MySQL (32-bit)

最新版本 MySQL 5.5.43 (32-bit)

MySQL 5.5.43 (32-bit)

MySQL 5.5.43 (32-bit)
MySQL 專為企業組織提供關鍵業務數據庫應用程序而設計。它為企業開發人員,數據庫管理員和 ISV 提供了一系列新的企業功能,以提高開發,部署和管理工業強度應用程序的效率.

如果您需要 MySQL 數據庫的 GUI,可以下載 - NAVICAT(MySQL GUI)。它支持將 MySQL,MS SQL,MS Access,Excel,CSV,XML 或其他格式導入到 MySQL.

MySQL 數據庫服務器提供了新的企業功能,包括:ACID 事務處理,以構建可靠和安全的業務關鍵型應用程序。存儲過程來提高開發人員的生產力。觸發器在數據庫級執行複雜的業務規則。保證敏感信息的觀點不受影響。信息架構,以便於訪問元數據。支持跨多個數據庫的複雜事務的分佈式事務(XA).

Top 使用 MySQL 的 10 個理由:

可擴展性和靈活性 51235896 MySQL 數據庫服務器提供了極致的可擴展性,體現了處理深度嵌入式應用程序的能力,僅佔用 1MB 的空間來運行海量數據倉庫擁有太字節的信息.

獨特的存儲引擎架構允許數據庫專業人員專門為特定應用程序配置 MySQL 數據庫服務器,最終的結果是驚人的性能結果.

堅如磐石的可靠性和持續可用性是 MySQL 的標誌,客戶依靠 MySQL 來保證全天候的正常運行.

Robust 交易支持
MySQL 提供了市場上最強大的交易數據庫引擎之一。  功能包括完整的 ACID(原子性,一致性,隔離性,持久性)事務支持,無限的行級鎖定以及更多功能.

Web 和數據倉庫的優勢
MySQL 是高流量網站的事實標準,因為它具有高性能的查詢引擎,極大的快速的數據插入能力,以及對快速全文搜索等專業化網頁功能的強大支持.

由於保護企業的數據資產是數據庫專業人員的頭號工作,MySQL 提供了絕對的數據保護的絕佳安全特性.

MySQL 是世界上最流行的開源數據庫的原因之一就是它為每個應用程序開發提供了全面的支持。在數據庫中,支持存儲過程,觸發器,函數,視圖,游標,ANSI 標準 SQL 等等。分鐘.

開源自由和 24×7 支持

Lowest 總體擁有成本
By 將當前的數據庫驅動器應用程序遷移到 MySQL,或使用 MySQL 進行新的開發項目,企業正在實現成本節省,多次延伸到七位數.

也可用:下載 MySQL for Mac


檔案版本 MySQL 5.5.43 (32-bit)

檔案名稱 mysql-5.5.43-win32.msi
檔案大小 39.21 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Oracle
更新日期 2015-04-08

What's new in this version:

Functionality Added or Changed:
- CMake support was updated to handle CMake version 3.1.
- The server now includes its version number when it writes the initial “starting” message to the error log, to make it easier to tell which server instance error log output applies to. This value is the same as that available from the version system variable. Bugs Fixed:
- Replication: When using a slave configured to use a special character set such as UTF-16, UTF-32, or UCS-2, the receiver (I/O) thread failed to connect. The fix ensures that in such a situation, if a slave's character set is not supported then default to using the latin1 character set.
- Ordering by a GROUP_CONCAT() result could cause a server exit.
- A malformed mysql.proc table row could result in a server exit for DROP DATABASE of the database associated with the proc row.
- For a prepared statement with an ORDER BY that refers by column number to a GROUP_CONCAT() expression that has an outer reference, repeated statement execution could cause a server exit.
- Large values of the transaction_prealloc_size system variable could cause the server to allocate excessive amounts of memory. The maximum value has been adjusted down to 128K. A similar change was made for transaction_alloc_block_size. Transactions can still allocate more than 128K if necessary; this change reduces the amount that can be preallocated, as well as the maximum size of the incremental allocation blocks.
- A server exit could occur for queries that compared two rows using the <=> operator and the rows belonged to different character sets.
- Certain InnoDB errors caused stored function and trigger condition handlers to be ignored.
- The optimizer could raise an assertion due to incorrectly associating an incorrect field with a temporary table.
- The server could exit due to an optimizer failure to allocate enough memory for resolving outer references.
- Starting the server with start service or mysqld_safe could result in failure to use the correct plugin directory.
- Creating a FEDERATED table with an AUTO_INCREMENT column using a LIKE clause results in a server exit.

MySQL 5.5.43 (32-bit) 相關參考資料
Download MySQL Community Server (Archived Versions)

8.0.32, 8.0.31, 8.0.30, 8.0.28, 8.0.27, 8.0 ... 5.5.43, 5.5.42, 5.5.41, 5.5.40, 5.5.39, 5.5.38, 5.5.37 ... Linux - Generic (glibc 2.28) (x86, 64-bit), Compressed ...

Download MySQL Community Server 5.5.23 for Windows

2023年5月5日 — If this issue occurs, restart the server to work around it. This issue is only likely to occur on 32-bit platforms. * InnoDB Storage Engine: If ...

Download MySQL Installer (Archived Versions)

To download the latest release of MySQL Installer, please visit MySQL Downloads. Product Version: 8.0.36, 8.0.35, 8.0.34, 8.0.33, 8.0.32 ... 5.5.43, 5.5.42, 5.5.

Downloading MySQL 5.5.43 (32-bit) from

The world`s most popular open-source relational database management system · MySQL 5.5.43 (32-bit) · Key details about this download.

MySQL 5.5.43 (32-bit) Download

2015年4月8日 — Download MySQL 5.5.43 (32-bit) for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download 64-bit Software Version.

MySQL 5.x.xx版本大全之官方下载链接

2015年9月1日 — Windows (x86, 32-bit), MSI Installer(包含64 ... MySQL5.5.43. 1.官网链接:. Windows (x86, 32-bit), MSI Installer. mysql-5.5.43-win32. ... mysql-5.5.

MySQL :: Download MySQL Community Server (Archived ...

8.0.32, 8.0.31, 8.0.30, 8.0.28, 8.0.27, 8.0.26, 8.0.25 ... 5.5.43, 5.5.42, 5.5.41, 5.5.40, 5.5.39, 5.5.38, 5.5.37 ... Linux - Generic (glibc 2.5) (x86, 32-bit), RPM ...

MySQL Community Server

Linux - Generic 2.6 (x86, 32-bit), RPM Package MySQL Server, Nov 5, 2014, 46.9M · Download ; (MySQL-server-5.5.41-1.linux2.6.i386.rpm), MD5: ...

MySQL Installer for Windows 只有32bit mysql-5.5.40-win32 ...

2023年10月18日 — MySQL Installer for Windows 只有32bit mysql-5.5.40-win32.msi安装教程,一.MySQL下载:二.MySQL安装:1.根据自己电脑的系统类型(64位或者32位), ...

SLES 11 SP4 SDK: libmysqlclient 5.5.43 devel missing?

2018年6月22日 — For libmysqlclient for MySQL 5.5.43 you need to install libmysql55client_r18-32bit-5.5.43-0.7.3.x86_64.rpm. This would also suggest that your ...