
最新版本 MuseScore 4.0.0

MuseScore 4.0.0

MuseScore 4.0.0
MuseScore 可以讓你用鍵盤,鼠標或者 MIDI 鍵盤輕鬆地寫出音樂。您可以打印精美的樂譜,或將其保存為 PDF 或 PNG 格式。您可以播放您的樂譜,轉置它,並保存為音頻或 MIDI 文件。 MuseScore 也支持 MusicXML 讓你與其他的評分員分享你的作文。 MuseScore 是免費的,開源的.

MuseScore 功能:
所見即所得,筆記輸入“虛擬筆記”無限數量的譜表每個工作人員最多四個聲音使用鼠標,鍵盤或 MIDI 輕鬆快速地輸入音符音頻重放樂譜導入和 MusicXML 和標準 MIDI 文件的導出可用於 50 多種語言也可用:下載 MuseScore 為 Mac


檔案版本 MuseScore 4.0.0

檔案名稱 MuseScore-4.0.0-x86_64.msi
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Werner Schweer and Others
更新日期 2022-12-15

What's new in this version:

- Caesuras on barlines play incorrectly
- Exported audio file name uses wrong encoding which may cause crash
- changing time signature changes number of measures in piece
- Incorrect instrument names distances from brackets
- Crash when deleting all measures and then adding ones at the beginning
- MuseKeys doesn't play Marcato and Accents
- Voices misaligned in 'full' tab staves
- No way to set the start hook, unlike what Simon said..
Critical issue #14308 was closed for the wrong reason, please read! The issue is still present in the release candidate. I found a fix!! [MU4 RC]
- Correct link for v.4 handbook needs to be created and connected to Help > Online handbook
- Bad slur rendition in MS4 compared to MS3
- In "staff type change", it deviate a line of staff when it is changed by Up-Down buttons go to next
- Text lines can't change text styles
- Slur in tabulature attaches beam to head
- Repeats going to start of score not working with VSTi
- Adding/removing instruments resets brackets to default
- (RC) MS4 RC instantly crashes when opening a score with Compress effect
- Crash when closing score after adding VST effect on Master channel
- Export audio (MP3) become longer 2-3 times (Windows)
- Crash when pasting note that has a fall, doit, plop (etc.) attached to it
- Key signatures not properly applied on newly inserted instruments/staves
- Grand staff barlines not connected when inserted in score w/ multiple instruments
- Muse Hub won't relaunch after update

MuseScore 4.0.0 相關參考資料

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Downloading MuseScore 4.0.0 from

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MuseScore 4.0.0 AppImage

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MuseScore 4.0.0 initial impressions → practically unusable!

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