OpenShot Video Editor

最新版本 OpenShot Video Editor 2.3.2

OpenShot Video Editor 2.3.2

OpenShot Video Editor 2.3.2
OpenShot Video Editor 是一款免費的 Windows PC 開源視頻編輯器。 OpenShot 可以把你的視頻,照片和音樂文件,並幫助你創造你一直夢想的電影。輕鬆添加子標題,轉場和效果,然後將您的電影導出到 DVD,YouTube,Vimeo,Xbox 360 和許多其他常見格式。立即下載 OpenShot Video Editor for PC!

OpenShot Video Editor 功能:

OpenShot 是一個跨平台的視頻編輯器,支持 Linux,Mac 和 Windows。立即開始下載我們的安裝程序.

Trim& 切片
快速修剪您的視頻,並找到完美的時刻。 OpenShot 有很多簡單的方法來削減您的視頻.

動畫& 關鍵幀





3D 動畫
Render 美麗的 3D 動畫標題和效果,如雪,鏡頭耀斑或飛行文字.

Slow Motion& 時間效應

70 + 語言
OpenShot 有很多不同的語言版本,可以在線與 LaunchPad.6235896
簡單的用戶界面 61353596 我們設計 OpenShot 是有史以來最簡單和最友好的視頻編輯器。試一試,看看自己.

直接從您的文件管理器拖放視頻,音頻或圖像到 OpenShot。這是很容易開始.


檔案版本 OpenShot Video Editor 2.3.2

檔案名稱 OpenShot-v2.3.2-x86_64.exe
檔案大小 127 MB
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 OpenShot Studios, LLC.
更新日期 2017-05-12

What's new in this version:

- Bumping version number, and updating minimum libopenshot version
- Updating translations and supporters files
- Prevent transform scale from dividing by zero
- Fixing incorrect content-type on exception reporting
- Fixed another bug when deleting, undoing, and then moving a clip. Similar to the previous bug fix... but now I think I got it fixed. Closes #590.
- Fixing crash on undo/redo when deleting a clip... and other related crashes.
- Adding in minimum libopenshot detection, since many linux distros only seem to be updating the PyQt packages, rather than libopenshot (This results in many crashes)
- Fixing title on SpaceWars 3D title
- Fixing bug when right clicking on a unselected timeline item, it does not fully select it
- Attempting to fix a strange race condition when frozen with cx_Freeze, where some users get ZipImportErrors when calling loadUi(). This prevents that function from running at the exact same time, and hopefully will prevent the error.
- Fixing small bug when trying to lock tracks on an older project file
- Compressing transitions images more to reduce installer size
- Removing unused translation files at run-time. Original PO and MO files can be found on LaunchPad: These bloat the installers for no real reason.
- Changing name of toolBar to "Toolbar".
- Adding a missing documentation image.
- Updating translation template, and tweaking style of "Update Available" button which only appears when an update is available.
- Capture multi-digit version numbers - merging

OpenShot Video Editor 2.3.2 相關參考資料
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OpenShot Video Editor is a free, open-source video editor for Windows PC. OpenShot can take your videos, photos, and music files and help you create the ...

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OpenShot 2.3.2 Released with Various Bug Fixes

2018年7月1日 — OpenShot 2.3.2 brings fixes for 'a few big issues', including a nasty crash caused when scaling video clips down to 0 pixels, and inconsistent ...

OpenShot Video Editor 2.3 is Here

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OpenShot Video Editor 2.3 series

Project: OpenShot Video Editor. Series: 2.3. Project drivers: OpenShot Developers. Release manager: None. Status: Active Development.

OpenShot Video Editor 2.3.2

2017年5月10日 — New upstream release of OpenShot. Increased stability, and new checks to verify the correct version of libopenshot is loaded at launch.

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