Mindomo Desktop (64-bit)

最新版本 install4j 6.0.4 (32-bit)

install4j 6.0.4 (32-bit)

install4j 6.0.4 (32-bit)
Mindomo Desktop  64 位是 Windows PC 的免費思維導圖軟件,它獨特地將離線工作與在線編輯和協作相結合。一個易於使用,獨立的思維導圖軟件,具有高度多樣化的功能。如果您正在尋找完整的思維導圖體驗,Mindomo Desktop 還涵蓋了在線和移動同步。免費思維導圖軟件,可以讓您在本地創建思維導圖和概念圖,並在線上傳以便於共享:Mindomo Desktop  64 位是一款免費的思維導圖軟件。此外,您不需要網絡連接來創建思維導圖和概念圖。您只需一次點擊即可同步您的離線和在線思維導圖。這意味著您可以將您的本地思維導圖上傳到雲端,甚至可以與他人分享。 Mindomo 是一個非常易於使用的思維導圖程序,可以在所有操作系統上運行:Windows,MAC OS X 和 Linux.6235896
Mind 地圖是可以幫助您展示創意思維的畫布。使用 Mindomo 這樣的思維導圖軟件進行頭腦風暴會更有效率,因為您可以快速收集想法,專注於最重要的想法,並拖放它們以創建有意義的聯繫。創建思維導圖是從書籍和文章中保留更多的好方法。當你專注於確定主要想法和它們之間的聯繫時,你正在為你正在閱讀的內容建立一個持久的記憶。 Mindomo 思維導圖是創建項目藍圖的簡單方法。首先定義您的主要目標,然後分出任務優先級,明確指示,利益相關者的反饋和驗證要求。使用思維導圖軟件記筆記是一件容易的事情。

Mindomo 可以幫助您專注於會議的目的,並將議程中的每個項目變成主要分支。隨著會議的進行,您可以輕鬆地將關鍵點(截止日期,KPI,預算等)添加為子分支。軟件創建的思維導圖可以幫助您集思廣益,並將您的事件組織到最小的細節。能夠在一個地方看到一切,從場地選擇到約會和資源,都是無價的。另外,將您的團隊與您保持同一頁面非常容易。思維導圖可以幫助您仔細思考自己的生活,明確自己的目標和挑戰,並標出將帶領您前進的待辦事項。這是你可以用顏色和照片真實地勾畫你的人生目標的地方.





隨著“同步& 保存“功能,您可以在線上傳本地地圖,以方便共享.

導入導出地圖為 MindManager,Freemind,Mindmeister,XMind,Bubbl.us,PDF,Word,PowerPoint,Text,OPML,MPX,HTML,ZIP, PNG,XLS 文件.


高保真 PDF 導出
將地圖轉換為 PDF 的最高精度.

一次性購買終身使用無限的地圖和主題,以及 1 年的免費更新和支持.

修改歷史 61213896“查看地圖的變化”將向您顯示思維導圖的創建過程,每一步一次.



檔案版本 install4j 6.0.4 (32-bit)

檔案名稱 install4j_windows_6_0_4.exe
系統 Windows XP 64 / Vista 64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Expert Software Applications
官網 https://www.mindomo.com/mind-mapping-software
更新日期 2015-09-02

What's new in this version:

New features:
- Text components: Added a "Key listener" script property that is executed each time a key is pressed. The "text" parameter contains the modified text unlike for the "Key validator" expression.
- It is now possible to use installer variables with array values in the arguments for launchers. Empty array elements are omitted.

API changes:
- Added a version of com.install4j.api.windows.WinFileSystem#createShellLink with a parameter of type "ShowCommand" that allows you to open a link with maximized or minimized window state

Bugs fixed:
- "Single radio button" form component: If all radio buttons in a group were disabled, an exception was thrown in console mode
- "Single radio button" form component: In console mode, the selection script of the first radio button in the group was executed and not the one of the selected radio button
- "Load a response file" action: Non-string variables were not registered automatically as response file variables again and the "Overwrite strategy" did not work for them
- "Label" form component: & characters followed by a non-space character were not shown
- "Execute SQL script" action: Non-standard statement delimiters did not work
- Installation directory selector: Several settings were not respected in console mode
- PDF action and screen produced a file named error.log next to the installer
- Unix service launchers: Not all possible arguments were reported in the "usage" message
- Unix service launchers: More robust implementation for stopping the service
- Unix launchers: Use exec where possible to replace the shell script process with the java process
- Unix launchers: JRE search sequence entries that start with $ or ~ were interpreted as relative files
- Windows launchers: The current directory was appended to the end of the class path
- Mac OS X: Running process check did not work for single bundle installer
- Mac OS X: Installers did not pump stdin
- Mac OS X: Console and unattended mode were not set to headless for the Oracle JRE
- i18n: Single apostrophes were doubled in formatted messages
- Adding imports to the static members script marked the same imports in all other scripts as unused and broke auto-import and test compilation
- For wildcard classpath entries of type "archive", the shortest available match is now used

install4j 6.0.4 (32-bit) 相關參考資料
Change log of install4j - ej-technologies

Linux/Unix media files can now require a 64-bit JVM via the new "Bundled JRE->JRE search sequence options" step in the corresponding media wizards. API ...


Download install4j - ej-technologies - Java APM, Java Profiler ...

Last version: 6.0.4. This version is not maintained ... 32-bit Windows ... The IDE and the compiler of install4j require at least a 1.7 JRE to run. The generated ...


Download install4j 6.0.4 (32-bit) for Windows PC Archives - Horje

install4j 6.0.4 (32-bit) Free Download install4j is a powerful multi-platform Java installer builder that generates native installers and application launchers for ...


install4j 6.0.4 (32-bit) Download for Windows Change Log ...

What's new in this version: New features: - Text components: Added a "Key listener" script property that is executed each time a key is pressed.


install4j 6.0.4 (32-bit) Download for Windows Screenshots ...

Stay up to date with latest software releases, news, software discounts, deals and more. Subscribe. Download install4j 6.0.4 (32-bit) ...


install4j 6.0.4 (32-bit) Download for Windows 10, 8, 7 - Horje

install4j 6.0.4 (32-bit) Free Download install4j is a powerful multi-platform Java installer builder that generates native installers and application.


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