軟體下載 MobaXterm 23.2

檔案名稱 MobaXterm_Installer_v23.2.zip

MobaXterm 23.2 軟體下載

檔案版本 MobaXterm 23.2

檔案名稱 MobaXterm_Installer_v23.2.zip
更新日期 2023-06-26
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

MobaXterm 23.2
MobaXterm 是遠程計算的終極工具箱。在單一的 Windows 應用程序中,它提供了為程序員,網站管理員,IT 管理員以及幾乎所有需要以更簡單的方式處理遠程作業的用戶量身定制的大量功能.MobaXterm 提供了所有重要的遠程網絡工具(SSH, X11,RDP,VNC,FTP,MOSH 等)和 Unix 命令(bash,ls,cat,sed,grep,awk,rsync,...)到 Wind... MobaXterm 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- added support for NTRU Prime post-quantum key exchange in the expert SSH settings
- added support for AES-GCM cipher in the expert SSH settings
- you can now set the minimum master password complexity in the Customizer to "standard" (8 characters minimum) or "strong" (12 characters minimum)
- updated the MoTTY engine with the latest improvements from the PuTTY project
- the "MobaSSHTunnel" button now brings any existing window to the front, even if it was minimized
- merged fonts locations "/usr/share/fonts" and "/usr/share/X11/fonts" into a single one
- added a new setting in MobaDiff in order to highlight small text changes with a different color
- the X server is not moved anymore to the top left corner once it is started
- the "screen" parameter in "XWinSwitches" overloads the existing one instead of being added to the X11 command line
- you can now go to the parent directory in the SSH browser by clicking on the 4th mouse button
- improved compatibility of the terminal with the "tsh" Teleport client
- you can now close a tab by using middle-click on the corresponding top-right popup menu item
- when closing a tab, other remaining tabs are now immediately replaced

- in MobaDiff, the "Find" dialog theme was incorrect when the dialog was spawned twice on 2 different files
- when MobaXterm is hidden and an SSH session without a login is launched, the characters in the login prompt are not masked anymore
- deleted an error message when starting a 64-bit local terminal with the agent enabled and an RSA key present in the home directory
- prevented renaming of a sessions folder when dragging a session over that folder
- there was an overlap issue when the Home tab was set to be replaced when starting a terminal and the tabs were set to be opened beside the current tab
- when a local WSL terminal was launched just after a WSL session containing a command, the shell command was executed in the local WSL terminal
- under some specific circumstances, the passphrase for SSH keys was asked twice in 64-bit mode

MobaXterm 23.2 相關參考資料
MobaXterm 23.2 | Remote Desktop Software

MobaXterm 23.2 | Enhanced terminal for Windows with X11 server, tabbed SSH client, network tools and much more.


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Preview version - MobaXterm - Mobatek

Preview builds give you early access to new MobaXterm features. If you use them, please keep us informed if you encounter any bug.


Silent Installation of MobaXterm (23.2)

Software Name, MobaXterm (23.2). Version, 23.2. Platform, Windows. Vendor, MobaXterm. Architecture, 32-bit. Download Path, MobaXterm_Installer_v23.2.zip.


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