
最新版本 MediaPortal 1.17.0

MediaPortal 1.17.0

MediaPortal 1.17.0
MediaPortal 將您的 PC 轉換為完整的媒體解決方案。你想要一個家庭影院音頻流媒體整個家庭,數碼相冊來組織所有的照片和攝像頭的視頻,訪問網絡流和信息,如天氣,新聞,體育或維基百科,加上超級 TiVo?隨著 MediaPortal(MP),你可以做所有這些和更多,從舒適的沙發。這是目前世界上功能最豐富的媒體中心軟件,它是免費的!

MediaPortal 功能:

觀看和錄製 TV
在任何联網的 PC 上觀看現場直播或錄製的電視。你可以做一切 TiVO 可以,而且更多,但免費!使用電視指南對您的頻道進行分組,查看節目詳情和即將播出的節目,或列出錄製或預定的節目.

觀看視頻和 DVD
瀏覽所有電影,視頻和 DVD,並帶有封面圖案和詳細信息。然後用高品質的播放器觀看它們.

使用高質量的低音效果或自己的播放器來欣賞所有音樂。查看藝術家的圖像和細節,專輯封面和 fanart 背景。以任何方式組織,排序和查看您的音樂 - 按藝術家,專輯,流派,前 100 名,歌曲甚至文件大小.

聽取 Radio
聽 FM 或網絡電台任何電腦,甚至在您的網絡上,並記錄您最喜愛的節目.

MediaPortal 可以掃描您的驅動器,並為您顯示您的所有照片或圖像,無論是作為一個單一的圖像或幻燈片顯示

Check 天氣& 更多

Skin& 插件
默認的皮膚,Blue3,設計與優雅的簡單,即使在舊電腦上表現良好。所有主要功能都包含在 MediaPortal; 您不需要任何額外的插件.

注意:需要.NET Framework 和 DirectX。與至少 128 MB 的視頻內存兼容的視頻卡.


檔案版本 MediaPortal 1.17.0

檔案名稱 MediaPortalSetup_1.17.0_Final.exe
檔案大小 205.85 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 MediaPortal Team
更新日期 2017-07-03

What's new in this version:

- We fixed some bugs with video views, especially collections, user groups and libraries. We also added new properties to display icons of movie awards, extended MPAA text and movie awards text. Skinners now have the possibility to add badges for collections, user groups, new and actualized movies, watched/unwatched movies etc. as overlays in nearly all layouts like thumbnailpanel, filmstrip and coverflow. DefaultWideHD already shows some of the new functions

- The lists in TV Recordings now show the year of the recording, e.g. 12-03 2016 instead of only 12-03. We also added the functionality of moving or deleting channels from/to channel groups inside the GUI via context menu in TV EPG. We also fixed an issue that recording files were left open by the Streaming Server

MediaPortal General:
- We fixed the problem of scaling issues when using MP in windowed mode or other resolutions than the standard resolution of 1920x1080.
- We fixed a proplem with Watchdog crashing on failure when trying to copy TV Server gentle.config as well as Watchdog not grabbing all TV Server configuration files.
- We fixed an issue with MiniDisplay not showing the correct labels for the actual highlighted button or selected items in a dialog list.

- We updated the MediaInfo.dll to version 0.7.95.

MediaPortal 1.17.0 相關參考資料
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