OBS Studio

最新版本 OBS Studio 20.1.0

OBS Studio 20.1.0

OBS Studio 20.1.0
OBS Studio 是一款用於視頻錄製和直播的免費開源軟件。在 Windows,Mac 或 Linux 上快速輕鬆地下載並開始流式傳輸。使用 OBS Studio 從 Windows PC 桌面控制您的流!下載 OBS Studio Windows 的離線安裝程序安裝程序.

OBS Classic 和 OBS Studio 都配備了強大的 API,使插件開發能夠根據您的需求提供進一步的定制和功能。與流社區中的開發人員合作,獲取所需的功能。 OBS 已經從頭開始重建,比以前更加輕巧和高性能.

OBS Studio 功能:

實時視頻 / 音頻捕獲和混合,無限的場景,你可以通過自定義轉換無縫切換.

For 視頻源作為圖像蒙版,色彩校正,色度 / 色彩鍵控等。


添加新源,複製現有的並調整它們 6123586
用於快速配置您的廣播和錄音。下載 OBS Studio 適用於 Windows 的離線安裝程序設置.


也適用於:下載 OBS Studio 為 Mac


檔案版本 OBS Studio 20.1.0

檔案名稱 OBS-Studio-20.1-Full-Installer.exe
檔案大小 98 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 OBS Team
官網 http://www.obsproject.com
更新日期 2017-10-18

What's new in this version:

- Added the ability to hide/show items in the audio mixer via the mixer context menu
- Added the ability to use replay buffer in advanced output mode (Note: cannot be used with the FFmpeg output)
- Added the ability to monitor the audio of stingers via its properties
- Added the ability to change the audio fade mode of stingers via its properties
- Added hotkeys to control VLC source playback (play/pause/restart/stop/next/previous)
- Added pulseaudio audio monitoring support on linux
- Updated x264 and FFmpeg to their latest versions, with new performance optimizations for newer Intel processors
- You can now bring up a context menu via right-clicking the mixer or items in the mixer
- Fixed a bug where if you try to stop the stream while reconnecting, the program could freeze up
- Fixed a bug where the window dimensions would not always restore properly from the last time the program was closed
- Fixed an issue where the program would be milliseconds out of sync
- Fixed a linux crash that could happen on program startup
- Fixed an issue where shuffle in the VLC source would always start from the first item
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occur when a connection times out
- Made a workaround for a decklink device driver issue where decklink/blackmagic devices could very slowly go out of sync in the blackmagic source (make sure buffering is disabled if you have this issue; buffering is now disabled by default)
- Disabled v-sync preview rendering on mac to prevent it from having an impact on performance

OBS Studio 20.1.0 相關參考資料
Downloading OBS Studio 20.1.0 from FileHorse.com

OBS Studio is a free and open-source software for video recording and live streaming. Download and start streaming quickly and easily on Windows, Mac, ...


macOS Versions

2023年5月9日 — OBS Studio 20.1.0. Related Articles. System Requirements · Mac ... OBS and OBS Studio are created and maintained by Lain. Development by OBS ...


OBS Project OBS Studio 20.1.0

To silently install OBS Project OBS Studio 20.1.0 follow theese simple steps. Download the file OBS-Studio-20.1-Full-Installer.exe; Check the MD5 Checksum and ...


OBS Studio 20.1 Download (Free) - bunsuy.exe

2024年4月7日 — It is a video streaming program with recording and live-broadcasting possibilities. The split interface of the Studio mode works for convenient ...


OBS Studio 20.1.0 视频直播录制软件

2017年10月17日 — OBS Studio在架构上进行了重构,采用微内核+插件的形式进行开发。作者意图通过这种架构来独立出核心代码,将周边功能作为插件形式实现。


Open Broadcaster Software 20.1

2017年10月18日 — Download: Download Open Broadcaster Software 20.1 · https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/releases/download/20.1.0/OBS-Studio-20.1-Full-Installer ...


Question Help - Best settings for OBS 20.1.0

2018年1月7日 — Hi! I recently started streaming just for fun, but I've been googling for best OBS settings and I can't find any.


Question Help - OBS 20.1.0 - Failed to Record

2017年10月19日 — After updating to 20.1.0, I can no longer record videos. Here is my log; anyone got a fix? If more information/instruction is needed, ...


Question Help - obs 20.1.0 | OBS Forums

2017年10月18日 — Hello, i am trying to record a game play and post on youtube and I was looking at the videos on youtube how to do that and came across OBS ...


阿榮福利味- OBS Studio 20.1.0 免安裝中文版

2017年10月24日 — Volumouse 2.15 免安裝中文版- 用滑鼠滾輪控制音量或螢幕亮度.
