
最新版本 Tableau Desktop 2020.3.2

Tableau Desktop 2020.3.2

Tableau Desktop 2020.3.2
MongoDB 是一個免費且開放源碼的跨平檯面向文檔的數據庫程序。分類為 NoSQL 數據庫程序,MongoDB 使用類似 JSON 的文檔與模式。它為使用 MongoDB 包括數據庫開發人員和 DBA 的任何人提供了豐富的 GUI 工具。主要功能包括:全功能嵌入 MongoDB Shell,用戶友好的 Map-Reduce 操作編輯器,創建 / 刪除數據庫,管理集合及其索引的能力,用戶友好的 GridFS 編輯器,管理用戶和角色。構建創新的現代應用程序,創造競爭優勢!

MongoDB 企業級高級功能 MongoDB 企業級服務器和精心優化的高級軟件,支持,認證和其他服務包。 “財富”100 強中有三分之一以上依靠 MongoDB Enterprise Advanced 來運行其關鍵任務應用程序。 MongoDB 專業為您提供訪問我們的全天候支持團隊,雲管理器,最全面的監測和管理平台 MongoDB,和 MongoDB 指南針,一個複雜的圖形用戶界面,使您可以輕鬆地可視化您的架構,並探索您的數據.

MongoDB Features:

Expressressive 查詢語言& 二級索引


企業管理和安全 Integration
利用企業級安全性,自動化,監控和與現有 IT 基礎架構的集成來操作您的數據庫.


Scalability& Performance
水平縮放,以大規模提供令人難以置信的性能:數百萬次操作 / 秒,數百億份文檔,數 PB 級數據.



檔案版本 Tableau Desktop 2020.3.2

檔案名稱 TableauDesktop-64bit-2020-3-2.exe
系統 Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 MongoDB, Inc.
更新日期 2020-10-30

What's new in this version:

- Opening a workbook with an extract where the extract was created within a packaged workbook could sometimes fail with the message, "Internal Error - An unexpected error occurred and the operation could not be completed. Error code 6EA18A9E"
- Auto update could have an inconsistency between the user interface and a twb file with the 'lock-update' flag
- An error would sometimes occur retrieving OData feeds with the message, "Error '20B40A5E'. The table does not exist"
- If the data source filter was initially set to exclude all values, changing the existing data source filter would not work correctly
- Creating an Oracle extract would sometimes result in the error, "Invalid datetime value Error Code: DD90F63D, Unable to create extract"
- To refresh extracts for an Oracle JDBC connection to the same database, the user would be prompted for the password to each connection instead of one prompt
- A workbook connected to an Impala data source could result in the error "AnalysisException: LEFT OUTER JOIN requires an ON or USING clause" when "none" is selected in a parameter
- A query could take an excessive amount of time on a complex worksheet and not load
- WDC based connectors would not respect proxy configurations from PAC files starting with 2019.4
- Connecting to Google BigQuery would sometimes be slow on the initial load of datasets
- Sometimes Tableau Desktop would quit when signing out of Tableau Online
- When connected to a large spatial file that is a published data source, and an attempt to load a geometry field was performed, an error would display, "Error: BinaryTupleReader::NextWireValueAligned:941 Not enough data for header"
- Duplicated translations appeared in the Dashboard menu. "Caption" was translated as "Title" in zh-CN
- With Impala an ISO-8601 cast from a string to a date and time field failed on 2020.2 and higher with the error, "Invalid character value for cast specification"

Tableau Desktop 2020.3.2 相關參考資料
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