K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool

最新版本 Gradle 6.4.1

Gradle 6.4.1

Gradle 6.4.1
K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool 將掃描破碎的過濾器,給你的細節,然後刪除它們的選項。這是包含在 K -Lite Codec Pack 中的獨立版本的工具。 K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool 是完全簡單的利用,但是雛鳥可能需要掃描互聯網上的特定儀器的數據。經驗豐富的客戶可能會對日誌生成器感到迷惑,該日誌生成器可以生成包含通用框架數據的完整報告,包括引入的 DirectShow 通道,ACM / VFW 編解碼器和通道以及 DirectX 媒體對象的簡要列表。

掃描註冊表檢測並刪除對編解碼器和過濾器的損壞引用。生成所有安裝的編解碼器和 DirectShow 過濾器的詳細日誌。啟用 / 禁用 250 多種流行編解碼器和過濾器(如果已安裝)。管理首選的源過濾器(又名分離器)。重新設置。備份和恢復設置。在 Windows 7/8/10 上調整首選解碼器。在 Windows 7/8/10 上禁用 MS 編解碼器的各種調整。


檔案版本 Gradle 6.4.1

檔案名稱 gradle-6.4.1-all.zip
檔案大小 139 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Codec Guide
官網 http://www.codecguide.com/download_other.htm
更新日期 2020-05-16

What's new in this version:

Building, testing and running Java Modules:
- With this release, Gradle supports the Java Module System with everything you need to compile and execute tests for Java modules. You can also build Javadoc and run applications
- While there is some overlap with Gradle's dependency management features, Java Modules offer additional features like module boundaries that are enforced by the Java runtime

The only thing you need to configure is module path inference for the Java plugins:
- java {
- modularity.inferModulePath.set(true)
- Then you just need to make sure that you write a proper Java module by providing a module-info.java descriptor as part of your sources:
- src
- +-- main
- +-- java
- +-- module-info.java
- For more details, head over to the documentation on building modules, building modular applications and testing modules.
- Also feel free to explore the samples

Precompiled Groovy DSL script plugins:
- Script plugins are a convenient way to split up and organize a long build script, but they have some limitations and quirks. Kotlin DSL introduced precompiled script plugins that look like regular build scripts but have all of the advantages of binary plugins. They can:
- be published to a private repository or the Plugin Portal,
- be tested using TestKit,
- be applied using the plugins {} block,
- use the plugins {} block to apply other plugins
- Gradle now allows precompiled script plugins to be written using the Groovy DSL in addition to the Kotlin DSL
- For example, a Gradle script in buildSrc/src/main/groovy/my-plugin.gradle can be used as a plugin in the main project as plugins { id 'my-plugin' }
- Precompiled script plugins are covered in more depth in the user manual. There is also a sample available that demonstrates the feature in action

Single dependency lock file per project:
- Dependency locking is a mechanism for creating reproducible builds even when using dynamic dependency versions. This release adds an improved dependency locking file format that results in fewer lock files in most projects that use this feature. In addition, when using this format, the lock file name and location can be configured
- This format will become the default lock file format in Gradle 7.0. For now, it is required to opt-in to use it
- Take a look at the documentation for more information and how to enable the feature

Better dependency variant matching error messages:
- Gradle provides a powerful variant-aware dependency management engine
- This release introduces clearer variant matching error messages for the JVM ecosystem
- In previous releases, these error messages could be difficult to understand and sometimes lacked enough context to figure out what to do. Gradle 6.4 improves these error messages by making them more human-readable and introducing colors to the console to highlight problems.

Improvements to PMD code quality plugin:
- Incremental analysis is enabled by default
- As of Gradle 6.4, the PMD plugin uses incremental analysis by default. This can significantly reduce analysis time on subsequent builds.
- For builds relying on a version of PMD older than 6.0.0, you will need to explicitly disable incremental analysis.
- Specify number of violations required before the build fails
- The PMD plugin now lets you set the number of violations before the build fails. This can make it easier to introduce PMD into existing projects that may initially have many violations.
- If you wanted to fail the build if the number of violations is above 150, you can set maxFailures to 150.
- pmd {
- maxFailures = 150
- This was contributed by Matthew Duggan.
- Security warning about using DEBUG level logging
- Potentially sensitive information is logged when Gradle is executed with debug level logging, such as sensitive credentials, authentication tokens or internal repository URLs. Much of this logging occurs deep in components of the JVM and other libraries outside the control of Gradle. While debugging, this information may be inherently useful. However, this information can be unintentionally exposed when Gradle builds are executed on Continuous Integration services where build logs are publicly-accessible. See the recent update about the fixed Plugin Portal vulnerability for an example of this security risk.
- Gradle now warns users about the risks of using DEBUG level logging.
- We recommend plugin maintainers avoid logging sensitive information if possible, and if it's not possible, that all sensitive information be logged exclusively at the DEBUG log level.

Fixed issues:
2 issues have been fixed in Gradle 6.4.1.
[#13069] - Regression: Different daemons are used between IDE and CLI builds for the same project
[#13057] - Regression: Main-Class attribute always added to jar manifest when using application plugin

Gradle 6.4.1 相關參考資料
Gradle 6.4.1 Release Notes 中文文档教程

Gradle团队很高兴宣布Gradle 6.4.1. 此版本具有对构建和测试Java模块的高度期望的支持,为更好地构建逻辑组织而进行预编译的Groovy DSL ...


Gradle 6.4.1 发布-Linuxeden开源社区 - Linux伊甸园

16 小時前 - Gradle 6.4.1 发布了,这是前几天发布的6.4 的一个补丁。 Gradle 是一个基于 Apache Ant 和 Apache Maven 概念的项目自动化构建工具,支持依赖 ...


Gradle 6.4.1 发布| 码农网

15 小時前 - Gradle 6.4.1 发布了,这是前几天发布的6.4 的一个补丁。 Gradle 是一个基于Apache Ant 和Apache Maven 概念的项目自动化构建工具,支持依赖 ...


Gradle 6.4.1 发布丶Java教程网-IT开发者们的技术天堂

16 小時前 - Gradle 6.4.1 发布了,这是前几天发布的6.4 的一个补丁。 Gradle 是一个基于 Apache Ant 和 Apache Maven 概念的项目自动化构建工具,支持依赖 ...


Gradle Distributions

gradle-6.4.1-wrapper.jar.sha256 15-May-2020 21:59 +0200 64.00B · gradle-6.4.1-docs.zip 15-May-2020 21:59 +0200 34.10M · gradle-6.4.1-docs.zip.sha256 ...


Gradle DSL Version 6.4.1 中文文档教程

构建脚本也是Groovy脚本,因此可以包含Groovy脚本中允许的那些元素,例如方法定义和类定义. Core types. 下面列出了Gradle脚本中使用的一些主要类型: ...


Installation - Gradle

The current Gradle release is 6.4.1. You can download binaries and view docs for all Gradle versions from the releases page. Prerequisites; Additional ...


JavaVersion (Gradle API 6.4.1) - Gradle Docs

VERSION_15. @Incubating public static final JavaVersion VERSION_15. Java 15 major version. Not officially supported by Gradle. Use at your own risk.


Releases - Gradle

Find binaries and reference documentation for current and past versions of Gradle.


Releases · gradlegradle · GitHub

1 over the initial release of Gradle 6.4. Upgrade Instructions. Switch your build to use Gradle 6.4.1 by updating your wrapper: ./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version= ...
