REAPER (64-bit)

最新版本 REAPER 5.9.3 (64-bit)

REAPER 5.9.3 (64-bit)

REAPER 5.9.3 (64-bit)
REAPER 64 位是一個完整的 Windows 和 OS X 數字音頻製作應用程序,提供完整的多軌音頻和 MIDI 錄製,編輯,處理,混音和母版工具集。 REAPER 支持廣泛的硬件,數字格式和插件,並且可以全面擴展,腳本化和修改.

REAPER 的全面靈活的功能集和著名的穩定性已經在數字音頻的使用中找到了家:商業和家庭工作室,廣播,位置錄音,教育,科學研究,音效設計,遊戲開發等等​​.

從任務關鍵型專業環境到學生筆記本電腦,都有一個版本的 REAPER 64 位,功能齊全,沒有任何人為的限制。您可以全面評估 60 天內的 REAPER。 REAPER 許可證價格實惠,無 DRM .

高效,快速加載和緊密編碼。可以從便攜式或網絡驅動器安裝和運行。功能強大的音頻和 MIDI 路由,支持多聲道。 64 位內部音頻處理。以幾乎任何比特深度和採樣率導入,記錄和呈現多種媒體格式。徹底的 MIDI 硬件和軟件支持。支持成千上萬的第三方插件效果和虛擬樂器,包括 VST,VST3,AU,DX 和 JS。用於處理音頻和 MIDI 的數百種工作室質量效果,以及用於創建新效果的內置工具。自動化,調製,分組,VCA,環繞聲,宏,OSC,腳本,控製表面,自定義外觀和佈局。注意:60 天試用版和嘮叨屏幕.

也可用:下載適用於 Mac



檔案版本 REAPER 5.9.3 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 reaper593_x64-install.exe
檔案大小 11.21 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Cockos Incorporated
更新日期 2018-07-18

What's new in this version:

- Automation items: separate settings to snap automation items to media items, or other automation items
- Envelopes: permit converting envelope segment to bezier curve even if default envelope point shape is square [t=208290]
- FX: prevent reset from audio thread when bringing an offline FX online
- FX: fix potential hang when moving tracks with certain JSFX to subproject [t=207996]
- FX: fix .aupreset export issue [t=203533]
- Linux: experimental linux native builds now available
- MIDI editor: support snapping to measure regardless of time signature
- MIDI editor: update custom CC names in editor dropdown when changing active track [t=208759]
- Mousewheel: support Windows (Control on macOS) key as modifier [t=177917]
- Notation: properly adjust events when inserting notation messages in media items with nonzero start offset [t=208079]
- Notation: fix invalid access when removing text events
- Project settings: add option for default state of item 'Preserve pitch when changing rate' [p=1965998]
- Project settings: add option to base ruler markings off project measure offset [t=208074]
- Project settings: add option to override global preference for copy-media-on-import
- Undo: optimize undo state loading when items have been reordered or deleted
- VLC: support VLC 2.1,2.2, and 3.0, except on 32-bit macOS (which still supports 2.0-2.2)
- VLC: support loading from VLC or in path relative to REAPER
- VLC: also look for /Applications/VLC2/32/ on macOS
- Video: add 9:16 resolution and more framerates to encoding presets

REAPER 5.9.3 (64-bit) 相關參考資料