
最新版本 FastFolders 5.9.0

FastFolders 5.9.0

FastFolders 5.9.0
NetLimiter 是一個為 Windows 設計的終極互聯網流量控制和監測工具。您可以使用 NetLimiter 設置應用程序的下載 / 上傳傳輸速率限制,甚至單一連接,並監控他們的互聯網流量.

隨著這一獨特的功能,Netlimiter 提供了一套全面的互聯網統計工具。它包括實時的流量測量和長期的每應用程序互聯網流量統計。

NetLimiter 功能:

Network Monitor
NetLimiter 顯示所有應用程序通過網絡進行通信的連接,傳輸速率和更多.

你可以使用 NetLimiter 設置應用程序,連接或組的下載或上傳傳輸速率限制。有限制,您可以輕鬆地管理您的互聯網連接的帶寬(帶寬整形器或帶寬控制器)

此功能可讓您跟踪您的互聯網流量歷史,因為您已經安裝 NetLimiter.

NetLimiter 為您提供了像 WHOIS,跟踪路由等附加信息等。

And 更多...
規則調度程序,遠程管理,連接阻止程序,作為 WinNT 服務運行,用戶權限,圖表,高級規則編輯器和調度程序,基於區域的流量管理.

注意:28 天試用版.


檔案版本 FastFolders 5.9.0

檔案名稱 FFSetup.exe
檔案大小 819.2 KB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Locktime Software
更新日期 2019-05-07

What's new in this version:

FastFolders 5.9.0

- removed Windows XP support (please download v5.8.2 if you want to use the program under Windows XP)
- Visual Studio 2019 recompilation for better compatibility to new systems
- adjustments for the latest updates of Windows 10

FastFolders 5.8.2
- Fix: small cosmetical changes to some dialogs

FastFolders 5.8.1
- Fix: dialog and menu positions when screen configuration changes
- Fix: small fixes regarding user account access (data folder, etc.)
- Fix: adjustments for the latest updates of Windows 10

FastFolders 5.8.0
- New: improved unattended setup
- Fix: various small fixes and improvements

FastFolders 5.7.1
- Fix: issue with automatic archive function not backing up all files
- Fix: small issue with update check

FastFolders 5.7.0
- New: automatic archiving of configuration
- New: improved "About" and "Update" dialogs
- Fix: various small bug fixes, changes and improvements

FastFolders 5.6.0
- New: more detailed license information in "About" dialog
- New: updated license agreement and terms of use
- Fix: various small internal changes and improvements

FastFolders 5.5.1
- New: option to use command line parameters for alternative file manager and default program

FastFolders 5.5.0
- New: possibility to install and uninstall the program silently for mass deployment. See the manual for details

FastFolders 5.9.0 相關參考資料
App Windows - FastFolders 5.9.0 | NulledTeam UnderGround | The ...

FastFolders 5.9.0 | 1 Mb This system extension increases your productivity dramatically by giving you quick and easy access to folder contents ...

FastFolders 5.9.0 - TehParadox.Net Online Sharing Community #Back

FastFolders 5.9.0. File size: 1.0 MB This system extension increases your productivity dramatically by giving you quick and easy access to folder contents and ...

FastFolders 5.9.0 With Patch (Latest) | 4HowCrack

FastFolders Patch This system extension increases your productivity dramatically by giving you quick and easy access to folder contents.....

FastFolders 5.9.0 | DailyKalom.Com

14 小時前 - FastFolders can also show the total size of folders including their subfolders and files. This is extremely useful for getting an overview of the ...

FastFolders 5.9.0 | RAMLeague

[img] FastFolders 5.9.0 | 1 Mb This system extension increases your productivity dramatically by giving you quick and easy access to folder contents and...

FastFolders 5.9.0 » Dl4All - Download For All

6 小時前 - FastFolders 5.9.0 | 1 MbThis system extension increases your productivity dramatically by giving you quick and easy access to folder contents ...

[Release] - FastFolders 5.9.0 | RAMLeague

[img] FastFolders 5.9.0 | 1 Mb This system extension increases your productivity dramatically by giving you quick and easy access to folder ...