LibreOffice (64-bit)

最新版本 LibreOffice 7.5.4 (64-bit)

LibreOffice 7.5.4 (64-bit)

LibreOffice 7.5.4 (64-bit)
LibreOffice 64 位是一個功能強大的辦公套件; 其乾淨的界面和強大的工具讓你釋放你的創造力,提高你的生產力。 LibreOffice 嵌入了幾個應用程序,使其成為最強大的 Free& 文字處理器,Calc,電子表格應用程序,Impress,演示文稿引擎,Draw,我們的繪圖和流程圖應用程序,Base,我們的數據庫和數據庫前端,以及用於編輯數學的數學運算.

您的文檔無論目的如何:信函,碩士論文,小冊子,財務報告,營銷演示文稿,技術圖紙和圖表,都將顯得專業和乾淨。下載 LibreOffice 離線安裝程序安裝程序的 Windows.

LibreOffice 離線安裝 PC 的兼容許多文件格式,如 Microsoft® Word,Excel,PowerPoint 和 Publisher。但 LibreOffice 進一步使您能夠使用現代開放標準,即開放文檔格式(ODF)。除了默認提供的眾多功能之外,LibreOffice 64 位通過其強大的擴展機制可輕鬆擴展.

LibreOffice 為您提供什麼?

Writer 是 LibreOffice 內部的文字處理器。用它來做一切事情,從快速寫信到製作帶有目錄,嵌入式插圖,參考書目和圖表的整本書。即時類型的自動完成,自動格式化和自動拼寫檢查使得困難的任務變得簡單(但是如果您願意的話,很容易禁用).

Calc 馴服你的號碼,並幫助您在衡量備選方案時作出困難的決定。用 Calc 分析你的數據,然後用它來表示你的最終輸出。圖表和分析工具有助於為您的結論帶來透明度。完全集成的幫助系統使輸入複雜公式的工作變得更簡單。從外部數據庫(如 SQL 或 Oracle)添加數據,然後對它們進行分類和過濾以生成統計分析。

Impress 是創建有效的多媒體演示的最快最容易的方法。令人驚嘆的動畫和聳人聽聞的特效幫助你說服觀眾。創建看起來比您在工作中常見的標準演示更專業的演示。通過創建一些不同的東西來獲得你的同事和老闆的注意力.

Draw 讓你從頭開始建立圖表和草圖。一張圖片勝過千言萬語,那麼為什麼不用一個簡單的方框圖和線圖來嘗試一下呢?否則,走得更遠,輕鬆建立動態 3D 插圖和特效。它就像你想要的那樣簡單或者功能強大.

Base 是 LibreOffice 套件的數據庫前端。借助 Base,您可以將現有的數據庫結構無縫地集成到 LibreOffice 的其他組件中,或創建一個接口來將數據作為獨立應用程序使用和管理。您可以使用從 MySQL,PostgreSQL 或 Microsoft Access 以及其他許多數據源導入和鏈接的表和查詢,或者使用 Base 設計您自己的數據源。下載 LibreOffice Windows Installer 安裝程序.

Math 是一個簡單的公式編輯器,可讓您以標準書面符號快速佈局和顯示數學,化學,電子或科學方程式。正確顯示即使是最複雜的計算也是可以理解的。 E = mc2.

注意:需要 Java 運行時環境。安裝過程需要管理員權限.

也可用:下載 LibreOffice for Mac


檔案版本 LibreOffice 7.5.4 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 LibreOffice_7.5.4_Win_x86-64.msi
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 The Document Foundation
更新日期 2023-06-10

What's new in this version:

- Content controls: added a new plain text type. blog post
- Content controls: added a new combo box type and PDF export. blog post

Content controls: added titles and tags. blog post
- Now tabs can be edited for multiple paragraphs with different settings at a time. Tabs dialogue (Format ▸ Paragraph... ▸ Tabs) is available even when multiple paragraphs are selected which has different settings. core
- Improved kashida insertion position validation, to prevent inserting kashida between contextually substituted glyphs breaking word shape. core
- Correctly calculate text caret position inside ligatures, and use caret positions from the font when available.
- Fix broken colored Arabic text when enabling Show Formatting Marks.
- It is now possible to define a custom color for Grammar mistakes in the Application Colors dialog (Tools ▸ Options... ▸ LibreOffice ▸ Application Colors). core
- AutoTexts created using "New (text only)" no longer insert a new line at the end of the AutoText. The currently embedded AutoTexts have been adjusted accordingly by explicitly adding a new line at the end of the text. User-created AutoTexts, relying on the trailing new line, should be re-created including the trailing empty paragraph.

- Better column deletion when it intersects with merged cells.
- Allow table row/column selection, if last cell starts with a nested table.
- Allow tracked table row/column deletion, if last cell starts with a nested table.


Bookmark editing in Insert Bookmark dialog window:
- Bookmark text content can be edited in the dialog. core
- The Bookmark dialog accessed from Navigator ▸ Bookmarks ▸ Right click ▸ Edit... now opens with the clicked bookmark already selected. core
- Hidden _Toc and _Ref bookmarks imported from OOXML are shown as Hidden in the dialog, allowing sorting the not hidden (user-defined) bookmarks before them by a single click on header Hidden.

Colored bookmarks for metadata visualization:
- Show visible marks in custom color defined in bookmark metadata.
- Page number in status bar now uses a range when the view spans several pages.
- Elements can be highlighted on page by hovering over their name in the Navigator sidebar deck.

Spell checking:
- Better recognition of typos, and better suggestions in Danish, Dutch, Estonian, German, Hungarian, Norwegian and Swedish with the improved compound word recognition algorithm of Hunspell spell checker. Hunspell 1.7.2
- Moving text cursor Up/Down triggers pending spell checking of the last modified word.
- Spell checking of plain words of hyperlinks

Keep comment of the corrected words, instead of removing it without being noticed

Bookmark accessibility:
- Screen readers get text equivalent of visible bookmarks.

Bookmark visualization:
- Various improvements of bookmark visibility (see Tools ▸ Options ▸ LibreOffice Writer ▸ Formatting Aids ▸ Bookmarks

Note: this is a continuation to Michael Stahl’s fix for
- ⌶-shape point bookmark (The previous shape, a single vertical line was overlapped with visible page margin at beginning of the paragraphs, also it was very similar to the NBSP and narrow NBSP shading.)
- ][-shape (i.e. double) marks for neighboring bookmark ranges (instead of a single vertical line, which could not be distinguished from point bookmark symbol previously).
- All bookmarks at the same character position are visible now, e.g. instead of a single |, neighboring bookmarks with point bookmarks are shown e.g. as ] ⌶ [ or ] ] ⌶ ⌶ [ [
- Do not show visible marks for hidden _Toc and _Ref bookmarks imported from OOXML, like Microsoft Office does.

- Images, embedded objects and text frames can now be marked as decorative, which allows assistive technology to ignore them in exported PDFs

Hyperlinks, table of content and other indices keep their language, and with this, their accessibility.

Accessibility checker:
- Add several accessibility checker rules
- Add Rescan button to Accessibility Check dialog
- Make Accessibility Check dialog non-modal
- Automatic (Online) Accessibility Check has been added, which scans for accessibility issues while the user is editing the document. The accessibility status is shown in the status bar. You can enable it in the main menu (Tools ▸ Automatic Accessibility Checking). Currently it is only available when experimental mode is enabled, as it doesn't take all document objects into account

Machine translation:
- Initial machine translation is available, backend by DeepL translate (Mert Tumer, Collabora) core

- Cutting hundreds of pages with numbered lists in Writer
- Export to EPUB in Windows
- Opening Writer documents with large tables

- Cell input with leading ' apostrophe in cells that are not formatted as Text was changed to always strip the first apostrophe and force the remainder as text content. Previously, the user had to know (or guess) whether an input could be converted to a numeric type (number, date, ...) and prefix only that to force text, but not prefix a textual type that could not be converted, which was confusing and bad UX. The handling is not changed for cells already formatted as Text, where every input is continued to be accepted literally as content and a leading apostrophe is not removed.
- Add support for Kamenický and Mazovia encodings.
- Conditional formatting's begins-with/ends-with/contains are now case-insensitive like the rest of the conditions were.
- Preserve tab characters and line-breaks in cell contents.
- View ▸ Freeze Cells ▸ Freeze First Column/Row now always works even when first row or column are not visible.
- Paste Special of cells now remembers last used settings between sessions.
- Searching for a term in the Function Wizard now matches the function descriptions as well as their names.

Default “spell out” number and currency formats:
- Number format dialog windows of Calc and Writer got default NatNum12 ("spell out") format codes.
- Spell out numbers and currencies;
- in 71 locales of 38 languages;
- based on libnumbertext 1.0.11;
- NatNum12 title case is fixed for English language: lowercase “and” and title case “-Five” e.g. in “One U.S. Dollar and Twenty-Five Cents”.

- Replacing strings with numbers in Calc
- Find and replace in very large Calc sheets
- Opening large Calc spreadsheets with row height differences

Impress & Draw:
- Impress now supports cropped video for media shapes. blog post
- Fix bug causing EMF graphics to appear blurry.
- The presenter console supports running as a normal window instead of fullscreen, with a setting in Tools ▸ Options ▸ Impress ▸ General ▸ Presentation
- The in-presentation pen function can be turned off with Ctrl + A (on top of the existing toggle Ctrl + P), which should make more presenter devices compatible.
- Objects can be drag-and-dropped in the navigator, allowing reordering and moving them in and out of groups.

Table Design:
- Added basic support for modifying table styles, and creating new ones. Modified styles are saved into documents, and can be shared via templates. This function can be accessed by right-clicking on a design in the Table Design Sidebar panel. core
- Added a new set of default table styles. core

- Data tables are now supported in Charts. See blog post for furter details (Tomaž Vajngerl, Collabora)

- Elements pane from left side of Math's window was moved to Sidebar

Core / General:
- Added support for rotate and zoom gestures when using touchpads
- Allow searching for combining marks from so-called complex scripts
- Support font embedding on macOS
- Fix disabled spellchecking and language-sensitive text layout (e.g. digit replacement) in table of contents and hyper link text

- New application and file-type icons

- Restored automatic detection of HighContrast (HC) mode while providing user ability to disable in Tools ▸ Options... ▸ LibreOffice ▸ Accessibility

Text Layout:
- Improve kashida insertion by making the insertion positions explicit to avoid unwanted and spurious kashida insertion.
- Fix kashida position when inserted after a letter with a combining mark.
- Fix gaps inserted instead of kashida with some fonts.
- Fix justification of text containing spacing combining marks (e.g. in Malayalam)
- Disable ligatures when character spacing is set.
- Correctly enable variable fonts variation setting during text layout, as well as font metrics.
- Use underline size and position as well as strike-through size and position values from the font when available core
- Use the same skew angle for artificial (synthetic) italic text across graphics backends and PDF export. core
- Improve glyph positioning of artificial italic text, especially combining marks. core

Edit Engine:
- Sync kashida insertion algorithm with Writer one to include fixes and enhancements from Writer that other LibreOffice components were missing.
- Fix bad Arabic letter spacing when text starts with left-to-right characters.
- Fix gaps in justified Arabic text when the font does not have usable kashida glyph.
- Correctly calculate text caret position inside ligatures, and use caret positions from the font when available.

- Opening Options ▸ LibreOffice ▸ Application Colors

- Re-allow .doc files to be renamed as .dot.

VBA Support:
- Added support for WordBasic.ScreenUpdating. core
- Added support for WordBasic.MsgBox. core
- Run AutoNew, AutoOpen, AutoClose events properly in Writer and Calc
- Added FormFields and ContentControls support for managing form objects

- Support embedding color (e.g. Emoji) fonts using color layers (using COLR/CPAL OpenType tables).
- Support embedding color (e.g. Emoji) fonts using color bitmaps (using CBLC/CBDT or sbix OpenType tables).
- Support embedding variable fonts and apply font variations to glyph shapes.
- Correct set Postscript name when embedding for some broken fonts.
- Fix invalid PDF font subsets when subsetting blank glyphs.
- Fix visual artifacts in glyphs that use fractional point coordinates.
- Fix missing accent chars in glyphs that use deprecated arguments to CFF endchar operator.
- Apply artificial italic to fallback fonts.
- When exporting to PDF, you can now choose to export comments in the page margin.
- When inserting a picture and using PDF as a source file, now it is possible to use larger files. core

- Remove "ghost" lines (extra semi-transparent white outline) of semi-transparent shapes

General changes:
- Support for dark and high contrast operating system themes on Windows, macOS and Linux was greatly improved. More than 40 bugs were fixed by contributors including Caolán McNamara (Red Hat), Rafael Lima, Michael Weghorn and Rizal Muttaqin.
- Add support for switching dark or light mode manually
- When previewing styles in the side bar and the styles menu, use the CTL and Asian fonts set on the style for respective text instead of always using Western fonts.
- Remove redundant File ▸ Recent Documents menu from macOS dock icon.
- An improved version of a single toolbar user interface was implemented, supporting context-aware controls and their customization. It can be activated via View ▸ User Interface... ▸ Single Toolbar. Customization can be done either with a right click context menu actions, or via Tools ▸ Customize... ▸ Toolbars, for various "Standard (Single Mode) - <context name>" targets. For now, context aware controls were added to Writer only. This largely makes the Contextual Single user interface obsolete, and it might be removed in future versions.
- GTK3 scrollbars now benefit from the "smooth scrolling" feature. Long-press on a scrollbar or use ⇧ Shift + Click for more precise scrolling.
- The Start Center can now filter recent documents by type.

Icon theme:
- The Sifr icon set was refreshed to follow GNOME Adwaita’s new rounded style.

- In Calc, the "language" label was changed to the more accurate "locale" label in the (HTML) Import Options and Text Import dialogs.

Font Features Dialog:
The Font Features dialog (Format ▸ Character ▸ Font ▸ Features...) received some improvements:
- Font features that are enabled by default (e.g. Standard Ligatures) can now be disabled.
- Stylistic Sets and Character Variants features each is now grouped together in a separate section, so they stand out from other common font features. core
- Stylistic Sets and Character Variants features can have user-friendly labels defined in the font, these are now shown in the dialog instead of the generic feature names. Additionally, localized versions of these labels that are provided by the font are also shown when LibreOffice user interface is in the respective languages. core

Improvements to proofing tools and language support:
- Ukrainian dictionary was updated.
- Added Persian (fa-IR) dictionary
- Slovenian thesaurus was updated (Martin Srebotnjak, OdprtiTezaver).

Language tags:
- The language list combo-box now accepts input of art-... BCP 47 private-use language tags like art-x-mylang or art-Latn-x-mylang (with every valid script subtag for Latn of course). This is an exception to the otherwise not accepted input of private-use subtags preventing mis-spreading arbitrary private-use tags, to support language attribution of artificial constructed languages.
- Language list entries can be permanently added by dropping an auto-correction file acor_*.dat into the shared or user profile's autocorr/ directory with the corresponding well-formed and valid BCP 47 language tag in its name. The file can be empty (0 bytes length) with no auto-correction data being present, data can be added and edited as usual in AutoCorrect Options. For example, autocorr/acor_de-DE-1901.dat will add the de-DE-1901 tag's language entry that will be displayed as
- German (Germany, Traditional German orthography) {de-DE-1901}
- If the tag in the file name is not a well-formed BCP 47 language tag or not valid, it is silently ignored and no language list entry will be added.
- For information about IETF BCP 47 language tags, see Wikipedia and

New languages/locales with locale data:
- Available as default document language and for locale specific formatting.
- Portuguese (Mozambique) {pt-MZ}.

- As Croatia joins the Eurozone on the 1st of January 2023, Croatian kuna (HRK) conversion to and from euro (EUR) is now supported in the EUROCONVERT() function, and the new default currency for Croatia is the euro.

- The Macro Selector dialog (Tools ▸ Macros ▸ Run Macro...) now remembers the last run macro (core
- The Basic IDE now has a Zoom Slider that allow users to more easily increase/decrease the zoom factor applied to the code editing window. It can also be controlled with Ctrl + Scroll. The font size defined in the Options dialog (Tools ▸ Options... ▸ LibreOffice ▸ Fonts) is used as the 100% zoom factor (core

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Download LibreOffice 7.5.4 - Installer (64-bit)

LibreOffice 7.5.4

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