最新版本 mIRC 7.42

mIRC 7.42

mIRC 7.42
mIRC 是一個功能齊全的互聯網中繼聊天客戶端,可用於在多用戶群組會議中或在一對一的私人討論中與其他人在 IRC 網絡上進行交流,分享,播放或與他人合作.

It 文件傳輸,多服務器連接,IPv6,SSL 加密,代理支持,UTF- 8 顯示,UPnP,可定制的聲音,口頭消息,托盤通知等功能。消息日誌等等.

mIRC 也有一個強大的腳本語言,可以用來自動化 mIRC 和創建應用程序,執行從網絡通信到玩遊戲的各種功能。

注意:免費 30 天全功能試用版。


檔案版本 mIRC 7.42

檔案名稱 mirc742.exe
檔案大小 2.36 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 mIRC Co Ltd
官網 http://www.mirc.com/
更新日期 2015-07-23

What's new in this version:

- Fixed tokenization bug related to strtok()'s use of an internal static varible.
- Fixed script error line number bug that was causing line number not to be reported in some contexts.
- Updated libraries to PCRE v8.37 and OpenSSL 1.0.1p.
- Fixed SSL certificate change warning bug that caused warnings to be displayed for valid certificates.
- Fixed /filter output to nul not working.
- Updated voice command support to work with newer versions of Windows.
- Extended /server to handle passwords with spaces.
- Changed drag-drop to only set focus on a window once a file has been dropped onto it.
- Fixed /play dialog not allowing long filenames to be typed into filename editbox.
- Fixed file dialog bug that prevented typing a folder name into the filename editbox to change into that folder.
- Fixed /exit bug that caused settings to be saved incorrectly when used in some contexts.
- Added $encode()/$decode() 'a' switch for base32 encoding.
- Added $hmac(text|&binvar|filename, key, hash, 0|1|2) identifier.
- Added $hotp(key, count, hash, digits) identifier.
- Added support for IRCv3 message tags and $msgtags(tag|N) identifier.
- Added on PARSELINE event that allows scripts to modify incoming/outgoing server messages.
- Fixed Event Beeps beep value not being applied resulting in repeated beeping during a flash event.
- Other changes and bug fixes.

mIRC 7.42 相關參考資料
Download mIRC 7.42

Supports IRC protocol for connecting to IRC servers. Real-time text-based chatting in multiple channels. File transfer capabilities with resume support.


Download mIRC 7.42 for windows

2015年7月20日 — User-friendly interface for easy navigation. · Supports IRC protocol for connecting to IRC servers. · Real-time text-based chatting in multiple ...


Download mIRC 7.63 Free

mIRC 7.59 released: 21 Feb 2020 - 4 years ago; mIRC 7.58 released: 19 Nov 2019 - 4 years ago; mIRC 7.56 released: 10 Jul 2019 - 4 years ago; mIRC 7.42 released ...


Latest News

As always, you can download the latest version of mIRC from the download page. mIRC 7.42 has been released! (July 17th 2015). This is a small update that ...


mIRC 7.42

Fixed SSL certificate change warning bug that caused warnings to be displayed for valid certificates. Fixed /filter output to nul not working. Updated voice ...


mIRC 7.42 download for Windows

2015年7月20日 — Download mIRC 7.42 free for Windows PC from FileSoul.com. ✓ Download 100% Free, Safe and Secure software.


mIRC 7.42 released

Dear mIRC User, mIRC v7.42 has been released today. This is a small update that addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release.


mIRC 7.45 包含舊版即時通訊共享英文版

... mIRC 7.45 ◎適用32 與64 位元版的Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10 - mIRC 7.42 ◎適用32 與64 位元版的Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10 mIRC 是一個Windows 系統上的即時通訊共享軟體 ...


下载mIRC 7.42 Windows 版

下载mIRC 7.42 Windows 版。快速下载最新免费软件!马上单击.
