
最新版本 GameMaker Studio 2.2.0 Build 343

GameMaker Studio 2.2.0 Build 343

GameMaker Studio 2.2.0 Build 343
ManyCam 增強您的實時視頻聊天& 將您的電腦變成專業品質的現場視頻製作工作室和切換台。添加驚人的攝像頭效果& 圖形到您的視頻和照片。真棒攝像頭有趣的過濾器讓你看起來更好的凸輪。使用面部識別技術添加瘋狂的面具或面部特效。給自己一個新的攝像頭背景,讓它看起來像你在一個工作室設置,或讓它看起來你著火或像你的房子下雪! ManyCam PC 的離線安裝程序有一個巨大的圖書館,數千個效果.

ManyCam 功能:

遊戲 Capture
捕獲和記錄您的遊戲與新的遊戲視頻源。直播或錄製並稍後發布您的視頻。使用“Minecraft”,“使命召喚”,“孤島驚魂 3”,“星際爭霸”等遊戲進行記錄! ManyCam 免費下載 Windows PC 的最新版本。這是完整的離線安裝程序安裝 ManyCam.

YouTube Integration
Stream 和播放視頻在 YouTube 上輕鬆快速地找到新的 YouTube 視頻源!此外,您可以使用 YouTube 上傳功能直接從 ManyCam 將錄製的視頻上傳到 YouTube。全功能免費提供有限的時間 only.

Mobile 來源
使用您的手機作為視頻源 ManyCam 與新的 ManyCam 移動源的 Android!隨時隨地錄製實時視頻,遠離計算機,並使用手機直接傳輸到 ManyCam。該移動應用可在 Google Play 上下載。全部功能只在有限的時間免費提供.

Lower Thirds

使用多個應用程序同時使用您的攝像頭 61212896 使用多個聊天應用程序同時使用您的攝像頭。使用 Skype,MSN 和 Youtube 同時使用 ManyCam 的虛擬網絡攝像頭驅動軟件.

添加驚人的網絡攝像頭效果& 圖形到您的視頻和照片

快速切換視頻& 音頻源與 ManyCam 臨現場視頻工作室切換器。了解如何使用此視頻製作軟件進行直播.


創建自己的自定義對象,配件,背景和其他圖形在效果創建功能 ManyCam 上使用。您還可以將自定義效果發佈到音樂庫或直接下載到您的計算機.



也可用:下載 ManyCam 為 Mac


檔案版本 GameMaker Studio 2.2.0 Build 343

檔案名稱 GameMakerStudio-Installer-
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 ManyCam LLC
更新日期 2018-10-03

What's new in this version:

Switch Changes:
- See this FAQ for a summary of the changes from 2.1.5 to 2.2.0
- Note: This link will only work if you have the Switch license

Logout-on-Shutdown System:
- Added a new Preference to automatically log users out when closing GMS2
- Note that this is off by default, as it's really only intended for educational users who want extra clean-up to happen between sessions - for most people, unticking "Remember Me" on the login dialog will do the trick
- See this FAQ for more information

Android Build System Changes:
- We've changed the Android NDK build process to fix issues building YYC on API 23 devices when using a newer version of the NDK, such as 17c or higher
- This change also fixes the issue users were seeing with the error "Unable to find library for armv7l"
- NOTE: This change also raises the minimum API level you must set in game options to 16 (up from 9)

Misc IDE Fixes:
- Fixed the runtime installation process so it uses fewer temporary drive mappings, which should stop "Z:manifest" errors
- Note: If your Windows user is not allowed to use subst due to permission/policy restrictions you will always need to resolve this yourself before attempting to install/update
- Fixed issues where projects got an asset compiler error and couldn't build because a resource had no audiogroup or texturegroup set
- Fixed the macOS Finder dialog so it now adds the correct file extension onto the filename chosen when exporting files from the Mac IDE
- Fixed an IDE crash in the DnD Editor if you tried to drag a Else node onto a If node inside that Else block
- Fixed an issue where for some users with corrupt installations the sound editor would not open when opening or creating sound resources
- Note: The change here is to simply allow the sound editor to open - you still won't be able to play the sound, and instead you will get a dialog informing of the corrupt install

- See the bug database's Change Log for the list of public issues fixed in this version
- Known Issues can be found on the bug database also - for the current IDE headline list see this page

GameMaker Studio 2.2.0 Build 343 相關參考資料