
最新版本 Windows Terminal 2022 1.12.10982.0

Windows Terminal 2022 1.12.10982.0

Windows Terminal 2022 1.12.10982.0
MobaXterm 是遠程計算的終極工具箱。在單一的 Windows 應用程序中,它提供了為程序員,網站管理員,IT 管理員以及幾乎所有需要以更簡單的方式處理遠程作業的用戶量身定制的大量功能.

MobaXterm 提供了所有重要的遠程網絡工具(SSH, X11,RDP,VNC,FTP,MOSH 等)和 Unix 命令(bash,ls,cat,sed,grep,awk,rsync,...)到 Windows 桌面,盒子.

為您的遠程任務提供多合一網絡應用程序有許多優點,例如當您使用 SSH 連接到遠程服務器時,會自動彈出圖形 SFTP 瀏覽器,以便直接編輯遠程文件。您的遠程應用程序也將使用嵌入式 X 服務器無縫地顯示在 Windows 桌面上.

MobaXterm 功能:

嵌入式 X server
完全配置 Xserver 基於

DISPLAY 從遠程 Unix 導出到本地 Windows

X11- 轉發能力
您的遠程顯示器使用 SSH 進行安全傳輸

Tabbed 基於 Cygwin 的命令(bash,grep,awk,sed,rsync,...)

你可以使用插件擴展 MobaXterm 功能


MobaXterm 已打包為單個可執行文件,不需要管理員權限和 wh ich 你可以從一個 U 盤啟動

MobaXterm 專業為非常具有挑戰性的人設計的安全性和穩定性



檔案版本 Windows Terminal 2022 1.12.10982.0

檔案名稱 Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_Win10_1.12.10982.0_8weky
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Mobatek
更新日期 2022-04-19

What's new in this version:

- The refreshed Windows 11 UI from the 1.13 preview builds is now available in 1.12

- Our Maximize/Restore button is now a fine round boi

- The profile list in the Settings UI now offers tooltips for long profile names
- We'll automatically focus the window renamer textbox when it opens
- High contrast will no longer result in a ridiculous and bad titlebar color
- When you delete a color scheme, we'll move focus back to the color scheme list
- When you delete a profile, we will re-focus the delete button automatically
- Two instances of huge debug log spam with a screen reader connected have been stamped out

- We've added some text to the color schemes page indicating that it is for editing--not setting--color schemes
- We're working to refine how color schemes are set and edited, so stay tuned for future improvements!
- The retro terminal effect (as well as other shaders) will now work on pre-D3D11 hardware!
- Terminal will once again render properly when you move between different-DPI displays
- Resizing the window while a background color or underline is displayed will no longer smear it across the whole screen plus a fix for a huge crash that PR introduced
- It took us three releases to get it right, but we've finally solved the issue where we'd punch a hole straight through the Terminal when a dialog appeared

- Typing an invalid background image path into the Settings UI will no longer send Terminal to a farm upstate (thanks @serd2011!)
- There was an issue on Windows 11 where Terminal would queue up billions of animations while the screen was off; it will now no longer do so
- We've fixed crashes in ProposeCommandline, Monarch::_GetPID and other parts of WT's RPC infrastructure
- On Windows 10, the settings UI will no longer sometimes crash on close (we've updated to a new build of WinUI 2 for the fix!)

- Windows will no longer reject certain Terminal updates/reinstalls due to "differing package content"
- Fragments can once again override the names of generated profiles
- An issue from the 1073 series, where you could not upgrade the bundle using DISM, has been resolved
- As a result, our bundle version is now over three thousand!
- contributed some wording changes to the text about transparency/opacity

Windows Terminal 2022 1.12.10982.0 相關參考資料
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Windows Terminal - Microsoft 應用程式

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Windows Terminal 1.12.10982.0

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Windows Terminal 1.12.10982.0 Download

2022年4月19日 — Windows Terminal 1.12.10982.0. April, 19th 2022 - 36.9 MB - Open Source. Free Download.

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