軟體下載 Flutter 3.7.7

檔案名稱 flutter_windows_3.7.7-stable.zip

Flutter 3.7.7 軟體下載

檔案版本 Flutter 3.7.7

檔案名稱 flutter_windows_3.7.7-stable.zip
更新日期 2023-03-14
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Flutter 3.7.7
RetroShare 為您的朋友創建加密連接。沒有人可以監視你。 RetroShare 是完全分散的。這意味著沒有中央服務器。它是完全開放源代碼和免費的。沒有成本,沒有廣告,也沒有服務條款。RetroShare 是一個電腦網絡。這些計算機稱為節點,每個用戶都有自己的節點。鄰居只知道節點的確切位置(IP 地址)。你邀請某人通過發送你的公鑰給他們成為鄰居。論壇使用假名暱稱來識別人。暱稱系統使用密鑰來驗... RetroShare 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- flutter/121256 - Fixes an issue where Android users can not use add2app because it can not locate build/host/apk/app-debug.apk
- engine/120455 Cached DisplayList opacity inheritance fix
- dart/121270 - Fixes mobile devices vm crashes caused by particular use of RegExp on mobile devices

Flutter 3.7.7 相關參考資料
Cannot upgrade to Flutter 3.7.12 from 3.7.7

2023年5月16日 — Cannot upgrade to Flutter 3.7.12 from 3.7.7 ... I am trying to upgrade Flutter stable channel from 3.7.7 to 3.7.12 . The terminal after running ...


error in Flutter 3.7.7 file windowsrunnerwin32_window.cpp

2023年3月13日 — If you find this problem please file a new issue with the same description, what happens, logs and the output of 'flutter doctor -v'. All system ...


Flutter 3.7 正式发布

新的稳定版里,我们在持续改进一些特性,例如全局文本选择、Impeller 渲染速度、DevTools 以及一直以来都在优化的性能。让我们一起来快速探索Flutter 3.7 的新特性吧!


Flutter 3.7.0 release notes

This page has release notes for 3.7.0. For information about subsequent bug-fix releases, see Hotfixes to the Stable Channel.


Flutter 3.7.7

2023年3月8日 — We are pleased to announce the release of Flutter 3.7.7 to the stable channel; this release contains the following hotfixes:.


Flutter release notes

Flutter and Dart's latest releases are helping to define the future of app development. Read the blog to learn more. Help improve Flutter! Take our survey ...


Flutter SDK archive

Stable channel (Windows) ; 3.7.7, x64, 2ad6cd7 ; 3.7.6, x64, 12cb4eb ; 3.7.5, x64, c07f788 ; 3.7.4, x64, b4bce91 ...


Flutter SDK releases

Check out what's new in Flutter 3.7, watch videos from Flutter Forward, and learn what's next for Flutter! ... 3.7.7, x64, 2ad6cd7, 3/8/2023, 2.19.4. 3.7.6, x64 ...


Hotfixes to the Stable Channel · flutterflutter Wiki

3.7.7 (Mar 08, 2023). This hotfix release addresses the following issues: flutter/121256 - Fixes an issue where Android users can not use ...


SDK 版本列表

所有Flutter SDK 的版本列表,包括稳定版和主分支。
