軟體下載 Mp3tag 3.14

檔案名稱 mp3tagv314setup.exe

Mp3tag 3.14 軟體下載

檔案版本 Mp3tag 3.14

檔案名稱 mp3tagv314setup.exe
更新日期 2022-03-30
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Mp3tag 3.14
Mp3tag 是一個功能強大,但易於使用的工具來編輯常見的音頻格式的元數據,它支持 ID3v1,ID3v2.3,ID3v2.4,iTunes 的 MP4,WMA,Vorbis 的評論和 APE 標籤。它可以重命名文件的基礎上標籤信息,替換標籤和文件名中的字符或單詞,導入 / 導出標籤信息,創建播放列表等.Mp3tag 支持來自 Amazon,discogs 或 freedb 的在線數據庫查詢,允許... Mp3tag 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- opening files and folders via Explorer context menu gave permission error with Microsoft Store version (since v3.12a)
- overwriting locally stored cover art file did not work anymore when importing from Tag Sources (since 3.12c)
- moving files did not select the next file in the File List but scrolled back to the top (since v3.12a)
- LNG: updated Chinese-CN, Hebrew, Hungarian, Russian, and Ukrainian translation

Mp3tag 3.14 相關參考資料
3.14 portable mode crash on Win 10 on add art to mp3

2022年4月2日 — The crash happens during step 4, when the file navigator is open. Mp3tag pops up a dialog to save the memory dump and then closes. Mp3tag 3.14 ...


All Versions of Mp3tag

Mp3tag Organize music collection with ease. Edit, tag, and manage audio files ... Mp3tag 3.14. Mar 30, 20223.97 MB · Download · Mp3tag 3.13. Mar 27, 20223.97 MB.


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Download Mp3tag 3.14 for windows

2022年3月30日 — Mp3tag is a powerful and user-friendly software designed for managing and organizing digital music files. With its intuitive interface and ...


Mp3tag - Download

Download Mp3tag, a powerful and easy-to-use tool to edit metadata of audio files.


Mp3tag 3.14

2022年3月29日 — Mp3tag 3.14 ; Description: tag editor for audio files ; License: Freeware ; Version: 3.14 ; SHA-1 or SHA-256: ...


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2023年11月28日 — Mp3tag is a powerful and easy-to-use tool to edit metadata of audio files. It supports batch tag-editing of ID3v1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, ...


[工具] Mp3tag 3.14 MP3 標籤編輯軟體(內置撰擇性免安裝版)

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