OCCT 8.2.1
Notepad ++ 是一個功能強大的編輯組件 Scintilla,使用 C ++ 語言編寫,使用純 Win32 API 和 STL,確保更高的執行速度和更小的程序大小。 Notepad ++ 通過優化盡可能多的程序而不損失用戶友好性,正在努力減少世界二氧化碳排放量。當使用較少的 CPU 電力時,電腦可以降低功耗並降低功耗,從而創造一個更加綠色的環境。從 FileHorse 下載適用於 PC 的 Notepad ++ 64 位離線安裝程序.
語法高亮和語法折疊用戶定義的語法高亮和折疊 PCRE(Perl 兼容的正則表達式)搜索 / 替換 GUI 完全可定制:極簡主義,關閉按鈕,多行選項卡,垂直選項卡和垂直文檔列表文檔地圖自動完成:字完成,功能完成和  功能參數提示多文檔(Tab 界面)多視圖所見即所得(打印)放大和縮小支持多國語言環境書籤宏錄製和播放
軟體資訊 | |
檔案版本 | OCCT 8.2.1 |
檔案名稱 | OCCT.exe |
檔案大小 | |
系統 | Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64 |
軟體類型 | 開源軟體 |
作者 | Don Ho |
官網 | http://www.notepad-plus-plus.org/ |
更新日期 | 2021-05-20 |
更新日誌 | |
What's new in this version: - Main: Took pre-emptive measures to prevent Microsoft defender from flagging OCCT as a false positive OCCT 8.2.1 相關參考資料
OCBASEOCCT : Free, all-in-one stability test, stress test and ...
Let OCCT check your computer ! OCCT is the most popular all-in-one stability check & stress test tool available. It generates heavy loads on your components ... https://www.ocbase.com OCCT 8.2.1 Final - kaldata.com
Името на тестера OCCT идва от "OverClock Checking Tool". Инструментът може да послужи не само на овърклокърите, но и на всеки, който желае да ... https://www.kaldata.com OCCT 8.2.1 free download - Software reviews, downloads ...
OCCT 8.2.1: Monitor your PC's temperature, voltages, CPU frequency and more with this powerful stability checker. https://www.downloadcrew.com OCCT 8.2.1 免安裝中文版– 電源供應器供電穩定性測試工具 ...
OCCT 8.2.1 免安裝中文版– 電源供應器供電穩定性測試工具 ... OCCT 的作用原理是透過讓電腦滿負載運作,同時監測CPU、記憶體、匯流排、電源各電壓輸出的 ... https://zhtwnet.com OCCT 8.2.1 电源检测工具 - 老殁
OCCT即OverClock Checking Tool的简写,OCCT主要用来检查系统电源稳定性以及在满负荷下CPU和主板芯片的温度,以测试电脑是否能够超频,我们由此也 ... https://acold.xyz OCCT Download (2021 Latest) for Windows 10, 8, 7 - FileHorse
2021年5月13日 — It enables you to fully test your computer's stability, using 4 different tests : CPU:OCCT and CPU:Linpack aimed at testing the CPU, GPU:3D for the ... https://www.filehorse.com OCCT Perestroika 8.2.1 - Đo các thành phần hệ thống
Download OCCT Perestroika 8 một ứng dụng miễn phí được thiết kế để đo điểm chuẩn và ép xung các thành phần hệ thống. https://taiwebs.com OCCT: OverClock Checking Tool 8.2.0 对于%s Windows - 下载
下载适用于Windows系统的最新版OCCT: OverClock Checking Tool. 轻松地检测出任何超频或者硬件问题. OCCT: OverClock Checking Tool 这个程序让你快速地 ... https://occt-overclock-checkin OverClock Checking Tool (OCCT) 8.2.0 Download | TechSpot
2021年5月12日 — Download OverClock Checking Tool (OCCT) - This application will let you benchmark and overclock your system components. https://www.techspot.com |