MySQL Workbench (64-bit)

最新版本 DBeaver 6.1.0

DBeaver 6.1.0

DBeaver 6.1.0
MySQL Workbench 64 位是數據庫架構師,開發人員和 DBA 的統一可視化工具。 MySQL Workbench 為服務器配置,用戶管理,備份等提供數據建模,SQL 開發和全面的管理工具。 MySQL Workbench 可在 Windows,Linux 和 Mac OS X.

MySQL Workbench 特性:

MySQL Workbench 使 DBA,開發人員或數據架構師能夠可視化地設計,建模,生成和管理數據庫。它包含了數據建模師創建複雜的 ER 模型,正向和反向工程所需的一切,還提供了執行困難變更管理和文檔任務所需的大量時間和精力的關鍵功能。下載 MySQL 工作台離線安裝程序安裝 64 位的 PC!

MySQL 工作台 64 位提供了創建,執行和優化 SQL 查詢的可視化工具。 SQL 編輯器提供了顏色語法高亮顯示,自動完成,SQL 片段的重用以及 SQL 的執行歷史記錄。數據庫連接面板使開發人員能夠輕鬆管理標準數據庫連接,包括 MySQL Fabric。對象瀏覽器提供對數據庫模式和對象的即時訪問.

MySQL Workbench 提供了一個可視化控制台,可以輕鬆管理 MySQL 環境並更好地查看數據庫。開發人員和 DBA 可以使用可視化工具來配置服務器,管理用戶,執行備份和恢復,檢查審計數據以及查看數據庫運行狀況.

Visual Performance Dashboard
MySQL Workbench 提供了一套工具來提高 MySQL 應用程序的性能。 DBA 可以使用性能儀表板快速查看關鍵績效指標。性能報告可輕鬆識別和訪問 IO 熱點,高成本的 SQL 語句等等。此外,只需輕輕點擊一下,開發人員就可以通過改進和易用的 Visual Explain Plan 來查看優化查詢的位置.

Database Migration
MySQL Workbench 現在為遷移 Microsoft SQL Server,Microsoft Access,Sybase ASE,PostreSQL 提供了一個完整的,易於使用的解決方案,以及其他 RDBMS 表,對象和數據到 MySQL。開發人員和數據庫管理員可以快速,輕鬆地將現有的應用程序轉換為在 Windows 和其他平台上在 MySQL 上運行。遷移還支持從早期版本的 MySQL 遷移到最新版本。下載 MySQL 工作台離線安裝程序設置 64 位的 PC!

注意:需要.NET Framework.

也可用:下載 MySQL 工作台的 Mac


檔案版本 DBeaver 6.1.0

檔案名稱 dbeaver-ce-6.1.0-x86_64-setup.exe
檔案大小 33.6 MB
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Oracle
更新日期 2019-06-09

What's new in this version:

Data viewer:
- Spreadsheet column-based coloring support was added
- Copy as HTML now uses html clipboard format
- Focus loss bug was fixed (MacOS)

Data transfer:
- Export to XLSX format: performance was greatly improved
- Table truncate confirmation was added
- Plaintext export was fixed (datetime data types formatting)

SQL editor:
- SQL execution plan save/load support was added
- Bug with keywords in comments was fixed
- Active connection/schema selectors were fixed in the main/context menus
- Workbench/J formatter was fixed
- ERD diagram: Dark theme support was improved

Database navigator:
- New object create context menu redesigned
- Duplicated nodes bug was fixed

Spatial viewer:
- Coordinates inversion was fixed (MySQL)
- Column SRID and coordinates flip settings are now saved between sessions

- Constraints metadata reading was fixed (fixes table editor as well)
- Indexes DDL reading was added

- Backup of “quoted” schemas and tables was fixed
- Functions’ dependencies information was added
- Struct data types parser was fixed (boolean fields extraction)

- BEGIN keyword handler was fixed
- View DDL was fixed (extra delimiters)
- SQL Server: drop index qury was fixed
- Eclipse plugin installer was fixed (missed bundles)
- Many minor UI bug fixes

DBeaver 6.1.0 相關參考資料
DBeaver - Community Edition 6.1.0 - Chocolatey Gallery

C:-> choco install dbeaver --version 6.1.0. To upgrade DBeaver - Community Edition, run the following command from the command line or ...

DBeaver - Enterprise Edition 6.1.0 - Chocolatey Gallery

This package was approved as a trusted package on 6/10/2019. DBeaver is free and open source universal database tool for developers and database ...

DBeaver 6.0.1 | DBeaver Community

Eclipse 2018-12 is now the default platform; 32-bit versions were obsoleted; Charts colors configuration; Navigator resource folders visibility ...

DBeaver 6.1 | DBeaver Community

New intermediate DBeaver release 6.1. A lot of performance improvements for data transfer and XLSX format export. Stable release of geo ...

DBeaver 6.1.0 Download for Windows 10, 8, 7 - FileHorse

Download DBeaver 6.1.0 for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Software Version.

DBeaver 6.1.5 Free Download for Windows 10, 8 and 7 -

It is an application, which works as a database manager for software developers. Some of the databases that are supported by DBeaver include MySQL, ...

DBeaver Community | Free Universal Database Tool

DBeaver CE contains based features only. Try DBeaver EE with: NoSQL and BigData database support; Visual Query Builder; Analytical charts; Query History ...

Download | DBeaver Community

Enterprise Edition 6.1.0 ... Flatpak (flatpak install flathub io.dbeaver. ... Update site URL: (Multiplatform); Eclipse Marketplace ...

Releases · dbeaverdbeaver · GitHub

Contribute to dbeaver/dbeaver development by creating an account on GitHub. ... dbeaver-ce-6.1.5-linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.gz 52.5 MB .... 6.1.0 · 06c4476 · 6.1.0.