Kindle for Pc

最新版本 OBS Studio 27.2 (64-bit)

OBS Studio 27.2 (64-bit)

OBS Studio 27.2 (64-bit)
亞馬遜的 Kindle for PC 是一個免費的電子書軟件閱讀器和 Windows 管理器。獲得您 PC 上的最佳閱讀體驗。沒有 Kindle 的需求。即使您沒有 Kindle,也可以訪問您的 Kindle 電子書。使用 Whispersync 自動同步您的最後一頁閱讀和設備之間的註釋。創建新的重點,筆記和書籤,並管理在您的 Kindle 上創建的。全屏閱讀視圖,色彩模式和亮度控制提供了身臨其境的閱讀體驗。在亞馬遜的 Kindle 商店購買書籍。

主角為 PC 功能:

同步到最遠的頁面閱讀:Whispersync 技術自動同步您的書籍跨應用程序,所以你可以開始閱讀一個設備與 Kindle 應用程序安裝,並拿起你離開的地方在安裝 Kindle 應用程序的另一台設備上。您不需要擁有 Kindle 即可使用該應用程序,但如果您這樣做,Whispersync 還可以在您的應用程序(包括 Kindle for PC 應用程序)和 Kindle 設備之間同步 Kindle 電子書。

查看單詞:使用內置 Kindle 電腦應用程序中的字典,可以在不中斷閱讀的情況下查詢單詞的定義.


組織您的書籍: / 與 Kindle 電腦應用程序列表。

查看書籍簡介:訪問書籍愛好者的社區動力百科全書 Shelfari 中的人物,重要地點,熱門引言和主題的描述。

個性化:切換到全屏閱讀模式,選擇您的背景顏色,並在 Kindle for PC 應用程序內調整屏幕亮度。

閱讀電子教科書:從大量的電子教科書中選擇閱讀與 Kindle 電腦應用程序,並避免繁重的教科書攜帶的麻煩。


查看頁面編號:查看對應於書籍印刷版頁碼的頁碼,以便輕鬆引用段落。 Kindle 電子書中有成千上萬本圖書可供選擇。這個功能在亞馬遜註冊帳號.

也可用:下載 Kindle for Mac


檔案版本 OBS Studio 27.2 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 OBS-Studio-27.2-Full-Installer-x64.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Amazon Inc
更新日期 2022-02-15

What's new in this version:

New Features and Additions:
- Added AJA source for AJA devices
- Added AJA output to tools menu for AJA devices
- Updated CEF (Chromium) for the browser source from 75 (3770) to version 95 (4638) (Absolutely amazing work by everyone who worked on this, especially the CEF community -Jim) [PatTheMav/RytoEX/pkv/WizardCM/VodBox]
- Added the ability to set different blend modes to sources via the source right-click context menu (similar to Photoshop’s layer blending for example)
- Added AOM AV1 and SVT-AV1 encoders (note that these are currently considered experimental, work best with CPUs that have many cores, and are only accessible for recording in advanced output mode)
- Added an OBS hotkey for browser sources to allow refreshing a browser source via that hotkey
- Added hotkey filter search
- Added hotkey duplicate detection
- Added a warning dialog when switching profiles that have settings changes that require a restart
- Added a “Show active outputs warning on exit” option in advanced settings, which allows you to enable/disable the confirmation dialog on exit while recording/streaming
- Added support for the RIST protocol
- Added official Flatpak support for Linux
- Added framework for future support of background hotkeys on Wayland
- Added an option to general settings to hide OBS from all capturing, allowing you to capture your screen without OBS showing up

- Updated dependencies to their latest versions
- Volume meters will now show audio activity in grayscale when muted rather than showing no activity
- Improve menu bar icons on macOS
- A warning will now be shown when failing to start/stop YouTube streams
- Improved consistency of transition duration suffixes
- On Linux, the list of windows shown in Window capture will now show alphabetically
- Twitch panels will now use light or dark mode depending on the OBS theme
- Changed the Docks menu from being a submenu in the View menu to instead be its own top-level menu on the menu-bar
- A more user-friendly dialog is now displayed when a file could not be written for recording
- The filters preview/properties are now resizable
- Added the ability for RTMP servers to request a silent reconnect when the server is going down (otherwise known as the “RTMP go away” feature)
- Incompatible audio filters will now not be shown for sources that don’t support them
- Added frontend event so scripts can know when OBS is shutting down
- PipeWire capturing is now more robust, especially in multi-GPU setups
- Sources will now be activated when viewing them in the filters dialog
- Browser sources are no longer refreshed when their size changes (useful when programmatically resizing them)

- the cursor capture position on certain applications with window and game capture
Fix YouTube GoLive feature not working for existing broadcasts that are not auto-start broadcasts
- the YouTube broadcast button state when stopping streams without auto-start, that have auto-stop enabled
- an issue where the edit menu wouldn’t properly update its state depending on what was selected
- the Paste Source context menu items from still being enabled if source has been destroyed
- a bug where pressing “Cancel” on a properties dialog would cause settings to save in some cases despite hitting cancel
- a bug where certain settings would show as available in the video capture device properties when they weren’t actually available
- a crash where modifying the video capture device properties on Linux could cause a crash on some systems
- Linux PulseAudio monitoring volume with signed 32bit and unsigned 8bit formats
- Media Source not working with audio-only files
- a couple memory leaks with QSV
- an issue where audio monitoring could have significant latency on Linux
- undo/redo not working for text changes on the context bar
- an issue where the transform window would not consistently updated for selected sources/scenes
- missing undo/redo action when resetting filter properties
- missing undo/redo action when using “Add existing source”
- an issue where stinger transitions could sometimes loop unintentionally
- an issue where transforms/crops would not be included when copying/pasting sources
- a couple potential freezes and crashes, especially with browser sources
- an issue where devices would not always reinitialize properly when switching scene collections
- various issues that would affect the websockets plugin
- a bug where certain Twitch panel settings wouldn’t save properly
- a bug on Linux where Window capture wouldn’t properly capture on software rasterization devices
- various potential bugs and race conditions across the program and multiple plugins
- network throughput to distant servers potentially being limited in low memory environments
- a crash on Linux X11 that could happen when closing certain dialogs containing video previews
- VST plugin windows disappearing when resized
- a VST plugin crash that could occur under certain circumstances
- an incorrect offset of scene labels on certain multiview configurations
- a bug that would allow resizing sources that are locked
- a performance issue with X11 window capture on Linux
- a bug where projectors could not be resized with certain window managers on Linux
- window flashing on macOS when starting the program minimized to tray
- a bug where push-to-talk or mute delay would not save under certain circumstances
- a bug where mouse hotkeys would not always function correctly on Linux

OBS Studio 27.2 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Download OBS Studio

The Windows release of OBS Studio supports Windows 10 and 11. Version: 30.0.2 Released: December 11th Download Installer Download via Bittorrent Download Zip ...

Downloading OBS Studio 27.2 (64-bit) from

Free Software for Desktop Video Recording and PC Live Streaming! · OBS Studio 27.2 (64-bit) · Key details about this download. The file will ...

Downloading OBS Studio 27.2.4 (64-bit) from

Free Software for Desktop Video Recording and PC Live Streaming! · OBS Studio 27.2.4 (64-bit) · Key details about this download. The ...

OBS Studio 27.2.4

2022年3月30日 — Download 64-bit: OBS Studio 27.2.4 | Portable | ~100.0 MB (Open Source) Download 32-bit: OBS Studio 27.2.4 | Portable View: OBS Studio ...

OBS Studio 27.2.4 安裝版for 32-bit 下載網頁


Releases · obsprojectobs-studio

30.1 New Features · Enabled HDR for HEVC over RTMP [nquah] · Reworked the Image Slideshow source [Lain-B] · Added Capture Audio option to window/game capture on ...

Silent Installation of OBS Studio (x64) (27.2.4)

Software Name, OBS Studio (x64) (27.2.4). Version, 27.2.4. Platform, Windows. Vendor, OBS Studio. Architecture, 64-bit.

下載安裝及設定OBS 錄製課程教材之操作流程

3、 下載OBS-Studio-27.2.4-Full-Installer-x64 檔案,其畫面如下圖:. 四、安裝OBS 軟體,在下載檔案上面按滑鼠左鍵二下,進行安裝作業,其畫面如下圖:. 1、先按Next ...


Download OBS Studio for Windows, Mac or Linux.

下载OBS - Open Broadcaster Software 27.2.4 Windows 版

OBS Studio是Windows PC上流行的免费开源视频录制和实时流媒体工具。它具有一系列强大的功能,可让您创建专业视频和实时流设置。 OBS Studio支持所有您喜欢的流媒体 ...