Multi Commander (32-bit)

最新版本 Multi Commander 1.2.0 Build 851 (32-bit)

Multi Commander 1.2.0 Build 851 (32-bit)

Multi Commander 1.2.0 Build 851 (32-bit)
多指揮官是一個多標籤的文件管理器,是標準的 Windows 資源管理器的替代品。它使用非常流行和高效的雙面板佈局。 Multi Commander 在日常工作中擁有一切所需的文件,使您的工作快速高效.

它擁有像文件管理器一樣的複制,移動,重命名,查看等所有標準功能。但多指揮官的大力量是讓您輕鬆完成高級任務的特殊功能。像自動解壓縮,自動排序,瀏覽內部檔案,註冊表和 FTP,搜索文件,查看文件和圖片和腳本支持讓您自動執行許多任務。它可以讓你做任何事情,從鍵盤使用快捷方式,使您可以快速,高效地工作。

雙窗格選項卡式界面。打開多個文件夾。緩存,使快速文件瀏覽。處理與成千上萬的文件的文件夾容易。輕鬆瀏覽。以詳細,列表或縮略圖列表模式顯示文件。並使用功能完整的過濾器來限制你想查看的內容。為所有需要時間完成的任務開展後台工作,使您能夠不中斷地繼續工作。快速操作。使用鼠標並拖動& 放下或使用快速鍵盤命令的所有任務。在瀏覽文件系統時從其他位置回來時記得選擇。瀏覽檔案(Zip,7-Zip,Rar,Tar,gz,bz2)強大的文件搜索。查看和更改文件權限,獲取文件的所有權。自定義佈局和顏色以適應您的造型需求。功能強大的腳本引擎允許您創建自動執行任務的腳本。擴展和插件,將增加 Multi Commander 的功能。為開發人員創建擴展和插件的開放 API。像轉換 / 旋轉圖片,查看 / 刪除 EXIF 標籤,調整 EXIF 圖片的日期等圖片工具。 Jpg,Png,Gif,Png,Bmp,Tiff 和許多 RAW 格式的內部圖片瀏覽器。將 IMDB / 爛番茄的電影信息顯示為電影文件中的額外列。音頻工具,如查看音頻文件屬性,查看 / 編輯 MP3 標籤。 FileOperations 插件可以在移動或複製文件時自動對文件進行排序 / 解壓縮。 MultiRename 工具可快速安全地重命名多個文件 / 文件夾,基於規則並支持撤消。文件查看器,讓您查看任何大小的文件,如 ASCII / Unicode / UTF8 / 二進制和十六進制。任何大小的內存使用量最小。 FTP(帶 SSL / TLS 支持)。瀏覽網絡服務器 / 共享。


檔案版本 Multi Commander 1.2.0 Build 851 (32-bit)

檔案名稱 MultiCommander_win32_(
檔案大小 3.94 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Mathias Svensson
更新日期 2011-09-26

What's new in this version:

- FIXED - Search panel is now using same color settings as file manager panel.
- FIXED - Running from USB did not remember last path, when restarted.
- FIXED - If selecting a anohter language then english, Then the device toolbar did not work.
- FIXED - Running External commands without parameters sometimes failed.
- FIXED - The Thousen separator that is set in the OS setting will now be used.
- FIXED - Many places that was missing multilanguage support.
- FIXED - Transfer2USB sometimes hanged.
- ADDED - Will remember active tab when restarting.
- FIXED - MultiLanguage program in various dialogs.
- ADDED - Support for French language added. (Created by Stéphane Pierre)
- FIXED - Problem if a copy operation was really fast. (Divide by zero problem. for the elapsted time calculation)
- FIXED - If file search was started with a panel in focus that did not provide a path (eg settings). The path in the file files dialog was corrupt.
- FIXED - Some places where texts in various places was hard coded, it now using the language files.
- FIXED - Buffer overflow problem with rar.
- ADDED - Language editor can now export the language files into a zip.
- FIXED - The path tooltop for tabs now work even if some tab names are truncated.
- FIXED - Quick search will now work even if filename column is not the first column.
- ADDED - New custom command "MC.CheckSum.Verify". Now possible to create scripts/commands that verify checksum files.
- FIXED - Rare crash problem with folder tree.
- FIXED - Tab closed if user click where the close button should be, if settings to not have a close button was set.
- FIXED - Crash problem when trying to base64 decode a file that was not a base64 encoded file.
- FIXED - Folder sizing a path that is longer then 260 characters.
- FIXED - Problem when renaming a file located in a path longer then 260 characters.
- FIXED - Problem when viewing a file located in a path longer then 260 characters.
- FIXED - Problem when creating new folder in paths longer then 260 characters.
- FIXED - Problem when scanning paths longer then 260 characters.
- FIXED - Various multi language text problems.
- FIXED - Problem if a columnname was empty
- FIXED - MultiTags in External command broke in last beta.
- ADDED - 6 new MultiTag commands for getting left/right focus item.
- FIXED - When copying files and files already exists. The "Replace all older" option now works.
- FIXED - Files dropped on a button will now have quotes around them.
- FIXED - Fixed a couple of High DPI related problems.The main GUI should now be drawn correctly if run under High DPI mode.
- CHANGE- Devices where it is not possible to get free/available space will now no longer show any free space information.
- FIXED - Constant string now works with CustomCommands called from MultiScripts. (eg MC.Explorer.Goto Path="c:bin" )
- FIXED - Crash problem if multiple instances of the Language editor was opened.
- FIXED - Multi selected problem when running WindowsExplorer mode.
- FIXED - Path field, Freespace field, status field, all in the explorer panel, Will now resize according to the selected font size.
- ADDED - Then panel tabs now shows the complete path in a tooltip when hovering over the tab.
- ADDED - MultiCommander can now be started with -F=.ini file, that defines multiple paths to show at startup.
- ADDED - CustomCommands and External Commands now support single quotes. See online documentation.
- ADDED - ${mcinstallpath} can now be used in the Editor setup, So that relative paths can be used.
- ADDED - 5 new MultiTags added. See Online Documentation.
- FIXED - When editing file the quotes around filename to edit was not kept.
- FIXED - Device dropdown list lost items when a removable (USB) was removed.
- FIXED - File Search could crash if search tab was closed shortly after a search was finished.
- ADDED - From contextmenu it is now possible to copy a calculated CRC32/MD5 checksum to clipboard.
- ADDED - Device toolbar will now show USB/Removable device.
- ADDED - Bunch of new Multi-tags to be used in custom commands, similar to the new MultiScript commands.
- ADDED - Bunch of new MultiScript function to get source/target focus/selected files.
- CHANGE- MultiCommander will no longer lock the folder it is watching for changes.
- ADDED - Menu bar can now be hidden, and then shown by pressing alt key.
- FIXED - Double click to close tab in right panel now works again.
- FIXED - Various rare problem that can cause a crash in rare situations.
- FIXED - Crash problem when doing 'smart' rename and the file did not have a file extension.
- FIXED - Crash if browsing for external multi-script file.
- FIXED - Crash if FTP url was empty.

Multi Commander 1.2.0 Build 851 (32-bit) 相關參考資料
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