最新版本 NVDA 2020.4

NVDA 2020.4

NVDA 2020.4
NVDA(NonVisual Desktop Access)是一款免費的“屏幕閱讀器”這使盲人和視力受損的人可以使用電腦。它以電腦語音讀取屏幕上的文字。您可以通過將鼠標或鍵盤上的箭頭移動到文本的相關區域來控制所讀取的內容。如果計算機用戶擁有稱為“盲文顯示”的設備,也可以將文本轉換為盲文。 。 NVDA 為許多盲人提供了教育和就業的關鍵。它還提供了訪問社交網絡,網上購物,銀行和新聞.

NVDA 與微軟 Windows 一起工作。您可以將它下載到您的個人電腦上,也可以下載到您可以在任何電腦上使用的 USB 記憶棒。通常屏幕閱讀器很貴,使很多盲人無法負擔得起。 NVDA 是免費的。它已被下載 70,000 多次,43 種語言.


檔案版本 NVDA 2020.4

檔案名稱 nvda_2020.4.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 NV Access
官網 http://www.nvaccess.org/
更新日期 2021-02-22

What's new in this version:

- Pressing F1 inside NVDA dialogs will now open the help file to most relevant section
- Support for auto complete suggestions (IntelliSense) in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio plus Visual Studio 2017 and higher
- Symbol pronunciation: Support for grouping in a complex symbol definition and support group references in a replacement rule making them simpler and more powerful
- Users are now notified when attempting to create Speech Dictionary entries with invalid regular expression substitutions
- Specifically grouping errors are now
- Added support for the new chinese Traditional Quick and Pinyin Input methods in Windows 10
- Tab headers are now considered form fields with quick navigation f key
- Added a command to toggle reporting of marked (highlighted) text; There is no default associated gesture
- Added the --copy-portable-config command line parameter that allows you to automatically copy the provided configuration to the user account when silently installing NVDA
- Braille routing is now supported with the Braille Viewer for mouse users, hover to route to a braille cell
- NVDA will now automatically detect the Humanware Brailliant BI 40X and 20X devices via both USB and Bluetooth

- Updated liblouis braille translator to version 3.16.1:
- Addresses multiple crashes
- Adds Bashkir grade 1 Braille table
- Adds Coptic 8 dot computer braille table
- Adds Russian literary braille and Russian literary braille (detailed) tables
- Adds Added Afrikaans grade 2 braille table
- Removes the Russian grade 1 Braille table
- When reading with say all in browse mode, the find next and find previous commands do not stop reading anymore if Allow skim reading option is enabled; say all rather resumes from after the next or previous found term
- For HIMS braille displays F3 has been remapped to Space + dots 148
- Improvements to the UX of the "braille message timeout" and "Show messages indefinitely" options
- In web browsers and other applications that support browse mode, the Elements List dialog (NVDA+F7) can now be invoked when in focus mode
- Updates to ARIA live regions are now suppressed when reporting of dynamic content changes is disabled
- NVDA will now report "Copied to clipboard" before the copied tex
- Presentation of graphical view table in disk management has been improved
- Labels for controls are now disabled (greyed out) when the control is disabled
- Updated CLDR emoji annotation to version 38
- The inbuilt "Focus Highlight" feature has been renamed "Vision Highlight"

- NVDA once again works correctly with edit fields when using the Fast Log Entry application
- Report elapsed time in Foobar2000 if no total time is available (e.g. when playing a live stream)
- NVDA now honors the aria-roledescription attribute on elements in editable content in web pages
- 'list' is no longer announced on every line of a list in Google Docs or other editable content in Google Chrome
- When arrowing by character or word from one list item to another in editable content on the web, entering the new list item is now announced
- NVDA now reads the correct line when the caret is placed at the end of a link on the end of a list item in Google Docs or other editable content on the web
- On Windows 7, opening and closing the start menu from the desktop now sets focus correctly
- When "attempt to cancel expired focus events" is enabled, the title of the tab is now announced again when switching tabs in Firefox
- NVDA no longer fails to announce a list item after typing a character in a list when speaking with the SAPI5 Ivona voices
- It is again possible to use browse mode when reading emails in Windows 10 Mail 16005.13110 and later
- When using the SAPI5 Ivona voices from harposoftware.com, NVDA is now able to save configuration, switch synthesizers, and no longer will stay silent after restarting
- It is now possible to enter number 6 in computer braille from a braille keyboard on HIMS displays
- Major performance improvements in Azure Data Studio
- With "Attempt to Cancel speech for expired focus events" enabled the title of the NVDA Find dialog is announced again
- NVDA should no longer freeze when waking the computer and focus lands in a Microsoft Edge document
- It is no longer necessary to press tab or move focus after closing a context menu in MS Edge for browse mode to be functional again
- NVDA no longer fails to read items in list views within a 64-bit application such as Tortoise SVN
- ARIA treegrids are now exposed as normal tables in browse mode in both Firefox and Chrome
- A reverse search can now be initiated with 'find previous' via NVDA+shift+F3
- An NVDA script is no longer treated as being repeated if an unrelated key press happens in between the two executions of the script
- Strong and emphasis tags in Internet Explorer can again be suppressed from being reported by returning off Report Emphasis in NVDA's Document Formatting settings
- A freeze of several seconds experienced by a small amount of users when arrowing between cells in Excel should no longer occur
- In Microsoft Teams builds with version numbers like, NVDA no longer fails reading messages in chats or Teams channels due to an incorrectly focused menu
- Text marked both as being a spelling and grammar error at the same time in Google Chrome will be appropriately announced as both a spelling and grammar error by NVDA
- When using Outlook (French locale), the shortcut for 'Reply all' (control+shift+R) works again
- In Visual Studio, IntelliSense tool tips that provide additional details about the currently selected IntelliSense item are now only reported once
- In Windows 10 Calculator, NVDA will not announce progress of calculations if speak typed characters is disabled
- NVDA no longer crashes when using English US grade 2 and expand to computer Braille at the cursor is on, when displaying certain content such as a URL in Braille
- It is again possible to report formatting information for the focused Excel cell using NVDA+F
- QWERTY input on Papenmeier braille displays that support it again works and no longer causes NVDA to randomly freeze

Changes for Developers:
- System tests can now send keys using spy.emulateKeyPress, which takes a key identifier that conforms to NVDA's own key names, and by default also blocks until the action is executed
- NVDA no longer requires the current directory to be the NVDA application directory in order to function
- The aria live politeness setting for live regions can now be found on NVDA Objects using the liveRegionPoliteness property
- It is now possible to define separate gestures for Outlook and Word document

NVDA 2020.4 相關參考資料
Development - NV Access

The Release Candidate (RC) of NVDA 2020.4 is now available for download and testing. We encourage all users to download this RC and provide feedback.


NVDA 2020.4 Released - NV Access

3 天前 — February 19, 2021 1:46 pm. NV Access is pleased to announce that version 2020.4 of NVDA, the free screen reader for Microsoft Windows, ...


NVDA 2020.4beta1 Available for Testing - NV Access

2020年12月16日 — NVDA 2020.4 This release includes new Chinese Input methods, an update to Liblouis and the elements list (NVDA+f7) now works in focus mode ...


NVDA 2020.4beta2 Available for Testing - NV Access

2020年12月23日 — NVDA 2020.4beta2 Available for Testing · Liblouis 3.16. 1: added Afrikaans grade 2 to braille input/output tables interface. · Fix an error preventing ...


NVDA 2020.4beta3 Available for Testing - NV Access

2021年1月5日 — January 5, 2021 9:32 pm. Beta3 of NVDA 2020.4 is now available for download and testing. For anyone who is interested in trying out what the ...


NVDA 2020.4beta4 Available for Testing - NV Access

2021年1月13日 — Fix QWERTY input with Papenmeier braille displays. NVDA 2020.4 This release includes new Chinese Input methods, an update to Liblouis and ...


NVDA 2020.4rc1 available for testing - NV Access

2021年2月8日 — February 8, 2021 5:35 pm. The Release Candidate (RC) of NVDA 2020.4 is now available for download and testing. We encourage all users to ...


NVDA 2020.4發佈- 最新消息 | NVDA 台灣

2 天前 — NVDA 2020.4 更新:. 解決微軟新注音無法在2004以後的windows 10選字問題以前需要開啟相容性設定; Liblouis 更新; 在焦點模式按nvda+F7 也 ...



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[分享] NVDA 2020.4 更新- 討論區 | NVDA 台灣

2 天前 — NVDA 2020.4 更新:. 解決微軟新注音無法在2004以後的windows 10選字問題以前需要開啟相容性設定; Liblouis 更新; 在焦點模式按nvda+F7 也 ...
