Plagiarism Checker X

最新版本 VASSAL Engine 3.5.1

VASSAL Engine 3.5.1

VASSAL Engine 3.5.1
Plagiarism Checker X 幫助您在您的研究論文,博客,作業和網站中發現抄襲。憑藉更高的速度和準確性,您可以在幾秒鐘內輕鬆檢查文檔的真實性.

Plagiarism Checker X 通過檢查作業和論文中的重複問題來幫助學生。你可以很容易地檢查剽竊,找到原始來源,正確引用,從而獲得更好的成績。作為一名教師,你可以使用 Plagiarism Checker X 來檢查你自己的研究論文和你的學生。分配。批量搜索功能使您能夠通過一次點擊來檢查整批文件。此外,您可以檢測文檔和發佈內容中的剽竊.

對於在線發布者,例如作者& 記者,獨特的內容是非常重要的。您的主要挑戰是製作或獲取原創內容。無論您是博客主還是專業內容作者,Plagiarism Checker X 都可以幫助您避免抄襲費用.

數字營銷人員和 SEO 專家了解原創內容的價值。除非內容新穎,獨特,寫得好,否則頁面在 Google 或 Bing 等領先搜索引擎中的排名不會高。 Plagiarism Checker X 幫助你發現你的書面內容的相似性排名前提交給搜索引擎.

Plagiarism Checker X 產品特點:

Online 抄襲檢測
Plagiarism Checker X 幫助學生,教師和專業研究人員快速準確地檢查他們的文件抄襲.


Bulk Search

Blog / 網頁檢查
網絡內容編寫者,博客和發布者可以使用 Plagiarism Checker X 來分析他們的在線內容的質量,以避免搜索的處罰引擎.

如果你是一個 SEO 專家,你知道關鍵字的重要性。使用此工具,您現在可以提取關鍵字及其發生率和密度比率.

詳細和全面的 HTML / DOCX 報告是 Plagiarism Checker X 軟件的標誌。報告顏色突出,表明剽竊水平.

注意:14 天試用版。有限的功能.


檔案版本 VASSAL Engine 3.5.1

檔案名稱 VASSAL-3.5.1-windows-64.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Plagiarism Checker X, LLC
更新日期 2021-02-15

What's new in this version:

- Multi Action Button and Toolbar Menu lose last item in Menu Entry list
- Prevent concurrent updates to preferences
- Fast Match forgets fields when added to Maps and Module
- Fast Match was picking wrong number of cards from decks
- GameRefresher incorrectly deletes off map pieces
- NumberFormatException when private server port is empty
- Advanced Search displays "hit lists" properly for names/types of prototypes & configurables
- Refresh Predefined Setup incorrectly clones at start stacks
- Die Roll 'Prompt for values when button pushed' dialog is broken
- Unused Images Tool was suggesting some in-use GIFs for deletion
- NPE when adding dockable PieceWindow from module extension
- OverlappingFileLockException when attempting to write preferences
- Fast-Match wasn't working for "Moved" property
- Chat log should start display on bottom line even with larger monitors
- Sanitize temp file basenames to escape illegal characters
- Don't try to write a logfile without having started one
- IllegalBuildException on gpIdChecker when using GameRefresher
- NPE in Embellishment.addLocalImageNames()
- NPE when using Game Refresher on predefined setups
- ExecutionException when opening a moved or renamed module file
- ChessClock buttons with icons had inappropriate height/width
- NPE in BugUtils when involved from the Module Manager
- NoSuchElementException using Edit All Contained Pieces
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException using Edit All Contained Pieces
- Missing message for failure to write file
- Cannot create new module extensions
- DiceButton icons and Mask images incorrectly suggested for removal by unneeded-file-remover
- NPE in HelpFile.addLocalImageNames()
- Search wasn't searching into PieceSlots ("Single Piece" items in Setup Stacks, etc.)
- MouseoverStackViewer should not show face-down cards in decks, should not unnecessarily clip underneath text, and should not run off left edge of screen in an overzealous attempt to center-on-cursor
- Module extension file extension incorrectly listed as .vext instead of .vmdx
- MouseoverStackViewer mis-centering if "draw pieces" wasn't selected
- Loads from wizard should add filename to window title
- ExecutionException when cancelling a screenshot
- Alt-click, Shift+Ctrl-click should not change selection
- NPE when loading second game in modules using deprecated Map.mainWindowDock

- Reference Manual cleanup
- Improved/Repaired some tables in online docs
- Upgrade bundled Java to 15.0.2+7
- Remove confusing Vassal Version column from MM, show based on preference
- Added infinite loop protection to PlaceMarker
- Search now pre-selects contents of search field when restoring/remembering the previous contents
- Standardize remaining dialogs
- Alt+Shift now an option for band selection of Does Not Stack pieces
- Better window title bars (filename-first like most apps)
- Added infinite loop protection to TurnTracker
- Action Button trait should arm when pressed, fire on release

VASSAL Engine 3.5.1 相關參考資料
Download VASSAL

Download Vassal. Download Vassal , the free, open-source boardgame engine. Vassal runs on ... Vassal 3.5.1 requires Java 11 or later. The Mac OS X disk ...

Updated | VASSAL

Update – Onslaught V1.1 · January 25, 2021 all, Modules, UpdatedDaveJM. The Vassal module for Onslaught has been updated to v1.1 and is now available for ...


Here you can find documentation, game modules, and other user-contributed ... Release Notes · Vassal 3.5.1 Release Notes · Vassal Development Roadmap ...

VASSAL 3.5 Release Notes - VASSAL

2021年1月31日 — This article will give you a quick tour of the new features in VASSAL 3.5, ... Removing Unused Images From Modules; 1.9 Console Commands.

Vassal Engine

Vassal is a game engine for building and playing online adaptations of board games and card games. Play live on the ... Our current release is 3.5.1. Download ...

Vassal Engine - Wikipedia

The Vassal Engine is a game engine for building and playing online adaptations of board ... Stable release. 3.5.1 / February 14, 2021 (2021-02-14). Repository.

VASSAL Engine Download (2021 Latest) for Windows 10, 8, 7

2021年2月1日 — Download VASSAL Engine for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Latest Version 2021.

VASSAL Engine Download (Latest Version) for PC Windows ...

2021年2月1日 — Vassal is a game engine for building and playing online adaptations of board games and card games. You can use Vassal to play in real time.

VASSAL Engine for Mac - Download Free (2021 Latest Version)

2021年2月1日 — Download VASSAL Engine 3.5.0 for Mac from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Amazing and free game engine for building and playing ...


... Uncategorizeduckelman. The VASSAL Team is happy to announce VASSAL 3.5.1. ... Modules saved in 3.5 are not openable by earlier versions of VASSAL.