
最新版本 Mailbird


Mailbird 是一個免費的桌面電子郵件客戶端為您的 Windows PC。 Mailbird 包裝了應用程序,功能,快捷方式和軟件升級優化,以提高您的生產力,並節省您的收件箱小時。它可以只是一個簡單的電子郵件應用程序,或者您的多功能儀錶盤,提高您的生產力和組織您的生活。快速撰寫和響應,縮短電子郵件發送時間,內聯動作欄,將所有內容組織到閃存中,無縫脫機訪問,隨時隨地管理您的電子郵件。 Mailbird 界面讓您的收件箱看起來像禪,消除了電子郵件與美麗的組織功能混亂,並使管理您的電子郵件輕而易舉。最後,一個 Windows PC 的電子郵件客戶端值得下載!

隨著 Mailbird 和,你現在可以直接鏈接你的電子郵件和他們的任務。只需將您的電子郵件拖到您的日常任務列表中。通過幫助您輕鬆方便地組織您的任務和消息, Mailbird 確保你立刻到達收件箱零! Mailbird 不僅僅是一個電子郵件客戶端。這是一個了不起的工具,你已經用來溝通,計劃和更多的應用程序和工具可以一起工作。試用 Google 日曆可輕鬆安排您的會議並組合多個日曆。 WhatsApp 即時通訊應用程序允許您通過 Mailbird 輕鬆地與您的業務合作夥伴,朋友和家人保持聯繫。通過 Mailbird 電子郵件客戶端運行 WhatsApp 流,您可以通過電子郵件和即時消息同時與人交流。將電子郵件中的附件拖放到 WhatsApp 上,輕鬆分享照片,視頻和文檔。 Mailbird 包括多個獨特的佈局,以配合您的風格,以及如何工作.

Mailbird 特點:

Mailbird 是一個乾淨整潔的界面,是為了簡單。它通過消除電子郵件混亂與美麗的組織功能,把你的收件箱變成一個禪宗的經驗.

沒有電子郵件程序,專注於速度。 Mailbird 團隊每毫秒出汗,並切出每一個不必要的步驟,從而使其成為有史以來最快的電子郵件應用程序。提高工作流程效率 Mailbird 為您提供速度閱讀器和鍵盤快捷鍵.

Mailbird 團隊尊重您的隱私設計 Mailbird 永遠不會掃描您的電子郵件內容或將您的任何數據存儲在服務器上。收件箱中的內容僅供您使用.

社交媒體是一種重要的溝通媒介,通過整合主要社交渠道(如 Facebook),Mailbird.

Mailbird 更便於用戶使用。幾乎沒有學習曲線,只需點擊左右,即可“得到它”。您可以輕鬆地自定義或添加您最喜愛的應用程序或只是使用它。您的電子郵件生產力將得到立即 boost.

注意:30 天 PRO 試用版。免費終身(基本選項和最多 3 個電子郵件帳戶)。需要.NET Framework.


檔案版本 Mailbird

檔案名稱 MailbirdSetup.exe
檔案大小 77.8 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Mailbird Team
更新日期 2018-02-14

What's new in this version:

- Added Exchange support
- Added setting to hide the reading pane
- Implemented full dark theme
- Improved swipe to archive
- Improved IMAP download speed slightly when downloading many messages on a fast connection
- Office 365 IMAP no longer forced to "download messages on demand", bringing it in line with other providers
- Blocked downloads in ads control
- Fixed database migration issue
- Fixed unknown avatar sometimes not displayed after undo
- Fixed an instance of folder sync failing due to a duplicate message
- Fixed Houston window showing up instead of the installation corrupt window for some users
- Fixed issue where sometimes dragging attachment doesn't work
- Fixed issue with drag & drop file to deego
- Fixed issue in some color picker view
- Fixed issue with delete command in contacts app
- Fixed issue with editing an identity via the account not updating the values properly if going back and forth without saving
- Fixed issue with editing account so it won't update the settings back by only opening the edit account window
- Fixed issue with Mailbird showing the Outlook authentication window for Google accounts under some circumstance
- Fixed freeze that could occur when dismissing the folder up to date notification under rare circumstances
- Fixed issue with POP3 messages sent to oneself not showing in the inbox
- Fixed issue with spellcheck popup when there is not enough space
- Fixed issue with Mailbird Pro reverting to Lite in rare cases
- Fixed issue with Yahoo taking a long time to either login or fail with an error
- Fixed issue with lost selection on subject textbox when right clicking

- Fixed issue with some Logitech mouse devices

- Mailbird now runs native 64 bit on supported systems
- Allow sending MAPI modeless and where there's no recipients a modal window will open
- Removed selecting search result when switching account
- Fixed Outlook issue where messages sent with attachments would incorrectly show twice in the sent folder - despite correctly only sending once
- Fixed an issue with insert link and insert picture buttons in quick reply
- Fixed crash when scrolling horizontally
- Fixed issue with Gmail messages being sent to oneself showing up as read
- Fixed issue applying silent updates due to read-only files
- Fixed issue undoing failed silent updates
- Fixed issue with drag and drop attachment from recent files in explorer
- Fixed issue when updating inline attachment
- Fixed issue with signature
- Fixed issue with apps sorting

- Fixed issue with Mailbird freezing when closing a compose window under some circumstances

- Fixed issue starting Mailbird

- Compose window redesigned
- Added autocomplete tagging of contacts when composing
- Added automatic update functionality, enabled by default
- Added ability to re-order apps in left menu
- Mute ads including video, audio and YouTube embedded video
- Implemented navigation using up & down key in recipient textboxes
- Fixed issue where uninstalling would start Mailbird in Windows 8 and 8.1
- Fixed find panel always being visible when displaying ads
- Fixed issue where marking a lot of messages read/unread could cause message sending to be delayed while the server was being updated
- Fixed avatar not loaded issue in invite sidebar
- Fixed not supported emoticon in email
- Fixed issue with attachments not being removed correctly when moving between compose windows if the draft is unsaved

- Added ESET service
- Added tips related to contact manager
- Implemented quick preview for rtf files
- Implemented change so it doesn't restart to load account after entering license key
- Fixed search result not selected when searching
- Fixed issue with slow startup under Windows 10
- Fixed some errors importing from Outlook pst files due to invalid email addresses
- Fixed issue with lower priority toast notifications dismissing higher priority ones
- Fixed an error when undoing a deletion
- Fixed issue when enabling all disabled accounts
- Fixed crash when opening some contacts
- Fixed issue when not displaying inline attachments as standard attachments
- Fixed welcome message not showing issue
- Fixed error when switching identities in compose window
- Fixed issue with the inbox sometimes not visibly showing as selected in the left menu on startup
- Fixed issue with apps sometimes showing an error when selected after enabling or disabling other apps
- Apps: Added Google Keep

- Added new services tab in Add-ons page
- Fixed issue with authentication failed notifications showing if the Internet connection is down briefly, e.g. right after the computer wakes from sleep - when using Google OAuth 2.0
- Fixed issue with messages from showing unreadable characters
- Fixed rare issue with contact images not being removed properly when removing them from the Contacts app
- Fixed issue with contact images not updating if changing them multiple times in quick succession through the Contacts app
- Fixed issue with contact manager avatar not being shown for mail contacts
- Fixed clicked behavior issue in browse contacts window
- Fixed issue with the proper error not being logged when failing to authorize OAuth access
- Fixed remove button not working due to previous changes in contact item in recipient fields
- Fixed freeze issue in autocomplete textbox and also improved the drag and drop functionality
- Fixed issue with OAuth error handling

- Improved conversation grouping when replying to or forwarding a message via the Android Gmail or Email app for a non-Google account
- Fixed issue with the proper error not being logged when failing to authorize OAuth access
- Fixed crash occurring when opting to create a new conversation after changing the subject of a draft that contains attachments
- Fixed random crash that could occur in the Contacts app
- Fixed issue where trying to compose a message will crash, when Mailbird is limiting the number of accounts loaded in the Lite version under certain circumstances
- Fixed crash occurring when opting to create a new conversation after changing the subject of a draft that contains attachments
- Fixed crash when writing to a contact group with more than 100 contacts via compose auto complete
- Fixed issue with Contacts app not loading when clicking the 'Open Contacts' button in the release notification
- Fixed potential issue with locally disappearing QQ Mail messages when the server is acting up
- Fixed issue with compose auto-complete not returning contacts and crashes when searching in the Contacts app under some circumstances
- Fixed issue where user created contacts would not appear in compose auto-complete immediately after creating them
- Fixed possible issue with Yandex not showing all Bcc recipients for sent email when showing emails sent outside of Mailbird
- Fixed BT Internet issue where sometimes only the first recipient in TO or CC would appear in Mailbird
- Fixed error executing Contact Manager
- Fixed focus issue when adding extra name fields
- Fixed appbar size issue
- Fixed linkedin lookup issue
- Apps: Added Kin Calendar App

- Fixed issue with Google contact sync not working for some accounts
- Google contact sync will now correctly use any configured proxy
- Contact accounts will now sync in the order they appear in the Contacts app
- Fixed issue with QQ IMAP not working
- Fixed issue causing Mailbird to sometimes forget which sidebar app was selected last, on startup

- Fixed random crash that could occur in the Contacts app
- Fixed issue where trying to compose a message will crash, when Mailbird is limiting the number of accounts loaded in the Lite version under certain circumstances
- Fixed crash occurring when opting to create a new conversation after changing the subject of a draft that contains attachments
- Fixed crash when writing to a contact group with more than 100 contacts via compose auto complete
- Fixed issue with Contacts app not loading when clicking the 'Open Contacts' button in the release notification

- Fixed crash occurring when opting to create a new conversation after changing the subject of a draft that contains attachments

- Fixed uninstall issue when installing in custom location

- Improved speed at startup
- Fixed import issue handling in Outlook express and Windows Live Mail
- Fixed issue when the state is not updating in referral

- Fixed crash when changing 'Group messages into conversations' under some circumstances

- Added function to share referral to social media
- Changing subject from a reply or forward message allows user to create a new thread from it
- Fixed issue with subject when forwarding message
- Fixed crash when entering empty string in picture url in insert picture dialog
- Fixed crash when right clicking an image in the compose window
- Fixed crash when switching sidebar app

- Added F1 keyboard shortcut to show support window
- Added support for showing inline UUE attachments in messages if using IMAP
- Improved conversation grouping to group messages from Nextdoor and other similar websites correctly
- Improved Facebook avatar search detection
- Improved drag and drop email function
- Fixed remove conversations from search results when deleted from another folder
- Fixed issue with conversations and messages showing embedded/inline attachments as regular attachments for a few seconds before the message body is downloaded
- Fixed issue where the SMTP details of a primary identity could be invisible, preventing sending from that identity
- Fixed issue where new message button is visible when there are more than 1 selected messages
- Fixed issue when sometimes the referral is crashing
- Fixed issue with the inline data remaining visible in the body if using POP3
- Apps: Fixed issue in Chrome app when fails to navigate to home from a non bookmarked website

- Added F1 keyboard shortcut to show support window
- Added support for showing inline UUE attachments in messages if using IMAP
- Improved conversation grouping to group messages from Nextdoor and other similar websites correctly
- Improved Facebook avatar search detection
- Improved drag and drop email function
- Fixed remove conversations from search results when deleted from another folder
- Fixed issue with conversations and messages showing embedded/inline attachments as regular attachments for a few seconds before the message body is downloaded
- Fixed issue where the SMTP details of a primary identity could be invisible, preventing sending from that identity
- Fixed issue where new message button is visible when there are more than 1 selected messages
- Fixed issue when sometimes the referral is crashing
- Fixed issue with the inline data remaining visible in the body if using POP3
- Apps: Fixed issue in Chrome app when fails to navigate to home from a non bookmarked website

- Added new referral design
- Added option to download update automatically
- Added ability to add multiple contacts when not found in referral
- Improved general stability
- Updated folder mapping to properly select the iCloud 'Sent Messages' folder, over a possible 'Sent Items' folder created by Outlook
- Fixed issue that prevent dragging main window
- Fixed scroll get reset when doing inline reply
- Fixed highlight issue in some buttons in options window
- Fixed issue where each draft save would cause a new version to be uploaded to the server, instead of overwriting the existing one, for users
- Fixed issue with duplicate accounts being able to be imported into Mailbird due to different email case, subsequently causing crashing on startup
- Fixed issue where Houston error window would open behind the main window
- Fixed random startup crash
- Fixed issue with previewing email
- Fixed issue with printing
- Fixed rare issue with Yahoo where folders sometimes wouldn't update - sometimes causing Mailbird to incorrectly report authentication failed
- Apps: Added navigation bar and bookmarks in Chrome app

- Fixed random startup crash

- Fixed issue with previewing email
- Fixed issue with printing
- Fixed issue where Turkish language is missing

- Added new app store design
- Added link to retrieve license key in Options window
- Improved recipient auto complete to be more intelligent in including ones identities
- Now switching auto spellcheck and language does not need a restart
- Fixed rare issue with Yahoo where folders sometimes wouldn't update - sometimes causing Mailbird to incorrectly report authentication failed
- Fixed zoom issue on tips browser
- Fixed windows buttons issue when maximized
- Fixed issue with Reply-To address being given an incorrect name when sending
- Fixed bug when selecting non-image file for custom cover
- Fixed few issues related to text wrapping in email viewer and composer
- Fixed issue with migration to delete messages with unknown senders
- Fixed Courier IMAP unknown sender issue
- Fixed issue with stackoverflow when trying to parse link
- Fixed incorrect resize on high dpi
- Fixed zoom level issue with different dpi
- Fixed an error setting incorrectly the default zoom for new users

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XYZ軟體急先鋒http:83.totwvcd Mailbird Pro 電子郵件用戶端 ...

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Mailbird Pro 電子郵件用戶端軟體英文破解版 商品編號: 本站售價:NT$200 碟片片數:1片 瀏覽次數:7932. 【轉載TXT文檔】 ...