軟體下載 Opera 17.0 Build 1241.45

檔案名稱 Opera_17.0.1241.45_Setup.exe

Opera 17.0 Build 1241.45 軟體下載

檔案版本 Opera 17.0 Build 1241.45

檔案名稱 Opera_17.0.1241.45_Setup.exe
檔案大小 32.12 MB
更新日期 2013-10-08
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Opera 17.0 Build 1241.45
用於 Windows 計算機的 Opera 為您提供了瀏覽網頁的快速,高效和個性化的方式。它配備了一個流暢的界面,可自定義的快速撥號,發現功能,它可以幫助您找到新的網頁內容,數據保存 Opera Turbo 模式,可視化書籤,超過 1000 個擴展。在一個快速的瀏覽器上在網上做更多!您可以通過點擊免費下載按鈕,從我們的網站下載 Opera 離線安裝程序.State in sync輕鬆地從您的設備上... Opera (32-bit) 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- Pinned tabs - got tabs you want always open? Right click on a tab to pin it so you can't accidentally close it.
- Startup options - by default, Opera always starts where you finished the last session. Go to O>Settings and, in "On startup" choose between "Continue where I left off", "Open the Start Page", "Open a specific page or set of pages"- .
- Custom search engines - besides pre-installed search providers that Opera ships, now you can add your own searches. For example, to configure "d" to search DuckDuckGo, choose O>Manage Search Engines, and under "Other Search Engines" add "DDG" in the first input field, "d" in the second to define the shortcut and "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s" in the third. This tells Opera which URL to send your search query to, and "%s" is where it adds your search query. We're working on a search field context menu option to make it even easier to do this.

- Chromium update to 1599.69
- DNA-11139: crash on clicking 'convert' to speed dial button in bookmark importer
- DNA-10014: Translate strings for Opera 17
- DNA-10686: Crash on content::x79251c2f:: ::MakeNavigateParams
- DNA-10718: beforeunload handler does not run when browser is closed with keyboard shortcuts
- DNA-10723: Speed Dial extensions removed after crash recovery disables extensions
- DNA-11197: beforeunload dialog does not fully block interaction causing hangup, needing to kill the process
- DNA-11513: Bookmark Importer should not import to QAB when it's disabled
- DNA-11584: Missing gtests in test list on Windows
- DNA-11661: Removing an extension favorite that has no extension triggers a CHECK.
- DNA-12000: Crash on content::WebContentsImpl::NavigateToPendingEntry
- DNA-9872: Recently closed list empty when not using "Continue where I left off" startup option
- DNA-8823: Crash on Allow for Camera request dialog WP1
- DNA-8762: DNA-8045: Merge repack scripts and make it easier to use
- DNA-10496: Alt+A in dialog box causes the input field to be cleared and "Ä…" letter is the only one shown
- DNA-11522: Crash after canceling authentication
- DNA-10048: Inactive tab font color change
- DNA-4666: Unamed objects in Opera window
- DNA-10891: Opera crashes on removing migrated extensions
- DNA-9251: Include article metadata in Discover feedback requests
- DNA-8562: [Windows] The download manager button should have the same state on all windows
- DNA-8804: Tests for Settings (Default Browser & Download location)
- CHR-1214: [uz] Uzbek language file is not included
- DNA-10139: Need a string "Enable rocker gestures"
- DNA-9709: Copy string fixes from Opera 16 stable to mainline
- DNA-10018: Only the context menu of the bookmark bar should have 'Add Folder'
- DNA-9901: "Congratulations, undefined!" displayed after succesfully logged in.
- DNA-9356: Opening new tab doesn't un-minimize the window
- CHR-163: Introduce SitePrefs
- CHR-1215: Getting zoom level while dialog pauses navigation.
- DNA-10134: Fix compile issue with uninitialized variable in QAB
- DNA-9954: Extension permision button disappers
- DNA-9423: The contrast between active and non-active tabs are too small
- DNA-9883: Disable PluginPrefsTest.UnifiedPepperFlashState for desktop
- DNA-10217: Crash when closing tab in FavoritesDOMHandlerUsingView
- DNA-9200: Crash on setting cookie in extension
- DNA-9507: view-source of HTTP urls looses its protocol when copy/pasting
- DNA-8018: Wrong position of downloaded file list dialog in full screen mode
- DNA-8864: Unable to build MASTER on mac with 10.6 SDK
- DNA-9902: Crash on window.create with param: type=popup and two urls and tabId
- DNA-10028: Preserve the imported bookmark model and only copy, not move, items to the quick access bar or to speed dial
- DNA-10387: desktop_common_unittests crash on CommandLineFeatureChecker::IsFeatureEnabled
- DNA-9117: Starting Opera after switching to "Continue where I left off" loads the last session
- DNA-10662: chrome.omnibox.setDefaultSuggestion isn't properly displayed in UI
- DNA-9981: Restoring devtools position and size regressed again (Windows)
- DNA-10441: desktop client asks about stash merge every request
- DNA-9476: Split source string "Enabled" according to context
- CHR-1170: Adjust WebContentsModalDialogManager to our needs.
- DNA-8653: mac retina - favicons are loosing retina-resolution after restart
- DNA-10503: Fixing wrong check in BrowserWindowWin::OnNativeFocusChange
- DNA-9360: Prepare for opr.syncPrivate.* function changes
- DNA-9576: Link Quick Access Bar to settings
- DNA-9684: coming back to speed dial will break stash
- DNA-8654: mac retina - In some cases, we don't use retina favicons (facebook)
- DNA-10516: Fix tab bar rendering in RTL mode.
- DNA-9238: Unable to login to sync
- DNA-10369: New bookmark is not saved when removing bookmark while trying to add new one to Quick Access Bar
- DNA-9354: Licence terms wrong, Update EULA
- DNA-9904: Omnibox extension icon not displayed in UI
- DNA-9771: Not possible to remove media exception (both mac an win)
- DNA-10186: Crashes on camera request when no camera connected
- DNA-9115: When "Open the start page" or "Open a specific page..." setting is used Opera does not open maximized
- DNA-8803: Remove devoptions.html
- DNA-9533: Conetxtual menus are not scaled properly with DPI mode
- DNA-9857: [win] Implement move Tabs between Windows WP3
- DNA-7446: [Windows] Add Opera to file system handlers for .crx and .nex file extensions
- DNA-9222: Login warning page if user account has changed - Dom API updates
- DNA-10140: Activating pinned tab after closing normal one resizes pinned tab to the normal tab
- DNA-7445: Adding more languages to spellchecker doesn't work properly
- DNA-9863: Create network installer WP4
- DNA-8639: Migrate Chrome's bookmark model and friends
- DNA-7852: Add Sync control items to main menu and settings
- DNA-10941: Opera crashes in >PasswordFormManager::OnRequestDone
- DNA-9930: Remove the separator from the top of Pin/Unpin context menu option on tab strip
- DNA-9758: crashloop on stashing any page
- DNA-10148: Opera crashes when trying to open contextual menu after moving and adding item to folder in Quick Access Bar
- DNA-9551: Implement Windows color chooser
- DNA-9505: Pinned tab not supported in extensions API
- DNA-9465: Make siteprefs.json be autoupdateable
- DNA-8882: Unable to login to sync
- DNA-9873: chrome.omnibox.onInputCancelled not handled properly
- DNA-10230: Virtual status bar not compatible with web inspector
- DNA-8640: Extend Chrome's bookmark model with nickname, description, created, visited date
- DNA-9235: Memory Leak in TabController when setting favicons
- DNA-9673: Window forced to background with every mouse click
- DNA-9451: Custom search engines lack favicon in settings
- DNA-9666: Camera badge indicator is displayed in addressbar after the user dismisses the dialog with the ESC key
- DNA-10353: crash in >BookmarkModel::SetTitle when editing non-existant bookmark
- DNA-9746: Theme support WP4: addons.opera.com JS API
- DNA-9687: Update Default Partner Content for High Resolution Bing favicon
- DNA-9519: Generate extension permissions on-demand in extensions WebUI (incl. the start page)
- DNA-9726: Not possible to search with search engines added by extensions
- DNA-8128: Height of badge popup sections must be based on highest section
- DNA-10228: Crash occurs when try to Drag and Drop bookmark to specific position in folder
- DNA-10600: Animation glitch when creating a folder
- DNA-9357: Assert when accessing page with media access the first time
- DNA-9124: After trying to install USB to restricted, not possible to install USB to other destination
- DNA-8764: Make autoupdate testing on Mac easier
- DNA-9234: Extension optional permissions dialog - the Engine part
- DNA-10563: Name and URL bookmarks in Quick Access Bar do not have length limit WP3 - Windows part 2
- DNA-8783: Port chrome.bookmarks API WP1
- CHR-255: Scale to device scale factor if double tap would barely zoom in from zoomed out state.
- DNA-10567: Compile issue with V110, potentially uninitialized variable.
- DNA-10801: Some opera:flags strings are still not marked as translateable="false"
- DNA-7414: Permanent cookies not deleted when Opera is closed
- DNA-9285: Add required data packs for unittests
- CHR-1216: Load custom Opera data packs in HiDPI mode.
- DNA-9510: Assign proper creator codes to Opera Mac builds
- DNA-1986: Implement minimum font settings
- DNA-10538: address bar shows previous address while auth/cert dialogs are displayed when navigating by entering address with another dialog open
- DNA-8577: Theme install WP1
- DNA-8576: after choosing "log in" when synchronizing, and successfully logging in, menu's item should change to "logged as USERNAME"
- DNA-9644: internal pages can be added to stash through address bar only
- DNA-9769: Use our own external loader which will take data from partner json files.
- DNA-9391: [Windows] Implement tab indicator for camera in use wp1
- DNA-9272: IME is totally unusable at address field
- DNA-8827: [Windows] Add suppport for multiple geolocation requests WP2
- DNA-7344: Revoked sites load securely after reload
- DNA-7523: Under the Back button, there are only 5 pages are shown
- DNA-7716: [Win8] Fullscreen mode (F11) makes Windows' task bar inaccessible
- DNA-9404: Gyp reports missing file chrome_importschromerendererspellcheckerspelling_engine.h
- DNA-9642: During bookmark import to the new BookmarkModel, duplicate GUIDs may be used
- DNA-6764: Paused download progress on the taskbar should show its status
- DNA-9900: Possible to move pinned tab to the right of regular tab when only 1 pinned and 1 regular tabs are present
- DNA-9028: In settings, changing a search engine changes the badge looks and makes it not working
- DNA-8207: Esc in fullscreen should dismiss other contexts before leaving fullscreen
- DNA-10195: Port chrome.pageCapture.* API
- DNA-10044: Zoom value do not fit in field in OMenu when 150% DPI is used
- DNA-8669: Update the turbo host name in gyp file
- DNA-9001: Camera/microphone icons displayed in badge on every internal Opera page WP1
- DNA-9074: Create network installer WP2
- DNA-7215: Bundle the font used in Discover
- DNA-8268: Ctrl+Enter host name auto complete, common part
- DNA-9932: Don't allow extension open crash-pages
- DNA-8795: [Windows] Redesign closing single tab strategy WP1
- DNA-10451: Two context menus in SD
- DNA-10158: ExtensionAPITest.NoPermissions unittest fails on master
- DNA-9523: Allow/Deny dialog is displayed again after "deny and reload" button is pressed when the user has allowed access
- DNA-7866: no option to delete saved data in autofill
- DNA-9440: onbeforeunload event does not fire when closing tab or window
- DNA-10200: Building Debug in static-library configuration on Windows fails at linking
- DNA-9214: Better alignment of the icons in the badge area
- DNA-9122: Address bar URL changes on opening content in new tab with alt + enter
- DNA-10394: speed dials item cannot be dragged after a while when there is zero element folder
- DNA-8581: Fix Opera for 64 bit builds
- DNA-9267: Every odd number icon from Contextual Taskbar menu is using Opera default icon instead of favicon
- DNA-6451: Context menu not available for extensions on toolbar
- DNA-7557: Port chrome.omnibox API
- DNA-2937: Expose a SyncNow() API for testing
- DNA-9541: Confirmation dialog views crashes opera
- DNA-6558: autoupdate_test deletes build during testing
- DNA-9227: CLONE - Better alignment of the icons in the badge area
- DNA-9520: Ctrl+Ins does not copy protocol from address bar
- DNA-8544: Page form data improperly stored in session file
- DNA-10025: Crash when undoing from address field
- DNA-10162: Change 'URL' to 'Address' in the Edit bookmark dialog
- DNA-9958: (Windows) Implement Quick Access Bar [WP6]
- DNA-10150: There are no tooltips on Quick Access Bar items
- DNA-10155: Bookmark can not be dragged to address bar when it is empty
- DNA-9456: WP2 for DNA-9160
- DNA-10377: Enable FavoriteCollectionView by default and remove favorites-view-implementation runtime flag
- DNA-9418: Geolocation should persist the deny choice of the user if they select one
- DNA-8706: Hide opera://sync-login URLs
- DNA-8651: Port chrome.webNavigation
- DNA-8847: Unpinned tabs should move to the leftmost position in tab bar
- DNA-9113: Favorites added while not logged in are not synchronized (under some circumstances)
- DNA-9271: Post 30.0.1566.2 upgrade fixing
- DNA-10457: Improve net installer error handling and allow to recover from lost connection
- CHR-1106: Chromium update 1573.2
- DNA-9717: Saved O12 session with tabs that have invalid URLs triggers assert during migration
- DNA-9617: No messages shown at form with validation error
- DNA-9518: Clone tab doesn't work on mac
- DNA-10108: The site name should be displayed as a title on Turbo badge
- DNA-8452: The Download button is not visible in a second window
- DNA-10239: Cannot dismiss geolocation EULA dialog with ESC
- DNA-6570: Search suggestions from default search engine displayed for imported search engine
- DNA-9625: Fix tests using Browser
- DNA-8709: Assert error on fetching favicons
- DNA-8239: Regression: Addressbar no longer hides the ref part if there is a query part in the url.
- DNA-8412: Create FavoriteCollectionView adapter - WP2 - passive logic
- DNA-9104: UI tweaks for startup handling section
- DNA-10066: Crash on canceling auth dialog from an unloaded inline
- DNA-9594: [Windows] Separate badges
- DNA-8441: Email is being reproduced two or three times from my imap inbox account. Other IMAP folders are not affected. The client shows synchronising headers, and then duplicates or triplicates the entries.
- DNA-10529: crash on printing any page
- DNA-9583: Microphone icon not active when it's requested with camera at one time
- DNA-10004: When bookmarks are added or removed from the Quick Address Bar via an extension they do not update in real time
- DNA-9973: Mac QAB overflow support
- DNA-9164: Enable Sync-related tests on buildbot
- DNA-10103: Opera doesn't start due to corrupt .pak file
- DNA-10435: When there is no focus in Address Bar and user drops a bookmark in address bar suggestion box
- DNA-3598: spellchecker looses its misspelled-mark from input
- DNA-9707: Enable alpha recovery for Flash plugin with window mode 'transparent'
- DNA-10165: Show 'Edit bookmark' dialog on pressing ctrl + d if the URL is already bookmarked
- DNA-9029: Media request dialog's title is incorrect
- DNA-9279: [Windows] Enable "Go to web address" in Context Menu wp1
- DNA-8394: Add Theme entry to Window menu
- DNA-8315: any input from keyboard on any page is ignored after right clicking on flash content and switching tab
- DNA-11053: Opera menu does not open on mouse down
- DNA-9296: Download location "Change" button should be inline with input
- DNA-9157: Implement 'Add/Edit Folder'
- DNA-10133: Fix extensions.js regression after CHR-1154
- DNA-9472: view-frame-source loads main page URL
- DNA-10511: Name and URL bookmarks in Quick Access Bar do not have length limit WP1 - Windows part
- DNA-10121: Add safe switch to get UI button "sync now" and switch to custom URL server
- DNA-9062: Geolocation and Camera/Microphone dialogs disappears without user taking any action
- DNA-10890: Opera crashes on update of migrated extensions
- CHR-1244: Fix return-value from Array.push stub pushing non-SMI value
- DNA-10825: Opera canot start due to missing .pak files
- DNA-8701: [Windows] Camera and microphone allow/deny dialog WP1
- DNA-6417: Releasing Ctrl+F1 doesn't finish tab cycling when focus is in addressbar
- DNA-8413: Create FavoriteCollectionView adapter - WP3 - active logic
- DNA-9352: [win] Implement move Tabs between Windows WP1
- DNA-8747: Clean up the redundant focus change notification methods
- DNA-10597: After creating a folder and opening new speed dial, folder lacks items
- DNA-10152: Zoom in/out more are not working at NumPad
- DNA-10406: Items in Quick Access Bar folder cannot be opened using middle mouse click
- DNA-10124: Not possible to use chrome.windows permissions without declaring them in manifest
- DNA-10046: Improved drag & drop in quick access bar.
- DNA-5210: view-source badge for opera: pages do not use the page badge
- DNA-9008: Always use localStorage to handle click feedback in Discover
- DNA-10543: Missing user name in Sync welcome screen
- CHR-1040: fix skia memset inclusion for armv7 non-neon devices
- DNA-9348: Opera crashes when clicking on extension button
- DNA-5780: view source fails on chrome-extension pages
- DNA-9245: Assert when restoring session
- DNA-10163: After adding enough 1st item that can't fit on screen, expander icon is not shown
- DNA-10667: Closing Opera with X at first click when started with 3 Speed Dials closes 2 speed dials
- DNA-9586: Tweaks and bug fixing in Stash suggestion provider
- DNA-9129: Camera access allowed when no camera connected WP1
- DNA-9953: When moving items on QAB to 1st position different indicator is used
- DNA-517: Consider rewriting chrome:// scheme to opera://
- DNA-9923: Add support for loading bundled extension from package.
- DNA-9599: Connect Quick Access Bar to BookmarkModel
- DNA-8646: Update dictionaries.xml to the latest version hosted on the AU server and copy it over on first run after update too.
- DNA-7829: With two screens, popups always opens on main screen
- DNA-10113: Make the net installer responsible for extracting the installer
- DNA-10802: Opera does not remember last opened tabs when a new private window is opened
- DNA-9393: DCHECK fails in DownloadDatabase::CreateDownload when migrating
- DNA-3537: Zoom in/out more is not clear
- DNA-9674: Enable Custom Search Engine on master
- DNA-10354: Block ctrl + d on speed dial and other "not to be added as bookmark" pages
- DNA-9036: Stack traces from Windows have distorted name of metadata parameters
- DNA-8990: Badge callout not aligned to the left edge of the badge/address field
- DNA-3112: Case-insensitive at tab context menu
- DNA-10847: Extension pages don't allow extension API in loaded iframes
- DNA-9951: dialogs within opera://settings are not shown, only a gray overlay
- DNA-9753: Visual jump on hovering custom search engines in settings
- DNA-8856: Stop using Thumbnails for speed dial extensions views
- DNA-9790: Change the social provider URL
- DNA-10717: Browser shut down takes considerable time with only a number of speed dial pages
- DNA-7694: Find toolbar does not clear previous search when search input field is emptied
- DNA-9081: desktop_common_unittests fails in AutofillPopupViewCocoa
- DNA-9881: [Mac] Make sound when user performs impossible action
- DNA-10413: Crash occurs if site is added to Quick Access Bar expander list before it's icon is loaded
- DNA-6181: Pop-out origin arrow missing when window maximized or running in full screen
- DNA-8466: Every auto update deletes two shortcuts
- DNA-9635: Enable certain features by default on mainline
- DNA-7874: Handle partner -> regular favorite conversion in Sync
- DNA-9869: Username not displayed after restarting Opera while being logged in.
- DNA-9574: When 150% DPI is used, download window is cut on left and right
- DNA-10509: Crash when disabling speed dial extensions
- DNA-9650: Using custom search engine from address bar crashes browser
- DNA-10339: Drag and release Quick Access Item should remove instead of copy URL
- DNA-4596: menu opera -> page -> find in page on speed dial
- DNA-10204: Add runtime switch to switch between test and production servers.
- DNA-9868: 'Save tabs as SD group' doesn't work
- DNA-11448: using "view source" you can open more than one singleton tab in one window
- DNA-10389: After moving and item from Quick Access Bar to QAB folder, folder is not refreshed
- DNA-9176: Imported global history not being shown in "all" history view.
- DNA-8517: Sync WebUI C++ WP1
- DNA-9729: Chrome.windows.create with width,height attributes creates window of wrong size
- DNA-10176: Contextual menu of Quick Access Bar have too many options
- DNA-2612: Devtools window is not closed by toggling keyboard shortcut
- DNA-9486: Expose a DOM API to access and manipulate the new bookmark model in the bookmark importer WebUI
- TRN-344: IDS_ABOUT_*_BRANCH should NOT be translated
- DNA-9575: [Mac] Pinned tabs should not be movable to in between normal tabs and vice versa
- DNA-10038: QAB should be hidden in full screen mode
- DNA-10674: Search engine icon should not be displayed in badge after restoring currently loaded URL with ESC key.
- DNA-8837: [Windows] Support for various DPI settings WP1
- DNA-8310: Commands API not working for _execute_browser_action
- DNA-7920: Fix crashing and failing desktop_common_unittests tests disabled with DNA-7919
- DNA-10007: Opening a QAB folder in a new window does not show entries in a subfolder
- DNA-10159: Errors and assertion when uninstalling any at least once enabled extension.
- DNA-8433: Fix compilation of sync_cli after chromium update to 1547.3
- CHR-1171: Add 125% DPI mode to ui::Layout.
- DNA-9345: Cmd+A to select all text in a text field in an extension's popup does not work
- DNA-8777: red "bad-spelling" underline doesn't support retina resolution
- DNA-10157: After dragging badge to Quick Access Bar edit dialog is not shown
- DNA-9731: Favicon should be moved 1px leftwards (centered) on pinned tabs
- DNA-9364: Try to reconnect to the Sync server if one is no longer available
- DNA-10424: unable to drag bookmark into an empty folder
- DNA-9573: Limit the amount of extensions details provided to the start page
- DNA-10595: Opera crashes on disabling extension with broken javascript dialog
- DNA-8845: Sync log-in fails if existing Opera account is not used
- DNA-9636: Weird layout on opera://settings/startup
- DNA-10168: Drag and drop reordering bookmarks stopped working
- DNA-8477: current master's installer crashes before user can take any action
- DNA-9639: Social login using Opera account does not work
- DNA-9880: Complete QAB context menu support
- DNA-9042: Style issues accidentaly commited in find_tab_helper.cc
- DNA-9641: Fix crash (assert) when failing to install theme file.
- DNA-8743: Converting with IME changing search provider and then starting a new search in a new tab gives wrong result.
- DNA-9024: Create file with list of unittests to be launched by Buildbot
- DNA-9123: ctrl+alt+enter in address field should do autocompletion (www +com) and open content in new tab
- DNA-9110: Empty folder on speed dial cannot be closed
- DNA-5322: [win] Popup window position differs from what is given in parameters
- DNA-9980: Add flag to use NativeTextfieldViews on Windows
- DNA-8711: Handle lower case GUIDs sent by the sync server
- DNA-9064: Reload on geolocation dialog should not results as pressing deny button
- DNA-10006: Saving a QAB folder as a Speed Dial folder, does not flattern subdirectories
- DNA-10579: Assertion failures in ThumbnailRepTestSuite
- DNA-9195: Sync settings - server errors presented in UI
- DNA-10448: Fix compilation of sync_cli after DNA-9363
- DNA-6433: thumbnail manager should ignore 40x status codes in response to its page requests
- DNA-9363: UI to display when the connection to the Sync server is no longer available
- DNA-10829: onbeforeunload event does not fire when closing tab or window.
- DNA-10153: chrome.omnibox.onInputEntered function text has additionally keyword element added
- DNA-8867: SpecialStoragePolicy disabled in off-the-record profile
- DNA-5475: pressing down button should open suggestion dropdown
- DNA-11052: Extension permision button style fix
- DNA-10166: Mac needs empty bar text on the QAB
- DNA-8621: [Mac] Camera and microphone - badge and popup WP2
- DNA-6772: Alt should open OMenu even if the focus is at address field
- DNA-9478: Put siteprefs behind a feature flag
- DNA-9080: Add FavoriteCollection::ChangeFavorite()
- DNA-9499: Make view-source URLs in 'Recently closed' list distinguishable by prefixing '(source)'
- DNA-7560: Local state file updated with new version timestamp before browser js is verified
- DNA-9527: Move sanitation of the favorites model from JavaScript - WP2
- DNA-8432: Speeddial tabs should not be stored in Recently Closed list
- DNA-8829: Switching tab before pressing down to open the addressbar dropdown needs to do a new search
- DNA-6479: Permissions tooltip for extension at the bottom falls outside visible screen area
- DNA-9581: Input field in dialogs (JS/Auth) too small - letter are cut off
- DNA-9027: SyncLoginDataStoreTest from desktop_sync_unittests fails
- DNA-8870: link error: duplicate symbols from opera_url_constants
- DNA-10036: Don't use innerHTML for strings which are returned by a server
- DNA-10126: Handle deleting speed dial extensions
- DNA-8817: Arrow keys doesn't work at address field
- DNA-9875: (Windows) Implement Quick Access Bar WP5
- DNA-9432: WP1 for DNA-9160
- DNA-9389: Searching for Space in address bar crashes Opera
- DNA-10499: Don't enforce rules of the Favorites model in favorites.onRemoveFavorite
- DNA-10047: Selected search suggestion is not searched but previously searched one is searched
- DNA-10546: CORS/Cookie UID in Discover
- DNA-9922: Ignore bookmarks moving around folders for now
- DNA-8462: Search suggestion hanging in the middle of dropdown
- DNA-5790: Downloads pop-up not keyboard accessible
- DNA-10399: Uninstall survey WP1
- DNA-8437: CHECK fails in extension pages: Check failed: feature. permission:activityLogPrivate
- DNA-10138: [win] Implement move Tabs between Windows WP4
- DNA-8992: Password manager autocomplete dropdown contains not working "x" - delete buttons
- DNA-10638: Support RTL in search suggestions.
- DNA-10490: The left space between + and the description of QAB is too close
- DNA-8570: Show Sync nag screen or not
- DNA-9006: Crash in browser_extensions_unittests in TemplateURLService
- CHR-1227: Clip pixel references before adding to pictures
- DNA-10449: Dragging items along the length of the QAB can cause them to be deleted
- DNA-9249: [Mac] Implement tab indicator for camera in use
- DNA-10596: Netinstall: Missing icon in the chrome bar
- DNA-9536: Implement Mac Color Chooser
- DNA-9347: Implement SyncStashDataHandler
- DNA-9910: Context menu for Pinned tab should change â€oPin Tabâ€? entry to â€oUnpin Tabâ€?
- DNA-9893: UA from custom partner content JSON is not applied
- DNA-9017: No need for "off" geolocation icon on all pages on a domain
- DNA-9876: Omnibox API shouldn't enter query into address bar
- DNA-10508: Crash in BookmarkContainerView::Layout() when opening second window
- DNA-10009: We need a way to manually check for update
- DNA-9763: No deny camera badge on Windows
- DNA-7912: Prevent javascript copy/paste fraud
- DNA-9925: [Windows] There should be no bounce move when pinning/unpinning tabs
- DNA-9224: "Clear This Setting and Reload" doesn't work after denying media access
- DNA-5266: Expose a way to align tab to top in maximized window
- DNA-10276: Bookmarks in folders in Quick Access Bar shouldn't have context menu
- DNA-9859: Turn off crash log submissions to CAT in builds not built through BUILDBOT
- DNA-8032: Replace attribute selectors with classes in the WebUIs
- DNA-10064: Drag and drop reordering doesn't update the QAB
- DNA-10398: [Win] QAB UI needs fixing WP1
- DNA-8887: Change wording in opera:flags
- DNA-9681: [win] Implement move Tabs between Windows WP2
- DNA-10022: in 17 rightclick not show rightclick-menu in new tab
- DNA-8896: [Windows] Camera and microphone - popup WP1
- DNA-10070: Not possible to drag a bookmark from quickbar to a folder
- DNA-9084: Extensions start only after the first window is created
- DNA-9280: [mac] - Under the Back button, there are only 5 pages are shown
- DNA-544: [Windows] Pinned tabs implementation
- DNA-9744: Crash on opera: internal pages
- DNA-8897: Prevent javascript copy/paste fraud
- DNA-9741: Bundled extensions should be installed without any warning
- DNA-8891: Autorelease pool missing leaking warnings on 10.6
- DNA-10169: Keyboard shortucuts freezes Opera when add/edit Quick Access Bar dialog is shown
- DNA-8513: Camera and microphone - engine part WP1
- DNA-9429: Migration of download doesn't work very well after intake
- DNA-8788: Synchronization of favorites totally broken
- DNA-10691: Address bar is not selected properly on trusted sites
- DNA-9927: Enable the "extension-action-context-menu" feature by default
- DNA-8832: Shortcut in Clear Browser Data InfoBar is wrong for Mac
- DNA-7447: [Mac] Add Opera to file system handlers for .crx and .nex file extensions
- DNA-9043: Debug break when showing search bar through F3
- DNA-9815: Move sanitation of the favorites model from JavaScript - engine updates
- DNA-10191: Port chrome.contentSettings.* API
- DNA-9430: Sync tries to synchronize Speed Dial extensions
- DNA-8784: Add option to specify directory for crash logs
- DNA-8571: Make Auth server overridable by prefs for social log-in
- DNA-10175: Quick Acccess Bar is completely empty when there are no bookmarks added
- DNA-10011: FavoritesCollectionView loses synchronisation between windows
- DNA-9735: Inconsistent behaviour of Recently closed menu in Opera Menu
- DNA-8705: Don't keep Sync log-in tab in user session
- DNA-8397: Opera kills itself when creating the Start Page / Welcome Page
- DNA-9210: Crash on address manipulation: delete address, 2 x Esc and Enter
- DNA-8879: More than one password manager toolbars displayed when incorrect password is provided at first attempt.
- DNA-4173: opera:history saving first page title, not final
- DNA-10436: Crash on "All Cookies and Site Data..." on settings page
- DNA-11176: Extension checksum check fails for some bundled extensions.
- DNA-546: [Windows] Rearranging pinned tabs
- DNA-9435: We are sending modified items even if nothing that we sync has changed
- DNA-10663: crash on clearing camera/mic setting from badge popup
- DNA-10637: Crash on closing incognito Window in some circumstances...
- DNA-10951: "Sign in" instead of "Log in"
- DNA-8697: If a user has Opera 12 and installs Opera 15 the installer says "We will upgrade your installation"
- DNA-7727: Thread assertion hit during extension migration on extension installation on mac.
- DNA-10416: Enable extension APIs for Opera 17
- DNA-9477: Make FeatureChecker profile independent
- DNA-9906: Tabs do not always animate back to a valid position when moved
- CHR-1229: remove unused header from content/common/sandbox_seccomp_bpf_linux.cc
- DNA-9390: disable lazy session loading on master
- DNA-10409: Subfolders do not have Add Page button
- DNA-8885: Sync login not remembered between restarts
- DNA-10495: [Mac] chrome.commands API doesn't work for page and browser action
- DNA-5242: speed dial background jumps ~50px because of "set Opera as a default browser" bar
- CHR-1047: add gyp setting to disable blink testing support
- DNA-10439: Alt+Z in dialog box causes the input field to be cleared and "A1" letter is the only one shown
- DNA-9030: Gelocation data not deleted on clearing browser data
- DNA-8534: When address bar is empty suggestion box is not displayed by arrow down key
- DNA-10145: After opening add folder/add bookmark dialog focus is not set in dialog input field
- DNA-8702: webloc-files are opened as XML
- DNA-8314: Commands API not working for _execute_page_action
- DNA-10203: Disallow adding some protocols to Speed Dial / Quick Access Bar
- DNA-8989: "Save Tabs in Speed Dial group" includes Speed Dial to Speed Dial Group
- DNA-9783: (Windows) Implement Quick Access Bar [WP3]
- DNA-9441: History panel is not migrated into opera://history
- DNA-9663: [Windows] Rearranging single pinned tab not correct
- DNA-8555: Geolocation text on the badge changes before you reload page
- DNA-9708: Crash in OperaPopupModel/SuggestionManager
- DNA-9522: [Windows] Support for various DPI settings WP2
- DNA-10057: Address bar badge drag.
- DNA-8033: Hovering a part of tab does not show tool-tip
- DNA-10218: omnibox suggestions text truncated
- DNA-8939: Unable to use more than 1 password for a page
- DNA-9565: DNA-9157: Register quick-access-bar flag
- DNA-9646: BadgeInfoTest in desktop_common_unittests crash
- DNA-10143: Scrolling in theme manager is not smooth if there are many themes (~ 40)
- DNA-9366: GPU blacklist is not working
- DNA-9282: Fix for extensions.js after chromium 30.0.1566.2 intake
- DNA-9864: Close tab should be greyed out in Tab's context menu / in the File menu
- DNA-9529: [Mac] Web inspector on separate window crashes opera
- DNA-9931: When dropping items onto the QAB, show the add dialog so the name can be changed
- DNA-8796: Theme support WP2: download, installation, selection
- DNA-9365: Investigate extensions bundling
- DNA-10599: onbeforeunload confirmation dialog is not shown when tab/window is closed by keyboard shortcuts
- DNA-9515: Move sanitation of the favorites model from JavaScript - WP1
- DNA-9459: Basic stash suggestion provider
- DNA-8383: Inline find text should change to text selection when you exit inline find
- DNA-9156: speed dial extensions shows gray rectangle instead of working after installation
- DNA-9661: It is possible to click on '+' sign in Quick Access Bar on Speed Dial
- DNA-10843: Create browsertests with opening several windows (including incognito) and closing application with several windows opened
- DNA-9939: Ensure that the quick access bar is enabled if the user imports something to it
- DNA-8166: installer_unittests crashes
- DNA-10522: The locale repacking script should signal build errors when failing
- DNA-11318: Speed-Dial: Search-Section "jumps"
- DNA-8190: Options startup pages handler
- DNA-10136: QAB is not refreshed after removing item - removed items are shown until site refresh
- DNA-11258: Marge permissions descriptions if they are same to not display duplicate entries
- DNA-7838: Address bar is blank (stop)
- DNA-9730: Arrow up is shown and active when Recently closed menu is already at it's top
- DNA-9656: Tests for "On startup" section of settings.
- DNA-8830: [Windows] Redesign closing single tab strategy WP2
- DNA-9045: Settings for UI language, Dictionaries and Accept Language headers
- DNA-10167: When select "Open all" option in folders menu in Quick Access Bar, 1st item replaces active tab
- DNA-10926: Incognito "split" mode: opening new Private window should create background_page for incognito
- DNA-10422: All of the 'Open...' options in contextual menu do not work for Quick Access Bar items
- DNA-9921: Only show bookmarks added to the QAB node
- DNA-10359: Trimmed username and server message strings in Auth dialog with different languages
- DNA-8622: Implement Sync "log out"
- DNA-10043: Unable to use a proxy for intranet (Use proxy for local servers unless OS config disbles it)
- DNA-9580: WP1 for DNA-9578
- DNA-9512: CLONE - Find Next via Enter doesn't work after switching tabs
- DNA-6248: Ctrl + Shift + Del should show delete private data dialog
- DNA-9671: [Windows] Implement tab indicator for camera in use wp2
- DNA-10111: Tooltip for Start Page should use both capital letters
- DNA-9592: Add a new command favorites.removeFolder(string guid) to the favorites DOM API
- DNA-10430: Opera crashes after losing focus with popup window
- CHR-1100: Add UPNP web-ui for desktop when remote debugging a device
- DNA-9716: Trusted bundled extensions aren't enabled after installation
- DNA-8778: Camera and microphone - engine part WP2
- TRN-368: Translation of "Restart" depends on the context
- DNA-9849: Rocker gestures stuck after opening context menu on flash object
- DNA-10375: [uz] Uzbek language file is not included
- DNA-9138: Title of speed dial extension not updated after extension-update
- DNA-9157: Implemented 'Edit Bookmark' dialog
- DNA-9130: Enabled category shows enabled and disabled extensions
- DNA-10507: Crash when closing Opera having more than one window
- DNA-9591: tabs visual glitch on win7
- DNA-7871: Only synchronize actual changes
- DNA-9349: [mac] - Holding back button freezes Opera
- DNA-10326: Make AU UTs operational again.
- DNA-10233: Fix browser_extensions_browsertests and desktop_common_browsertests
- DNA-9577: Tab indicator for camera is still displayed when camera is stopped
- DNA-9516: DNA-9157: (Mac) Implement Quick Access Bar [WP1]
- DNA-9563: Wrong font-size used on UI buttons
- DNA-9112: I'm able to open more than one sync login page
- DNA-6393: Enabling turbo quickly on first run breaks speed dials
- DNA-6357: Add lazy loading after restart
- DNA-9566: Tab close button looks wrong when pressed
- DNA-5410: alt + enter on address field should open address field content in new tab
- DNA-7737: Sand theme has not black color for Speed Dial titles
- DNA-8850: no option to delete saved data in autofill [mac]
- DNA-9289: Remove ControlledSetting related code from Settings
- DNA-9855: (Windows) Implement Quick Access Bar [WP4]
- DNA-1988: Manage search engines
- DNA-10215: OMenu button is larger with hdpi build
- DNA-9253: Remove Extensions on opera:// URLs support
- DNA-8506: Addressbar drop down shows overlapped content
- DNA-9871: Updating unpinned tab [pinned:false] moves it to index 0
- DNA-8780: Stash storage doesn't have GUIDs for stash items
- DNA-8648: Keep user logged in to Sync
- DNA-8906: PartnerContentServiceFactory using file IO in disallowed thread
- DNA-8749: Split webui resources into separate grid file to speed up compilation
- DNA-8661: Save file dialog doesn't provide option to save complete page including resources
- DNA-9755: Cookies view "Remove all" button misaligned
- DNA-9137: Theme support WP3: local install and theme removal
- DNA-8545: [Polish locale] Odd characters in suggestion while changing the search engine
- DNA-9915: Quick access bar should not be enabled by default
- DNA-8637: paste & go search for "opera://" instead of working
- DNA-9205: Stash tab of Opera has a misspelling in german language
- DNA-7990: Ctrl + del works differently in address bar with text selection
- DNA-9733: Take upstream merge base for copied from tag
- DNA-6205: Selecting full address field contents using alt+d, ctrl+l etc. does not work when the address field is already focused
- DNA-9691: Crash when doing the rocker gesture over web inspector
- DNA-10112: Incorrect address field on entering a javascript: URL or scheme triggering protocol handler dialog
- DNA-9531: Features in desktop/common/features/features.h/.cc are not sorted alphabetically
- DNA-9725: (Windows) Implement Quick Access Bar [WP2]
- DNA-10151: 'Open all' option in folder contextual menu does not work at all when there is 15 or more items in folder
- DNA-9341: Post-DNA-2937 fixes
- DNA-9537: opauto's syncNow() doesn't seems to force sync
- DNA-10748: "Close Other Tabs" handles pinned tabs badly
- DNA-10242: Spell check and some rewording for Opera 17
- DNA-10173: Make a setting for Rocker Gestures (off by default)
- DNA-7148: Separate strings needed for source string "Search" in different contexts
- DNA-7415: StashManager::AddGenerated() should queue the requests and continue processing if the browser closes before it can process the requests.
- DNA-8532: Closing new window crashes Opera
- DNA-9601: Crash on restoring session with invalid history state
- DNA-9782: InitValueManifestTest.InitFromValueInvalid from browser_extensions_unittests fails
- DNA-8908: Crash on clicking O-menu after extension closes window
- DNA-9089: "don't ask me again" in Synchronize menu doesn't work
- DNA-4227: migration_unittests fails in WebStorageImporterTest.ExtensionsRealData
- DNA-10131: (Windows) Implement Quick Access Bar WP7
- DNA-9628: Create network installer WP3
- DNA-10566: Fix tab dragging in RTL mode.
- DNA-9141: Login warning page if user account has changed UI
- DNA-8909: Single tabs in multiple windows do not have 'X' for closing
- CHR-969: Turbo 2: next generation turbo
- DNA-9362: Extract proper user name from sync login success call
- DNA-8541: CTRL+Q don't work
- DNA-10603: Query string deleted after pressing enter in address field
- DNA-9786: Fix tabs API pinned tab errors
- DNA-10374: Move overflow code to collection view
- TRN-367: Mac terminology for saving bookmarks
- DNA-9670: Find toolbar input color incorrectly syncs across different tabs
- DNA-5115: ZipTest.ZipFiles in desktop_common_unittest crashes on Mac
- DNA-9589: opr.speeddial.get returns empty url,title after browser restart
- DNA-9650 Using custom search engine from address bar crashes browser
- DNA-9421: Long letters are cut in Address bar when --high-dpi-support=1 switch is used
- DNA-6556: Opera Developer hangs in Add/remove programs list after uninstallation for ~30 seconds.
- DNA-9086: Temporarily disable two tests to unblock commit queue
- DNA-3986: Placeholder/default favicon required for pages without favicon
- DNA-9403: Migrated tabs cannot be loaded.
- DNA-3353: The tooltip text should remain in the field until the user starts typing.
- DNA-9400: Inconsistent behaviour when opening a link with non-existing protocol WP1
- DNA-10372: Trimmed strings in badge geolocation callout in different languages
- DNA-7558: speed dial search box is unstyled if default.json is not loaded
- DNA-9911: Context menu for Pinned tab should change "Pin Tab" entry to "Unpin Tab"
- DNA-10174: It's impossible to open Quick Access Bar bookmarks with middle mouse click
- CHR-1115: Integrate DirectFB compositor code into master
- DNA-10340: Initial Quick Access folder support
- DNA-10164: Do not open multiple Add bookmark dialogs on the same tab
- DNA-10507: Crash in JumpList::FavoriteCollectionDeleted() when closing Opera having more than one window

Opera 17.0 Build 1241.45 相關參考資料
Download Opera Browser 17.0.1241.45 for Windows

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How to disable fake SSL check in development phase for ...

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Index of puboperadesktop17.0.1241.45

Index of /pub/opera/desktop/17.0.1241.45/ ../ mac/ 07-Oct-2013 16:06 - win/ 07-Oct-2013 16:06 -


Index of puboperadesktop17.0.1241.45win

Index of /pub/opera/desktop/17.0.1241.45/win/ ../ Opera_17.0.1241.45_Autoupdate.exe 07-Oct-2013 16:06 33683152 Opera_17.0.1241.45_Setup.exe 07-Oct-2013 16:06 33678208.


Old versions of Opera Next - Soft32

Opera Next 17.0.1241.45 released: 08 Oct 2013 - 10 years ago; Opera Next 17.0 ... Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build... Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 FINAL ...


Opera 17 final has been released

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Opera no longer notifies when NEW versiion is available

Build 1860. Platform Win32 System Windows XP. Browser ... Opera 17.0.1241.45. Released: 09 Oct 2013 (2 ... Opera 15.00 Next Beta 1 (Build 1147.18) Released ...
