Media Player Classic (64-bit)

最新版本 Media Player Classic Home Cinema (64-bit)

Media Player Classic Home Cinema (64-bit)

Media Player Classic Home Cinema (64-bit)
Media Player Classic 64 位家庭影院是 Windows 的輕量級媒體播放器。它看起來就像 Windows Media Player Classic v6.4,但有很多附加功能。您可以使用播放器作為媒體播放器經典家庭影院.

它內置了用於 LPCM,MP2,AC3 和 DTS 音頻的 MPEG- 2 視頻和編解碼器的編解碼器,還包含一個改進的 MPEG 分離器,支持 VCD 和 SVCD 的播放使用其 VCD,SVCD 或 XCD 閱讀器。 AAC 解碼濾波器使 MPC 適用於 MP4 中的 AAC 播放.

Media Player Classic 家庭影院特點:
可選擇去除撕裂。更好地支持 Windows Vista,包括 64 位平台的發行版。支持 EVR(增強型視頻渲染器)支持字幕。如果安裝了支持的電視調諧器,則播放和錄製電視節目。當 MPC HC 崩潰時創建小型轉儲。 OSD(屏幕顯示)Shuttle PN31 遙控器支持支持多顯示器配置像素著色器轉換 BT601 - BT701 YV12 色度上採樣像素著色器語言翻譯。來自 Gabest 的 Guliverkli MPC 項目的所有功能。 Android 設備的遙控器。注:截至 2006 年 7 月,Media Player Classic 不再開發。其功能相同的繼任者是媒體播放器經典 - 家庭影院.


檔案版本 Media Player Classic Home Cinema (64-bit)

檔案名稱 MPC-HC.
檔案大小 7.41 MB
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 MPC-HC Team
更新日期 2012-10-02

What's new in this version:

- MPCVideoDec: Add support for 4K for Intel HD Graphics 4000
- AVI Splitter: Add a property page so that the support for non interleaved files can be turned on/off. Support for such files is now enabled by default. The old AVI Chunk Viewer dialog has been removed.
- Added chapter indicators to the seekbar and the chapter name is now displayed in the time tooltip.
- Added keys for changing volume by increments of 1
- Updated FFmpeg (n0.8-13778-g127b70e)
- Updated Little CMS to v2.4 (git 728139a)
- Updated SoundTouch to v1.7.0
- Updated MediaInfoLib to v0.7.60 r5048
- Updated ZenLib to v0.4.28 r403
- Updated VirtualDub to v1.10.3-test6
- Remove .dat extension from the icon library and the formats (you can still associate it in the "Others" formats)
- Re-enable the embedded resources viewer in the properties dialog and improve its "open in browser" function (when double clicking on a resource)
- Store the path to MPC-HC's executable in HKEY_CURRENT_USER for external use. External applications that depend on that path should get it from there rather than HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The old key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE will be removed in the next version
- Changed default maximum subtitle resolution to "Desktop"
- Updated Basque, French, German, Russian, Simplified Chinese and Slovak translations
- Web interface: Fix the "Deploy" feature
- Subtitles didn't show in some cases when using the internal subtitles renderer

Improve DVB subtitles handling:
- Fix missing subtitles
- Ticket #2589, Fix wrongly colored subtitles

Ticket #48,#515,#2533, Improve PGS subtitles (BluRay) parsing:
- Fix missing subtitles
- Fix wrong display duration

- Ticket #102, Fix playback of VideoCD as disk
- Ticket #790,#1511,#2269,#2612, VSFilter: Fix a bug causing the subtitles not to show when using YUY2 color space
- Ticket #2219,#2610, MPEG Splitter/AAC Decoder: Add basic support from AAC LATM tracks
- Ticket #2267, WebUI: added support for '#', '%', '+' and other characters in file names
- Ticket #2452, Fix color controls in certain situations
- Ticket #2455,#2484,#2614, WebServer: Better Unicode support
- Ticket #2540, Fix handling of big API messages
- Ticket #2547, The master window handle was erroneously reset when starting a file from the explorer.
- Ticket #2599, Fix "Snap to desktop edges" option for multi-monitor setup
- Ticket #2606, MPEG Splitter: Don't output the fake "No subtitle" track when the file contains no subtitles

Media Player Classic Home Cinema (64-bit) 相關參考資料