
最新版本 PDFCreator 4.0.0

PDFCreator 4.0.0

PDFCreator 4.0.0
PDFCreator 是幾乎任何 Windows 應用程序創建 PDF 文件的工具。使用 PDFCreator,您可以從任何能夠打印,加密 PDF 並保護它們免於打開或打印的程序創建 PDF,通過電子郵件發送生成的文件,創建不僅僅是 PDF 文件:PNG,JPG,TIFF,BMP,PCX ,PS 和 EPS,並根據用戶名,計算機名稱,日期和時間等標籤將文件自動保存到文件夾和文件名,將多個文件合併為一個 PDF 文件。 PDFCreator 也運行在終端服務器上沒有問題.

PDFCreator 功能:

創建 PDF 文件
如果您可以打印您的文件,您可以將其轉換為 PDF 與免費應用程序 PDFCreator. 而不僅是 PDF,您可以將文件轉換為其他流行的格式,如 PNG,JPEG 和 TIF.

保護您的 PDF 文件
PDFCreator 可以保護您的文檔免受未經授權的訪問或修改。您可以限制訪問您的 PDF,需要密碼才能打開文檔或使用 128 位 AES 加密限制打印和修改文檔.

如果您需要簽署文檔並將其發送到全球,則需要大量時間。您可以使用數字簽名來加速這一過程:使用 PDFCreator 數字簽名文件。這驗證您為作者,您不必打印和掃描文檔.

存檔 - 隨 PDF / A
今天大多數人和公司想要存檔文件數年或數十年,你必須確保它們在需要時可讀。 PDF / A 標准通過對 PDF 中可以包含的和必須包含的內容應用嚴格的標準來確保這一點。 PDFCreator 能夠為您的歸檔需求創建 PDF / A 文件.

如果您在 PDFCreator 中使用不同的情況,則可能需要針對每種情況進行不同的設置。 PDFCreator 有這個配置文件。您可以為每種情況創建一個配置文件,只需點擊一下即可使用。您也可以使用多台 PDFCreator 打印機,並定義將為您選擇的配置文件.

自動保存允許您使用全自動 PDF 打印機。您可以在配置文件中激活自動保存並選擇文件的保存位置。您打印的每個文檔都將被自動保存。將它與令牌結合起來,它變得更加強大.

PDFCreator 支持很多地方的令牌。這些令牌是某些值的佔位符,即今天的日期,您的用戶名或計數器隨每次打印文檔而增加.

除了逐個轉換您的 PDF,您還可以收集多個文檔,重新排列它們訂購併合併它們。然後,您將收到一份 PDF 文件,其中包含您的所有文件在一個文件中.

Actions 讓您走得更遠。您可以將封面添加到您的文檔,通過 FTP 上傳您的文件,發送電子郵件,甚至可以調用您自己的自定義腳本來進一步處理文件.


檔案版本 PDFCreator 4.0.0

檔案名稱 PDFCreator-4_0_0-Setup.exe
檔案大小 60.4 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 pdfforge GmbH
更新日期 2020-01-20

What's new in this version:

- Option to sort print jobs in the merge window by date, ID or alphabetically
- PDFCreator can now send the whole document to the printer, including added backgrounds or a visible signatures
- Allow to “Convert Here” and “Merge” from the context menu
- Adding backgrounds is now available for all output formats

Resolved Issues:
- Fixed bug in merge window when trying to drag and drop a new file into the pint jobs list.
- Remove the Bug that caused the application to crash when a broken font was loaded. The Bug occurred while selecting a font for the stamping action.
- Files saved from the COM interface were sometimes saved generating a distinct filename, if the target file already existed. PDFCreator now writes exactly to the specified location.
- Fixed converting files, when the filename ended with a space or a dot
- Fixed error in merge all function when merge window was open before

Other Changes:
- PDFCreator now has a workflow editor to define the order of actions while converting documents
- New PDFCreator edition PDFCreator Professional, which is the successor of PDFCreator Business and PDFCreator Plus
- For easier understanding, the “script” action was renamed to “run program”
- Printer drivers are signed with the current pdfforge certificate.
- PDFCreator now uses and requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2

PDFCreator 4.0.0 相關參考資料
Create a PDF — PDFCreator 4.0.0 documentation

Creating a PDF with PDFCreator couldn't be easier. Just follow the steps below and you will be creating PDFs in no time. There are four ways to create a PDF in ...


Merge two documents — PDFCreator 4.0.0 documentation

PDFCreator allows you to easily merge multiple documents into one PDF file (or any other output format). Follow the steps in Create a PDF to print a job into ...


PDFCreator 4.0.0 Build 22092 Free Download for Windows 10 ...

PDFCreator is the result of the work of two developers keen to produce something good on PDF creation or reading and in the same time free, ...


PDFCreator Settings — PDFCreator 4.0.0 documentation

The PDFCreator Settings are divided into five sections. Please refer to the following sections to learn more about PDFCreator Settings. The Home tab allows you ...


PDFCreator — PDFCreator 4.0.0 documentation - pdfforge Docs

Adobe Reader stays open when a script is used to combine PDFs · My Anti-Virus Program says that PDFCreator contains a virus. Why can't I convert certain ...


Printers — PDFCreator 4.0.0 documentation - pdfforge Docs

Each printer can be linked to a profile, which is preselected when using the printer. To change the linked profile, simply click on the right column of the printer ...


Quick Actions — PDFCreator 4.0.0 documentation

Quick Actions¶. Quick actions allow you to locate or modify the documents directly after they were created. After the creation of the documents you will see a ...


User Manual — PDFCreator 4.0.0 documentation

How To: Provides information to extras that you are able to do with the COM interface of PDFCreator like for example sending an e-mail after conversion or ...


Welcome to the PDFCreator user guide! — PDFCreator 4.0.0 ...

_images/pdfcreator_logo_text.png. Thank you for downloading PDFCreator and welcome to the PDFCreator user guide. To get started, please select a topic.
