Opera (64-bit)

最新版本 DbSchema 9.5.2

DbSchema 9.5.2

DbSchema 9.5.2
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檔案版本 DbSchema 9.5.2

檔案名稱 DbSchema_9_5_2.exe
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Opera Software
官網 http://www.opera.com/computer/windows
更新日期 2024-02-25

What's new in this version:

UI Internationalization:
- DbSchema UI can show in english, spanish, german, italian, portugese, japanese, and chinese simplified

DbSchema Internationalization:
- This can be re-configured from Model / Settings Dialog

Floating License Server:
- Floating licenses can be used by teams, when a license can be shared across multiple users
- This is more for the cases when DbSchema is used by multiple users in a team, for short intervals to time each
- The floating licenses requires installing the floating license server on a separate machine. The client computers will connect to the floating license server.
- The floating license server can be started from DbSchemaCLI using the command ‘license server’

Manually Start DbSchema PRO Evaluation:
- In the earlier releases, DbSchema PRO trial was started automatically, after installation
- This has created confusion, as the design model was a feature the PRO edition, and as soon as the trial ended this feature couldn’t be used anymore
- Now, the PRO trial is started only at the user request, making users aware about this

Improve Relational Data Explorer:
- Exploring the data from one table will open the table in maximized view. The view can be restored using the maximize button in the upper right corner.
- Data Explorer Maximized View:
- Cascading a further table will automatically minimize the table

Data Explorer Cascade Table:
- Editing table data will show the editor directly into the table. Double-click cells to start editing. Press ENTER with Control pressed to enter new lines of text.

Data Explorer Inline Edit:
- Multiple table cells can be edited simultaneously
- Data Explorer Edit Multiple Cells Simultaneously
- Auto-completion for Java Groovy Scripts
- DbSchema can automate different tasks using Java Groovy automation scripts. Sample scripts are shown in the Tools menu / Automation Scripts.
- Scripts can be added in the Automation Scripts dialog under User Defined

User Defined Automation Scripts:
- You can also open the SQL editor, switch to Java Groovy and edit or execute scripts

Edit Groovy Scripts in the SQL Editor:
- Now, pressing CTRL-Space a completion menu will show

Java Groovy Auto-Completion:
- Placing the caret between the method brackets and pressing CTRL-P, the different parameter combination can be listed

Other improvements:
- Feature: Add method Schema.cloneTable()
- Feature: Logical design specify column auto_increment
- Feature: Upgrade Firebird JDBC drivers
- Bug: Editing foreign key columns was not possible for Pk tables with more than 100 records
- Bug: Editing column in table dialog, after sorting the columns, would break the sort
- Bug: Data explorer insert UUID in PostgresSQL
- Bug: Browse Filter pop-up not showing when the data view is scrolled to right
- Bug: Different bugs in GIT dialog

DbSchema 9.5.2 相關參考資料
DbSchema 9 Release Notes

DbSchema is a databases client and visual designer. DbSchema has a free Community Edition, which can be downloaded here. DbSchema main features include:.


DbSchema 9.5.2 Download for Windows Old Versions ...

2024年2月25日 — DbSchema 9.5.1. Date released: 17 Jan 2024 (one month ago). Download · DbSchema 9.5.0. Date released: 04 Dec 2023 (3 months ago).


DbSchema Download (2024 Latest)

2024年2月25日 — DbSchema is a diagram-oriented database Windows PC software compatible with all relational and many No-SQL databases, like MySql, Cassandra, ...


DBSchema Pro 9.5.2 - Muhammad Junaid

2022年10月9日 — DbSchema Pro 9.5.2 Crack is a graph-driven Windows PC programming that upholds all social and non-SQL data sets like MySql, Cassandra, ...


DbSchema | Database Design & Management GUI for Teams

Visual, easy-to-use, DbSchema can help to visually design and manage databases in team, generate HTML5 schema documentation, build SQL queries using the mouse, ...


Download DbSchema

Download DbSchema 9.5.2 - Import an abundance of database types to edit, or create new ones from scratch using a large variety of intuitive tools with the ...


Download DbSchema Designer Tool

Download DbSchema 9.5.2. No registration or email required. The software kit is the same for Community and Pro Editions. Download DbSchema ISO-27001. Download ...


Silent Installation of DBschema (9.5.2)

Software Name, DBschema (9.5.2). Version, 9.5.2. Platform, Windows. Vendor, DBschema. Architecture, 64-bit. Download Path, DbSchema_9_5_2.exe.
