
最新版本 MobaXterm 22.1

MobaXterm 22.1

MobaXterm 22.1
MobaXterm 是遠程計算的終極工具箱。在單一的 Windows 應用程序中,它提供了為程序員,網站管理員,IT 管理員以及幾乎所有需要以更簡單的方式處理遠程作業的用戶量身定制的大量功能.

MobaXterm 提供了所有重要的遠程網絡工具(SSH, X11,RDP,VNC,FTP,MOSH 等)和 Unix 命令(bash,ls,cat,sed,grep,awk,rsync,...)到 Windows 桌面,盒子.

為您的遠程任務提供多合一網絡應用程序有許多優點,例如當您使用 SSH 連接到遠程服務器時,會自動彈出圖形 SFTP 瀏覽器,以便直接編輯遠程文件。您的遠程應用程序也將使用嵌入式 X 服務器無縫地顯示在 Windows 桌面上.

MobaXterm 功能:

嵌入式 X server
完全配置 Xserver 基於

DISPLAY 從遠程 Unix 導出到本地 Windows

X11- 轉發能力
您的遠程顯示器使用 SSH 進行安全傳輸

Tabbed 基於 Cygwin 的命令(bash,grep,awk,sed,rsync,...)

你可以使用插件擴展 MobaXterm 功能


MobaXterm 已打包為單個可執行文件,不需要管理員權限和 wh ich 你可以從一個 U 盤啟動

MobaXterm 專業為非常具有挑戰性的人設計的安全性和穩定性



檔案版本 MobaXterm 22.1

系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Mobatek
更新日期 2022-06-27

What's new in this version:

- you can now activate font ligatures from MobaXterm font settings or from the terminal contextual menu
- you can now choose between 3 included terminal fonts from MobaXterm font settings or from the terminal contextual menu
- you can now activate font ligatures into MobaTextEditor
- you can now choose between 3 included fonts for MobaTextEditor
- you can now save your proxy passwords in MobaXterm secure vault
- you can now add, import, or export the terminal color themes

- improved default terminal font for better readability
- better detection of pending transfers when SSH connections are closed
- make SFTP sessions work even if a remote login script writes some output to the terminal
- improved SCP and SFTP transfer speed by improving hardware-accelerated encryption, especially on AMD Ryzen CPUs
- improved MobaXterm startup and MobaXterm main window activation speed
- better detection of extended characters for password storage and SSH authentication
- upgraded the terminal engine to the latest PuTTY release
- added a new "Monochrome" colors scheme, for users who do not want colors in their terminal
- added a new "Local" proxy type that allows specifying an arbitrary command on the local machine to act as a proxy
- added detection and storage for local proxy passwords
- cleaned up the terminal settings section for better readability
- better detection of available RAM in the remote monitoring bar by using the recent "MemAvailable" Linux kernel entry
- the text files encoding is set to ANSI by default when opening them in MobaTextEditor
- the "Adapt remote DPI" setting is now faster and does not require the live creation of a specific executable
- transfers using Z-modem do not output the transferred file to the terminal anymore
- improved speed of the "Find existing session" feature of the home page
- added the ability to use a SOCKS5 or HTTP proxy for localhost connections
- the content of the "Quick Connect" field is automatically copied if you start a new session
- decreased MobaXterm memory usage, especially when a "Persistent Slash directory" is set
- you can now send Alt+Tab through the new VNC engine by pressing "Alt+PageDown"
- renamed the "Use smartcard for login" RDP option to "Native authentication"
- added a submenu called "Import sessions from external programs" in the sessions tree
- support for "Diff/Patch" syntax highlighting added to MobaTextEditor and MobaDiff
- if your SSH authentication uses an ECDSA, ED25519, or RSA-SHA2 key, the SSH-browser can now use the SFTP protocol
- you can now trust and store multiple host keys for the same hostname or IP address (it can be useful for load-balancing)

- the version number was partly hidden at the bottom of the splash screen when the Windows DPI value was "150"
- in the SSH browser, the permissions of an edited file were sometimes lost when the "Preserve files dates" setting was checked
- fixed an issue with a PyCharm popup window that immediately disappeared after calling it with Ctrl+F12
- fixed an error with the X11 server when the "Xfixes" extension was disabled
- removed some potential "Access denied" messages from the Remote monitoring module
- fixed an issue with the X11 server blocking the arrow keys in Matlab command window history
- when 3 sessions are selected in the sessions tree, the selection is no longer cleared when you click on one of them
- when selecting files in the SSH-browser, the selection is refreshed when you change the browser sort order
- proxy passwords in SSH tunnels were incorrectly decrypted and sometimes asked twice at tunnel startup
- prevented a startup failure when the Slash directory was set to a folder called "MobaXterm" in the root of a partition
- prevented issues with SFTP sessions authentication when many different SSH keys were used for previous connections

MobaXterm 22.1 相關參考資料
Download MobaXterm 22.1 for Windows

2023年7月24日 — MobaXterm is a complete toolbox for remote computing. The application is an enhanced terminal for Windows with an X11 server, ...

MobaXterm 22.1

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MobaXterm 22.1 汉化专业版多终端远程软件 - 小可博客

2023年11月24日 — 下载地址 · MobaXterm 22.1 汉化专业版多终端远程软件 · CPU-Z v2.08.0 单文件中文版CPUZ · 搜狗拼音Sougou 拼音输入法v13.8.0.8160 · PuTTY 0.74 中英文 ...

MobaXterm free Xserver and tabbed SSH client for Windows

Free X server for Windows with tabbed SSH terminal, telnet, RDP, VNC, Xdmcp, Mosh and X11-forwarding. Portable or installer version.

MobaXterm Xserver with SSH, telnet, RDP, VNC and X11

Version 22.1 (2022-06-26). New feature: you can now activate font ligatures from MobaXterm font settings or from the terminal contextual menu; New feature ...

Older versions of MobaXterm (Windows)

Apr 3, 2023. zip 22.3 Dec 14, 2022. zip 22.2 Dec 7, 2022. zip 22.1 Sep 5, 2022. zip 21.5 Nov 27, 2021. zip 21.4 Oct 9, 2021. zip 21.1 Apr 22, 2021. zip 20.5 Nov ...


Preview version - MobaXterm - Mobatek

Preview builds give you early access to new MobaXterm features. If you use them, please keep us informed if you encounter any bug.

【独家】MobaXterm v22.1 全能终端连接工具中文版最新版原创

2022年8月1日 — MobaXterm Professional 22.1 · 一款远程终端控制软件,集串口,SSH远程登录和FTP传输三合一的工具,便携版操作简单,使用...MobaXterm中文版内建多标签和 ...

阿榮福利味- [正版購買] MobaXterm 22.1 免安裝版

2022年12月5日 — [正版購買] MobaXterm 22.1 免安裝版- 好用的Telnet軟體