Notepad++ (64-bit)

最新版本 Symfony 6.0.5

Symfony 6.0.5

Symfony 6.0.5
記事本 ++ 64 位是一個免費的源代碼編輯器和記事本替換,支持多種語言。在 MS Windows 環境下運行,其使用受 GPL 許可證管理.

Notepad ++ 是一個功能強大的編輯組件 Scintilla,使用 C ++ 語言編寫,使用純 Win32 API 和 STL,確保更高的執行速度和更小的程序大小。 Notepad ++ 通過優化盡可能多的程序而不損失用戶友好性,正在努力減少世界二氧化碳排放量。當使用較少的 CPU 電力時,電腦可以降低功耗並降低功耗,從而創造一個更加綠色的環境。從 FileHorse 下載適用於 PC 的 Notepad ++ 64 位離線安裝程序.

語法高亮和語法折疊用戶定義的語法高亮和折疊 PCRE(Perl 兼容的正則表達式)搜索 / 替換 GUI 完全可定制:極簡主義,關閉按鈕,多行選項卡,垂直選項卡和垂直文檔列表文檔地圖自動完成:字完成,功能完成和  功能參數提示多文檔(Tab 界面)多視圖所見即所得(打印)放大和縮小支持多國語言環境書籤宏錄製和播放


檔案版本 Symfony 6.0.5

系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Don Ho
更新日期 2022-02-28

What's new in this version:

- [WebProfilerBundle] Log section minor fixes (missing "notice" filter, log priority, accessibility)
- [Validator] Multi decimal to alpha for CssColor validator
- [Console] Fix null handling in formatAndWrap()
- [WebProfilerBundle] add nonces to profiler
- MailerInterface: failed exception contract when enabling messenger
- [Lock] Release Locks from Internal Store on Postgres waitAndSave*
- [DependencyInjection] Don't reset env placeholders during compilation
- [HttpClient] Fix overriding default options with null
- [Serializer] Fix passing null to str_contains()
- [Validator][Tests] Fix AssertingContextualValidator not throwing on remaining expectations
- [Messenger] Fix dealing with unexpected payload in Redis transport
- [VarDumper] Fix dumping mysqli_driver instances
- [HttpFoundation] Fix missing ReturnTypeWillChange attributes
- [Cache] Add missing log when saving namespace
- [HttpKernel] Reset services between requests performed by KernelBrowser
- [Serializer] Make document type nodes ignorable
- [SecurityBundle] fix autoconfiguring Monolog's ProcessorInterface
- [FrameworkBundle] KernelTestCase resets internal state on tearDown
- [Dotenv] Fix reading config for symfony/runtime when running dump command
- [Intl] fix wrong offset timezone PHP 8.1
- [HttpKernel] Fix extracting controller name from closures
- [Security/Http] Fix getting password-upgrader when user-loader is a closure
- [DependencyInjection] Fix type binding
- [Runtime] Fix dotenv_overload with commands
- [Security] AccountStatusException::$user should be nullable
- [Serializer] Ensuring end of line character apply with constructor settings in CSV encoder
- [Serializer] Fix ignored callbacks in denormalization
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix sorting bug in sorting of tagged services by priority
- [Mailer] Fix string-cast of exceptions thrown by authenticator in EsmtpTransport
- [Cache] fix error handling when using Redis
- [Security]  Fix wrong authenticator class in debug logs
- Fix generic type for FormErrorIterator
- [Cache] Fix connecting to Redis via a socket file
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix log channel of TagAwareAdapter
- [PropertyAccessor] Add missing TypeError catch
- [DependencyInjection][FrameworkBundle] Fix using PHP 8.1 enum as parameters
- [HttpKernel] Fix FileLinkFormatter with empty xdebug.file_link_format
- [DependencyInjection] Fix AsEventListener not working on decorators
- [HttpKernel][WebProfilerBundle] Fixed error count by log not displayed in WebProfilerBundle
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fixes weird spacing in log message context/trace output
- [Notifier] fix Microsoft Teams webhook url
- [Mailer] allow Mailchimp to handle multiple TagHeader's
- [Mailer] ensure only a single tag can be used with Postmark
- [HttpClient] Fix Content-Length header when possible
- [Routing] AnnotationDirectoryLoader::load() may return null
- [DependencyInjection] Don't dump polyfilled classes in preload script
- [Serializer] make XmlEncoder stateless thus reentrant
- [Form] Do not fix URL protocol for relative URLs
- [DomCrawler] ignore bad charsets
- [PropertyAccess] Fix handling of uninitialized property of parent class
- [Validator] Fix minRatio and maxRatio when getting rounded
- [Console] Revert StringInput bc break from #45088
- [DoctrineBridge] Fix compatibility with doctrine/orm 3 in Id generators

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