the "updating catalog" phase

Backup4all 9.7 Build 617
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.7 Build 613
- New regions for Wasabi backup destination
- Option to permanently activate a product key

- Polish translation for the interface
- Multithreading performance for Amazon S3 and Azure online destinations

- File is not a valid boolean value error
- Application stuck during "updating catalog" phase
- Error trying to write more data than space on optical discs

Backup4all 9.6 Build 608
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.6 Build 574
- "Parent folder not found in tree" error for full backups with 1 version limit
- Backup catalog versioning not storing versions in some situations
- Multithreading status is shown in log
- False "Cannot delete folder" warning for mirror backups
- Custom number of threads option was ignored for multithreading in some situations

Backup4all 9.6 Build 556
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.5 Build 525
- Restore pst/ost files created with block backup
- Cannot back up from HiDrive

- Updated: Danish translation and strings for other languages

Backup4all 9.5 Build 520
- "List index out of bounds" error
- Thunderbird backup with warnings

Backup4all 9.5 Build 518
- Updated: Danish language
- Backup to Hidrive failed in some situations
- Restore from Hidrive
- Restore from OneDrive business
- Test/restore from LAN was not working correctly when password was used

Backup4all 9.5 Build 512
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.5 Build 510
- Fixed: Email notifications when using Gmail

Backup4all 9.5 Build 508
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.5 Build 507
- Option to increase backup speed by using multiple parallel threads
- Automatic resource allocation to improve job action speed

- Updated: Backup over 1000 files from OneDrive

- Duplicates were not allowed
- Listing files when using Google Drive as a destination
- Restorinrg from Google Drive error: Premature end of file reached
- Each Box source expand required authentication

Backup4all 9.4 Build 464
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.4 Build 460
- Fixed: Empty catalog cloning

Backup4all 9.4 Build 458
- Backup from OneDrive without full paths
- Prevent bug reports in ExploreView
- AV Error when triggering a full backup for a differential one
- Cannot import jobs from v4

Backup4all 9.4 Build 452
- Added: Show information about configuration jobs that cannot be imported

- Could not start backup for empty tag
- Access violation in module KERNELBASE.dll
- File progress for mirror with zip

Backup4all 9.4 Build 448
- Backup plugin for Epic Browser
- Backup plugin for ACDSee

- Each source expand required authentication for some Box backups
- Mirror with zip on Google Drive created duplicate files in certain situations
- FTP sources were not expanded every time
- Restore mirror with zip showed an incorrect file date
- Close VSS helper app when no jobs are running
- Different file size for some mirror backups
- Data error warning
- Some occasional volume shadow copy issues
- USN journal

Backup4all 9.3 Build 448
- Each source expand required authentication for some Box backups
- Mirror with zip on Google Drive created duplicate files in certain situations
- FTP sources were not expanded every time
- Restore mirror with zip showed an incorrect file date
- Close VSS helper app when no jobs are running
- Different file size for some mirror backups
- Data error warning
- Some occasional volume shadow copy issues
- USN journal

Backup4all 9.3 Build 434
- Cannot import jobs with plugins from v8 to v9
- List index out of bounds error for some specific backups
- Duplicate files for Outlook backups in certain situations

Backup4all 9.3 Build 428
- On some SFTP servers backup was creating multiple recursive folders
- Duplicate entries in FileVersions/FolderVersions for excluded files/folders
- "All files skipped, nothing to backup" error for some smart backup jobs
- Backup for files with long paths

Backup4all 9.3 Build 420
- Added: Full compatibility with Windows 11
- Fixed: Cannot delete folder warnings for mirror backups using encryption and obfuscation

- Improved memory usage when backing up more than 1.5 million files
- Improved backup speed for backup types that use compression
- Improved test speed (faster CRC calculations)

Backup4all 9.2 Build 413
- Updated: Portuguese language

- Cannot restore mirror backup created with some specific plugins
- Backup to Azure halted when trying to upload zero-sized file
- Restore log text when using different location
- Do not read free/used space for Google Team Drives
- File with special characters was not deleted from destination
- Preparing shadow copy incorrect log message
- Restore registry entries for some particular backup plugins

Backup4all 9.2 Build 405
- Automated file copy method switch to optimize backup speed for files larger than 1GB
- Command line option to import backup jobs for all Windows users

- Slovenian language completed
- Romanian language completed
- Removed default file size limit for FTP and SFTP
- Deleted zip files are included in logs too
- Log limit number of backups for all storages
- Mirror backup speed improvements
- Log files are outputted in UTF-8
- Implemented new Dropbox API

- Limit backup versions was not working on Google Drive
- Limit number of backups/files not enabled when editing properties
- Bbackup.exe processes were not closed after backups in some situations
- Test fixes for empty folders
- Customize filter with Users folder was not shown in Explore View
- Drag and drop source file/folder issue in some situations
- Unneeded scroll into view when backup list progress is updated
- Some notification settings were missing

Backup4all 9.1 Build 369
- Updated: Romanian translation

- Source folders were duplicated in rare situations for mirror backups
- Email notification was missing Included sources information
- Crash when loading a backup job using a locked predefined destination
- Restoring a backup using Google Chrome plugin on a different machine had errors
- Display fix for My Drive in Google Teams

Backup4all 9.1 Build 357
- Warning notices with extra details for backup plugins
- More Wasabi cloud backup destination servers

- Improved job import from previous versions
- Korean translation

- Selecting a customized filter in rare situations returned an error
- Folder filters when using non windows sources
- Test and restore not working for imported v8 backups using IE favorites plugin
- Invalid strings in some languages
- Mirror VSS problems (backup was frozen in some rare situations)

Backup4all 9.0 Build 333
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.0 Build 323
- Polish translation for the interface
- Italian translation for the interface

- Warnings in rare cases when testing backup jobs using app configuration plugin sources
- Source folders from Polycloud that had special characters were not backed up

Backup4all 9.0 Build 317
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.0 Build 307
- Danish translation
- Finnish translation

- Bad Request errors for backups to Google Drive in some rare situations
- Testing ZIP files for backups with cloud sources had errors in some cases
- In some situations include filters were not applied to folders
- Time stamp was missing in ZIP files when using plugin sources

Backup4all 9.0 Build 299
- Updated: Danish language
- Fixed: Loading backup jobs was slow for some particular backup jobs
- Fixed: Path was not found error in rare situations for full backups using plugins

Backup4all 9.0 Build 297
- Use only archiving bit did not work correctly all the time
- Invalid backup error for full backups on large files in some situations
- Overriding filters were not working correctly for some particular jobs
- Catalogs were not included when using the Backup4all plugin in some situations
- Testing backup jobs using the Backup4all plugin erroneously showed missing config files

Backup4all 9.0 Build 290
- Updated: Better plugin management when opening backups
- Fixed: Warnings on backups that used obfuscation in certain situations
- Fixed: Files not found when testing backup jobs for Microsoft Outlook in some situations

Backup4all 9.0 Build 287
- Importing jobs with unavailable plugins failed in certain situations
- Could not apply catalog patch error on backup jobs for some Firefox versions

Backup4all 9.0 Build 285
- Access Violations for backups to Microsoft OneDrive
- SQL error on restore
- Customize filters bug

Backup4all 9.0 Build 279
- "Lock destination" option was not saved in new backup wizard
- Block backup for plugin sources failed in some situations
- Access violation error for Microsoft OneDrive backups
- Backup to LAN when no user is logged on

Backup4all 9.0 Build 274
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.0 Build 271
- Fixed: Block backup error for large files

Backup4all 9.0 Build 270
- Scheduler error in certain situations
- Applypatch16 error for imported plugins
- Add folder window was not resizable
- Sources were listed two times in explore view

Backup4all 9.0 Build 266
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.0 Build 263
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 9.0 Build 261
- Fixed: Import from old versions (i.e. v4) showed no history
- Fixed: Appcrash fix when using different source types

Backup4all 8.9 Build 352
- Added: Adaptive mirror buffer depending on file size (up to 3x speed improvement)
- Updated: Major speed improvements for mirror backups to network
- Updated: German language corrections
- Updated: Additional logging for backups to Azure
- Fixed: Export history did not work for "Today"
- Fixed: Setting Box as backup destination was asking for login every time

Backup4all 8.8 Build 335
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 8.7 Build 331
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 8.7 Build 328
- Backup plugin for Zoom Meetings
- Backup plugin for VirtualBox
- Backup plugin for IObit Uninstaller
- Backup plugin for SUMo

- Slovenian language
- Danish language
- Polish language

- Remove excluded/deleted files not working on Amazon S3
- LTFS file system was not recognized and files were split 2 GB
- FTP list on some servers returned full path

Backup4all 8.7 Build 310
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 8.7 Build 308
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 8.6 Build 292
- Backup plugin for doPDF
- Backup plugin for
- Backup plugin for Foobar2000
- Backup plugin for Google Earth Pro
- Backup plugin for Inkscape

- Block backup issues in certain situations

Backup4all 8.6 Build 288
- Added backup plugin for qBittorrent
- Added backup plugin for Teracopy
- Added backup plugin for SPAMfighter
- Added backup plugin for ImgBurn
- Added backup plugin for IrfanView
- Added backup plugin for FreeCommander
- Added backup plugin for CDBurnerXP
- Added backup plugin for Multi-Commander
- Added backup plugin for Kodi
- Added backup plugin for Plex
- Russian language added for the user interface

- Spanish language
- German language
- Chinese Simplified language

- Backup to Google Drive for Teams failed in some situations
- OneDrive for business destination was detected as full for Smart backup type
- Prefix for Mirror backups

Backup4all 8.4 Build 272
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 8.4 Build 264
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 8.4 Build 259
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 8.4 Build 251
- New: Multiple new backup plugins added
- New: Serbian language added for the user interface (both Latin and Cyrillic)
- New: Updated design for the ribbon interface with styling options
- Update: Dutch language updated
- Update: Japanese language updated
- Update: Manual activation window was redesigned
- Fix: Selective restore with file filtering ignored main folder
- Fix: Group name tag in email templates was not displaying proper information
- Fix: Multiple "new version available" update windows
- Fix: Timestamp error for scheduled backups

Backup4all 8.3 Build 237
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 8.2 Build 216
- Fix: Email text files updated
- Fix: Plain text notification emails were always in English

Backup4all 8.2 Build 214
- Modified and excluded versions of the same file in a backup number
- Console was blocked when the monitoring service stopped responding
- Access violation at address 018A40E0 in module Backup4all.EXE
- Error backing up Outlook during the "Creating block list" phase
- Error when importing backup jobs from previous versions

Backup4all 8.1 Build 206
- Change log not available for this version

Backup4all 8.1 Build 202
- Remote monitoring support for backups and other actions
- Option to show News page again after being hidden
- Added job name instead of job ID in the description column
- Navigation pane showed Expanded even with Collapsed/Off in options
- Ensure folder exists before downloading file
- Overwrite mirror files notification
- Ensure cache is flushed when stopping the application
- Destination was changed when opening multiple jobs
- Display settings reset after restart
- Buy Now button returned AV when using the trial
- Filter window in Backup View
- Catalog loading time

Backup4all 7.4 Build 475
- New: Use TLSv1.1 or later for cloud destinations
- Fix: Retry copying backup catalogs to the destination
- Fix: Session was disconnected after logging into OneDrive
- Fix: Small language corrections in Russian and French
- Fix: Access violation error when saving column order
- Fix: Free space detection for smart backups

Backup4all 7.3 Build 403
- New: "Backup view is filtered!" notice and clear filter option
- Update: Updated the Bulgarian language
- Update: Updated the Japanese language
- Fix: Corrected translations for activation screen

Backup4all 7.3 Build 390
- Fix: OneDrive for Business authentication
- Fix: Installation error logs are sent only when the user chooses to do so

Backup4all 7.3 Build 373
- New: General Data Protection Regulation compliance changes
- Update: Check boxes displayed during setup are now more visible on Windows with no theme
- Update: Minor GUI improvements
- Fix: Control tab in Main window had hidden buttons
- Fix: OneDrive for Business connection errors
- Fix: Custom filters errors in certain situations
- Fix: Help button from File did not work
- Fix: Rotate disks on external disk option was not saving state
- Fix: Don't show warning messages without user interaction
- Fix: Always add command line in error log

Backup4all 7.2 Build 346
- New: Option to Run backup after X minutes/hours (or at preselected time)
- New: Added German language
- New: Added Dutch translation
- New: Added Portuguese (Brazil) language
- New: Added Korean translation
- New: Added Romanian language
- New: Added logging support for cloud destination login
- Update: OneDrive for Business now uses the latest API
- Update: CD/DVD burning engine was updated
- Update: New version for Plugin Creator
- Fix: Some FTP servers do not return correctly encoded responses (UTF8)
- Fix: No mapping for Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page
- Fix: Amazon S3 predefined configuration usage
- Fix: Temp folder is reset to default
- Fix: Clean destination folder
- Fix: USN Journal fixes

Backup4all 7.1 Build 313
- Update: Updated the CD/DVD burning engine
- Update: Activation form enhancements
- Update: Minor user interface language updates
Backup4all 7.1 Build 306
- Fix: Design corrections for high DPI scaling
- Fix: Errors while running on Windows XP and 2003 Server

Backup4all 7.1 Build 301
- Fix: Telemetry option correction
- Fix: Minor bug report fixes

Backup4all 7.1 Build 297
- Update: Danish language is now updated
- Update: Japanese translation updated
- Update: Italian language partially updated
- Update: Swedish language partially updated
- Update: Added option to send anonymous usage statistics
- Update: Exoscale endpoint upgrade
- Fix: Added new translatable strings
- Fix: Backup at system shutdown didn't run after Win 10 update
- Fix: Restoring permissions from a Samba share had inconsistencies
- Fix: Cannot authenticate to HiDrive error in certain cases
- Fix: Smart backups to FTP ignored the maximum limit
- Fix: Load catalog from FTP (with wrong pass)

Backup4all 7.1 Build 287
- Update: Danish language is now updated
- Update: Japanese translation updated
- Update: Italian language partially updated
- Update: Swedish language partially updated
- Update: Added option to send anonymous usage statistics
- Update: Exoscale endpoint upgrade
- Fix: Added new translatable strings
- Fix: Backup at system shutdown didn't run after Win 10 update
- Fix: Restoring permissions from a Samba share had inconsistencies
- Fix: Cannot authenticate to HiDrive error in certain cases
- Fix: Smart backups to FTP ignored the maximum limit
- Fix: Load catalog from FTP (with wrong pass)

Backup4all 7.1 Build 241
- New: Added Google Team Drives as a new cloud backup destination
- New: System icons are now used for folders/files
- New: Added new file date filter options
- New: Interface available in French
- New: Added Simplified Chinese translation
- New: Added Indonesian translation
- New: Interface available in Turkish now
- New: Added Brazilian Portuguese translation
- Fix: Backup on Box required re-authentication in some cases
- Fix: Backups to Hubic will show only final files
- Fix: Job details are loaded better now
- Fix: HiDrive authentication window didn't close in certain situations
- Fix: Connection errors when backing up to Hidrive
- Fix: Do not ask for restart if user pressed Cancel during setup

Backup4all 7.0 Build 220
- Fix: Check if another installer is already running during setup
- Fix: Send logs when installation fails is now a checkbox
- Fix: File versions incorrectly handled in some situations
- Fix: Schedulers are moved to another job when duplicating a backup job
- Fix: Importing tags from previous version added an extra tag

Backup4all 7.0 Build 206
- Fix: Import backup jobs with plugins failed in some situations
- Fix: Interface had translation errors in certain languages

Backup4all 7.0 Build 199
- Update: Quick Test option for Scheduler
- Update: Improved loading of ribbon background image
- Fix: Scheduled jobs were not imported correctly in some situations
- Fix: Make sure backup catalogs are not in use during import
- Fix: Edit scheduled task will display other tasks as modified
- Fix: "Path not found" error for Dropbox backups
- Fix: Destination folders were created in the root folder for Dropbox backups
- Fix: Importing backup jobs with custom plugins in version 7
- Fix: Load backup catalog when "Use local catalog" is unchecked
- Fix: Restore default layout

Backup4all 7.0 Build 181
- Fix: Scheduled tasks without a password import problem from previous versions
- Fix: Empty folders were not backed up in certain situations for Mirror backups
- Fix: Small design alignments for user interface

Backup4all 7.0 Build 174
- New: Added Hubic as a new cloud destinations
- New: Added Hidrive as a new cloud destination
- New: Added 37 Amazon S3 Compatible cloud destinations (i.e. Cisco, Google Cloud Storage, Hitachi, Tiscali, Verizon)
- New: Added option to use block backup "Only for files larger than" a certain size
- New: Added Scheduled Suspend option to pause backup between specific times
- New: Added new exclude filters for "Office temporary files", "Linux mapped drives", "Windows system files"
- New: Added quick email notification settings in the New Backup Wizard
- New: Control tab added with quick access to suspend/stop/cancel jobs
- New: Added search option for the Plugin Management section
- Update: Restyled the ribbon interface
- Update: Navigation pane can be compacted & customized
- Update: New structure for the New Backup Wizard
- Update: Restructured the list of Options
- Update: Modified application folders paths
- Update: Option to customize the Quick Access Toolbar
- Update: "Last Modified" folder date is now also restored
- Update: Added selectable Region for Amazons S3 backups
- Update: Backups to Google Drive now show realtime progress
- Update: Optimized restore for large backups using independent splits
- Update: Plugin Creator was redesigned to make it easier to create plugins
- Update: All cloud destinations are now using the latest APIs
- Update: Activation form redesign

Descript 82.1.5 查看版本資訊


Megacubo 17.4.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved lists/EPG loading
- Minor bugfixes and improvements