RawTherapee (64-bit)

最新版本 RawTherapee 5.1 (64-bit)

RawTherapee 5.1 (64-bit)

RawTherapee 5.1 (64-bit)
RawTherapee 64 位是一個跨平台的圖像處理軟件,提供各種工具,提高數碼照片的改善。它通過多線程算法處理圖像以獲得高性能,並添加了各種多選項卡,帶幻燈片的單選項卡和帶幻燈片格式的垂直選項卡。它包括增強的曝光和色調工具,多種去噪方法,銳利的遮罩,RL 反捲積,對比細節級別和批處理模式,以改善您的照片體驗.

96 位(浮點)處理引擎。無損編輯。現代和傳統的去馬賽克算法:AMaZE,DCB,AHD,EAHD,HPHD,IGV,LMMSE,VNG4,單聲道和快速,從原始照片中獲得最多的細節和最少的人工製品。從白平衡到 HSV(色相飽和度值)曲線的高級色彩處理,色彩調整和色彩管理。強大的 CIE 顏色外觀模型 2002(CIECAM02)模塊。增強曝光和色調工具:色調和 Lab 曲線,高光和陰影工具,色調映射(HDR-like 效果)等。多種去噪方法:亮度,色度(2012 年都重寫),脈衝(用於鹽和胡椒噪聲)減少。提高細節的幾個工具:銳化掩模,RL 反褶積,細節層次對比。 Efficiency
高性能的多線程算法(RawTherapee 可以利用現代處理器功能,如 SSE)。快速縮略圖快速加載閃電,稍後用實時縮略圖替換。批處理:一次轉換所有開發的圖像,而無需在處理時加載處理器。將編輯參數從一個文件複製 / 粘貼到其他許多文件中。部分複制和 / 或粘貼也是可能的。基本工具立即在你的手中。在單獨的編輯器選項卡中並行編輯多個圖像,和 / 或一次從文件瀏覽器中進行編輯。可以使用可選的輔助顯示器。多功能性
多種支持的相機:幾乎所有的數碼單反相機,甚至一些中等格式的機構都支持。可以加載大多數原始文件,包括 16 位,24 位和 32 位原始 HDR DNG 圖像,以及標準的 JPEG,PNG(8 位和 16 位)和 TIFF(8 位,16 位和 32 位 logluv)圖像。可以保存 JPEG,PNG(8 位和 16 位)和 TIFF(8 位和 16 位)圖像。使用許多微調參數和曲線對算法進行高級控制。可以一鍵發送到 GIMP 或您選擇的編輯工具(16 位 TIFF 文件)。除常規圖形界面外的命令行用法。各種佈局:多個標籤,帶有幻燈片的單個標籤,帶有幻燈片的垂直標籤,雙顯示器。 Freedom for Free
RawTherapee 是免費和開源的軟件,這意味著你可以免費使用它,無論你喜歡什麼樣的硬件,只要你遵守 GPLv3 的授權許可。下載源代碼,修改它,隨意做一些想到的事情。我們相信開放的軟件。它是跨平台的:Linux,Mac 或 Windows,無論是 32 位還是 64 位,我們都提供。國際:它有 25 種語言!也可用:下載 RawTherapee Mac


檔案版本 RawTherapee 5.1 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 RawTherapee_5.1_WinVista_64.exe
檔案大小 36.06 MB
系統 Windows Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Gabor Horvath
官網 http://rawtherapee.com/
更新日期 2017-05-15

What's new in this version:

- Pentax Pixel Shift support, to automatically combine sub-images from a Pentax Pixel Shift raw file into one high quality image, with support for automatic motion detection and masking
- Support for processing any sub-image from raw formats which support multiple images. Currently up to 4 sub-images supported
- Dynamic Profile Creator to automatically generate per-image custom processing profiles by merging existing processing profiles based on image metadata (Exif)
- New command-line executable "rawtherapee-cli(.exe)" to reduce startup time for command-line operations
- HaldCLUT paths are now relative to the HaldCLUT folder as set in Preferences. This enables you to share PP3 files easier
- Auto White Balance now has a Temperature Bias, letting you make the automatic temperature warmer or cooler
- LCP correction works for raw and non-raw files
- LCP distortion correction support for fisheye lenses
- Certain tools are now hidden or disabled if the loaded image does not support them, e.g. the tools in the Raw tab are disabled when working with a non-raw file
- Improved fit-to-window zoom functionality of the main preview in the Editor tab
- New Fast Export option to downscale the image before processing, to increase speed
- Custom crop ratio
- Automatic monitor profile detection also in Linux
- Lens information support added for Panasonic cameras
- Support for lossy DNG files
- Support for compressed Fujifilm Bayer raw files
- Support for compressed X-Trans raw files
- Support for Sigma sd Quattro DNG raw files
- Added DCP profiles for accurate color for: FUJIFILM X100S, LG Mobile LG-H815 (LG G4), NIKON D300, NIKON D300, NIKON D5600, NIKON D80, NIKON D810, OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII, Panasonic DMC-GX85

RawTherapee 5.1 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Beep6581RawTherapee: A powerful cross-platform raw ...

RawTherapee is a powerful, cross-platform raw photo processing program, released as libre software under the GNU General Public License Version 3.


Downloading RawTherapee 5.1 from FileHorse.com

Free and easy photo editing application for RAW images. RawTherapee. Home · Photo and Design · RawTherapee 5.1; Download Page. RawTherapee 5.1 ... 5097.90 (64-bit) ...



Downloads. Download RawTherapee version 5.10 released on February 16, 2024. (Release notes). AppImage Linux 64-bit Windows 64-bit macOS Source Code.


RawTherapee - Home

RawTherapee is a powerful, cross-platform raw photo processing system, released as Free Software (GPLv3). It is designed for developing raw files from a broad ...


RawTherapee 5.1 Download

2017年5月15日 — Download RawTherapee 5.1 for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download 64-bit Software Version.


RawTherapee 5.1 released

2017年5月16日 — Version: 5.1 Branch: 5.1 Commit: f23d70fd Commit date: 2017-05-15 Compiler: gcc 6.3.0 Processor: generic x86 System: Windows Bit depth: 64 bits ...


RawTherapee 5.1 released comments

In short, one can't actually open raws with Rawtherapee 5.1 on a Windows 7 64 bit machine. Seems like a big failure. Reply. Like0. pippo27. Hi, have you tried ...


Rawtherapee 5.1 released! - Page 2

2017年7月24日 — Hi i downloaded this new version from the rawtherepee site RawTherapee Downloads ( RT 5.0-r1-gtk3 for Windows Vista/7/8/10 64-bit - fast ) .


RawTherapee v5.1

Download RawTherapee version 5.1 released on May 15, 2017. 64-bit Windows 64-bit macOS Source Code ... 5.1! New Features. Pentax Pixel Shift ...


Software-update: RawTherapee 5.1 - Computer - Downloads

2017年5月22日 — RawTherapee is een opensource-fotobewerkingsprogramma en richt zich op het bewerken van raw-bestanden. Voor een overzicht van de ...
