
最新版本 Kodi 17.4

Kodi 17.4

Kodi 17.4
Kodi(以前稱為 XBMC)是一個屢獲殊榮的免費和開源(GPL)軟件媒體播放器和娛樂中心,可安裝在 Linux,OSX,Windows,iOS 和 Android 上,具有 10 英尺的用戶界面供使用與電視和遙控器。它允許用戶播放和查看本地和網絡存儲介質和互聯網上的大多數視頻,音樂,播客和其他數字媒體文件。

Kodi 可以播放所有的音樂,包括 MP3,FLAC,WAV 和 WMA 格式。它具有提示表單,標記支持和智能播放列表,可以最終控制您的音樂收藏.

Kodi 也可以做電影!支持所有主流視頻格式,包括流媒體在線媒體,Kodi 可以導入,瀏覽和輕鬆播放您的電影收藏.

TVShow 庫支持情節和季節的海報或橫幅,觀看標籤,節目​​介紹和演員的意見。非常適合跟踪您的進度.


Kodi 允許您從 GUI 界面觀看和錄製實況電視節目。它與許多流行的後端包括 MediaPortal,MythTV,NextPVR,Tvheadend 等等.

Kodi 的真正的力量來自於用戶創建的附加組件的大量選擇,這些附加組件可通過存儲庫獲得。有流行的 Web 服務,應用程序和腳本的附件.

Web 界面
使用基於 JSON-RPC 的遠程接口與 Kodi 交互。這為遠程控制,網絡瀏覽器和第三方工具帶來了大量的可能性,使 Kodi 更上一層樓.

通過 UPnP 兼容性,您可以流入和流出任何其他 Kodi 實例,輕鬆地在家中播放其他 UPnP 兼容設備.

Remote Controls
支持數百種遙控器,兼容 CEC 的電視機或新的智能手機和平板電腦應用程序,Kodi 允許您以自己的方式控制媒體.

注意:Kodi 本身不提供任何媒體。用戶必須提供自己的內容或手動指向 Kodi 第三方在線服務。 Kodi 項目不提供任何支持盜版視頻內容。

也可用於:下載 Kodi 為 Mac


檔案版本 Kodi 17.4

檔案名稱 kodi-17.4-Krypton-x86.exe
檔案大小 78 MB
系統 Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 XBMC Foundation
官網 http://kodi.tv/
更新日期 2017-08-24

What's new in this version:

- Potentially fix crashing on Windows due to an issue in Python
- Potentially fix crashing on Windows when enabling zeroconf
- Fix sporadic crash on Windows when installing or updating add-ons
- Fix issue for users with reverse proxies attempting to forward websockets.
- Fix possible issue if Linux distro uses system ffmpeg and cause black screen with 10-bit H.265
- Properly throttle scraping music information online to prevent overloading the provider
- Fix native keyboard on iOS 11
- Fix potential crash on Android O loading App icons
- Fix non showing Kodi banner on Android O
- Fix potential crash on Android with certain keymaps
- Fix wrong detection of VP6 and VP8 videocodec on Android
- Update FFmpeg to 3.1.9
- Set hard requirement to use FFmpeg 3.1.x only
- Fix for Hangup when viewing recording and pressing next/previous
- Fix merged scraped album type and label correctly with that derived from tags from music files
- Fix possible crash on Linux when using ALSA
- Save skin settings immediatly after they have changed instead of only on shutdown

Kodi 17.4 相關參考資料

Kodi is available as a native application for Android, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS and Windows operating systems, running on most common processor architectures.


Download apk file org.xbmc.kodi 17.4 for android

APK file -17.4.apk technical info: · File Version: 17.4 · Version Code: 174000 · Package name: org.xbmc.kodi · Size:82.78 MB (86,806,107 bytes) · Android 5.0+ ...


Download free Kodi 17.4 APK for Android

Download free org.xbmc.kodi 17.4 for your Android phone or tablet, file size: 82.78 MB, was updated 2017/23/08 Requirements:android: 5.0 Key Lime Pie or ...


Download Kodi 17.4 for Windows

Download Kodi 17.4 for Windows. Fast downloads of the latest free software! Click now.


Kodi 17.4 (arm-v7a) (nodpi) (Android 5.0+)

Kodi 17.4 (arm-v7a) (nodpi) (Android 5.0+) APK Download by Kodi Foundation - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads.


Kodi 17.4 APK Download

2017年8月24日 — Download Kodi 17.4 APK - Kodi is a powerful media center that can bring all the content you want on your mobile device.


Kodi 17.4 APK Download by Kodi Foundation

What's new in Kodi. Kodi v17.4 contains several general bugfixes and improvements for Android Oreo. Visit kodi.tv for more information.


Kodi v17.4 final: Just a bunch of fixes

2017年8月21日 — It has been a while since we released 17.3 release which fixed several issues. Now the time has come to do another named 17.4 where we tackled


【分享】 KODI 與SPMC 16|17|18 版「 修改設定懶人包」

查看一下你安裝的KODI版本是否是17.4官方正式版?(如果是那就正常... ) 因為那是KODI 17.4官方正式版在Android系統版本上的BUG 6月底的RC1版本就有的BUG到8月22正式版 ...


下载最新的KODI 17.4播放正常,但是不能退出,能否解决?

2017年9月5日 — bob Active Member Zidoo TECH Supporter. 17.3以后要通过这个按键去关闭。 后面的版本我们出一个按返回键可以退出的版本。
