LibreOffice (32-bit)

最新版本 LibreOffice 4.3.4

LibreOffice 4.3.4

LibreOffice 4.3.4
LibreOffice 是一個強大的辦公套件; 其乾淨的界面和強大的工具讓你釋放你的創造力,提高你的生產力。 LibreOffice 嵌入了幾個應用程序,使其成為最強大的 Free& 文字處理器,Calc,電子表格應用程序,Impress,演示文稿引擎,Draw,我們的繪圖和流程圖應用程序,Base,我們的數據庫和數據庫前端,以及用於編輯數學的數學運算.


LibreOffice 離線安裝 PC 的兼容許多文件格式,如 Microsoft® Word,Excel,PowerPoint 和 Publisher。但 LibreOffice 進一步使您能夠使用現代開放標準,即開放文檔格式(ODF)。除了默認的許多功能,LibreOffice 可以通過其強大的擴展機制輕鬆擴展.

LibreOffice 為您提供什麼?

Writer 是 LibreOffice 內部的文字處理器。用它來做一切事情,從快速寫信到製作帶有目錄,嵌入式插圖,參考書目和圖表的整本書。即時類型的自動完成,自動格式化和自動拼寫檢查使得困難的任務變得簡單(但是如果您願意的話,很容易禁用).

Calc 馴服你的號碼,並幫助您在衡量備選方案時作出困難的決定。用 Calc 分析你的數據,然後用它來表示你的最終輸出。圖表和分析工具有助於為您的結論帶來透明度。完全集成的幫助系統使輸入複雜公式的工作變得更簡單。從外部數據庫(如 SQL 或 Oracle)添加數據,然後對它們進行分類和過濾以生成統計分析。

Impress 是創建有效的多媒體演示的最快最容易的方法。令人驚嘆的動畫和聳人聽聞的特效幫助你說服觀眾。創建看起來比您在工作中常見的標準演示更專業的演示。通過創建一些不同的東西來獲得你的同事和老闆的注意力.

Draw 讓你從頭開始建立圖表和草圖。一張圖片勝過千言萬語,那麼為什麼不用一個簡單的方框圖和線圖來嘗試一下呢?否則,走得更遠,輕鬆建立動態 3D 插圖和特效。它就像你想要的那樣簡單或者功能強大.

Base 是 LibreOffice 套件的數據庫前端。借助 Base,您可以將現有的數據庫結構無縫地集成到 LibreOffice 的其他組件中,或創建一個接口來將數據作為獨立應用程序使用和管理。您可以使用從 MySQL,PostgreSQL 或 Microsoft Access 和其他許多數據源導入和鏈接表和查詢,或設計自己的 Base.

Math 是一個簡單的公式編輯器,讓您佈局和顯示您的數學,化學,電氣或科學方程式很快以標準書面符號表示。正確顯示即使是最複雜的計算也是可以理解的。 E = mc2.

注意:需要 Java 運行時環境。安裝過程需要管理員權限.

也可用:下載 LibreOffice for Mac


檔案版本 LibreOffice 4.3.4

檔案名稱 LibreOffice_4.3.4_Win_x86.msi
檔案大小 215.23 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 The Document Foundation
更新日期 2014-11-15

What's new in this version:

Bugs fixed:
- fix slide pane cut/copy/paste in outline view
- fix cherry-pick mis-merge
- SwTxtFrm::FormatAdjust: still call SplitFrm if we have columns
- fix docx redline import
- RTF import: fix paragraph spacing handling in tables
- XLS export: external sheet references on Linux/OSX
- coverity various untrusted loop bounds
- fix shift+click to select multiple drawings
- RTF import: fix paragraph spacing handling in tables
- fix word count with recorded changes
- chart background in XLSX is transparent instead of white.
- center ellipsis tooltips that don't fit on screen
- allow export of VBAProject
- crash on second export of svg
- crash on negative position in redlined word
- fix word count with recorded changes
- excel VBA: ActiveDocument is not tracking currently selected Doc
- : CMIS: Default Alfresco 4 URL not working
- make template dialog Modal
- broadcast changes after TextToColumn
- [Accessiblity] Don't expose 0 for empty cells in Calc
- SIFR: Line Spacing 1.5 icon missing (4.3)
- set spinbox value AFTER adjusting no. of decimal places
- sw: fix text formatting of proportional line space < 100%
- avoid broadcasting during cell delete & shift.
- broadcast changes before EndUndo().
- accessiblitiy focus not tracked for cells in Calc
- custom property with the same name as Document Property not imported
- add a hidden configuration option to toggle ref update on sort.
- correctly adjust references in range names on row deletion.
- RTF import: handle footnote in table cell
- grabbing focus can invalidate the entries
- MSVC build: disable a few more cases of SSE2 in externals
- RTF export: fix "none" line style of TextFrames
- RTF import: don't try to set CustomShapeGeometry on a TextFrame
- RTF import: plain should reset tlch and hich as well
- fix slide pane cut/copy/paste in outline view
- ROW() and COLUMN() to be properly recalculated on cell move.
- change ODBC/JDBC escapes to lowercase
- restore focus window after preview
- crash on negative position in redlined word
- on reexec, cancel modification before resetting IsModification state
- RTF import: fix paragraph spacing handling in tables
- buffer cache grows to over 9000 unused entries
- chart wizard dialog cut off
- RTF filter: import image border
- ensure that formula broadcasting works after sort.
- correct adjustment of range reference on delete & shift.
- broadcast changes after TextToColumn
- RTF import: fix run type in new groups
- always default to WinAnsiEncoding...
- SwTxtFrm::FormatAdjust: still call SplitFrm if we have columns
- a11y frames label dies before frame

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Where can I safely download libre office 4.3?

Please see my very full reply in Q64923, including download-links. In brief, is the latest that will work with 10.6.

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