NetBeans IDE

最新版本 Playnite 10.1

Playnite 10.1

Playnite 10.1
為軟件開發人員提供免費的開放源代碼集成開發環境。您可以使用 Java 語言,C / C ++,甚至 PHP,JavaScript,Groovy 和 Ruby 等動態語言來獲得創建專業桌面,企業,Web 和移動應用程序所需的所有工具。 NetBeans IDE 很容易安裝和使用直接開箱,並運行在許多平台上,包括 Windows,Linux,Mac OS X 和 Solaris。下載 NetBeans IDE Offline Installer Setup!

New NetBeans IDE 亮點:

JDK 8 支持:與 Profiles,Lambdas 和 Streams 一起使用的工具和編輯器增強功能。 Java SE Embedded 支持直接從 NetBeans IDE 在嵌入式設備(如 Raspberry PI)上部署,運行,調試或剖析 Java SE 應用程序。Java ME Embedded 8 支持.

Java EE
新 PrimeFaces 代碼生成器,用於生成完整的 PrimeFaces 骨架 CRUD 應用程序連接到數據庫。 Tomcat 8.0 和 TomEE 支持,包括開箱即用的 JPA,JSF 和 JAXRS 配置和數據源。 JPA 提示更靈活,可以禁用,啟用和更改警告級別.

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Android 4.4 支持 Cordova 3.3+ 的 WebKit 調試。新的 Karma 測試運行器支持和 New Grunt 構建支持。 Avatar.js 通過工具 | 在插件管理器中可用插件。安裝之後,您可以為 PHP 5.5 創建 Avatar.js projects.


C / C ++
編輯器中新增導航功能。新的 GDB 控制台啟用使用命令行 GDB 模式。新的提示和代碼完成。改進的遠程性能。下載 NetBeans IDE 脫機安裝程序安裝!

增強了窗口系統的靈活性,例如通過拖放操作編輯器的拆分以及定制編輯器選項卡的新 API。管理項目組的新用戶界面設計。文件夾中的文件可以按擴展名排序.

配置文件增強功能:嵌入式平台上的配置文件,顯示鎖定爭用的線程擁有監視器以及改進的線程視圖。版本增強:支持 Subversion 1.8 工作副本,對 Git 和 Mercurial 支持的各種增強。任務計劃和任務窗口中的其他新功能,用於錯誤跟踪.

注意:需要 Java 開發工具包.

也可用:下載 NetBeans IDE 為 Mac


檔案版本 Playnite 10.1

檔案名稱 Playnite101.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Oracle
更新日期 2022-09-22

What's new in this version:

- Global search view
- Library backup and restore
- Smooth scrolling for game lists
- Ability to auto-fill the Sorting Name field when importing games (by Jeshibu)
- New options to control play time sync behavior (by darklinkpower)
- Sorting and grouping by recent activity (by darklinkpower)
- Option to configure date display format (by darklinkpower)
- Install size field (by darklinkpower)
- Grouping by install drive (by darklinkpower)
- Top panel button to randomly select game in the current view (by darklinkpower)
- Option to configure default web image search terms
- Right-click on top panel's filter button clears all filters
- Option to define startup and shutdown application scripts
- Option to go to game details from random game selection dialog
- Option to create new completion status from game edit window
- Option to exclude hidden games on statistics view
- Library update on startup is automatically skipped if Internet connection is not available
- Options to control update check behavior
- Option to hide game name from details panels
- Option to override installation status on automatically imported games
- Quality of life improvements to metadata download configuration views
- Added game tracking mode option that only tracks originally started process
- Option to start on boot closed to tray
- Option to start interactive PowerShell console with loaded Playnite SDK
- Font preview when selecting application fonts

Fullscreen mode:
- Allow for more space between game covers in Fullscreen mode
- Option to assign game fields in Fullscreen mode
- Option to open filter preset selection via Left Stick button or R key
- Option to restart in safe mode from Fullscreen mode
- Option for Xbox / Guide controller button to restore Fullscreen mode into focus
- Option to only accept inputs from primary controller
- Option to invert A/B button bindings (for confirmation and cancellation actions)
- Smooth scrolling of the game list

- "Choose on startup" option for emulator play actions also available on emulator level
- Option to override platform assignment on emulation scanner
- Exclusion list support for emulation scanners
- Option to disable scan of archives during emulation import
- Option to exclude subfolders from emulation scan
- Option to import emulated games under related file paths (enabled by default)
- Import emulators using relative paths if possible

Fixed (only most noteworthy fixes mentioned):
- Filter panel in Fullscreen mode doesn't scroll properly when using big font size
- Filter presets are not scrolled into view when switching them in Fullscreen mode
- Some Fullscreen views can't be closed using Backspace key
- Saved window position is not properly constrained to connected displays if DPI changes
- TGA metadata files are not properly converted on import
- Grid View items disappear before they are fully out of view while scrolling
- Game list doesn't update properly after switching filter preset in Fullscreen mode
- Details view scroll position doesn't reset on game selection change
- {EmulatorDir} variable not expanded in emulator scripts
- Some game menu actions are very slow on large number of selected games
- Better visual indicator of selected item on filter preset panel in Fullscreen mode
- Ignore config, redistributables and game engine executables during executables scan
- Fullscreen mode doesn't adjust properly to screen resolution changes
- Sidebar doesn't update properly without re-launching Playnite
- {InstallDirName} variable is not expanded properly in some cases
- Grid view rendering glitches when grouping is enabled
- Performance optimization to library filter
- Better handling of m3u files when scanning emulated games
- Better handling of emulated game files stored in long paths (260+ chars)
- Restoring existing Fullscreen instance by starting its executable doesn't properly focus on opened views
- Better keyboard input support on Fullscreen mode's text input dialog
- Better handling of multi-disk emulated games
- Importing emulated games from UNC shares doesn't work properly
- Some game variables are not expanded properly in emulator configuration strings
- Launching a game via random selection dialog can lead to wrong game being shown as running
- Scrolling performance in Fullscreen mode slows down after opening game details for the first time
- Games show wrong background image when scrolling through game list quickly
- Clicking in the empty area of the zoom moves the bar but doesn't change zoom
- Clicking empty part of horizontal scrollbar moves view vertically
- No "Select Sound" is played when selecting a game with the mouse in Fullscreen mode
- List view columns can be accidentally hidden by resizing
- Play actions keep reappearing after being removed from already imported games
- Emulator scanner does not pick up ROM files with double extensions
- Missed inputs when multiple controllers are connected in Fullscreen mode

Playnite 10.1 相關參考資料
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Playnite 10 has been released. Open source video game ...

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Playnite 的旧版本(Windows)

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