軟體下載 Topaz Photo AI 2.0.4

檔案名稱 TopazPhotoAI-2.0.4.msi

Topaz Photo AI 2.0.4 軟體下載

檔案版本 Topaz Photo AI 2.0.4

檔案名稱 TopazPhotoAI-2.0.4.msi
更新日期 2023-10-06
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Topaz Photo AI 2.0.4
RetroShare 為您的朋友創建加密連接。沒有人可以監視你。 RetroShare 是完全分散的。這意味著沒有中央服務器。它是完全開放源代碼和免費的。沒有成本,沒有廣告,也沒有服務條款。RetroShare 是一個電腦網絡。這些計算機稱為節點,每個用戶都有自己的節點。鄰居只知道節點的確切位置(IP 地址)。你邀請某人通過發送你的公鑰給他們成為鄰居。論壇使用假名暱稱來識別人。暱稱系統使用密鑰來驗... RetroShare 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- Re-designed Preferences panel to be easier to navigate
- In-app updating shows download progress in the title bar and no longer closes the app automatically when it’s complete
- Improved performance when switching images and exporting with large batches
- Autopilot now recommends the Sharpen Standard v2 model
- Show errors when DNG cannot be written
- Resolution preferences always appear unless auto resizing is set to none
- Minor tweaks to the new update dialog
- Removed some old and unused models from the installer

- preference to have Autopilot never turn on any filters automatically
- preference to enable “hot pixel” removal for RAW images
- tooltip when there are no faces in the subject due to no subject being selected
- new export setting to allow uploading images to improve Topaz Photo AI. The setting is opt-in by default, and applies on a per-batch basis.
- new privacy section in preferences

- using “apply settings to all” causing images to display the wrong number of selected faces
- save and cancel buttons in export dialog make the enter/return and escape hotkeys stop working
- images not loading when closing batch and opening new one
- right clicking while editing crop
- errors installing plugins preventing entire app from installing
- some grayscale RAW images saving incorrectly
- windows showing previously selected filename in the file browser

Topaz Photo AI 2.0.4 相關參考資料
TOPAZ PHOTO AI (New Update Version 2.0.4) - YouTube


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Topaz Photo AI v2.0.4 - Releases

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