n-Track Studio (32-bit)

最新版本 n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3570 (32-bit)

n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3570 (32-bit)

n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3570 (32-bit)
n-Track Studio 是一個音頻& MIDI 多軌錄音機,將您的電腦變成一個完整的錄音室。它的核心,n-Track Studio 有一個數字調音台界面,可以創建一個專業的混合音頻和音樂文件。

它可以錄製回放無限數量的音頻和 MIDI 音軌和效果可以跟踪內置效果包括混響,AutoVol,迴聲,音高移位,合唱和軌道 EQ 等 n -Track 還支持第三方的 DirectX 和 VST 插頭 -INS。您可以自動化音量,平移,輔助發送& 返回和自定義淡出效果是,出或增加音量。

n-Track Studio 支持多個 16 位和 24 位聲卡的同時錄製。實時音頻效果可以應用於每個軌道。這是一個非破壞性的過程。所以如果你不喜歡你用來記錄的插件效果,你可以調整或改變它,而不會損壞原來的“現場”拍攝。每個軌道最多可以疊加 25 個效果組合。 n-Track Studio 支持多種音頻文件格式以及導入,編輯和導出 midi 文件的功能。

在 n -Track 的桌面和移動版本之間交換錄音。在旅途中在 iPad 上錄製歌曲,然後將其導入到 Windows 或 Mac 計算機上以進行詳細的編輯和混音。

導入和導出.wav,.mp3,.wma,.mid,.ogg,.flac, .aiff,.cda,.sng,.sgw 音頻文件導入和導出 EDL 多軌歌曲文件,與其他多軌程序交換歌曲使用 SMPTE / MTC 或 MIDI 時鐘同步,同步到其他程序或外部設備,作為主站或從站使用支持環繞混合,用於創建使用 5.1,6.1 和 7.1 聲道環繞格式的 DVD 音頻項目視頻(AVI,MPEG)可以在專用視頻播放窗口中與歌曲同步播放。完成整首歌曲的錄製後,可以將所有曲目混音為一個單一的 WAV 文件,並使用它來記錄音頻 CD 曲目使用 CD 錄音機或通過互聯網使用內置的 MP3 編碼器分配注意:10 天的試用版(可以擴展一個免費的在線註冊一個月)0.612 35896
也可用:為 Mac

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檔案版本 n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3570 (32-bit)

檔案名稱 ntrck_swx64.exe
檔案大小 129 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Flavio Antonioli
官網 http://en.ntrack.com/index.php
更新日期 2019-01-23

What's new in this version:

n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3570 (32-bit)
- Fixed overdubbed track remains muted on undoing punch-in recording
- Fixed playback starts even if "Ready to record" box is still displayed
- Fixed sometimes rec button becomes disabled on stopping recording during count-in
- Reorganized punch-in menu (Shift + click on the Punch-in/Count-in button)
- Added "Start recording where stopped" option (listed in the punch-in menu)
- Minor bug fixes

n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3569 (32-bit)
- Fixed crash on change eq curve when sonogram and tuner are displayed
- Fixed sporadic crash on downloading packages from the Add-On Manager
- Minor bug fixes

n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3568 (32-bit)
- Fixed sporadic crash on adding virtual instruments from the instruments browser
- Fixed sporadic crash on adding Pure Data plug-ins
- Minor bug fixes

n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3567 (32-bit)
- Fixed sporadic crash on adding multiple outputs VSTis
- Fixed crash on moving n-Track Parametric EQ bands
- Fixed n-Track 64 bit sometimes doesn't load DirectX plug-ins when opening projects saved with n-Track 32 bit
- Minor bug fixes

n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3566 (32-bit)
- Fixed bug in which external instruments menu is empty when reached from Instrument browser
- Fixed sporadic crash on exchanging tracks order
- Minor bug fixes

n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3564 (32-bit)
- Fixed crash on selecting Metronome output from Metronome control panel
- Fixed cycle recording when using Punch-in feature
- Minor bug fixes

n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3563 (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3562 (32-bit)
- Fixed sporadic crash on adding instrument from Instruments browser
- Fixed missing Multitap Delay effect on Windows

n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3561 (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3560 (32-bit)
- New Convolution Reverb plugin: emulate the reverberation of real world rooms, churches and cathedrals. Includes a built-in impulses starter pack and the possibility to download many other ones
- Improved Audio Engine performance, decrased possibility of audio glitches at very low latencies
- Simplified tracks management by adding Instruments plug-ins on MIDI tracks instead of creating separate Instrument channels. You can now add effects and volume/pan envelopes to MIDI tracks
- Improved VocalTune plug-in performance
- Simplified the "File" main menu
- Fixed sporadic bug on changing Quick Rhythms that caused n-Track to play a rhythm different from the selected one
- Fixed sporadic noise burst on rewinding or seeking songs containing MIDI tracks with n-Track Sampler
- Fixed widgets handling of overlapped parts
- Fixed graphic issues VocalTune plug-ins windows on high resolution monitors
- Fixed case in which audio would become muted when a track volume envelope starts from -Inf
- Various UI improvements
- Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes

n-Track Studio 9.0.0 Build 3515 (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

n-Track Studio 9.0.0 Build 3514 (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

n-Track Studio 9.0.0 Build 3513 (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

n-Track Studio 9.0.0 Build 3512 (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

n-Track Studio 9.0.0 Build 3510 (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

n-Track Studio 9.0.0 Build 3509 (32-bit)
- Redesigned user interface
- New Guitar amp plugin
- New Bass amp plugin
- New VocalTune vocal pitch correction plugin
- Added screen drum controller which you can map to your computer keyboard
- The screen MIDI keyboard can now too be controller by the computer keyboard
- Improved Quick Grooves

- Improvements in the timeline editing including trimming multiple selected parts
- Various improvements in the Piano Roll and in handling MIDI parts

n-Track Studio 8.1.4 Build 3464 (32-bit)
- Fixed crash on opening n-Track Parametric EQ (Windows) [Bug fix]
- Fixed Instrument browser doesn't show the 32 bit plug-ins list when using n-Track 64 bit [Bug fix]
- Fixed error on opening 32 bit AU plug-ins when using n-Track 64 bit (Mac) [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio 8.1.4 Build 3463 (32-bit)
- Fixed built-in Metronome output menu [Bug fix]
- Fixed n-Track Drums editor not showing kits downloaded from the Add-On Manager [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio 8.1.4 Build 3462 (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

n-Track Studio 8.1.3 Build 3446 (32-bit)
- Fixed wrong output routing of MIDI tracks on loading songs containing Virtual Instruments and effects that accept MIDI commands[Bug fix]
- Fixed "Output to" sub-menu of timeline context menu[Bug fix]
- Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio 8.1.3 Build 3444 (32-bit)
- Added instrument browser for quickly browsing and adding virtual instruments: click a MIDI channel output to open the window and browse instruments [New feature]
- Added Add-on Manager window to install extra sound content like drum kits and virtual instruments [New feature]
- Added login with Facebook and Google+: purchase and activate your copy of n-Track Studio or any add-on using your Facebook or Google+ account [New feature]
- Redesigned launch menu with easy access to recent projects [Improvement]
- Fixed mixdown window remains displayed during online mixdown [Bug fix]
- Fixed download from Songtree Community of files with name containing not allowed chars[Bug fix]
- Various UI improvements [Improvement]
- Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio 8.1.3 Build 3443 (32-bit)
- Added login with Facebook and Google+: purchase and activate your copy of n-Track Studio or any add-on using your Facebook or Google+ account [New feature]
- Various UI improvements [Improvement]
- Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio 8.1.2 Build 3429 (32-bit)
- Fixed download from Songtree Community of files with name containing not allowed chars[Bug fix]
- arious UI improvements [Improvement]
- Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio 8.1.2 Build 3421 (32-bit)
- [New feature] Added Quick Guide window: discover how to setup your project or how to do the common operations
- [New feature] Added controls Quick Tips: move the mouse over a control to get info about its function
- [Improvement] Audio part "Flex time": stretch the audio part preserving its pitch by dragging the right side widget
- [Bug fix] Fixed sporadic crash on docking floating windows
- [Improvement] Various UI improvements
- [Bug fix] Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes

n-Track Studio 8.1.0 Build 3408 (32-bit)
- [Bug fix] Fixed drawing of selected parts during free selection on the timeline
- [Bug fix] Fixed sometimes waveform drag crosshair widget doesn't respond to the first click
- [Bug fix] Fixed waveform refresh on changing settings from track/part properties window
- [Bug fix] Minor bug fixes

n-Track Studio 8.1.0 Build 3407 (32-bit)
- [Bug fix] Fixed Zoom buttons in the main toolbar not working on Windows
- [Bug fix] Fixed rare crash on changing track Eq from the Spectrum window settings
- [Bug fix] Fixed rare crash during the mixdown process

n-Track Studio 8.1.0 Build 3403 (32-bit)
- [New Feature] Full customization of the main toolbar: add/remove buttons, sort and group them, use the main toolbar as a floating window
- [Improvement] Improved pattern and playlist items dragging on built-in Step Sequencer
- [Improvement] Various UI improvements
- [Bug fix] Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes
- [Bug fix] Includes other changes from the previous Beta versions

n-Track Studio 8.0.1 Build 3396 (32-bit)
- [Bug fix] Fixed sporadic crash importing AAF files
- [Improvement] Volume and pan envelopes are now imported from AAF files
- [Bug fix] Fixed crash enabling the 'Send new tracks to all aux channels' option

n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3570 (32-bit) 相關參考資料
n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3566 (32-bit) 檔案下載 ntrck_swx64.exe ...

n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3566 (32-bit) 軟體版本ntrck_swx64.exe 檔案下載,n-Track Studio 是一個音頻& MIDI 多軌錄音機,將您的電腦變成一個完整的錄音 ...


n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3570 (32-bit) - FreeProject.info

n-Track Studio is an audio & MIDI multitrack recorder that will turn your computer into a full-fledged recording studio. At the heart of it, n-Track Studio has a digital ...


n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3570 (32-bit) 軟體下載 Download :: 軟體兄弟

n-Track Studio 是一個音頻& MIDI 多軌錄音機,將您的電腦變成一個完整的錄音室。它的核心,n-Track Studio 有一個數字調音台界面,可以創建一個專業的混合 ...


n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3570 (32-bit) 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007 ...

n-Track Studio (32-bit)軟體資訊介紹&下載,n-Track Studio 是一個音頻& MIDI 多軌錄音機,將您的電腦變成一個完整的錄音室。它的核心,n-Track Studio 有 ...


n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3570 Crack 2019 - Get Cracked Into Pc

n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3570 Crack Keygen Free ... Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (32-bit or 64-bit – all editions); 700 MHz processor; 512 ...


n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3572 (32-bit) Download for Windows Old ...

Features · Screenshots · Change Log · Old Versions. n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3572 (32-bit). Date released: 25 Feb 2019 (one month ago) ...


n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3572 (32-bit) Download for Windows ...

Fixed crash on bouncing freezed tracks - Fixed bug on cloning MIDI tracks - Minor bug fixes n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3570 (32-bit)


Tải n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3570 (64-bit) - Download.com.vn

Tải n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3570 (64-bit) Thu âm và làm nhạc chuyên nghiệp. 100% an toàn đã được Download.com.vn kiểm nghiệm. Download n-Track ...


Tải n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3570 - Download.com.vn

Tải n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3570 Thu âm và làm nhạc chuyên nghiệp. 100% an toàn đã được Download.com.vn kiểm nghiệm. Download n-Track Studio 9.0.2 ...


軟體下載 n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3570 (32-bit) 檔案 ntrck_swx64 ...

n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Build 3570 (32-bit) 軟體下載Download 檔案名稱ntrck_swx64.exe,n-Track Studio 是一個音頻& MIDI 多軌錄音機,將您的電腦變成一個 ...
