軟體下載 MobaXterm 23.0

檔案名稱 MobaXterm_Installer_v23.0.zip

MobaXterm 23.0 軟體下載

檔案版本 MobaXterm 23.0

檔案名稱 MobaXterm_Installer_v23.0.zip
更新日期 2023-01-28
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

MobaXterm 23.0
MobaXterm 是遠程計算的終極工具箱。在單一的 Windows 應用程序中,它提供了為程序員,網站管理員,IT 管理員以及幾乎所有需要以更簡單的方式處理遠程作業的用戶量身定制的大量功能.MobaXterm 提供了所有重要的遠程網絡工具(SSH, X11,RDP,VNC,FTP,MOSH 等)和 Unix 命令(bash,ls,cat,sed,grep,awk,rsync,...)到 Wind... MobaXterm 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- added a new web browser engine based on Microsoft Edge WebView
- added a new RDP "Zoom" feature that allows you to specify a Zoom level for your remote RDP session
- added a new RDP setting "Authentication level" that is useful when you use RDP over SSL
- added a new RDP setting "Color depth" in order to specify the desired color depth on the client side
- added a new RDP setting "Redirect smartcards" that allows using local smartcards on the server side, even for authentication
- arranged RDP advanced settings in a more convenient fashion
- added proxy support in browser sessions based on Edge/WebView
- improved VNC sessions overall speed with embedded engine
- increased the width of port fields for better reading of port numbers greater than 9999
- added a new setting in the professional Customizer program to disable the Remote Monitoring feature
- it is now possible to select a 64-bit terminal from the Customizer program

- the local terminal setting was not properly restored when importing an old customization file into the Customizer program
- fixed the OpenSSH daemon start-up when the slash directory was set to "same as application" in the customizer
- fixed Unicode characters display in the SSH key sessions fields
- fixed Unicode characters display in the start-up folder sessions fields
- fixed Unicode characters display in the persistent Home and persistent Slash folders fields

MobaXterm 23.0 相關參考資料
Download MobaXterm 23.0

Download MobaXterm 23.0, MobaXterm 23.0 for Windows. MobaXterm is a comprehensive remote computing software that offers a wide range of features, ...


Download MobaXterm by Mobatek - Informer Technologies, Inc.

Latest versions of MobaXterm ; Feb 24, 2023. mobaxterm_installer_v23.0.zip ; May 11, 2022. mobaxterm_installer_v22.0.zip. x86 26.5MB.


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Version 23.0 (2023-01-27). Improvement: added a new web browser engine based on Microsoft Edge WebView; Improvement: added a new RDP Zoom feature that ...


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