Process Explorer

最新版本 Process Explorer 16.02

Process Explorer 16.02

Process Explorer 16.02
Process Explorer 顯示有關哪些句柄和 DLL 進程已打開或加載的信息.

Process Explorer 顯示由兩個子窗口組成。頂部窗口總是顯示當前活動進程的列表,包括他們擁有的帳戶的名稱,而顯示在底部窗口中的信息取決於 Process Explorer 所在的模式:如果處於手柄模式,您將看到手柄在頂部窗口中選擇的進程已打開; 如果 Process Explorer 處於 DLL 模式,您將看到進程已經加載的 DLL 和內存映射文件。 Process Explorer 還具有強大的搜索功能,可以快速顯示哪些進程具有特定的句柄打開或 DLL 加載.63235896
Process Explorer 的獨特功能使其可用於跟踪 DLL 版本問題或處理洩漏,並提供深入了解 Windows 和應用程序的方式 work.


檔案版本 Process Explorer 16.02

檔案大小 1.19 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Microsoft SysInternals
更新日期 2014-03-09

What's new in this version:

- This minor update adds a refresh button to the thread’s stack dialog and ensures that the Virus Total terms of agreement dialog box remains above the main Process Explorer window.

Process Explorer 16.02 相關參考資料
Download Process Explorer 16.02

Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded. The Process Explorer display consists of two sub-windows.

Download Process Explorer 16.02 for windows

2014年3月9日 — Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded. The Process Explorer display consists of ...

Older versions of Process Explorer (Windows)

Download older versions of Process Explorer for Windows. All of the older versions of Process Explorer have no viruses and are totally free on Uptodown.


Process Explorer - Sysinternals

2024年5月28日 — Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded. The Process Explorer display consists of ...

Process Explorer 16.02 download for Windows

2014年3月10日 — Process Explorer is a useful software developed for identifying suspicious or buggy process or investigate why a particular DLL is locked in ...

Process Explorer 16.02 免安裝版– Windows工作管理員進階版

Now you can find out. Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded. The Process Explorer display consists ...

Release Notes | Microsoft Process Explorer 16.02

Official information as well as release notes and changelog published by developers of the file Microsoft Process Explorer 16.02. This file is available for ...

[系統工具] 進階版工作管理員- Process Explorer V16.02 X86 ...

Process Explorer 也具備強大的搜尋功能,可快速顯示處理程序開啟的控制碼或載入的DLL。 這個獨特的Process Explorer 功能可讓您追蹤DLL 版本問題或控制碼遺漏,並深入探索

下载Process Explorer 16.02 Windows 版

下载Process Explorer 16.02 Windows 版。快速下载最新免费软件!马上单击.

處理序總管- Sysinternals

2024年5月28日 — 曾經想知道哪個程式有特定檔案或目錄開啟? 現在您可以了解。Process Explorer 會顯示哪些控制代碼和DLL 處理序已開啟或載入的相關資訊。