Python (64-bit)

最新版本 Python 3.10.2 (64-bit)

Python 3.10.2 (64-bit)

Python 3.10.2 (64-bit)
Python 64 位是一種動態的面向對象編程語言,可用於多種軟件開發。它提供了與其他語言和工具集成的強大支持,附帶大量的標準庫,並且可以在幾天內學到。許多 Python 程序員報告大幅提高生產力,並認為語言鼓勵開發更高質量,更易維護的代碼。下載用於 PC 的 Python 離線安裝程序設置 64 位

Python 在 Windows,Linux / Unix,Mac OS X,OS / 2,Amiga,Palm Handhelds 和諾基亞移動電話上運行。 Python 也被移植到 Java 和.NET 虛擬機上。 Python 64 位是在 OSI 認可的開放源代碼許可下發布的,甚至可以用於商業產品.

它的一些關鍵區別特徵包括:非常清晰,可讀的語法強大的內省功能直觀的目標定位程序的自然表達代碼完全模塊化,支持分層程序包基於異常的錯誤處理非常高級別的動態數據類型針對幾乎所有任務的廣泛的標準庫和第三方模塊用 C,C ++(或 Java for Jython 或 IronPython 的.NET 語言)輕鬆編寫的擴展和模塊)作為腳本接口嵌入到應用程序中也可用:下載 Python for Mac


檔案版本 Python 3.10.2 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 python-3.10.2.amd64.exe
系統 Windows Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Python Software Foundation
更新日期 2022-01-17

What's new in this version:

Core and Builtins:
- bpo-46347: Fix memory leak in PyEval_EvalCodeEx.
- bpo-46289: ASDL declaration of FormattedValue has changed to reflect conversion field is not optional.
- bpo-46237: Fix the line number of tokenizer errors inside f-strings. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
- bpo-46006: Fix a regression when a type method like __init__() is modified in a subinterpreter. Fix a regression in _PyUnicode_EqualToASCIIId() and type update_slot(). Revert the change which made the Unicode dictionary of interned strings compatible with subinterpreters: the internal interned dictionary is shared again by all interpreters. Patch by Victor Stinner.
- bpo-46085: Fix iterator cache mechanism of OrderedDict.
- bpo-46110: Add a maximum recursion check to the PEG parser to avoid stack overflow. Patch by Pablo Galindo
- bpo-46054: Fix parser error when parsing non-utf8 characters in source files. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
- bpo-46042: Improve the location of the caret in SyntaxError exceptions emitted by the symbol table. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
- bpo-46025: Fix a crash in the atexit module involving functions that unregister themselves before raising exceptions. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
- bpo-46009: Restore behavior from 3.9 and earlier when sending non-None to newly started generator. In 3.9 this did not affect the state of the generator. In 3.10.0 and 3.10.1 gen_func().send(0) is equivalent to gen_func().throw(TypeError(...) which exhausts the generator. In 3.10.2 onward, the behavior has been reverted to that of 3.9.
- bpo-46000: Improve compatibility of the curses module with NetBSD curses.
- bpo-46004: Fix the SyntaxError location for errors involving for loops with invalid targets. Patch by Pablo Galindo
- bpo-42918: Fix bug where the built-in compile() function did not always raise a SyntaxError when passed multiple statements in ‘single’ mode. Patch by Weipeng Hong.

- bpo-40479: Fix hashlib usedforsecurity option to work correctly with OpenSSL 3.0.0 in FIPS mode.
- bpo-46070: Fix possible segfault when importing the asyncio module from different sub-interpreters in parallel. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.
- bpo-46278: Reflect context argument in AbstractEventLoop.call_*() methods. Loop implementations already support it.
- bpo-46239: Improve error message when importing asyncio.windows_events on non-Windows.
- bpo-20369: concurrent.futures.wait() no longer blocks forever when given duplicate Futures. Patch by Kumar Aditya.
- bpo-46105: Honor spec when generating requirement specs with urls and extras (importlib_metadata 4.8.3)
- bpo-26952: argparse raises ValueError with clear message when trying to render usage for an empty mutually-exclusive group. Previously it raised a cryptic IndexError.
- bpo-27718: Fix help for the signal module. Some functions (e.g. signal() and getsignal()) were omitted.
- bpo-46032: The registry() method of functools.singledispatch() functions checks now the first argument or the first parameter annotation and raises a TypeError if it is not supported. Previously unsupported “types” were ignored (e.g. typing.List[int]) or caused an error at calling time (e.g. list[int]).
- bpo-46018: Ensure that math.expm1() does not raise on underflow.
- bpo-45755: typing generic aliases now reveal the class attributes of the original generic class when passed to dir(). This was the behavior up to Python 3.6, but was changed in 3.7-3.9.
- bpo-13236: unittest.TextTestResult and unittest.TextTestRunner flush now the output stream more often.
- bpo-42378: Fixes the issue with log file being overwritten when logging.FileHandler is used in atexit with filemode set to 'w'. Note this will cause the message in atexit not being logged if the log stream is already closed due to shutdown of logging.

- bpo-46120: State that | is preferred for readability over Union in the typing docs
- bpo-46040: Fix removal Python version for @asyncio.coroutine, the correct value is 3.11
- bpo-19737: Update the documentation for the globals() function
- bpo-45840: Improve cross-references in the documentation for the data model

- bpo-46205: Fix hang in runtest_mp due to race condition
- bpo-46263: Fix test_capi on FreeBSD 14-dev: instruct jemalloc to not fill freed memory with junk byte
- bpo-46150: Now fakename in test_pathlib.PosixPathTest.test_expanduser is checked to be non-existent
- bpo-46129: Rewrite asyncio.locks tests with unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase usage
- bpo-46114: Fix test case for OpenSSL 3.0.1 version. OpenSSL 3.0 uses 0xMNN00PP0L

- bpo-46263: configure no longer sets MULTIARCH on FreeBSD platforms.
- bpo-46106: Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.1m in Windows builds, macOS installer builds, and CI. Patch by Kumar Aditya.

- bpo-46236: Fix a bug in PyFunction_GetAnnotations() that caused it to return a tuple instead of a dict

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