Qt Creator (32-bit)

最新版本 Qt Creator 4.2.1

Qt Creator 4.2.1

Qt Creator 4.2.1
Qt Creator 是面向應用程序開發人員的完整集成開發環境(IDE)!無論您是創建移動應用程序,桌面應用程序還是連接的嵌入式設備,Qt Creator 都是跨平台的 IDE,使應用程序和 UI 開髮變得輕而易舉。由於上市時間至關重要,因此 IDE 包含可加快開發時間的生產力工具。完整的跨平台集成開發環境,可輕鬆創建連接設備,用戶界面和應用程序.

超越代碼設計和創新我們相信,提供滿足並超出最終用戶需求的連接設備,用戶界面和應用程序不僅僅是簡潔的代碼。你不能靠直覺和全面的 API 來生活。我們希望您不僅能夠編碼,還能夠設計和創建。您肯定聽到我們說“代碼少,創造更多”?那麼,這是在哪裡“創造”發揮作用。 Qt Creator 免費下載 Windows PC 的最新版本。 Qt Creator.

跨平台 Qt Creator IDE
無論您是創建移動應用程序,桌面應用程序還是連接的嵌入式設備,Qt Creator 都是跨平台的 IDE,使應用程序和 UI 開髮變得輕而易舉。由於上市時間非常關鍵,因此 IDE 包含了可加速開發時間的生產力工具.

創建與最終用戶交流的視覺吸引力。這個集成的 UI 設計工具可幫助您使用 Qt Widget 和 Qt Designer 設計 UI,並使用 Qt Quick Designer 設計流暢的動畫 UI.


支持編輯 C ++ 和 QML 上下文相關的幫助,代碼完成,導航等等.


Project& 生成管理

Desktop 到嵌入式
Multiscreen 和多平台支持快速切換構建目標.


檔案版本 Qt Creator 4.2.1

檔案名稱 qt-creator-opensource-windows-x86-4.2.1.exe
檔案大小 82.7 MB
系統 Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 The Qt Company
官網 https://www.qt.io/ide/
更新日期 2017-01-23

What's new in this version:

- Fixed `Open Command Prompt Here` on Windows (QTCREATORBUG-17439)

- Fixed that viewport could change unexpectedly when block selection was active but not visible in viewport (QTCREATORBUG-17475)

- Fixed crash when using drag & drop with bookmarks (QTCREATORBUG-17547)

All Projects:
- Fixed issue with upgrading tool chain settings in auto-detected kits
- Fixed crash when setting custom executable (QTCREATORBUG-17505)
- Fixed MSVC support on Windows Vista and earlier (QTCREATORBUG-17501)

QMake Projects:
- Fixed wrong warning about incompatible compilers
- Fixed various issues with run configurations
- Fixed that `OTHER_FILES` and `DISTFILES` in subdirs projects were no longer
- shown in project tree (QTCREATORBUG-17473)
- Fixed crash caused by unnormalized file paths (QTCREATORBUG-17364)

Qbs Projects:
- Fixed that target OS defaulted to host OS if tool chain does not specify target OS (QTCREATORBUG-17452)

Generic Projects:
- Fixed that project files were no longer shown in project tree

C++ Support:
- Fixed crash that could happen when using `auto` (QTCREATORBUG-16731)

- Fixed issue with infinite message boxes being displayed (QTCREATORBUG-16971)
- Fixed `QObject` property extraction with namespaced Qt builds

Platform Specific - Windows:
- Fixed detection of MSVC 2017 RC as MSVC 2017
- Fixed that environment detection could time out with MSVC (QTCREATORBUG-17474)

Qt Creator 4.2.1 相關參考資料
Creator 4.2.1: Issue configuring a project for iOS

I got this error when moving project to 5.8 / 4.2.1 while Configuring for iOS:


How to Install QT Creator 4.2.1 Based on Qt 5.8.0 (GCC 5.3 ...

2021年4月9日 — Hello, I want to install QT Creator 4.2.1 Based on Qt 5.8.0 (GCC 5.3.1) on my ubuntu 20.04 x64 . How can I do it? Thanks!


How to use OpenCV 3.2 in Qt-creator 4.2.1 in Windows ...

2017年2月20日 — I want to use the OpenCV library 3.2 with Qt-creator 4.2.1 in Windows plattform. In the .pro file I used the following code:


Index of archiveqtcreator4.24.2.1

Index of /archive/qtcreator/4.2/4.2.1 ; Parent Directory ; installer_source/, 23-Jan-2017 09:45 ; qt-creator-opensource-windows-x86-4.2.1.exe, 23-Jan-2017 09:47 ...


Qt Creator 4.2 released

Qt Creator 4.2 now supplements the Qt SCXML module by offering a graphical editor for SCXML (experimental). It features editing states and sub- ...


Qt Creator 4.2.1 Compile wMulti Core on GCC

2017年1月29日 — Good Afternoon Community, I come from Code::Blocks and C/C++. I am using QT 5.8. I am new to the QT Creator IDE.


Qt Creator 4.2.1 Release has Been Announced

2017年1月23日 — Qt Creator 4.2.1 the popular C++, QML and JavaScript development tool has been released and is now available for download.


Qt Creator 4.2.1 released

2017年1月23日 — We are happy to announce the release of Qt Creator 4.2.1. This is a pure bugfix release, and takes care of various important bugs.


[Announce] Qt 5.8.0 and Qt Creator 4.2.1 released

2017年1月23日 — [Announce] Qt 5.8.0 and Qt Creator 4.2.1 released. List for announcements regarding Qt releases and development announce at qt-project.org



... qt/archive/qtcreator/4.2/4.2.1/qt-creator-opensource-src-4.2.1.tar.gz https://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/qt.io/qtproject ... qt-creator-opensource-src-4.2.1.tar.gz.
