
最新版本 NoMachine 7.9.2

NoMachine 7.9.2

NoMachine 7.9.2
NoMachine 是一個免費的遠程桌面應用程序,具有強大的功能的堆棧。隨著 NoMachine 你可以訪問所有的文件和文件夾,無論你在哪裡看 DVD,電視或 YouTube 視頻。您可以從 PC 或 Mac 上查看平滑,高分辨率的視頻和音頻到任何啟用 NoMachine 的設備。該應用程序甚至可以與任何 USB 控制器一起使用,因此您可以遠程玩遊戲。 NoMachine 6 帶來了許多令人興奮的新奇事物,包括我們產品系列的改造。這裡大局; 的一些最重要的增強功能的概述,你可以看到 NoMachine 6.0 適用於 Windows,MacOS 和 Linux.

NoMachine 功能:所有基於 products
Web 企業接入基於

Browser 的訪問是不再獨家雲服務器。終端服務器和雲服務器套件的所有產品都提供了這種高度請求的功能。從無客戶端端點連接的遠程用戶現在可以通過任何支持 HTML 的瀏覽器連接到桌面環境.

決定將基於瀏覽器的訪問擴展到我們的其他產品,使我們能夠使用全新的功能集重新定位雲服務器。 Cloud Server 成為所有其他 NoMachine 服務器和外部主機的連接代理,並位於同名產品套件的 NoMachine 產品層次結構的頂部。它整合了 NoMachine 服務器堆棧,提供對 NoMachine 基礎架構中所有其他服務器的集中訪問.

Linux 虛擬桌面現在是 Linux 終端服務器系列的獨占產品,其企業終端服務器掌舵,同時替換 Enterprise Server 和 Cloud Server for Linux 版本 5 用於運行虛擬 Linux 桌面會話。企業終端服務器提供了終端服務器節點的負載平衡和故障轉移,因為其前身俱有額外的基於瀏覽器的訪問獎金.

從版本 6 開始,獨立工作站和終端服務器產品可以作為雲服務器的服務器。在版本 5 或更低版本中使用這些產品中的任意一個作為其 NoMachine 群集中的節點的客戶可以選擇將其替換為終端服務器節點。 Enterprise Desktop 繼續在 Linux,Windows 和 Mac 上提供遠程桌面訪問,並作為 Cloud Server 的服務器.

在 WebRTC 會話中支持 H.264 編解碼器​​
更多令人振奮的消息,讓用戶通過瀏覽器連接到遠程桌面。基於 Web 的會話可以使用服務器上的 H.264 編碼器進行流式傳輸,前提是連接客戶端上的瀏覽器也支持編解碼器。使用 H.264 編碼的優點是減少了帶寬使用,減少了 CPU 消耗 - 對於功能較弱的計算機以及網絡條件不如預期有利的情況非常有用.

在辦公室網絡之間漫遊的 NoMachine 用戶的好消息。 NoMachine 在連接丟失時自動嘗試重新連接您。因此,對於在工作之間移動 WIFI 網絡或連接客戶端進入睡眠模式的用戶,NoMachine 無需用戶干預即可處理重新連接.

訪問本地桌面和請求連接現在可以輕鬆禁用只要所有者選擇,或直到桌面被關閉,而不必完全停止 NoMachine 服務.

NoMachine 檢測是否在本地網絡上存在代理服務器,通過該代理服務器傳出通信必須通過隧道。這對於那些從家中連接並配置代理服務器來屏蔽他們的 IP 地址,或者從具有登錄要求的網絡進行連接以獲得訪問權時尤其有用.

Raspberry 支持
Raspberry 已正式添加到我們支持的平台列表中。 RPi2 和 RPi3 都可以用作連接客戶端以及袖珍服務器。根據您的設置和需求,您可以從 NoMachine(免費),企業客戶端(免費)和企業桌面中進行選擇.

通過使用 GUID 識別故障轉移,管理員可以改進群集環境的設置集群並便利將新服務器安裝到 NoMachine 服務器聯合。此外,在故障恢復期間,可以根據服務器上的連接飽和度來恢復主角色和次角色.



檔案版本 NoMachine 7.9.2

檔案名稱 nomachine_7.9.2_1.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 NoMachine Team
更新日期 2022-03-22

What's new in this version:

NoMachine 7.9.2
- Updating nxhtd in packages v. 7 to Apache v. 2.4.53
- Updating the OpenSSL libraries provided by NoMachine v. 7 to v. 1.1.1n
- Supporting a command line option on Windows for skipping the installation of printer drivers

NoMachine 7.8.2
- Updating nxhtd in packages v. 7 to Apache v. 2.4.52
- Sudden restart of macOS Monterey when using USB forwarding
- Sound forwarding doesn't work on macOS 12
- NoMachine virtual desktop terminates abnormally after unclean disconnection
- Cannot cannot authorize with key or add node on SSH protocol on openssh 8.8 (or newer)
- Cannot connect to the physical display when more than one Xvfb session is running
- Cannot connect to the remote Linux physical display (Wayland enabled)
- Custom sessions windows are no longer visible when iconized in a Xfce desktop
- Image is not refreshed when using specific graphics applications
- NoMachine printer spooler service is not started after a silent installation on Windows
- NoMachine virtual desktops are suddenly disconnected under specific conditions
- NoMachine WebRTC sessions don't work on Chrome 94 or later
- Only the last node works when more nodes with the same IP are added to the Cloud Server
- Physical session disconnects after several user switches on Windows
- Remote servers are listed as expired even if their license is still valid
- Screen recording by H.264 becomes corrupted if the desktop is resized during the recording
- The display resolution welcome message shows a disabled option
- The Dolphin file manager doesn't provide the minimize/maximize button in a custom session
- The node doesn't close descriptors not needed by child process
- IP is displayed in the UI when the router cannot detect immediately the external IP
- The subscription for ARM doesn't match the OS and platform
- Client unexpectedly disables the resize mode when changing window geometry on Mac

NoMachine 7.7.4
- Adding support for Okta primary authentication with public application in NX protocol
- Automatically rebuild nxusb.ko kernel module after its upgrade
- Replacing the UserNXDirectoryPath key with UsersDirectoryPath
- Updating nxhtd in packages v. 7 and 6. to Apache v. 2.4.51
- Possible local privileges escalation by USB forwarding
- A NoMachine server/node host becomes unreachable when it gets the subscription reminder
- After updating to macOS 11 (Big Sur), keyboard and mouse are no longer responsive in the login window
- Authentication fails in NIS environment on Fedora 33, RHEL 8 and CentOS 8
- Black screen occurs when connecting to macOS Big Sur (M1) with display turned off
- Black screen occurs when rebooting macOS 11 (Big Sur) or when making logout
- Cannot generate any longer OTP password to connect to the Cloud Server node
- Cannot synchronize the cluster db when more than 900 profile rules are set
- Copy&paste inside the session results in pasting the text previously selected
- Display server terminates unexpectedly on multi-monitor Mac
- Error 'nxserver.exe is not valid' is not valid occurs when connecting by the web to Linux running on Hyper-V
- First connection to a Windows node of a Cloud Server fails with "The session negotiation failed"
- Frequent termination of the nxserver.bin daemon on some Linux machines
- Grabbing the keyboard doesn't work when Wayland is enabled
- Kerberos Keyring Cache is not correctly cleaned up
- Maximizing applications expands across all monitors when 'full screen on all monitors' is selected
- NoMachine client uses by default the system username also when connecting with the library SSH client
- NoMachine does not restore resolution after disconnection on Mac OS with M1
- NoMachine does not work correctly after installing on Windows XP 64 bit
- Option "Change the remote display resolution to match the window" is not disabled in the UI when the server is configured to forbid resize
- Session fails to start when the file path contains the word 'keeper'
- Starting a connection through a proxy fails with "invalid argument" error
- The connection monitor is shut down and restarted every seconds causing high CPU consuming
- The connection panel in the NoMachine client menu shows an incorrect UDP port
- The first reconnection attempt to macOS after system reboot, fails
- The screen blanking is not deactivated on Mac M1 upon session disconnection
- When key-based authentication is chosen, the key must be added twice
- NoMachine failover cluster is not working properly with SSH protocol

NoMachine 7.6.2
- OMachine makes available updated packages to fix some minor issues affecting earlier versions such as changing default limits for configuration keys regarding virtual desktop and connection numbers, and resizing the client on Windows which doesn't keep aspect ratio.
- Additionally, this release prevents a vulnerability affecting SSH connections. Users connecting by SSH login have the possibility to change account and impersonate a different user which may lead to a possible privileges escalation. This occurs on all platforms when connecting by SSH and affects all server types which support the SSH protocol.
- Making number of connections and virtual desktops unlimited by default
- Changing default for the DisplayLimit key to unlimited
- Possible local privileges escalation in connections by SSH protocol
- It is not possible to keep aspect ratio when resizing the client on Windows

NoMachine 7.5.2
- Assigning the first available Enterprise Desktop without reconnecting a user already logged-in
- Patching X.Org code (CVE-2021-3472)
- Possible local privileges escalation on Windows
- After a period, users cannot any longer connect to Windows child servers because of a 'session negotiation failed' error
- In an AD environment, users cannot connect to a new Windows node
 The NoMachine virtual desktop terminates with 'Unknown sequence number while processing queue'
- Mouse pointer is offset on a physical Wayland desktop on multiple monitors
- Problems when using DUO authentication in web sessions
- Screen blanking doesn't work correctly in mirrored mode on macOS
- Session fails with error "Maximum number of virtual sessions reached for user ..."
- Sudden termination of the Connection Monitor after message 'Storing client credentials is not allowed'
- The main server cannot log-in to the node when UserNXDirectoryPath is set
- Under some circumstances, a file transferred in web session becomes corrupted
- WebRTC sessions don't start with Chrome/Edge browsers v. 89

NoMachine 7.4.1
- Updating the OpenSSL libraries provided by NoMachine to v. 1.1.1k
- Incorrect mouse pointer offset when dragging the cursor in a macOS session
- The 'Intl Ro' and 'Intl Yen' keys don't work in a web session
- Wrong labels in the web UI when 2FA is enabled
- Reconnecting a virtual desktops on a remote node remains in stage "Connecting to virtual desktop" forever

NoMachine 7.3.2
- Forwarding the user's system group to the Terminal Server Node
- Giving the possibility to save the node where to connect via web UI
- White screen occurs when trying to open the web player window in a new browser window
- Software update cannot be completed when a NoMachine client is running
- Rules are not passing to secondary machine in cluster
- Wrong message "Cannot remove host key for SSH" is issued when removing a node of the Cloud Server
- Audio is muted in NoMachine sessions connected to a macOS even if volume levels are high
- Local network discovery may not work with many interfaces
- Sudden termination of the NoMachine client on Linux distros with ALSA subsystem
- The position of the cursor in a Wayland desktop cannot be tracked down
- Wrong cursor shape when connected to Wayland desktops
- New license expiration date is not well managed by the server in version 7.2
- Users cannot login when Kerberos cache is stored in keyring

NoMachine 7.2.3
- Changing the default forward methods for Cloud Server nodes
- Disabling by default the ability to connect to the IP of the Cloud Server nodes
- 'Session negotiation failed' occurs when connecting to a Cloud Server v. 6 which has servers v. 7 as nodes
- An incorrect list of desktops is provided when connecting by client v6 to Cloud Server v6 with nodes v7
- Cannot paste text by Ctrl+V or 'Paste' in a PyCharm or xfce4-terminal running in a custom session
- Error 'The session negotiation failed' occurs when a user is already logged on at the physical desktop
- External IP and port are not always displayed in the UI
- In a multi-server environment, the Cloud Server node becomes unreachable
- It's not possible to disable the automatic reconnection to the remote nodes
- Problem uninstalling a version 7 and then installing version 7.1.3
- Sliders of Adobe Premiere Pro on macOS don't work in a NoMachine session
- Sudden termination of client on Windows hosts with NVIDIA or AMD cards
- The 'Intl Ro' and 'Intl Yen' keys don't work in a web session
- In some rare cases the NoMachine client closes unexpectedly when connected to a virtual desktop
- Connections to the Linux desktop (Wayland) fails after a couple of days of work
- Command line options are ignored when launching the main client window
- Cannot paste content by ctrl+v in a Linux virtual desktop on macOS

NoMachine 7.1.3
- Web sessions are no longer interactive when they are reconnected on the nodes
- Users cannot connect to a child server when it's configured to disable storing the client credentials
- Users cannot reconnect virtual desktops on the remote nodes (X11 vector graphics mode disabled)
- The Connection Monitor on the Enterprise Terminal Server host doesn't clean its session data while terminating
- Sessions don't start on the remote Linux host when the user's home is NFS mounted
- Sessions limits are incorrectly counted in multi-host environments
- Warning ' Cannot open: /usr/NX/etc/htd.cfg' is printed in logs of NoMachine free
- 'WARNING! Cannot open: /var/NX/nx/.nx/config/client.crt' is issued after upgrading the Workstation to v. 7
- PAM account validation fails when Kerberos tickets are obtained during PAM authentication
- Connecting to the Windows physical desktop is not possible when the system account name contains non-latin characters
- Upgrading the Enterprise Desktop on macOS from v. 6 to v. 7.0.211 is blocked when the license is part of a subscription pack
- Connection to physical desktop is no longer available after uninstalling v. 6 and installing v. 7 on Linux
- Copy paste from Windows client ends up with a NUL character with PyCharm
- Graphical artifacts are displayed when using HW encoding by NVENC
- It's not possible to create a new XDM virtual desktops with the "Query an X desktop manager" method
- Incorrect mouse pointer offset when dragging the cursor in a macOS session
- Python Tkinter window has no decorations when running as a NoMachine single application
- NoMachine client crashes when scrolling with mouse wheel while session is starting
- Clicking on title bar of inactive client window acts like a double click
- The nxplayer program suddenly terminates on Raspberry Pi
- List of machines doesn't show connections stored in a path using unicode characters
- Error is 22: Invalid argument is issued when the user authenticates with private key
- Kerberos authentication fails due to malformed token
- USB forwarding is not available on macOS Big Sur (Intel processor)

NoMachine 7.0.211
- Cannot apply changes in server preferences UI when zenity is missing
- Cannot open NoMachine Service on Windows after automatic update to version 7.0.208 and 7.0.209
- New file extensions .NXR and .NXW are not correctly registered after automatic updates to version 7.0.208 and 7.0.209 on Windows
- Value types of rules for node and group are not correctly handled
- Inconsistent output after command nxserver --useradd --system on openSUSE 10.3

NoMachine 7.0.209
Minor software update aimed at consolidating the update procedure from version 6 to version 7 for Cloud Server multi-host environments. This version 7.0.209 fixes the following:
- TR12R09965 - Cloud Server, after update, may not clearly state that the reason why it cannot connect to the child server is the different major version on such machine

NoMachine 7.0.208
Simplified UI navigation and connection management:
- NoMachine player and server configuration are now grouped together to facilitate navigation of the UI. Connections are started in a new window to make settings and connection configuration easily accessible to the user even when a remote desktop session is open.

Streamlined connection creation:
- Connection creation is faster thanks to one unique interface from which player and from this release also webplayer sessions can be started. Any associated session options are easily accessible and configurable from the simplified layout.

The Machines panel:
- The Machines panel, which replaces 'Recent Connections' provides an overview of stored connections and any desktops available on the LAN. The novelty with this release is that web-based sessions are also visualized as well as recordings available for play-back on the local host.

Simplified menu in system tray:
- The monitor menu available in the system tray has been updated to better integrate with the native OS theme and style, offering an eye-friendly view of the fast-track options available

Improved support for client-side multi-monitors:
- Virtual desktop sessions available in the Terminal Server for Linux products now adapt seamlessly to client-side multi-monitor workspaces. This means maximized applications can span to a single monitor or across all monitors.

Automatic assignment of remote Enterprise Desktop host:
- When there are hundreds of near-identical Enterprise Desktops associated to a Cloud Server, there is often a need for users to connect on a 'first come, first served' basis. A new algorithm checks what Enterprise Desktop hosts are free to use or whether a user is already logged in.

Profile rules propagation:
- Cloud Server can now broadcast rules to all its associated child servers. This ensures that administrators can efficiently manage corporate policies from one central location
- Authentication with separate accounts in multi-server environments
- Admins of Cloud Server environments adopting multiple authentication levels (e.g. AD user authentication and subdomains) can decide whether to allow pass-through authentication for each user, where authentication on the child server is the same as that on the Cloud Server, or ensure that the user logs in with a different username.

Enable automatic recording at session start-up:
- NoMachine’s screen recording feature can now be configured to automatically record remote sessions for all or specific users, making it a useful tool for monitoring or audit purposes

Users can choose their preferred Linux desktop:
- In virtual desktop sessions (Terminal Server products only), NoMachine can now automatically detect any additional Linux desktop installed by the administrator on the host and allow the user to choose from all those available if this is the server’s configured preference.

- NoMachine clients can now wake up NoMachine servers residing on the same local network. This is made possible by sending 'magic packets' from the client to the remote PC or Mac. The requirements for operating Wake-on-LAN are that the remote computer is connected via ethernet, and the hardware must support Wake-on-LAN with a compatible BIOS and network card.

Fixes and implementations:
- Enhancements to the NoMachine User Interface
- Making it possible to treat multi-monitors on the client as separate monitors in virtual desktop sessions
- Giving the possibility to launch web session from NoMachine user interface
- Assigning the first Enterprise Desktop free to the user
- Adding the possibility to propagate profile rules in a multi-server environment
- Allowing users to authenticate with separate accounts in a multi-server environments
- Enabling the automatic recording at session startup
- Provide users with the possibility to choose any of the desktop environments installed on the system
- Implementing Wake On Lan feature
- Supporting key-based authentication with a key stored on a smartcard also for connections by NX protocol
- Adding more information to the UI about the codec in use
- Binding NoMachine connections by NX protocol to a specific network interface
- Adding support in NoMachine Server for system groups on Windows platform
- Giving the possibility to set profiles rules for system groups on Windows
- Using the configured Quality of Service (QoS) flags also for UDP traffic
- Allowing administrators to define a custom message when the session limit is reached
- Improving the server mechanism to retrieve the physical display on Linux
- Updating the logrotate feature
- Adding a new key in player.cfg to toggle 'activegrab' option
- Extend the behaviour of the 'autocreate' parameter of the ConnectPolicy server key on Linux
- Making the client able to store the user's selection for creating a new display on this server
- Giving the possibility to disable UDP communications in NoMachine sessions
- Forcing a system logout when the user disconnects from the physical display
- Playing NoMachine videos recorded with H.264 codec using external video players
- Adding support for GPU accelerated H.264 hardware decoding on Linux
- Adding support for hardware H.264 encoder on AMD cards (Windows)
- Show details about server's CPUs and RAM
- Updating the NoMachine client to request authentication to the child server (multi-server environment)
- Updating the web UI to request authentication to the child server (multi-server environment)
- Improve the match client resolution upon connection by offering a further option
- Restricting access to a shared virtual desktops to administrators and trusted users only
- Printing information about the H.264 encoder type in session logs
- Changing how NoMachine software handles expired licenses
- Extending support to Pageant and KeeAgent SSH agents on Windows
- Upgrading libssh2 to the newest available version of libssh2
- Updating the OpenSSL libraries provided by NoMachine to version 1.1.1
- Enabling arrow keys for rapid selection in the available desktops panel
- Moving nxusb-related files and folders to the user's home
- Moving the nxdevice directory to the user's home
- Moving session log file to users' home directories
- Moving printer service-related files and folders to the user's home
- Moving audio-related files and folders to the user's home
- Moving disk service-related files and folders to the user's home
- Xmonad window manager is not detected as a physical session
- Wrong SELinux module installed after update of version 6.0.78
- Unlocking Gnome screen in Ubuntu 20.04 fails with Authentication error
- The client on Windows 10 automatically turns off the resize remote screen
- The ALT key stays always active in web sessions
- Some fonts are not correctly displayed
- Sharing the physical screen fails with error 104: Connection reset by peer
- Movements of mouse pointer get restricted
- Mouse pointer sporadically disappears
- Incorrect preview window is shown on Windows when multiple custom sessions are running
- Drag&drop file transfer doesn't work when creating a custom virtual desktop
- Context menu opened in a custom session is shown in a wrong position
- Cannot use Office 2013 run via CrossOver in NoMachine virtual desktops
- Broadcast messages are not shown on Terminal Server nodes
- Abnormal termination of nxnode process on RHEL 7
- A wrong connection IP is shown in the output of 'nxserver --list' when the virtual desktop is reconnected
- A custom session window in background is not refreshed immediately on Windows
- 'The connection with the server was shut down' occurs when using key-based authentication in web sessions
- 'Socket error' messages are printed in the nxwebclient.log when the session is terminated
- A child server can be removed even if there are profile rules associated
- 'Application terminated prematurely' occurs on Linux POP_OS 19.04
- Copy and paste operations occasionally fail
- The client doesn't notify the user when some authentication methods are disabled on the server
- The maximum number of users or sessions is reached also when the auto-kill feature is enabled
- The nxserver.bin --daemon process on Linux is high CPU consuming under specific conditions
- The user's connection is listed twice in the NoMachine Monitor
- NoMachine server cannot detect Wayland local display on Arch Linux
- 'No available sessions' is issued when connecting to the Mac login screen
- File transfer started from tray menu on Windows server doesn't work
- Unlocking Gnome screen in Ubuntu 20.04 fails with Authentication error
- Audio delay with some applications inside the NoMachine session
- Audio delay problem occurs in NoMachine Linux sessions
- Audio on Linux server not muted
- White screen occurs when connecting to the macOS login window right after the local user logout
- The NoMachine error log file is filled with messages 'Cannot assign requested address'
- Shift key combinations don't work in web sessions on Windows

NoMachine 6.12.3
- "No available sessions" message occurs on mac OS
- Allow to save the username when connecting with a private key without passphrase
- Cannot remove lock file '/tmp/.X...-lock': Operation not permitted
- Cannot run NoMachine sessions on ARMv7 devices with kernel 5.4.42 or later
- Chrome bookmarks bar takes a few seconds to open on local when a NoMachine custom session is running
- Connecting a new web session terminates the previous ones
- Ctrl key is locked on when right-ctrl is the first keypress in a virtual desktop
- F13 - F24 keys from extended keyboards are not mapped into the NoMachine session
- Inconsistent behaviour about trimming domain information from AD username
- Java throws a NullPointerException in a NoMachine custom session
- NoMachine server log reports 'Argument "MANUAL" isn't numeric'
- NumLock is not synchronized when connected to Linux physical displays
- The web session is disconnected in Safari v. 13.1.1 after some minutes
- Users cannot connect to the Cloud Server, after that a failover occurred
- White screen occurs when macOS is rebooted just after the installation of NoMachine
- White screen is displayed when connecting to a remote physical display (VP8 encoding)
- Value of ClientConnectionMethods key is not preserved during the update
- Adding the --extended switch to the 'nxserver --servergrouplist' command
- Advising users when the network connection has interruptions (for custom sessions)
- Enabling debug log level for the already running 'nxserver --daemon' process
- Providing server configuration keys for defining the Kerberos/GSSAPI library to be used
- Re-delegating Kerberos tickets to NoMachine sessions connected by NX protocol
- Updating the jQuery library used for web sessions to version 3.5.1
- Add a new key in connection file to configure the '--exit' option

NoMachine 6.11.2
- The NoMachine client on Windows suddenly terminates when connecting to high resolution monitors
- A memory leak has been detected in the function to manage cursor shape
- Audio and disk sharing stop working after automatic updates to v. 6.10.12
- Audio is not working when NoMachine v. 6.10.12 is installed on macOS Catalina
- Cannot paste text selected on Windows by middle button mouse click
- Caps Lock status is not preserved when it's pressed while the NoMachine window is minimized
- Custom sessions on an external monitor do not refresh their content when the laptop lid is closed
- Green screen when connecting by NoMachine client for Windows v. 6.10.12 to high resolution monitors
- Kerberos credential cache file is left after that the NoMachine session is terminated
- Load-balanced sessions use UDP ports in the 50xx range
- Mouse and keyboard are not responsive in a new web session when the previous one has been closed
- NoMachine client never stops showing the spinning wheel when connecting to a server
- NoMachine web sessions v. 6.10.12 disconnects intermittently
- Not all the custom scripts are executed on the child server in a multi-server setup
- Sessions become slow when hardware decoding is disabled
- Sharing the physical screen fails because of incorrect dbus settings
- The !M tray icon is missing on Linux Slackware
- The $SHELL variable is always set to 'bash' when running a NoMachine virtual desktop on CentOS 7
- The language environment is not set correctly in web sessions
- UDP protocol falls back to TCP when a single UDP port is specified in the server configuration
- When authenticating with private key, the client doesn't connect to the remote desktop
- Wrong keyboard layout when a customized variant is used
- Xterm renders slower than other terminals when the session is started from Windows
- Code signing NoMachine wrapper scripts on macOS
- Adding a new option to configure the agent timeout in case of custom sessions running in a virtual desktop
- Adding method for downloading complete single file to automatic update process

NoMachine 6.10.12
- Adding a new configuration key on server side to support automatic login via web
- Adding mod_evasive to nxhtd
- Allow to configure the NoMachine client to always close when a single session disconnects
- Auto-detecting when D-Bus daemon is used on most recent Linux distributions
- Displaying the number of users connected to the child servers
- Extending profile rules for limiting access to servers/nodes by user and IP simultaneously
- Implementing a further method for capturing Wayland desktops
- Including the Small Business Server in the Cloud Server multihost setup
- Informing the administrator when NoMachine is configured to log to system log
- Limiting disk sharing to connect disks only in a private way
- Making NoMachine compatible with Wallix Bastion (security proxy)
- Providing a command line interface to enable/disable support for EGL screen capture
- Providing a configuration key to select the screen capture method for Wayland desktops
- Providing a new option to set profiles on a per-IP basis
- Providing the client IP when web sessions are running behind a proxy
- Setting Cloud Server profile rules on per-group of servers basis
- Updating nxhtd to Apache v. 2.4.43
- Updating the OpenSSL libraries provided by NoMachine to version 1.0.2
- Enabling hardware decoding for high resolutions by default on Windows
- Require administrator permissions to skip a software update version
- Limiting access to web session to specific referrers
- Implement deferment of X11 core graphics operations and options controlling window repainting
- A wrong keyboard layout is assigned to a new virtual desktop
- Artifacts appear when using the hardware H.264 encoder on Nvidia graphics card
- Artifacts are displayed when resizing the custom session running in a floating window on very large monitors
- Basic printing options aren't visible on forwarded printer on Windows
- Cannot connect to server after having removed it from a multi-server environment
- Cannot enable hardware acceleration in Chromium browser with VirtualGL
- Cannot log-in to the Enterprise Desktop in a Cloud Server multi-server setup
- Caps lock is no longer synchronized when it's enabled whilst user is connected to the Windows 10 login screen
- Error 'Application terminated prematurely' occurs on RHEL 7.6, due to SELinux enforcing policies
- Error 'The remote host cannot be found' is issued when the user is forwarded to a child server behind a NAT
- In a multi-host environment users can still connect to desktop even if their access disabled
- NoMachine connections limits are not decreased correctly when sessions fail to start
- NoMachine screen blanking and automatic screen lock are not supported with Wayland desktops
- NoMachine session suddenly disconnects when connected to a macOS server with dual UHD monitors
- Packages v. 6 obsolete packages v. 5 when stored in an internal RPM repository
- Runtime Error occurs when installing NoMachine on Windows
- Screen blanking is not enabled in a multi-monitor setup on Windows 10
- Sharing of multiple monitors is not supported with Wayland desktops
- Terminal Server and Terminal Server Node package are not distinguished in an internal RPM repository
- The "Connect a smart card reader" UI panel shows no devices
- The custom session window is not refreshed when the top window is iconized
- Unnecessary temporary files created when using disk service
- Some dialogs show no content until the next screen update

NoMachine 6.9.2
Enhancements and bug fixes:
- Allowing users to recognize which USB devices they have forwarded to the remote Linux host
- Automatically detect the X server active display when VirtualGL is enabled
- Supporting the new option format introduced with xfreerdp client v. 2.0.0
- Updating VirtualGL to the latest released version
- NoMachine does not detect KDE Plasma 5.17
- Physical desktop is not detected on systems with KDE Plasma 5.17
- A BSOD occurs on Windows when enabling voice recording or accessing microphone settings
- Black screen occurs when connecting to the physical display on high resolution monitors
- Cannot add a child server or node by using a domain administrator account
- Cannot authenticate by NX protocol with a private key generated with openSSH 7.8p1-1 or later
- Cannot build NoMachine USB module on Linux Kernel v. 5
- Cannot start a new session because the previous session on the same display is in state 'Terminating' forever
- Cannot start session on remote node when username contains a special character
- Cannot use the smartcard reader on server side
- Clipboard settings on the remote node don't override the main server settings (server.cfg)
- Copy and paste from macOS client doesn't work reliably when using keyboard shortcuts
- Error 'Wrong signature' occurs while trying to add the remote node
- Error Code 19 is raised on USB host controllers when upgrading NoMachine Enterprise Client on Windows from v. 5 to v. 6
- Error in Event Viewer after reboot of Windows 10
- KDE virtual desktops are created without starting window manager
- Permissions of sample configuration files for Fail2ban are world writeable
- RDP virtual desktops cannot be started with xfreerdp client if domain is not specified
- Sessions become unusable when started by the web and reconnected by NoMachine client
- Setting the UserNXDirectoryPath key overrides the user's home directory location when running virtual desktops
- Some programs continuously print 'Unknown extension 131' in their output
- The NX_CONNECTION variable is not set in the NoMachine session
- The server looks for network information by using UPnP even if it's disabled in the configuration
- The virtual desktop goes black for a few seconds when Matlab 2019b is launched
- The XScreenSaver doesn't work in virtual sessions
- Users cannot start a NoMachine session because "the connection with the server was lost"
- Virtual desktops on a remote node are lost during the reconnect procedure due to network issues
- When connecting by the web, the Connections list view mode is 'My desktops' as default
- The local display is not available for connections to physical desktop

NoMachine 6.8.1
Enhancements and bug fixes:
- Forwarding NoMachine authentication to the RDP server when the xfreerdp client is used
- Giving the possibility to specify some server commands on a per-node basis
- Implementing a mechanism for excluding automatically a load-balanced node in case of failure
- Preventing users from using the xhost program inside a NoMachine virtual desktop
- Adding a server configuration key to enable using PAM account stack for key-based authentication by NX protocol
- Adding support for pam_access module when connecting by NX protocol
- Increase the maximum allowed custom resolution in display settings
- Updating nxhtd to Apache v. 2.4.41
- Cannot load the user's private-key in web sessions run by IE 11
- Rules set for a node are ignored if it's disabled for all users
- Cannot authenticate to RDP server by passing NoMachine credentials
- Cannot launch system applications in virtual desktop sessions on Fedora 26 with Wayland
- Virtual desktops always start on the same node when using the weighted load-balancing algorithm
- Reconnecting to session stuck during connection
- Audio stutters during NoMachine session
- Cannot connect a local device when the volume name contains spaces
- NoMachine virtual desktops become unresponsive when using Synopsys ICC2
- Automatic selection of number of threads doesn't work correctly
- The remote session is unrecoverable after connection/disconnection failures
- NoMachine client on Windows suddenly terminates when selecting a large text in Vim 8.1
- Windows freezes when the user signs out of his account from inside the NoMachine session
- The fn key on Mac 10.13 gets stuck on mac and key combinations stops to work
- Desktops running on Wayland cannot be automatically resized to the NoMachine client size
- Custom sessions in floating window mode fail to start
- The display is no longer updated in WebRTC sessions on high latency networks
- NoMachine client uses the wrong authentication password when reconnecting to a server
- NoMachine client fails to start on OpenSUSE Leap 15 when the X authority file is misconfigured
- Improve retina support for NoMachine graphical user interfaces
- Floating window mode session fails on Windows
- Black screen occurs when connecting to headless Linux hosts
- Sudden termination of the nxnode process on Linux when the horizontal resolution of the monitor is not a multiple of 16

NoMachine 6.7.6
- Disabling TLS 1.0 for NoMachine web connections
- Supporting a command line option on Windows for skipping the installation of USB modules
- Adding a new option to the nxkeygen tool to display SHA256 fingerprint of certificates
- Adding a new server configuration key to enable/disable using PAM configuration for connections by NX protocol
- Extending the session history command to provide statistics and debug information
- Add support for two-factor authentication in the server procedure to add a remote node
- Adding auto-detection of Xfce desktop in installation scripts
- Completely remove "Send a file from the client" when only the desktop owner is connected and file transfer from client to server is disabled
- Configure the use of WebRTC via connection file (.nxs)
- Java screenshots show trails of all the application window movements
- The nxerror.log file is recreated with wrong permissions
- In a multi-monitor setup, pixels which are not included in any screen are shown with undefined colors
- 'No available sessions' is issued when connecting to NoMachine on Windows 10
- Cannot connect to Ubuntu physical desktop when Wayland is enabled
- Java non-modal dialogs are displayed as modal in the NoMachine client for Windows
- A custom floating-window sessions is refreshed only when it is brought on the top
- Terminator application can't be resized properly in floating window session
- Fonts in a terminal inside a virtual desktop are displayed with a wrong color
- Cannot reconnect a custom session when it's started from RHEL 5
- NoMachine processes are not started after installation on OSs with the newest systemd version
- Files and directories in a disk connected from Windows are only partially accessible
- Error 'failed to copy' occurs when trying to transfer a file via the ADB tool
- Virtual desktops and custom sessions stay in a non-connectable state for several minutes
- Web custom sessions fail to start when key based authentication is used
- The web session request for key-based authentication even when the user is already authenticated
- User is not prompted to update the password when it's expired in a 2FA setup

NoMachine 6.6.8
- Including the H.264 libraries in all NoMachine packages
- Adding the EnablePublicPrinter key to the node configuration
- Setting a default interval for NoMachine log rotation when no parameter is specified
- Adding the EncoderMode key to the node configuration
- Adding an option to force the encoder's rate control mode
- Supporting the execution of custom scripts triggered by the user's logout event
- Supporting key-based authentication method via web (for NX protocol)
- Giving the possibility to stop sharing a printer as public
- Updating the OpenSSL libraries provided by NoMachine to version 1.0.2r
- Updating nxhtd to Apache v. 2.4.39
- Improving access to NoMachine backend for multiple concurrent connections
- Virtual desktop mode is ignored for custom sessions on the web
- Wrong file permissions might lead to "Connection Refused 111" error
- The nxserver --daemon process suddenly terminates during the initialization of a new virtual desktop
- Cannot connect via web from an external network when WebRTC is enabled
- Symlinks are not handled correctly by the NoMachine disk service
- The nxdevice directory is not cleaned in case of session failure
- Building NoMachine USB module fails on Linux Kernel v. 5.0
- Kerberos ticket is not removed when the session is closed
- Settings in the default.nxs connection file are ignored if the file is not specified in the URL

NoMachine 6.5.6

- Configuring the server to start a new session at every connection
- Giving the possibility to activate log rotation for NoMachine log files
- Load-balancing sessions on the remote nodes according to the lowest system load
- Storing the public key for NX authentication in a custom directory
- Pre-configuring the size of the sensitive area to activate the auto-scrolling in web sessions
- Improving the support of two-factor authentication with MFA tools like Duo and PAM-OKTA

This latest release also provides the following fixes:
- The mouse back and forward buttons are ignored in connections to Windows physical desktop
- The Right Shift key is not correctly detected by some applications on Windows
- NoMachine tray uses the wrong icon color on Ubuntu MATE 18.x
- Forwarding network ports fails on Mac - Windows connections
- Files in a disk connected from OpenSUSE to Windows 10 can be opened only by Notepad
- Sudden termination of NoMachine on Mac when the hostname contains a new line
- Sudden termination of NoMachine virtual desktops when Kerberos tickets are renewed
- Launching session to Windows server leads to system freeze
- Cannot complete installation on Window 7 because of Runtime Error
- Cannot authenticate by NX protocol when 2FA authentication uses a RADIUS server
- Landscape mode doesn`t work when the printer is forwarded from Windows
- The login form is not displayed in web sessions without any hints on the problem
- The keyboard doesn't work in a NoMachine session shared through Microsoft Teams
- Unselected objects are not darkened in a Cadence project with the dimming option enabled
- NoMachine opens a UDP port in the firewall which is not used
- The login form is no longer diplayed in the browser after a server update
- Windows 10 becomes unresponsive when the user connects by NoMachine
- NoMachine client ignores the new password entered when the authentication fails during the automatic reconnection
- An authentication dialog box appears on Fedora 29 and RHEL 7.6 while creating a virtual session
- NoMachine H.264 hardware encoding fails with Volta-based GPUs
- Cannot connect by the web to servers federated under a Cloud Server v. 6.4.6
- Mouse cursor disappears in NoMachine VNC virtual desktops on Ubuntu 18.04
- Session log is filled by warning messages about 'x2 exceeding short int'
- Client slows down when sorting a big list of sessions
- Cannot connect as guest user in a multinode environment
- A wrong dialog is displayed when 'AutomaticDisconnection 2 ' is set in the server configuration

NoMachine 6.4.6

List of enhancements:
- Integrating Linux or Mac system groups into NoMachine trusted groups
- Limiting trusted users to specific users' desktops
- Extending access to physical desktop to unprivileged users with Linux Terminal Server products
- Adding a configuration key to show or hide the NoMachine virtual clipboard when text is copied
- Extending the UserScriptAfterLogin custom script to accept the client ip parameter
- Adding the possibility to require connection's authorization also for administrators
- Extending the 'nxplayer --session' command to always create a new session
- Giving the possibility to show servers' hierarchy in a tree structure on console
- Integration of Web Sockets technology into WebPlayer

This latest release also provides the following fixes:
- Pulldown menus are displayed only on one monitor when running a custom session in floating window mode in a multimonitor set-up
- Cannot use microphone with Skype, Slack or browsers
- Authentication dialog box appears while creating a virtual session requesting user to authenticate
- Cannot connect to NoMachine on Windows with usernames similar to ' -))'
- Cannot authenticate to the server's UI when the administrator's password contains Unicode characters
- The NoMachine client doesn't restore the fullscreen state on all screens
- Can't create virtual desktops having a 7680x2880 screen or above
- License for Raspberry doesn't match the OS and platform
- Creating display fails on headless machines when connecting by SSH protocol
- NoMachine packages don't detect openSUSE Tumbleweed
- NoMachine installation doesn't detect SUSE SLED/SLES 15
- Incorrect error message to modify during installation on Arch Linux
- The server doesn't run the sessreg command on the system even if it's enabled in the configuration
- Connections to macOS Mojave are not interactive
- Two factor authentication hangs with NoMachine when SecureAuth RADIUS v. 8.0 is used
- An unitialized memory read in the nxfs.sys driver allows a local user to cause BSOD on Windows 10

NoMachine 6.3.6

Enhancements available are:
- Making NoMachine server compatible with Fail2ban
- Improving the load balancing mechanism when a custom script is used
- Providing a configuration key to lock down web connections by nxs files
- Adding a check at server's startup to verify if 'localhost' can be resolved
- Supporting a custom script for setting environment variables inside a virtual desktop session
- Showing the connected browser type and version in the server session list
- Giving the possibility to execute custom scripts triggered on change resolution events
- Showing the real client version in the output of the nxserver --list/--history commands
- Adding a server configuration key to allow administrators disabling clients' auto-reconnect
- Add a new configuration key to enable/disable connections to the system login screen
- Upgrading nxhtd to the last Apache version (v. 2.4.34)
- Auto-feed user's credentials to web session
- Adding a client preference to configure a specific frame rate
- Adding options in display settings to configure frame rate in web sessions
- Supporting a SSH authentication agent
- Using a frame rate for encoding displays specified by the user
- Replace some connection error messages with user friendly issues description

This latest release also provides the following fixes:
- Cannot authenticate to Windows via NX protocol and private key authentication
- Session status is inconsistent in a multi-node environment
- Blurred fonts occurs in a KDE Konsole
- Web sessions ignore the 'EnableWebConnectionName' key
- The AcceptedMethods key is present in the server configuration file after upgrading to v. 6.1.6
- Kerberos Credentials Cache is relabelled each time users log-in by NoMachine
- The automatic lock of the screen is not activated with CTWM, Fluxbox, MWM
- 'WARNING! Cannot renew Kerberos ticket' is printed in server logs
- NoMachine falls back to VP8 encoding when FFmpeg 4.0.1 is installed on the client
- The nxnode process suddenly terminates when the connection with the display cannot be established
- Cannot execute files from disk mounted on Windows 7
- Cannot print from RHEL 7 to Windows 10
- A disk connected from server side doesn't show up in the 'Remote disks' list
- Content of NoMachine Installer is badly displayed when Windows uses the dark theme
- Sudden termination of NoMachine client on Windows 10 (April 2018 Update)
- The 'nxserver --install' script removes the libnxusb library on old Linux kernels
- Image quality issues occurring when H.264 codec is used and multi-pass encoding is disabled
- Occasional crashes of nxnode process in UDP code
- System accounts configured to use Kerberos cannot start NoMachine sessions on Fedora
- Redundant messages 'WARNING! Can't create the IPv6 socket' are printed in logs
- Key forwarding does not work properly when smart card is used
- Audio is not available in NoMachine nested sessions
- Connection timeout error when reconnecting to the physical display
- Conflict with NoMachine USB driver on Lenovo ThinkPad T470s
- Ghost printers are forwarded in the NoMachine sessions after a system reboot on CentOS 7/RHEl 7
- PulseAudio files are left in the /tmp directory when the NoMachine session is terminated
- Purple and green bands show up in the browser window when connecting the web session from FF or Chrome
- The ownership of Kerberos ticket cache file is changed when NoMachine is restarted
- White or black screen in Windows XP session
- The login window appears to be very small on Oracle Linux 7u4
- The manual selection option has no effect on NoMachine User Interface
- The nxserver service is disabled after a physical desktop failure
- Possible arbitrary code execution on client's wintab32.dll preload
- Low performance on some MacBook Pro models

NoMachine 6.2.4

Enhancements available are:
- Providing a command line interface for configuring automatically VirtualGL on Linux
- Configuring desktop authorization on a per-node basis (for Linux multinode environments)
- Adding support for groups of nodes (for multi-node environments)
- Giving the possibility to start a virtual session from command line
- Providing a new 'nxserver --status' command to be less resource intensive
- Extending the AutomaticDisconnection configuration key
- Enabling the disconnect/terminate dialog in web sessions
- Adding the 'NX administrator' column to the output of the nxserver --userlist command
- Adding options --group and --extended to 'nxserver --userlist' command
- Giving the possibility to change audio output device in a NoMachine web session
- Supporting touch and mouse events in NoMachine web sessions
- Informing users that password cannot be empty to authenticate on Windows from remote

This latest release also provides the following fixes:
- Custom sessions windows are moved to the bottom of the monitor when they are re-connected
- Artifacts appear in BlackMATE for a while when scrolling
- Floating windows could be opened outside the visible area in a multi-monitor setup
- Cannot close a session running in view-only mode
- Warning messages 'PA_SendCommandCli: Unable to open cli socket' are present in the server log
- Users cannot start virtual desktops on the manually selected node
- Warning 'NXRunUnLog failed with error 2' is printed when the AFS environment is not configured
- Focus gets lost when a popup window appears in IntelliJ IDEA software running in floating window mode
- NoMachine doesn't recognize the TWM window manager
- The automatic screen lock is not activated with some Window Managers
- The nxhtd web server is not installed when upgrading a server from v. 5 to v. 6.1.6 by RPM package
- The 'classic' method is used as fallback also when it's disabled in the AcceptedWebMethods key
- Kerberos tickets are destroyed when the NoMachine server is restarted or shutdown
- A second VNC login is requested inside the NoMachine session
- A wrong panel is displayed together with the 'Creating a new virtual desktop' waiting wheel on Chrome
- Wacom USB tablets don't work reliably in a NoMachine session
- The search pop-up window suddenly disappears when PyCharm is run in a custom session
- The nxclient.bin process has high CPU/memory usage on RHEL 6
- Cannot restart the server by running manually the init script
- NVIDIA hardware encoding initialization error
- A wrong message is displayed when restarting the server
- Cannot authenticate when connecting by SSH and a method different from password authentication
- When disconnecting, NoMachine client hangs on Windows 10 (April 2018 Update) if the panel to connect USB devices has been previously opened
- Cannot forward USB devices from/to Windows 10 (April 2018 Update)
- The virtual desktop terminates unexpectedly when the remote screen has been resized
- Cannot reconnect a virtual desktop created via web on a remote Terminal Server Node

NoMachine 6.1.6
- Change log not available for this version

NoMachine 6.0.80
- Change log not available for this version

NoMachine 6.0.78
- Change log not available for this version

NoMachine 6.0.66
- Users can log-in to the nxserver shell by using a NoMachine token
- Cannot forward USB devices to macOS Sierra
- Cannot open the Font menu in the Attribute Inspector in a physical desktop on macOS 10.13
- Cannot access an Enterprise Desktop if no X session is already running on it
- NoMachine fails to automatically reconnect when server requires two-factor authentication
- NoMachine client suddenly terminates when the connection uses proxy authentication
- Message 'Cannot kill nxhtd' is issued while upgrading Cloud Server to version 6 on Linux
- USB forwarding to Linux sessions works only the first time
- The session freezes after that the user logs-in or logs-out from the system

NoMachine 6.0.62
- Adding a new configuration key for pre-configuring the web GUI appearance
- Applying the 'lossless refinement' in a single pass
- Dropping support for 'NoMachine login' method
- Switching the active role to the server with more connections after a cluster failover
- Adding the 'Subscription version' field to the license files
- Build a scalable multi-tier infrastructure with Cloud Server
- Using one-time password for forwarding connections from a Cloud Server to a target server
- Automatic detection of proxy settings and using them to connect
- Automatic software updates from earlier versions to v. 6.0 will be disabled
- Creating the necessary UI for accessing and administering a NoMachine hierarchical infrastructure of servers
- Adding new commands for federating servers under a Cloud Server
- Accessing and managing a NoMachine multi-level infrastructure of servers via web
- Letting users disable accepting connections to their desktop from the NoMachine Monitor
- Updates to server commands for managing multi-node environments
- Implementing automatic reconnection for connections by the web
- Creating a dedicated PAM module for temporary password authentication with SSH protocol
- Adding a new option to server commands for directing users to a given server federated under a CS
- Providing server tools to configure the users' ability to disable accepting connections to their physical desktop
- Create a unique identifier for the NoMachine failover cluster
- Add an item to the NoMachine menu to close the NoMachine application
- Adding the 'nxserver --getuuid' command to retrieve the server uuid in a NoMachine hierarchical infrastructure
- Adding support for guest users to NoMachine Enterprise Desktop
- Implementing automatic reconnection in the NoMachine client
- Informing users that NoMachine client v. 6 is requested to connect to Cloud Server v. 6
- Removing the host keys while deleting the remote host from the NoMachine infrastructure
- Giving the possibility to start and stop foreign servers
- Improving the procedure to gather web session logs
- Implementing the 'nxserver --serverupdate' command
- Extending the 'nxserver --remove-host-key' to operate also on servers federated under a Cloud Server
- Adding the mod_headers module to the NoMachine web server
- Giving the possibility to administrators to pre-configure NoMachine's web sessions
- Eliminate the customer's packages for update and ship updates in all-in-one packages
- Change status item label to "Show the service status"
- Disabling 3DES-CBC (short block sizes) in the NoMachine web server
- Extending support for web sessions to more NoMachine server products
- Extending the possibility to prevent users from storing their credentials also in case of web sessions
- Preventing users from storing their login credentials when connecting via browser
- Managing sub-level servers from the main Cloud Server
- Updating the NoMachine web server, nxhtd
- Adding a new configuration key to hide the 'Accepting connection' item from the Monitor menu
- Adding support for H.264 codec in web sessions
- Moving settings of cloud.cfg and to the global configuration files, server.cfg and htd.cfg
- Extending the multi-server administration GUI by allowing to manage any servers in the hierarchy
- The restricted access mode to physical desktops in NoMachine v. 6
- Minimizing user's steps to launch web sessions
- Disabling mDNS in the NoMachine monitor if it is disabled in the client GUI panel
- Renaming configuration keys for web sessions
- Extending NoMachine USB support to Raspberry Pi
- Adding support for SOCKS protocol
- BSOD on Windows 10 due to the nxusb driver
- Screen blanking on Mac doesn't work properly when connecting to login window
- Server side logs report "Cannot get user info" messages
- Ghost printers are forwarded in the NoMachine sessions after a system reboot on CentOS 7/RHEL 7
- Audio playback is not smooth when the session is connected to Windows XP
- NoMachine server cannot be started when the Windows LSA service is running in protected mode
- Keyboard does not work properly inside remote Parallels VM
- Ctrl+drag is not working in Xcode
- Error messages related to problems with the creation of 'nx' user account during the installation process don't provide enough detail
- NoMachine client can be installed over a NoMachine full package on Linux
- The 'nxdevice/sessions' directory on Linux is obsolete
- Dialog box requiring authentication pops up while creating a new virtual session
- Misleading error message about missing users.db
- The nxexec process suddenly terminates on Ubuntu 16.04 when the machine is rebooted
- Cannot activate a TSN license for evaluation with the 'nxserver --activate' command
- Mouse input problems appear when playing EverQuest
- Custom scripts triggered on 'UserScriptAfterSessionStart' are executed before the user is effectively connected to the remote desktop
- LSA service crash due to invalid memory access inside nxlsa module
- When installing a server package, set-up tries to put in place XDG files for the standalone client
- Sudden termination of the NoMachine session caused by mDNS
- User gets authorization error using system "Check for Updates" in openSUSE Leap after installing NoMachine
- Ctrl+arrow doesn't work in a NoMachine session on macOS 10.12.6
- Server configuration to forbid the client to store credentials doesn't work as expected
- Memory leak in Render extension optimized code
- NoMachine nxd doesn't start properly on Windows XP when IPv6 protocol is installed
- Microsoft Driver Verifier reports a non-fatal error when verifying nxusbs.sys
- No error is displayed when users set a new password and the system doesn't accept it
- Screen blanking feature doesn't work properly on openSUSE Leap 42.1
- User is successfully authenticated but can't easily access his session when the system authentication is case-insensitive
- Some Gnome 3 themes are misrendered in virtual desktopsTR01N06360 - Problem with USB forwarding of iPhone to Mac OS X

NoMachine 5.3.12
- Change log not available for this version

NoMachine 5.3.10
- NoMachine makes available updated packages to prevent a vulnerability in one of the server utilities which could be exploited by authenticated users to gain access to all local files on Linux and Mac OS X hosts. Furthermore, security fixes for recent flaws discovered in Apache and which affect users of Cloud Server are also included. We strongly recommend all users upgrade their server inst

NoMachine 7.9.2 相關參考資料
All Software Updates

52 (CVE-2022-22720), and a flaw in OpenSSL... Mar. 22. NoMachine 7.9.2 is now available for download. Luxembourg, March 22nd, 2022 - NoMachine makes available ...

Download NoMachine 7.9.2

NoMachine Remote desktop software for accessing and sharing your desktop from anywhere.

Download NoMachine 7.9.2 for windows

2022年3月22日 — NoMachine Remote desktop software for accessing and sharing your desktop from anywhere.

Install error when updating 7.8.2 to 7.9.2_1

2022年3月24日 — Have NoMachine 7.8.2 installed and working, it says update available, I've tried saying install now, I've also tried downloading new installer ...

NoMachine - All Software Updates

52 (CVE-2022-22720), and a flaw in OpenSSL... Mar. 22. NoMachine 7.9.2 is now available for download. Luxembourg, March 22nd, 2022 - NoMachine makes available ...

NoMachine 7.9.2 is now available for download

2022年3月22日 — NoMachine 7.9.2 is now available for download · - Download and save the DEB file. · - Update your NoMachine installation by running: · $ sudo ...

NoMachine 7.9.2 on 2022-04-04-raspios-bullseye not ...

2022年4月4日 — I've hit a brickwall with this configuration: nomachine_7.9.2_1 on 2022-04-04-raspios-bullseye. A clean installation of bullseye 2022-04-04 ...

NoMachine 7.9.2详细安装教程

2022年4月16日 — 1、下载到英文路径并解压完成后,打开“Nomachine 7.9.2”文件夹,以管理员身份运行其内的“nomachine_7.9.2_1.exe”程序文件,随后按图安装即可。

Nomachine 安装原创

2022年5月10日 — 卸载nomachine. rpm -qa | grep nomachine rpm -e nomachine-7.9.2-1. ... linux卸载nomachine,NoMachine 安装使用笔记. Linux下可用的图形界面远程控制软件 ...