軟體下載 Krita 4.1.5 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 krita-x64-4.1.5-setup.exe

Krita 4.1.5 (64-bit) 軟體下載

檔案版本 Krita 4.1.5 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 krita-x64-4.1.5-setup.exe
檔案大小 97.04 MB
更新日期 2018-10-12
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Krita 4.1.5 (64-bit)
Krita 64 位是免費的數字繪畫和插圖應用程序。 Krita 提供 CMYK 支持,HDR 繪畫,透視網格,碼頭,過濾器,繪畫助手,以及許多您期望的其他功能。 Krita 是一個免費的素描和繪畫程序。這是創建與以下類型的藝術思想:概念藝術,紋理或亞光繪畫,插圖和漫畫。Krita 特點:Interface 和 WorkspaceKrita 有一個用戶友好的界面。在設置菜單中,您可以選擇顏色主題,... Krita (64-bit) 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- Associate Krita with .ico files
- Auto-update the device pixel ration when changing screens
- Disable autoscrolling for the pan tool
- Disable drag & drop in the recent documents list
- Disable zoom-in/out actions when editing text in rich-text mode
- Do not add template files to recent documents list
- Do not allow creating masks on locked layers
- Do not close the settings dialog when pressing enter while searching for a shortcut
- Fill polyline shapes if some fill style was selected
- Fix Tangent Normal paintop to work with 16 and 32 bit floating point images
- Fix a blending issue with the color picker when picking a color for the first time
- Fix a problem with namespaces when loading
- Fix an assert when right-clicking the animation timeline
- Fix autohiding the color selector popup
- Fix canvas scaling in hidpi mode
- Fix deleting canvas input settings shortcuts
- Fix loading multiline text with extra mark-up
- Fix loading of special unicode whitespace characters
- Fix loading the alpha channel from Photoshop TIFF files
- Fix missing shortcut from Fill Tool tooltip
- Fix projection update after undoing create layer
- Fix saving layer lock, alpha lock and alpha inheritance
- Fix saving the location of audio source files in .kra files
- Fix selections and transform tool overlay when Mirror Axis is active
- Fix setting active session after creating a new one
- Fix showing the color selector popup in hover mode
- Fix the ctrl-w close window shortcut on Windows
- Fix the overview docker
- Fix the shift-I color selector shortcut
- Fix unsuccessful restoring of a session blocking Krita from closing
- Import SVG files as vector layers instead of pixel layers
- Improve spacing between canvas input setting categories
- Make Krita merge layers correctly if the order of selecting layers is not top-down
- Make it possible to select the SVG text tool text has been moved inside an hidden group and then made visible again
- Make the color picker pick the alpha channel value correctly
- Prevent opening filter dialogs on non-editable layers
- Reset the brush preset selection docker on creating a new document
- Support fractional display scaling factors
- Update color history after fill

Krita 4.1.5 (64-bit) 相關參考資料