TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.
 MPC-BE 軟體歷史版本 Download Page8 :: 軟體兄弟

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最新版本 [var.version]

MPC-BE 歷史版本列表

MPC-BE(又名 - 媒體播放器經典 - 黑色版)是基於原始媒體播放器經典項目和媒體播放器經典家庭影院項目的 Windows PC 的免費和開放源代碼音頻和視頻播放器,但包含許多其他功能和錯誤修復. 選擇版本:MPC-BE 1.5.1 Beta 2985(32 位)MPC-BE 1.5.1 Beta 2985(64 位) MPC-BE 軟體介紹

MPC-BE (32-bit)MPC-BE (64-bit)

Node.js 17.1.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- doc: add VoltrexMaster to collaborators
- (SEMVER-MINOR) esm: add support for JSON import assertion
- (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: add unsubscribe method to non-active DC channels
- (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: add return value for DC channel.unsubscribe
- (SEMVER-MINOR) v8: multi-tenant promise hook api

Node.js 17.0.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Fixed distribution for native addon builds:
- This release fixes an issue introduced in Node.js v17.0.0, where some V8 headers were missing from the distributed tarball, making it impossible to build native addons. These headers are now included.

Fixed stream issues:
- Fixed a regression in stream.promises.pipeline, which was introduced in version 16.10.0, is fixed. It is now possible again to pass an array of streams to the function.
- Fixed a bug in stream.Duplex.from, which didn't work properly when an async generator function was passed to it

Node.js 17.0.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Notable Changes:
Deprecations and Removals:
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) dns: runtime deprecate type coercion of dns.lookup options
- doc: deprecate (doc-only) http abort related
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) module: subpath folder mappings EOL
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) module: runtime deprecate trailing slash patterns

OpenSSL 3.0:
- Node.js now includes OpenSSL 3.0, specifically quictls/openssl which provides QUIC support. With OpenSSL 3.0 FIPS support is again available using the new FIPS module. For details about how to build Node.js with FIPS support please see BUILDING.md.
- While OpenSSL 3.0 APIs should be mostly compatible with those provided by OpenSSL 1.1.1, we do anticipate some ecosystem impact due to tightened restrictions on the allowed algorithms and key sizes
- If you hit an ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED error in your application with Node.js 17, it’s likely that your application or a module you’re using is attempting to use an algorithm or key size which is no longer allowed by default with OpenSSL 3.0. A command-line option, --openssl-legacy-provider, has been added to revert to the legacy provider as a temporary workaround for these tightened restrictions
- For details about all the features in OpenSSL 3.0 please see the OpenSSL 3.0 release blog

V8 9.5:
- The V8 JavaScript engine is updated to V8 9.5. This release comes with additional supported types for the Intl.DisplayNames API and Extended timeZoneName options in the Intl.DateTimeFormat API.

Readline Promise API:
- The readline module provides an interface for reading data from a Readable
stream (such as process.stdin) one line at a time

The following simple example illustrates the basic use of the readline module:
- import * as readline from 'node:readline/promises'
- import { stdin as input, stdout as output } from 'process'
- const rl = readline.createInterface({ input, output })
- const answer = await rl.question('What do you think of Node.js? ')
- console.log(`Thank you for your valuable feedback: ${answer}`)
- rl.close()

Other Notable Changes:
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) dns: default to verbatim=true in dns.lookup()
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) errors: print Node.js version on fatal exceptions that cause exit
- deps: upgrade npm to 8.1.0
- (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: add FileHandle.prototype.readableWebStream()
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: add structuredClone() global
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: expose DOMException as global
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) stream: finished should error on errored stream

Node.js 16.11.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

HTTP Request Smuggling due to spaced in headers (Medium):
- The http parser accepts requests with a space (SP) right after the header name before the colon. This can lead to HTTP Request Smuggling (HRS). More details will be available at CVE-2021-22959 after publication.

HTTP Request Smuggling when parsing the body (Medium):
- The parse ignores chunk extensions when parsing the body of chunked requests. This leads to HTTP Request Smuggling (HRS) under certain conditions. More details will be available at CVE-2021-22960 after publication.

Node.js 16.11.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- update root certificates

- upgrade npm to 8.0.0
- update nghttp2 to v1.45.1
- update V8 to

- update certdata.txt

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package 14.29.30135.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Node.js 16.10.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: add rsa-pss keygen parameters
- deps: upgrade npm to 7.24.0
- deps: update Acorn to v8.5.0
- doc: add Ayase-252 to collaborators
- (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: make open and close stream override optional when unused
- (SEMVER-MINOR) http: limit requests per connection
The maximum number of requests a socket can handle before closing keep alive connection can be set with server.maxRequestsPerSocket
- (SEMVER-MINOR) src: add --no-global-search-paths cli option
Adds the --no-global-search-paths command-ine option to not search modules from global paths like $HOME/.node_modules and $NODE_PATH.
- (SEMVER-MINOR) src: make napi_create_reference accept symbol
- (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: add signal support to pipeline generators

Node.js 16.9.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- this release fixes a regression introduced by the V8 9.3 update in Node.js 16.9.0

Node.js 16.9.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: add RSA-PSS params to asymmetricKeyDetails
- (SEMVER-MINOR) module: support pattern trailers
- (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: add stream.compose

Mailspring 1.9.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- ProtonBridge integration is now possible
- You can create mail rules that forward your emails from Preferences > Mail Rules
- Snoozing now has a shortcut! h in the Gmail keybindings, Ctrl-H and Cmd-H for other configurations

- Signature image upload is correctly disabled if you are signed out of Mailspring ID since we can't store your assets in a GDPR-compliant way without authentication
- Mailbox permalinks continue to work outside of the thread-sharing plugin
- Strange layout bug for trash / spam folders on vertical layout has been fixed
- The "Mark as spam" keyboard shortcut is now configurable from Preferences > Shortcuts
- Launching Mailspring in the background on startup now works correctly on macOS

- German and Czech localizations have been improved and the app has been fully localized into Turkish